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Beautiful Will Do

Page 4

by Cadence Vonn

  He opened the door for her to enter, and she held in her gasp. God, where was Tyler?

  Chapter Four

  Tyler paced his parents’ living room. Why, of all nights, did his parents return from overseas and want to see him tonight? The thought of Jake taking care of Beautiful made him clench his fist and smash it into his palm. Maybe he’d be lucky, and she wouldn’t show. But that wouldn’t do either. He’d never find her if she didn’t return to the club. And she was all he thought about over the last four days. Lust at first sight, taste, and fuck had him second-guessing his idea of staying a bachelor. Beautiful checked all the boxes when it came to kinky sex.

  “Christopher.” His mother’s shrill voice broke through his sexy musings.

  “Mom. It’s good to see you home and safe. Where’s Dad?”

  “He’s right behind me.”

  The older man entered the room, the ice in his glass of scotch clinking as he walked. “Son. You look healthy. Do you want a drink?”

  “Dad, I have another meeting in a few minutes. Is there something important you want?”

  “Your mother and I aren’t worth a visit, since you haven’t seen us in three months.”

  “Of course you are. I planned on coming over for brunch on Sunday. I already told Mom that.”

  His father waved off the comment and continued. “Fine, I’ll get right to the point. There’s an opening in the sales department of Monroe Industries. I want you in it.”

  One thing for sure, at a very young age, his father taught him how to count to ten, something he did under his breath now. “Look, Dad, I have no desire to work in the family business. I like what I do. We’ve been over this a million times.”

  “Your mother and I are concerned about your safety.”

  “I’m careful.” He walked over to his mother and kissed her cheek. “Mom, your dad never backed away from his duty. He was a police officer for thirty years with the Boston department. I’m well trained, and I’m not in the line of fire like your father. The FBI is different.”

  “Why can’t you just work for your father? You’re our only son, after all.”

  “Amelia will graduate with her MBA this year. She’ll be itching to help Dad.” He turned to the older man. “Please forgive me, but I really do need to leave. Can’t keep the boss waiting.” He gave his mother a quick hug and ignored his father’s grunt as he left, eager to join Jake and Beautiful. Tonight, he’d wheedle out her real name. He’d deny her an orgasm until she gave up her secret.

  He adjusted his tailored slacks and jacket and tried not to show how eager he was to fuck the woman of his erotic dreams. He took the front stairs two at a time and pressed the buzzer. How long does it take for the old butler to reach the door? He rattled the handle, hoping to show his impatience.

  “Good evening, Mr. Monroe,” the stoic man said as he ushered Tyler into the foyer. “Mr. Hall has already escorted the woman up to room thirty-seven.” He nodded at him and disappeared toward the kitchen.

  Tyler jammed the button on the elevator, impatient to reach the room. He hoped Jake hadn’t gotten too far. He wanted to be part of all the action. Every single cell of his body vibrated with the thought of stripping his green-eyed goddess and making her red lips form that erotic O before she moaned. He made it to the door and listened for a second. Only the sound of laughter drifted out under the door. He tapped three times and knocked twice.

  God damn it. If Jake didn’t open the door, he’d kill him. But a moment later, his partner swung it wide enough so he could enter. He scanned the room, and his gaze immediately located the auburn-haired beauty. Her dress lay in a soft pile of black at her feet, and she stood majestically in the center, hands on hips and a smirk on her face.

  “You’re late,” she scolded. “Another woman?”

  “No. There hasn’t been anyone else since the other night.”

  Jake grunted in agreement. “We were discussing the use of a blindfold.”

  “I don’t want one,” Veronica announced before Jake had time to finish his statement.

  “You may want one when you hear the game plan for tonight,” Jake said and pointed his head toward the door so Tyler would follow. “We’ll be right back, baby.” He ushered Tyler out into the hall.

  “What the hell?” Tyler cursed, wanting to get back inside the room.

  “Listen, Sonja called.”

  “Fuck. What happened?”

  “The guy she’s messing with tonight is a head honcho from the New York office of Shulman and Sons.”

  Tyler whistled. “She’s made it to the top brass of our hunt.”

  “Yeah, the only problem is he’s into kink, and not the kind Sonja can do alone.”

  Tyler narrowed his glare at his partner. “What does he want?”

  “To watch Sonja work over a woman.”


  “That’s my thought. What do you say we pay her double what we did a few nights ago if she’s willing to go female to female? We’ll sit and sip champagne with Mr. Shulman and enjoy the show. When they leave, we’ll have a very turned-on babe to fuck.”

  “Only if she agrees. Remember everything is consensual.”

  “Red is the word.” Jake gave him a salute and opened the door.

  Beautiful hadn’t moved from her spot, but her dress was on and her fists were against her hips. She glared at them, and emerald and gold sparks told Tyler they were in deep trouble. He walked over to her and caressed her cheek.

  “I’m sorry. It was thoughtless of us to leave you alone. Let us make it up to you. We have a special evening to suggest. If you’re willing to go along with the plan, we’ll pay you twenty thousand dollars.” He held his breath, hoping for an excited nod. But all she did was narrow her gaze until only slits of color shone in the room light. “Aren’t you curious?”

  “I can’t imagine you carry that kind of cash.”

  Tyler pulled an envelope out of his coat pocket. “I have ten, and Jake has ten.” He fanned his out and set it on the table. Jake followed suit.

  “I keep it regardless of what happens. I can say ‘red’ now and walk out of the room without you stopping me.” She moved closer to his face and crowded his space, but he didn’t budge.


  “What do you want me to do tonight?”

  “A friend of ours is in town, and she’s here with a major donor to a cause we both support. He’s into a different kind of kink than she can offer him alone.” Tyler hesitated, giving her time to ask more questions. When she remained silent, he continued. “He wants to watch Sonja work over another woman. You know, female on female action.” She still didn’t move, not even a blink to give away her reaction. “I’m sure in your line of work you’ve been with other women.” That got her first response.

  “Not really.”

  “I see.”

  Jake moved in closer and ran his hand up her thigh and stroked over her crotch. “Seems the idea turns you on.” He removed his fingers and licked.

  “You want me to take orders from this woman. While you two, and this man, enjoy the show?”


  “Will the three of you join the action?”

  “No. Jake and I will enjoy your company after they leave.”

  She snorted. “Such gentlemen.” A soft knock on the door silenced them.

  “Room service,” a voice called through the wood. Tyler strode over and unlocked the door. He wheeled a cart into the room.

  “Two bottles of the best champagne. Are you in?” He twisted off the metal wire and popped the cork when she nodded.

  Jake pulled out his phone and sent a text. “They’ll be here shortly.”

  Right on cue, the secret knock sounded, and Jake let in a tall, willowy female with red hair and a man somewhere in the fiftyish age bracket, with graying hair at his temples and dark, demon-like eyes.

  Tyler placed his hand on Veronica’s waist when she shuddered. He didn’t like the look of the guy either, but
it was part of his job. He’d protect her if he had to.

  “I want a blindfold,” Veronica whispered so only Tyler heard. “That man is creepy.”

  “Join us.” Jake’s overenthusiastic greeting made her more nervous. Who the hell was this man? She closed her eyes and tried to make sense of his name she heard whispered between Tyler and Jake. Nothing rang a bell.

  “Her coloring is perfect.”

  She opened her eyes. The man hovered around her, examining her as if she were being auctioned off to the highest bidder. “Is she a screamer?” His voice cracked with barely contained excitement.

  “Yes,” Tyler offered.

  “Good. Good. I love it when Sonja cries out her pleasure. My cock will be so hard I might use this luscious mouth to get off.” He licked his lips. The invisible drool turned Veronica’s stomach as he touched the center of her lower lip.

  “Simon, sit down. Can’t you see you’re making her nervous?” Sonja’s smooth voice held a note of authority.

  Veronica relaxed a fraction when the man lowered his tall, rock hard body into the chair closest to her. He patted his knee and said, “Come here, my pet. Have a sip of champagne before you get started.” For a moment, she thought he meant her. A whoosh of relief left her lungs when Sonja strode over and perched on his lap.

  “Gentlemen, sit.” Simon orchestrated the chairs so they were set to enjoy a show. “I want to see what’s under that black dress of your enchantress. What’s your name, beautiful?”

  Veronica couldn’t bring herself to reply the way she did to Tyler when they first met. “Lisa.”

  “Well, Lisa, strip for us. Sonja is antsy to get started.”

  She glanced at Tyler then Jake. They sipped champagne; their faces gave nothing away. She decided to play a slightly different game and moved in front of Sonja and Simon. She took a deep breath and leaned down so Sonja had a view of her cleavage.

  “Maybe you’d prefer to remove my dress. I understand you’ll be my guide this evening.” In a reverent mode, she lowered her eyes.

  “As a matter of fact, I would.” Sonja placed her champagne flute on the table. She grabbed Veronica’s wrist and dragged her over to the center of the space. “Don’t move.” Leaving Veronica where she stood, Sonja moved to the light switches and turned off all except the spotlight that illuminated a circle around Veronica. She flipped another switch, and small spots pinpointed light on the different apparatus in the room.

  Veronica swallowed. The men were in a darkened area. The hair on her arms danced to the electric current vibrating through her body. No stage necessary. She was the center of attention, and if the heavy breathing from the darkness was any indication, the show had begun.

  Sonja’s cool hands stroked down her neck. She reached the top of the dress zipper and tugged. The sound of the metal teeth grating apart made Veronica shiver.

  “Are you a female-on-female virgin?” Sonja dangled the dress lower, teasing the men with a peek at Veronica’s breasts.

  Veronica nodded.

  “Imagine fingers and a tongue knowing you better than any man.” She released the fabric, and it fell to the floor. She reached around Veronica’s midriff and clasped her lace-covered breasts with long, strong fingers. “Perfect size.” Sonja’s warm tongue traced over Veronica’s ear, and she couldn’t hold back her moan.

  “That’s it. Free your mind. Accept what is about to happen to you.”

  Her bra fell away, and the cool air made her nipples rigid. Sonja circled her, tracing her finger over Veronica’s skin before she dropped to her knees. The woman’s red fingernails blazed in the spotlight. She grabbed Veronica’s thong and yanked it down, depositing the wisp of lace off to the side. She caught her breath when those nails found the small patch of hair on her mound and yanked.

  “You should be bare.” The woman rose. In place of the soft-spoken person who reassured her of pleasure stood a calculating demon, hell-bent on adding pain to the mix. She scraped her red nail under Veronica’s chin and lifted it higher. “Tonight, you’re mine.”

  Veronica held her breath as Sonja’s mouth moved closer. The woman’s tongue caressed her own lips as they widened into a salacious grin. Holding her ground, Veronica didn’t flinch when Sonja captured her mouth in a hard kiss. She let her arms remain by her side, while Sonja’s hands clasped her ass and yanked her forward until her mound crushed against the woman’s barely covered one.

  “The men want a show. I hope you don’t plan on not participating. I have ways of making you respond.” Sonja licked across Veronica’s taut nipple. “Jake told me your nipples are magnificent when clamped. I have a custom-designed set of clamps I use when training a sub. Would you like to try them?”

  “I’m hardly a submissive. But if you also train new Dominants, you can use them on me so I know how to use them on others.”

  “Very well. I like a woman who enjoys receiving pain as well as giving it. I’ll make you my next project. With your looks, you’ll have a very lucrative future.”

  “And I can teach her how to parlay her funds into more cash,” Simon said from the shadows.

  “Simon,” Sonja’s teasing voice held an edge of frustration, “you never offered to teach me how to make more money.” Her pout looked out of place on the woman in control.

  “Sonja, you can’t possibly be comparing yourself to Lisa. Look at her. The way she stands rigid next to you. She’s naïve. You have guys willing to pay top dollar to spend time with you. I could use her to gain cooperation from men I deal with. They’d love her young, innocent vibe.”

  Sonja barked out a laugh. “And what would your cut be for orchestrating these liaisons?”

  Veronica couldn’t believe they were discussing pimping her. She stepped away from Sonja. “I’m nobody’s bitch.”

  “Of course not,” Simon agreed. “You’d be my private assistant.” He walked forward with his champagne in hand. “When certain business executives come to town, you’d entertain them in the apartment I’ve given you. Would you enjoy living in New York City?” He held his glass to Veronica’s lips so she could take a sip. “I must admit, up close, you’re even more spectacular. I want you alone.” He turned to the others. “Leave. I think Lisa and I want to get to know each other better.”

  “Can’t do that, old man.” Tyler walked into the light as well. “We’ve already paid for the evening. We only agreed to this show because Sonja is a good friend.”

  “I’ll double what they’re paying you,” Simon offered.

  Veronica shook her head and gave Simon a sad smile. “As a businessman, you must realize I’ve already signed a contract by accepting their money. Maybe another time.” She softened her refusal with a caress to his cheek.

  He grabbed her wrist and yanked her against his broad chest. “I never take no for an answer. We’ll continue the show, but I’ll be the one enjoying your body, not Sonja. I don’t care if there’s an audience.” He released her wrist and grabbed her hair. He jerked her head to the side so he could smash his mouth against hers in a forceful kiss. His champagne spilled down over her breasts, and he eagerly sought to lick it off, biting her nipple and yanking her head back when she rounded her shoulders to get away from his attack.

  “Red!” Veronica cried as the man’s hand groped between her legs and shoved thick fingers into her heat.

  Tyler yanked the man away from her, and she stumbled back against the bed.

  “You better take your companion and leave,” he growled at Sonja.

  Veronica didn’t miss the daggers the woman drilled at Tyler.

  Before they exited, Simon turned and hissed, “No one refuses me.” The two left with a bang of the door.

  “Are you all right?” Tyler eased her down on the bed and sat next to her. He smoothed her hair out of her face.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. Didn’t care for the guy. He gave me the creeps.”

  “What about Sonja? Would you have enjoyed sex with her?” Jake asked as he handed her a glass of champagne

  “I’m not sure. It was all about pleasing you,” she said to Tyler then looked at Jake and added, “My gut tells me you would have enjoyed watching.”

  He nodded, and a sly smile darkened his features. “Something about two tall, well-stacked women going at it together…” His hand gesture designed a curvy, busty woman.

  “You said ‘red.’ Does that mean you’re done for the night?” Tyler placed soft kisses against her shoulder.

  “For ten thousand dollars, I’ll stay with you only. She turned her head and kissed his fingers that stroked her skin.

  “Leave, Jake.” Tyler’s command left no room for the other man to argue. He stood in front of her, a protective knight waiting for his buddy to leave.

  “Tomorrow, you’re mine.” Jake fumed as he grabbed his cash and stormed out of the room.

  Tyler knelt in front of her and spread her legs so he could move in against her body. “I like the idea of us, but you must admit, it’s fucking fun with two guys to please you.”

  “I suppose.” She leaned up and kissed his jaw. “You have too much on.” She pushed his coat off his shoulders and proceeded to remove his tie. “There’s so much you can do with a silk tie.” She dangled it in front of him.

  “Are you willing to add a touch of kink to the evening?”

  She nodded, and he took the tie from her hands and stood.

  “Now, what do I do with you first?” His wolfish smile made the pulse between her legs beat out a blazing tempo that vibrated through her whole body.

  Chapter Five

  There’d be hell to pay tomorrow, but Tyler ignored the vibration of his phone in his pocket. Tonight, he had his goddess right where he wanted her as he tied her wrists to the suspended chains that hung from the center of the ceiling. Her legs were spread wide by a rigid bar he attached to her ankles. The view made him salivate, torn between stuffing his cock in her mouth first or going down on her. Fuck. He’d be hard as a rock working her over from one orgasm to the next. But that first lick against his balls… He closed his mind to the thought so he didn’t embarrass himself.


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