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The Inheritance

Page 3

by Kells, India

  On the end of the counter was a steaming cup and she took it before sitting on the bar stool. His back to her, he continued to man the stove as she took a sip.

  In the morning light, his hair was a bit grayer than she remembered, but there wasn’t anything old about him. He was hard as stone, inside and out. A former Marine he had told her, and it showed.

  Discipline, self-command, control, the man seemed to be the definition of it and somehow so similar yet utterly different from who she was.

  She understood the self-discipline it took to achieve a goal and she could admire him for that. However, he seemed to have lost himself along the way, otherwise there wouldn’t have been such a reluctance to help when she’d knocked at his door. Another mystery was the one that led him to abandon being a dom and having a grudge against her uncle.

  “I told you to stay naked at all times.” The deep voice sliced through her reverie like a whip, making her jump. He hadn’t turned, hadn’t even directly looked at her yet.

  “I was cold.”

  “The order was crystal clear. And not obeying it comes with consequences.”

  A ball of apprehension tightened deep in her stomach, but her confrontational self peeked out, and she took another sip of coffee, not yet ready to drop her blanket and comply.

  Langdon moved the pan and turned off the stove before taking a towel and wiping his hands. Only then did he turn to her. “Drop the blanket. Now.”

  Her first reflex was to tighten her grip on it, but she had to remind herself why she was there.

  Acting obedient wasn’t in her blood, but somehow, she trusted him. It was why she got up, removed the warm blanket from her shoulders and neatly folded it before placing it on the counter.

  “Follow me.”

  He led her to the hallway where she thought his bedroom was. Langdon opened a door and ushered her inside. At first, it was pitch dark, but motion sensors soon made lights blink. The decor was surprising. After all the talk of domination and submission, what appeared in front of her was not what she’d expected. The room didn’t have any windows, and the walls were not red as she supposed was suited to what should be in a dungeon but were a tame gray instead. The real show was the lights that showcased a few wooden implements in the room. What wasn’t gray or steel was a light wood color. Expensive and unexpected.

  The only sound inside was the definite click of the door locking behind them.

  “Rules are made to be followed.”

  Lani bit her lip but was wise enough not to give him her opinion on the subject. Silence seemed to be the best course of action.

  Langdon moved behind her and from the corner of her eye, she saw him open a low drawer and retrieve an object. Whatever he had in his hands had a metallic sound and the way it clinked didn’t feel at all reassuring.

  “You stay silent, and yet still I feel you are defying me. How strange.”

  Lani opened her mouth and closed it again. His last comment made her curiosity itch, but she feared that talking wouldn’t do her any good at the moment, so she filed her questions for later as he stepped in front of her.

  “Your wrists.”

  Looking straight at him, less in provocation than fascination, she watched as he produced a pair of black leather cuffs with rings attached. His hands were rough and gentle at the same time as he latched her restraints. Kneeling before her, he did the same with her ankles in a detached way.

  When he straightened once more, dominating her with his body he circled her wrists and pulled her forward. “You are here of your own free will, accepted the rules and yet ever ready to break them.”

  He led her to what looked like a padded pommel horse and forced her to bend over it. Before she could react, both her arms were secured down with hooks. It was when he did the same to her legs that panic gripped her hard, making her start to shake. Despite the fear, words stuck in her throat.

  “Breathe, Lani.” A warm palm stroked her back. “Breathe for me.” He repeated the words until she calmed and the trembling lessened.

  Satisfied that she was in control again, Langdon stepped back.

  Lani tried to look at him. “What are you doing?”

  She heard faint noises behind her, the clinking of glasses and the thumping of something larger.

  When he came back and touched her again, she jumped. She had never felt so vulnerable in her life.

  “For each action, there is a reaction. For each rule broken, a consequence.”

  Before she could react, he firmly slapped her ass with his hand. It stung, but the surprise was more unsettling. He struck her again, and again, varying in speed and force, changing spots, even slapping the back of her sensitive thighs.

  At each stroke, she cried out, the pain mingling with something darker, her helplessness shifting into restlessness.

  Unconsciously, she tried to close her thighs, not to alleviate the pain of Langdon’s punishment, but to find relief. Lust was mixing with the ache and messing with her mind. In between each hit, his warm palm stroked her fiery skin with such tenderness, she wasn’t sure how to react.

  Overwhelmed, tears streaming down her face, her bottom radiating heat, her voice raw from her screams, Lani felt spent, dizzy.

  This time, when he touched her back, she didn’t have the strength to react. The caress was so soothing, Lani felt more and more relaxed.

  That state permeated her entire being until his hands left her once more. When his hands returned to her, they were applying some sort of cooling gel over her sore behind.

  Slowly coming down to herself, Lani felt less and less of the stinging pain, and more of the burning lust taking over. In a thickening haze inside her head, she heard a low male chuckle behind her. It occurred to her that her hips were pushing back against his hand. Lani was sure at that moment, her face must have turned the deepest shade of red.

  “I see that despite your desire to irritate me, your body has a completely different agenda.” To prove his point, his hands wandered between her outstretched legs, agonizingly featherlight as he traced her engorged labia. Wetness was slowly trickling down her legs, but instead of being ashamed of it, she pushed back once more.

  “Do you think you deserve pleasure, my darling Lani? That you learned that particular lesson?”

  As she opened her mouth to answer, his finger slowly made its way inside her. Words became a senseless moan, and Lani pushed back as it was far from enough. Her body now covered with sweat, all she wanted, all she could think about, was release.

  “Please.” At least there was a word that made sense.

  “Mmmm … such a sweet plea. Although, I’m not entirely convinced.” His finger felt her, not without dragging along her clit for good measure. Then his touch left her once more.

  Lani pulled at her shackles to no avail, but she wasn’t left alone for long.

  The first thing she noticed was the smell of ginger. There was also some sugary scent mixed into it.

  Again, he moved behind her and the next time he touched her, it was definitely cold. He was applying something over her clit and around the entrance of her vagina before inserting some inside. As she felt him searching for her g-spot, a slight itching drew her attention. Warmth was added to the mix, and the level was increasing by the second.

  It wasn’t pain per se, but an intensifying sensation between her legs that soon started to overcome her.

  It was impossible to rub her legs together to ease the heat, so she tried to use the pommel horse but to no avail.

  “What have you done to me! Make it stop.”

  As the blood in her veins pulsed with lust, and she cursed and begged for some relief, Langdon walked in front of her and crouched so his face was in her line of vision.

  “It would be so easy to give you relief … but unless you orgasm, this little preparation of mine can go on for quite a while.”

  Lani clenched her jaw and moaned. “You’re a sadist!”

  “Not quite. I want submission. I want cont
rol, and I will get it from you. There are only two ways for you to get out of this predicament; beg me to make you come or tell me you want out of all this and walk away. It’s that simple. If you choose to stay, I want you to obey me to the letter until we are done together. Once I’m convinced of your sincerity, I will give you what you crave.”

  His face was watching her like the cold, emotionless man she had known so far. No taunting, no teasing, no appearance of victory. It was clear that she had some sort of weird control over this, and if she decided to stay, she would have to abide by the rules or lose.

  She had never begged in her life, but as her body was overcome with sensation, Lani wasn’t sure how long she could stand it without some release.

  Her clit throbbed as if being pinched by an electric current. Despite all the clenching, her vagina felt like it had been attacked by fiery pins and needles.


  Glacial blue eyes never wavered, looking so deep inside her, judging her every twitch.

  “You will have to do a bit better than that, my sweet girl.”

  Out of breath and options, Lani decided that jumping with eyes closed couldn’t be that bad.

  “Please, help me. I’ll do anything. Please, I can’t stand it anymore, please, Langdon.”

  The words tumbled out of her lips as she gasped, her body screaming for the man before her.

  Langdon nodded and lifted a hand to caress her cheek. “You look so beautiful in agony. Let me offer you some relief.”


  Lani didn’t know how much longer she could go without turning insane. When Langdon touched her cheek, she realized her entire body was on fire, her skin sensitized to the extreme. Gently he traced the contour of her face as she whimpered for more. When his thumb touched her lips, Lani naturally opened her mouth and sucked him in. It didn’t bring her great relief, on the contrary, her core clenched even harder, spasming at the emptiness and the gel.

  “You’re such a good girl, Lani. You suck me so well. Swirl your tongue under it as if it was my cock. I love it when you switch it up like that. Imagine me inside your mouth, thick, pulsing, hard.”

  Lani knew she was only sucking his thumb, but it drove her mad, nonetheless. His free hand started touching her hanging breasts, grazing her nipples. Again, it was a tease that just poured gasoline on her excitement. When he finally pulled back from her mouth, her entire body was shaking with need, but she could only think about him.

  “Please, let me suck your cock.”

  Fire lit his ice, and he offered her a smile. “I believe you do want it, but you are a bit distracted right now. Why don’t I take care of you, so you can focus entirely on me when I do allow you to suck my cock?”

  With his knuckles, he scraped her nipples once more, and she inhaled sharply and thanked the heavens he hadn’t used his evil lotion on them as well.

  Without another word, he got back to his feet and moved away from view.

  Lani couldn’t think straight anymore, both embarrassed and desperate to be fucked.

  Langdon touched her back once more before letting both his hands glide to her red-hot buttocks. Shamefully, he spread her wide.

  “You are deliciously red and puffy, your cunt glistening, juices flowing down your thighs.”

  Lani pushed against his hands, tears of desperation in her voice. “Please, I can’t stand it anymore. Please.”

  “I will take care of you, Lani. Tell me what you need from me.”

  There was no way around words. “Touch me, make the fire go away, make me cum.”

  Lani jumped when he put his palm against her throbbing sex. “Like that?”

  “Not enough, not enough!”

  He pushed a little harder, but somehow, Langdon seemed to avoid touching her clit. “Damn it, touch my clit, put your cock inside me. Fuck me hard!”

  The words were out, and she was glad her embarrassment was hidden from him. She had never before in her life been so direct and explicit, and it was both shameful and even more arousing.

  “Ah, thank you for explaining what you need, lovely. You are not ready for my cock yet, but I know how to satisfy your needs.”

  Lani gasped when something hard and cool pushed against her sensitive labia and then inside her core. Instantly, the level of itching dimmed, making her sob in relief. Once deep inside her, almost kissing her cervix, Langdon held it still, despite her attempts to fuck against it.

  “Please, fuck me.”

  And at a steady pace, Langdon started to ram her with the dildo. The speed wasn’t enough, but it tamed the fire enough for Lani to start breathing again. Soon, the fire transformed as he shifted the angle of the unyielding sex toy, rubbing it mercilessly over her g-spot. That wasn’t her normal trigger point, but the way he was working it right now, Lani was willing to change her mind about it. It was a slow cresting pleasure, but she didn’t want a simmering burn, she wanted an explosion.

  “Can you…” Again, voicing the words made her wince. “Please, touch my clit, play with it, make me cum. I’m begging, Langdon.”

  His other hand started caressing her back and the back of her thighs. “I should order you to call me Sir, or Master. But you say my name so sweetly, with such desperate conviction, I can’t deny you anything.”

  When his fingers started circling the pulsing bundle of nerves, Lani thought she would jump out of her skin. This time, no more begging was needed, the man was in attack mode.

  Lani was a blabbering mess as the dildo increased in tempo and lost finesse. The roughness was bordering on pain and she didn’t care. The pain was welcome as it grounded her more and more and was balanced as he continued to tease her clit. How much she wanted to feel his mouth on her, his tongue swirling and his lips sucking.

  Partly lost in her fantasy world and following the slow ascension of her body toward orgasm, Lani was, for the first time, completely in the present; there was no struggle, no money problems, no art, only her body submitted to what Langdon was doing to her. And she wanted more. So much more.

  Then she crossed the point of no return. Langdon started strumming her clit and her body shattered. Lani started to shake and scream as the orgasm narrowed her world to a single man. Playing her body like an instrument, instead of relenting, his assault intensified.

  Her cry of pleasure prevented her from asking him to stop, and when she felt another orgasmic peak emerging, she knew she was trapped. Willingly trapped.

  As if seized in an electrical storm, Lani only thought was to hold on to consciousness.

  It took a moment for her to realize that all the stimulation had stopped, and the itch was gone. What she felt now was incredible, weightless peace, and someone gently kissing the line of her spine. It made her want to purr like a kitten.

  When she felt her body being lifted, she realized that she was free from her restraints and was being carried out of the chamber by strong arms.

  Second by second, reality set in, until she had knowledge of her surroundings. Lani finally opened her eyes to see she was sitting on Langdon’s lap in the living room, his hand caressing her skin in a soothing motion.

  As her mind cleared, she was filled with questions once again. With her head against his shoulder, her nose against his neck, she couldn’t get enough of his scent. It amazed her how she could trust her body to someone with something so intimate. After all, Max Langdon was a virtual stranger.

  As she relaxed more into his embrace, she noticed something very hard under her thigh. The realization made her smile.

  “What’s so funny?” His voice rumbled deliciously against her ear.

  “Well, I thought that dominants had to suppress their needs and be as cold as ice.”

  Her statement made him turn his head. “Why do you say that?”

  Lani wiggled her butt against his erection to make a point and it made him laugh. “I don’t have control over how my body reacts, only what I do about it.”

  Lani started to rub herself against his
body. She was still riding a wave of endorphins, but this man fascinated her too much. “Is that what made you become a dom?”

  Lani knew she had overstepped with her question, but she wanted to push and see how far she could go, without receiving another whipping. Ever so slowly, she started gliding from his knees to the floor, rubbing her body against his along the way.

  “So many things enticed me to enter this world, one pulled me away from it. What are you doing, Lani?”

  “Enjoying you, my lord.”

  At her teasing he smiled. “Did I ask you, or give you permission to do that, my pet?”

  Her cheek was an inch from his groin when she looked up. “I long to taste you. Would you allow me to please you?”

  She might be teasing, but Lani was honest in her request. After what had happened to her, what he’d made her feel, it was in her soul to give back too.

  Lani saw him hesitate until he finally moved as if to unhook his pants. Instead, Langdon slid his belt out before leaning back again.

  “I will grant you your wish, darling Lani, but on my terms only, as always.”

  Without a word he looped his leather belt around her neck. Lani froze at the sensation, pulling back on it. Which only tightened his hold on her.

  “The decision is in your hands, pet.”

  Pet was an apt word, one that Lani reviled in and that strangely spurred her on. If she had to decide between removing her leash or the possibility of swirling her tongue against his cock, the choice was easy.

  Langdon leaned back on the couch, a clear sign that she was on her own for the rest of it.

  Her hands went to his fly, sliding over his covered cock, not breaking eye contact with him. Immediately his hand closed on her makeshift leash, tightening it around her neck. Shame washed over her, but her hunger was greater.

  “Don’t tease me, or you may regret it.”

  Amusement and a sprinkle of power spread through her as she finally opened his pants, pulling them down with his briefs. “More or less than the spanking you just gave me?”


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