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Sugar Plum

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  "I'm going to spank you if you don't, sugar plum."

  My hand stopped in its tracks at this, fingers trembling above my pussy, stretching out the lace of the thong. "You're going to punish me?"

  "It's hardly a punishment if you love it." He grinned darkly. "Now, sugar plum, what did I say? Get your hands off my pussy."

  "Your pussy?"

  "Yes, Holly. It is mine, isn't it?"

  "Yes," I whispered.

  "Good girl." He stopped at a red light and looked at me. "Give me your hand."

  I offered him my shaky hand and he took it, holding it as he drove the whole way home. My heart was pounding by the time we pulled up in front of his building. I wanted him. This new side of him was intoxicating. I was falling even more in love with a side of him I hadn't known existed.

  “There we are.” He pulled up in front of his apartment complex and looked me in the eyes. “I’m letting go now, sugar plum. Hold onto the handle and wait for me to open the door for you, okay?”

  “Okay.” My voice was barely above a whisper. Bastian let go of my hand and I started shivering, waiting for him to let me out of the car. Once I did, I exchanged a shy look with him, and he walked me inside, holding my hand like the perfect gentleman.

  “Go straight to my room,” he ordered me the moment the apartment door closed behind us. “Go on, sugar plum. I want you on my bed and waiting for me.”

  I nodded and nearly tripped over my own feet in an effort to get to his room. I watched him shrug his jacket off before closing his bedroom door behind me. This was happening. It was really happening. And I was done running from it.

  I got on the bed—and just in time too, because a moment later, Bastian entered the room.

  He was bare-chested, with his tie wrapped around the knuckles of his hand. His cock made a sharp outline behind his business suit, and my mouth watered at the sight.

  “Bastian,” I whispered, and he reached me in two quick steps.

  “Are you going to be a good girl?” His voice was smooth like molten caramel.

  “Yes, Bastian.”

  “Show me.” He took my chin between his fingers, and I kept my eyes trained on him as I reached behind my back, slowly unzipping my dress. I allowed the straps to slip down my shoulders and peeled it off my body, exposing myself to my father’s best friend inch by devastating inch. I allowed my hands to cover up my breasts at first, teasing him with what was beneath my fingers. I showed him a glimpse here and there until he groaned out loud, his hands leaving my chin and gently prying my hands away. "Don't cover yourself up, sugar plum. I want to see you."

  I parted my legs, sitting on my knees and moved my thong to the side. "Then look at me."

  He did, never taking his eyes off my fingers as I began to work the needy spot between my legs, massaging myself in circles. He watched me with dark intent until I was close to the edge. Then, he said, "Okay, sugar plum. Stop now."

  "Stop?" I mewled. "But I don't want to stop."

  "Holly." His voice held a warning. "Hands off."

  "No." My fingers worked faster, and suddenly I wasn't standing on the precipice anymore; I was falling into the abyss. I came with a cry on my lips, and then my body was flattened against the bed beneath Bastian's, caged under him. "I'm sorry."

  "Naughty girl." He lowered his lips to mine and trailed a line of kisses over my jaw, my neck, and my breasts. "We're going to have to punish you."

  I was a mess of breathy moans and tangled hair beneath him, but he didn't give a damn. Bastian kissed me like I was the most precious thing in the world, like a rougher touch could break me. It was gentle and sweet, and I craved for him to give me more. To be raw and unfiltered with me the way he had been before I ran off.

  "You were going to punish me?" I reminded him, and he grinned at me.

  "Dirty girl. All right." He pulled himself up and sat on the bed, petting his knee. "Come on, Holly. Bend over my knee."

  "What?" I laughed nervously. "Isn't that a bit..."

  "Yes?" He looked amused after my long pause, and I took a deep breath. He was going to spank me. I could practically hear Rosie in my head, shouting, And you're hesitating, why?

  "Nothing." I smiled, the picture of an angel as I crawled on top of his lap, exposing myself for him with a meaningful look on my face.

  "Naughty." He smoothed his palm over my ass. "Goddamn, I can't get enough of you, Holly. You're intoxicating."

  I arched my back, and he groaned before raising his palm above me. "Do it," I whispered. "Spank me."

  His hand came down, and I yelped in surprise when the sharp pain took over. But it only lasted a second. A moment later, his strong hand was rubbing circles over the mark he'd left on me, petting me so gently I could barely remember the hit. Still, it sent waves of excitement coursing through my body, making me wetter than I'd ever been in my life.

  "Did you like it?"

  "Oh my God, yes," I moaned.

  "Then ask for more."

  "Do it again," I begged. "Please. Spank me again."

  His hand came down on me again, and I felt an orgasm building from the pure expectation of it all deep within me. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced and nothing I'd want with anybody but him—Bastian, the man who I loved with my whole heart.

  "You love this, don't you?" He was grinning at me.

  "I do," I managed, smiling back guiltily. "But hey, you do too."

  "It's okay." He shrugged, making me jump up in protest as he started to laugh and hold his hands up. "Hey, hey, I'm kidding. Come on. Come lay in my arms."

  Shooting him a sideways look, I got in the bed. He pulled me against him. I felt vulnerable and rejected for some reason, but the man knew how to press every single button I had. If he kept this up, he'd have me purring like a cat in minutes.

  "I'm sorry." He kissed me. "I shouldn't have teased you." Another kiss. "I just can't resist it. You, when you get upset... it's kind of adorable."

  I looked up at him. "So I'm not just some..."

  "Just some what?"

  "Some girl you're going to sleep with and push away after?"

  "Of course not." He furrowed his brows. "What gave you that idea?"

  "Well, you have a reputation," I muttered.

  "Sugar plum." He turned my chin so I faced him. "That was before you."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, everything changed when you turned eighteen." He sighed, running a hand through his thick salt-and-pepper hair. "I saw you as a woman. As someone I could barely resist. I saw you as the love of my life."

  Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. "You said those women were before me. What happens after me?"

  "Nothing." He grinned. "There is no after you. Now, there's just us." I couldn't help smiling as he pulled me on top of him. "Now stay like that for a little while. I want to look at you. Does your butt hurt?"


  "You sound disappointed." He laughed.

  "Maybe next time you can hit a little harder."

  "We'll see." He rolled us over, so he was on top of me again. "First though, I'm going to make that pretty pussy of yours come. And I'm going to look at you the whole time."

  He freed his cock and pressed against me with urgency. I pushed my panties to the side and coaxed him inside me, letting out a hiss when he thrust into me for the first time that night. He took a deep breath, forcing himself to slow down so he wouldn't hurt me. He didn't fuck me; he made love to me. I knew it was special. It felt as if I were under a spell, his eyes connected with mine and never breaking contact as he brought us both closer and closer to the inevitable orgasm. I felt one with him, and I wrapped my limbs around him, trying to convey the message.

  "Beautiful Holly," he muttered against my lips, and my heart soared when he finished with "I love you so much."

  "I love you too." We kissed, and a moment later, I felt him filling me up just as my own body trembled with an orgasm. He held me in his arms, gently thrusting a few more times until he was spe
nt. But I wouldn't let him move away, and I begged him to stay like that. Just for a little while.

  My fingers trailing over Bastian's back lulled us into a sweet state of drowsiness, and my eyes got heavier and heavier until Bastian groaned, holding onto me and getting up from the bed. I stuck to him like a baby bear, and he carried me into the bathroom, grabbing me a pair of his pajamas. He helped me put them on, and I laughed at my reflection in the mirror. I looked ridiculous in the oversized clothes, but I wouldn't have exchanged them for anything else. I felt the closest to Bastian like this.

  "Want to borrow my toothbrush?" he asked.

  "Don't you mind?"

  "No." He grinned. "What's mine is yours, sugar plum." He handed me the toothbrush and I swooned over him. How much more perfect could he be? I was the luckiest girl alive.

  Moments later, I slid off his counter and crawled between the sheets on his bed. He got in beside me and pulled me close, breathing in my hair.



  "I know this is tough, but tomorrow we're going to talk to your dad. Okay?"

  "O-Okay," I muttered.

  "We have to do it, sugar plum," he went on. "I owe it to him."

  "Okay." I turned around to face him. "But just in case he... doesn't approve... maybe we can spend tonight like a real couple."

  "A real couple?"

  "Yeah?" I laughed nervously. "Sorry, it's just a little fantasy."

  "No, Holly." He kissed my hands. "It's real. Because we are a real couple."

  "Really?" My heart pounded as he nodded. "So, it's official?"

  "For me, it has been since you turned eighteen," he admitted. "Like I told you, I haven't been able to get you off my mind since."

  "Oh, Bastian." I covered his lips in kisses. "I love you so much."

  "I love you too. Now sleep right here in my arms, sugar plum. Let me have what I've been waiting for forever."



  "God, I'm so freaking nervous."

  "Don't stress, sugar plum. We're almost there." Bastian held my hand this time as well, fingers intertwined with mine and holding on as he drove through the city to my father's house. I'd already stopped thinking of it as home, because it wasn't where Bastian was, so it wasn't home anymore. "Here we go."

  He pulled up in front of my father's house, and my heart swelled in my chest as he opened the passenger door for me. I followed him to the front door, anticipating a huge argument.

  Bastian rang the doorbell, and I stood uselessly to the side. I didn't dare touch Bastian so Daddy wouldn't guess what was up right away. I had a feeling he had no idea about the feelings we had for each other. He was in for a big surprise.

  Finally, the front door flew open and Dad stood on the doorstep, grinning widely at us.

  "Bastian! And Holly. You're back from Rosie's?"

  "I, ummm..." I grimaced. "Yeah. Can we come in, Dad?"

  "Of course." He laughed. "You live here after all, darling."

  Bastian and I exchanged guilty glances as we followed him down the hallway and into the living room. Dad brought out some egg nog and enthusiastically poured us a mug each. I relished the hot, foamy drink and waited for Bastian to begin.

  "You like it?" Dad asked, pointing to our cups.

  "Delicious," I chirped.

  "Perfect." Bastian set his mug down and took my hand in his. I started trembling, feeling the pressure of the moment as Daddy stared us down. "We wanted to talk to you about something, Aston."

  "Oh?" Dad's brows shot up, and he looked at our clasped hands before raising his eyes to ours.

  "We... We're in love," Bastian said, looking him right in the eyes. "I assure you, this is serious, and I have every intention of marrying Holly if I get your blessing."

  "My..." Dad cleared his throat. "My blessing?"

  "Yes," Bastian went on firmly. "I love her, and I've loved her since her eighteenth birthday."

  "And you, Holly?" Dad turned to face me. "How do you feel? Do you love him too?"

  "I do," I whispered.

  "Well," Dad exhaled. "Well."

  "I know this is a lot," Bastian continues. "But we want you to know we both respect and care for you, and we want to do right by you. Whatever it takes. But I will not stop seeing her—unless she doesn't want to be with me anymore, of course. Other than that, you're both pretty much stuck with me."

  Daddy laughed nervously, and I gave him a hopeful smile. "Daddy, I know it's a bit out of the blue, but... I haven't been this happy since... since—"

  "I know, darling," Dad said, his voice choked up. "I know what you mean. Oh, how I do. And I'm happy for you. It's just a lot to take in."

  I nodded, looking at Bastian for help as Dad stood up, clearing his throat.

  "We can talk about her," I said suddenly, making them both turn toward me. "Mom. We can talk about her. I know she's gone, but we don't have to pretend like she never existed."

  "Sometimes it's easier to forget," Dad muttered.

  "But I don't want to forget her," I insisted. "I want to remember her and celebrate the years we had together. She'd want you to be happy, Daddy. It's been years now. You can't stay miserable just because she isn't here."

  "You're right," Dad said softly. "Of course, you always are."

  "We're here for you, Daddy." I stood up and walked up to him with Bastian behind me. "We all went through that loss, and the only way we can make it through it is if we stick together. Okay?"

  "Okay," he muttered as I pulled him in for a hug. For a moment, his body was rigid against mine, but he finally relaxed, and it felt as if a weight built up over years had lifted off his shoulders.

  "Thank you for coming to me," Daddy went on. "Before you took it forward. I truly appreciate it."

  Bastian and I exchanged glances, and I nearly burst out laughing but forced myself to hide it. Daddy was better off not knowing everything.

  "And I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me if I ever look at another woman," Dad muttered next.

  "Daddy, there's nothing to forgive." I squeezed his hand. "Mom would want you to live your life after all these years. Please. You have nothing to apologize for. Just talk to me about her. Let's remember her together, okay?"

  "Okay." He smiled warily.

  "Is there someone you like?" I teased him then, winking.

  "What?" He laughed, obviously nervous. I knew I had something. "Oh no, not at all."

  "He'll tell us when he's ready," Bastian told me, grinning at his old friend. "Or me after a couple of whiskeys."

  "I might take you up on that." Daddy laughed. "Holly, can you give us an hour? I need Bastian for a while."

  "What for?"

  "To grill him about you." Daddy winked. "And to ask his advice. Now go on, go to your room."

  I smiled and nodded, hesitating before blowing Bastian a kiss and running up to my room. When I closed the door behind me, I was no longer the girl who left this room the previous night. I was Bastian's woman, and I felt whole.

  "Holly, honey? We're done down here if you want to come join us."

  Dad's voice sounded up the stairs, and I called back that I'd be right out, putting my book away. I pulled a cardigan over my floral dress and headed for the stairs. Something was off though. All the lights were off, and there was a weird glow downstairs.


  Bastian appeared at the foot of the stairs. "Hello, sugar plum."

  "Hi." I smiled. "Where's Daddy?"

  "He'll join us in a moment. Will you come down?"

  "Sure." I took the stairs two at a time, giving him a suspicious look. "What's going on here?"

  "Something very special," he muttered, guiding me to the middle of the room. The entire living room was illuminated with candlelight, with rose petals strewn on the floor. I gasped at the sight.

  "Bastian?" I whispered.

  "Holly." I turned around and gasped again when I saw him on his knee.

  "Oh my God."

bsp; "Holly," he repeated. "I've known you as a little girl, but I've loved you as a woman. You're the missing piece of my puzzle and the woman I want to wake up next to, and fall asleep with, for the rest of my life. You're my person. The one who’s been missing this whole time. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

  "Oh, Bastian," I whispered. "Of course I will!"

  He slid a sapphire and diamond engagement ring on my finger, and I gasped as he stood up, gathering me in his arms. Our lips met and he held onto me, kissing me all over as I heard the sound of clapping.

  Rosie and Daddy came out from the kitchen, grinning widely.

  "Hi!" I gushed. "Were you two in on this?"

  "Kind of." Rosie grinned. "Bastian told us the plan."

  "What?" I looked at my new fiancé. "You didn't even know if I'd change my mind!"

  "You had to." He smiled. "Because we both know we're meant to be together."

  "Oh, Bastian." Our lips met again and we kissed deeply. "This is so perfect."

  "We're having dinner together now," Dad said. "Rosie and I cooked."

  "Oh, God," I groaned.

  "What?" He gave me a defensive look. "There's no fire!"

  "Good." I laughed. "Let's see what you made then."

  We sat down to a home-cooked roast, and Bastian and I couldn't stop complimenting the chefs as we dug into the food. It was the perfect meal and the perfect evening, the best way to start a new year, in the company of the people I loved most.

  In the middle of the meal, Dad clinked his glass and we all turned toward him, waiting for his big speech.

  "I was inspired by my daughter this year," he started. "So I'd like to dedicate this toast to my wife. Barbara, while you may not be here with us today, we carry you in our hearts every single day we spend without you. I know you'd be as proud of our Holly as I am. Maybe a little angry with Bastian though...."

  We all laughed, and Bastian squeezed my knee under the table.

  "Either way, as a sign of remembering Barbara, we've set another place at the table," Daddy went on, pointing to the seat where Mom usually sat. It had been empty for years, but now there was a simple table setting there, as if we were just waiting for her.


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