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Little Sophie and the Professor

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by Chloe Carpenter

  Little Sophie and the Professor

  a BDSM ageplay romance


  Chloe Carpenter

  All rights reserved

  Copyright © August 2014 by Chloe Carpenter

  Published by LSF Publications

  Cover design by Nathaniel Scott.

  This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. It includes adult spanking and some sexual scenes. Any resemblance to actual persons, places or events are purely coincidental.

  Sophie is a cute and clever 24 year-old woman taking a postgraduate course taught by the handsome Professor Jack Drummond. Most of the female students have the hots for the charismatic professor, but it is Sophie who he hungers for, and at the end of term, he seizes the opportunity to ask her out. Sophie learns that Jack is not only an undeniably sexy Alpha male, but deliciously kinky too.

  As their relationship progresses, she discovers the nature of her submission, and experiences the thrill of erotic spankings and role-play scenarios with Jack. Although he is considerably older than her, the disparity in their ages only serves to reinforce the exciting dynamic that exists between them.

  At times he treats her like a little girl, buying her pretty clothes and indulging her. But sometimes little girls are very naughty and have to face the consequences... Sophie grows to love this ageplay aspect of their relationship, along with bubble baths, bedtime stories, play times, cute clothes and drop-seat pyjamas.

  She is thrilled with her new 'Daddy,' and when he asks her to accompany him for a 2-week stay at Kilchurny castle in Scotland, she jumps at the chance. But is there a long term future for this unlikely couple, the diminutive younger woman and the older man?

  Publisher's Note: Little Sophie and the Professor includes ageplay, anal play, sexual scenes, spankings and BDSM themes. Please don't buy this book if such material is likely to cause offence.

  Sophie drew many admiring male glances as she settled down with a cup of coffee in the bustling university refectory. With her waist-length blonde hair worn in two long pig-tails, she looked cute as a button. She was pretty, with a dainty nose covered by a light smattering of freckles, and an expressive doe-eyed gaze complemented by a sensual mouth, rose-hued lips curving into a smile. At only 5 ft 1 she was of diminutive stature, but she had curves in all the right places, accentuated by her figure-hugging blue jeans and a clingy cap-sleeved top in sugar pink.

  At this hour of the morning, the refectory was busy. Students came and went, chattering and laughing with friends. Chairs scraped on the polished wooden floor, and the clatter of cups and plates and cutlery added to the hubbub. Sophie ignored it all. She zoned out, her head filled with the image of Him. Her feelings for him were more than attraction, deeper than infatuation. He was devilishly good-looking in an understated way, and that was part of the allure - but what really appealed was his intelligence and his sheer physical presence. He was a man very much in control, confident without being arrogant. And when he looked at her with those smouldering green eyes and smiled that intoxicating smile of his, she felt her bones melt and there was not a darn thing she could do about it. At 24, she'd had several satisfying and fun relationships, but they all paled into insignificance when compared to her feelings for this man. And the worst thing was that he didn't know how she felt, and most likely never would. She sighed and sipped her coffee, deliberately pushing away the intrusive thoughts as her friends approached her table - four boys and three girls, working together for the past three weeks on a group project.

  After the initial greetings, conversation focused on coffee and jam-filled doughnuts, which were being consumed at a rapid rate, but it wasn't long before someone changed the subject and they began to talk about Him.

  "I used to hate Monday morning's," said Hannah, chewing happily. "But not any more! Not now we have the professor to look at for two whole hours. Bring it on!"

  "That man is sex on legs," agreed Charlotte. She grinned at the prospect of his lecture. She was often late for lectures, but was never late for a class taught by the handsome Professor Jack Drummond.

  "I wonder if he knows we've all got the hots for him?" mused Hannah.

  "Of course he knows - given that all you lot do is stare and simper and flutter your eyelashes at him," said Mike accusingly.

  "Jealous are you, Mikey?" Charlotte poked him playfully in the ribs.

  "Jealous? Of that old fart? No way!"

  "He's not old. I bribed Glenda in Admin to look up his date of birth. He's forty-three."

  "Ancient." Mike rolled his eyes. "He's probably got false teeth and an artificial hip."

  "Why all this interest in an old man when you have young studs like us to cater for your every need?" Rupert grinned lasciviously at the girls.

  Charlotte gave the lanky sandy-haired Rupert a withering look. "There's something about an older man ... a sexy, clever, drop-dead-gorgeous older man, that I find irresistible."

  "Agreed," said Hannah. "I'd be in his bed in the blink of an eye if he'd only give me a hint of encouragement."

  "It isn't going to happen," said Nazreen. "The university has a strict policy of no fraternization between staff and students."

  "Stuff that. Love will find a way," grinned Hannah. "What about you, Sophie? Don't you want to get between the sheets with the professor?"

  "No," lied Sophie. "I'm only interested in his intellect." This remark set off a series of guffaws from the rest of the group. Sophie blushed. "Anyway, he's way too tall for me. I'm only little."

  "A disparity in height makes no difference when you're in the sack," said Charlotte. "I'm only a couple of inches taller than you, Sophie, and I bedded a basketball player last semester and he was 6ft 6. And let me tell you, he was all in proportion."

  "Is that so?" Mike cast an enquiring glance at Charlotte. "And just how big is his tackle, huh? Pray tell."

  "Massive," said Charlotte airily. "Not that I got my ruler out and measured him ... but, hell, yeah - massive." She began to giggle. "Made my eyes water."

  "Aw shucks," sighed Rupert. "Guess I'd better sign up for one of those penis enlargement kits."

  "Don't bother, mate. They don't work," said Brad. "Well, this is a good topic of conversation for a Monday morning."

  "How do you know they don't work? Have you tried them?" asked Rupert.

  "Nah - not me. I don't need to. Would you like to see for yourselves, ladies?" Brad grinned provocatively at the girls, his fingers moving teasingly to his belt.

  "Oh, please!" Nazreen rolled her eyes dismissively. "Somebody pass me a magnifying glass."

  "You cheeky mare," said Brad good-naturedly. Nazreen grinned and stuck out her tongue.

  Tony polished his glasses and set them back on his nose. "Since we're debating the merits of penis enlargement devices, is anyone going to admit they've tried any?"

  "Hell no." Brad laughed. "I just give my todger a good workout at every available opportunity."

  "Wanker." Rupert flicked a doughnut crumb at Brad. "Are you still after that barmaid at The Plaza?"

  "Yeah, working on it. I think she likes me."

  "She won't like you if you get fat and spotty with all those doughnuts," said Nazreen.

  "That's a good point." Brad stared at the last doughnut.

  "I'd better do you a favour and eat this then." Nazreen grinned as she grabbed the doughnut and took a bite. "Come on, folks. Time to go. Can't keep the great man waiting."

  Laughing, they left the refectory and piled into the
seminar room and took their seats around the oblong table in the centre of the room. The room was light and airy, ideal for smaller groups, less impersonal and intimidating than some of the university's larger lecture theatres. Bags were opened and notebooks and pens soon cluttered the surface of the table.

  "Ah. Here we are again," said a familiar voice. Heads turned as the professor entered the room and sat in one of the vacant chairs. "Good morning."

  "Good morning," they chorused.

  Jack's eyes swept the room. They were all present. He swiftly checked off their names against his typed list of attendees: Nazreen Khan; Charlotte Ingram; Hannah Jones; Rupert Moore; Mike Simmons; Tony Cooper; Brad O'Connor; Sophie Benson. He passed the list to Nazreen on his right. "Sign against your name please Nazreen, and pass this round."

  The preliminaries over, Jack launched into the task at hand. "Ok, I want a review of your group progress to date. Who is the spokesperson?" He was met by a succession of blank looks.


  "Um. Er ..."

  "We haven't got one."

  "We didn't know we had to give an oral presentation."

  Jack's green eyes flashed. "Let me remind you why you're here. This course aims to create the next generation of technical and business leaders who can drive strategic innovation and collaboration by effective management of organisational knowledge within their specialist domains. Therefore it develops leadership skills, team working skills, creativity and knowledge, to enable individuals to implement management practice to aid the development of business. A key factor is that each and every one of you needs to be capable of giving an oral presentation at a moment's notice." He scanned the row of faces. "Any volunteers? Come on now, I'm not asking the impossible. There are only eight of you. It's not as though you have to present to a large audience - that's something for the next semester." He grinned at their expressions and raised his right eyebrow.

  Sophie found herself staring. When he did that quirky thing with his eyebrow it made her feel all squirmy. She recalled Hannah's earlier question about getting between the sheets with the professor. Would I? Oh hell, yes, she thought. His eyebrow forgotten, Sophie created a sizzling scene in her mind. She was standing before the professor, stark naked, feeling his eyes ravage every inch of her body. Then those wonderfully large hands of his reached forward to cup her pert little breasts, his fingers teasing and pinching her nipples, before moving slowly and seductively down over her belly to dip between her legs and ...


  ... and stroke her sex, teasing the lips apart, dipping his finger into her honeyed sweetness, using her juices to lubricate her clit that was screaming for attention ...

  "Miss Benson, are you with us?"

  Startled out of her reverie, Sophie practically jumped out of her chair. "Uh? Wh-what? Sorry. I, er ... what did you say?" As his cool green gaze appraised her, she felt the colour rise as her cheeks flamed.

  "I said I nominate you, young lady, to give the presentation." He glanced at his watch. "You have exactly five minutes. Starting now."

  Sophie gulped. Her friends cast sympathetic looks in her direction, each one of them relieved they weren't in her unenviable position. "Oh. Right." She paused, her mind suddenly blank in a moment of panic.

  "You can do this, Sophie." The professor looked intently at her, conscious of his growing erection and glad he was seated so no one else would be aware of it. For a moment, he imagined her standing before him, naked and willing. It was a most pleasant thought. The corners of his mouth curved into a knowing smile and in that brief moment, Sophie knew he was attracted to her.

  Their eyes locked in mutual understanding. Though the exchange lasted only a fraction of a second, it seemed like an eternity. It was one of those rare moments that she knew would remain with her forever. Drawing strength from the unspoken promise, Sophie began to speak, slowly ... hesitantly at first, but eloquently.

  "Information overload isn't a recent phenomenon. As far back as the first century AD, Roman philosopher Seneca reportedly said..." She searched her mind for the Latin phrase. "Distringit librorum multitude - 'the abundance of books is distraction'. The massive growth of information moves in tandem with advances in technology. Some earlier technologies such as the printing press and the photocopier, have made an enormous impact, but it's the twin developments of digitization and the internet that are continuing to exacerbate the problem of information overload - which has now reached epic proportions. Yet even as we are drowning in huge quantities of data, the human thirst for knowledge persists. This poses the question of how do we find insights and inspiration in a world of too much information?"

  "Hell, yeah," muttered Rupert, in awe of her words.

  As her confidence increased, Sophie found herself summarising the key points of their objectives and strategy, highlighting the positive outcomes of their research and the next steps. She looked round the table. Her peers were staring slack-jawed at her, but the professor smiled approvingly and nodded, his green eyes gleaming.

  "That was excellent, Sophie. Well done."

  "Thanks." Sophie exhaled, surprised at the sudden realization that she had enjoyed giving her little impromptu speech, and delighted that the professor was pleased with her efforts. But most of all, she was acutely aware of the frisson between the two of them, and a simmering excitement began to build. She gave him a demure and captivating smile, then studiously avoided making eye contact again until she had her emotions under control. It wouldn't do for the others to latch on to the fact that something was brewing. No. This was her secret - hers and his.

  The rest of the session passed quickly, ending with a lively discussion and a pile of handouts distributed in preparation for the study programme next semester.

  "Well, I guess that's it for today," said Jack. "In fact, that's it until September. I expect you're all winding down now for the summer vacation?"

  "Too right," said Brad. The others nodded and agreed.

  "Have fun - and try to devote some time to your studies. I might give you a test on your first day back."

  "How mean is that!" said Charlotte. "Hey, Prof - we're all meeting up on Friday at The Blues Bar. You'd be very welcome to join us." She gave him her best smile and batted her eyelashes.

  Jack laughed. "You never know - I just might!" He watched the group as they packed their things and headed out of the seminar room. Charlotte, Hannah and Nazreen were giggling and elbowing each other. Sophie was the last one out of the door. She turned and gave him a look. It was a look that he interpreted correctly, a look that asked 'Where do we go from here?' He smiled at her. "I'll see you on Friday, Sophie."

  "I'll look forward to it."

  Sophie was on a high all week. She couldn't wait for Friday evening. The next few days passed interminably slowly. No one seriously thought that Professor Jack Drummond would join them on Friday. No one that is, except Sophie.


  The atmosphere in The Blues Bar was electric. Sophie and her friends arrived at the venue around 8pm and managed to get seats. By the time the first band began to play, the place was heaving and the bar was doing a roaring trade.

  Jack walked in just before 9pm. He ordered a drink from the bar and while waiting, quickly scanned the room. He found what he was looking for - Sophie was perched precariously on a high stool. She still wore her hair in those adorable pig-tails, but the jeans were replaced with a short red skirt that revealed the expanse of her slim but shapely thighs. She wore kitten-heeled cream shoes with a cute red bow across the toe-board, and a cream blouse with a sweetheart neck. He savoured her, taking in each little detail. And then, as though she felt his eyes on her, she turned and saw him, giving him a dazzling smile.

  I knew he'd come, she told herself. The butterflies in her tummy started again.

  "Hi all," Jack said. He had to say it three times before the rest of the group heard him above the noise of the band.

  "Professor!" squealed Charlotte. "You're her

  "I am," he acknowledged with a mock salute. "Not for long though, but I thought I'd put in an appearance. Can I get anyone a drink?"

  The generous offer made him even more popular. It was impossible to have a proper conversation, so he relaxed and enjoyed the music for a while. He was standing at the edge of the small group, quite close to Sophie. Seizing his opportunity when no one would notice, he bent to whisper huskily in Sophie's ear.

  "Meet me at 10pm. I'm parked in the large car park by the precinct. You know the one I mean?"

  "Yes." Her heart began to flutter. She felt his warm breath caress her neck. "I'll be there."

  "Good. I'll be waiting." He said his goodbyes thirty minutes later, much to the disappointment of Charlotte, Hannah and Nazreen.

  "Have a good summer, and I'll see you next semester," he said, and departed with a smile and a wave.

  "Thanks for the drinks, Prof," called Rupert. "Cool dude," he said when Jack had left, "even if he is old."

  Sophie smiled to herself, and shortly before 10pm made her excuses to leave. "Got to go, folks. I have family coming round tomorrow morning and my apartment's a tip." It was as good an excuse as any, and quite convincing. "See you in September - have a great summer." It was another few minutes before she escaped the good wishes, hugs and kisses, and when she pushed her way through the crowded bar it was a relief to feel the cool night air on her face. She turned left and hurried towards the car park.

  He was waiting for her, leaning against a sparkling silver Mercedes. Now that the moment had come, Sophie felt suddenly shy and awkward. She bit her lip and advanced slowly.

  "Hi." He moved to meet her, and warm lips briefly grazed her cheek.

  "Hi, Professor."

  "Call me Jack. Have you eaten?"

  "I had a salad at lunchtime."

  He snorted. "Rabbit food. Come - get in. Do you like Italian food?" He opened the passenger door.


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