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Her Primal Mate (Badlands Territory, 1)

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  “My mate,” he purred. “My female.” He started licking me then, running his tongue over every inch of my body, and I lay there and accepted it all.

  He moved me onto my back, and I closed my eyes as I felt his tongue move in slow circles over my collarbones, between my breasts, over the mounds, along the peaks. There wasn’t a place on me he didn’t lick and suck at. He was taking my scent into him as well, further rubbing his scent into me.

  He had his hand cupping my neck then slid his fingers along my jaw, over my mouth. He rubbed his thumb back and forth over my bottom lip and then touched my cheek with his big palm, cradling my head in his hand.

  Kasias rose up then, the look on his face causing my breath to catch.

  “What?” I asked softly, my voice unable to get any higher than this. The emotion I saw on his face had nothing to do with what we’d just done. His expression was soft, gentle even. It went against this big, masculine shifter male.

  My male.

  “Female,” he said in a voice so soft my breath caught again. He stroked his hand along my cheek, his palm so big it covered the entire side of my face. “From this moment on, you’re mine and I’m yours.”

  I nodded, because I had no words that would accurately describe how I felt at that moment. We didn't know anything about the other. What we knew went down to the physical sense. But my soul knew his. My animal craved his. My heart beats the same tempo as his now.

  We shared the same air, were connected in a way no one else would ever understand, not even other fated mates. Our connection was unique, unbreakable.

  And when he was done memorizing my entire body with his tongue and lips, when my body was deliciously damp from the sweetness of his saliva mixed with his scent, he pulled me in close and held me. I sighed in utter contentment.

  “This is the beginning,” I found myself saying out loud.

  He growled low. “This is forever.”



  The next morning

  As soon as I woke up, I knew I was alone. It was a heaviness, this emptiness. My mate wasn’t near.

  My eyes were still closed as I stretched, the scent of Kasias surrounding me, mixing with, lingering with the thick aroma of the sex we had all night. And God, it had been all night.

  He hadn’t given me a reprieve, and I’d been grateful, begging for more. So much more.

  I lay on my back now, my legs stretched out, my body deliciously naked, sore. I was sticky on my belly, and my face became warm as I remembered him rubbing his cum on my skin, growling and snapping, murmuring how he wanted his scent on every inch of my body.

  I felt the remnants of our fucking between my thighs, a combination of my own arousal and the copious amounts of semen Kasias had given me.

  I had no idea a man could orgasm so many times in one evening.

  A small smile curved my lips and a flush stole over me, because I was the reason he’d been so unhinged.

  My mating heat was still in full-force, but it wasn’t nearly as intense, not since Kasias filled me up so much last night. My breasts felt sensitive and heavy, my nipples rubbing against the sheet painfully. It was a reminder of all the erotic, wickedly delicious abuse he had given to them.

  I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling, not wanting to get out of bed, wanting to stay here for as long as I could and just let my mate have his way with me.

  I forced myself out of bed, the wood beneath the soles of my feet chilled, immediately causing goose bumps to form along my arms and legs. There was a soft looking throw blanket draped over the edge of the bed, and I quickly grabbed it and pulled it around my naked form, but not before I’d seen the marks on my body, the little fingerprint-sized bruises covering my alabaster skin.

  The scratches, bite marks... all the things that heated me up and made me remember over and over again that my mate was fierce and alpha. Reminding me that he was so very primal.

  God, those marks made me feel loved and cared about, owned and possessed. They made me feel mated.

  And I knew without seeing him yet that Kasias sported the same things. I knew his back would show stripes from my nails in all their passion-filled glory.

  After using the bathroom, running my fingers through my sex-tangled hair, and washing my face, I used some toothpaste on my finger so I felt a semblance of being put together. I left the bathroom and padded barefoot out into the living room.

  I hadn’t bothered washing off his semen from my belly or between my legs. Maybe I was sick, a sickness so good because I didn’t want it off me, not right now, not ever. I loved smelling like him… feeling him, even though he wasn’t here.

  I loved having the feeling of what he’d done to me dried on my flesh like a tattoo, a branding. I loved the smell of him as it wrapped around me so strongly I felt dizzy from it.

  And I knew without a shadow of a doubt that as soon as he smelled me, knew I hadn’t washed him off, he’d be pleased and take me all over again.

  A wave of dizziness and pleasure moved through me, and I breathed out slowly as I continued to make my way out into the living room and kitchen. The clock on the wall showed it was still fairly early in the morning, the sun probably just barely having risen. I was tired, so tired, but in the best of ways.

  I could smell coffee, and although I wasn’t fond of it normally, right now, I needed a jolt of caffeine. I made my way to the coffee machine, my pussy so sore that each step I took had the sensitive area pressing together and a twinge of discomfort filling me. But the pain felt incredible. It reminded me that I was no longer a virgin, that I’d found my mate.

  After pouring myself a big mug, I went over to the fridge, grabbed some milk, found the sugar, and put a ridiculous amount of both into the coffee, watching as the pitch-black liquid swirled and turned a gorgeous creamy tan color.

  I noticed there was a bowl of fruit on the counter, plastic wrap covering it. My heart did a little jump in my chest when I saw there was a little wildflower beside it as well as a note.

  He picked it because of me.

  He picked it for me.

  The note beside the flower had one word scrawled on it, and although I’d never seen his handwriting, I knew the masculine scrawl was his.


  God, even looking at that one word he’d written turned me on.

  I heard sounds outside the cabin and walked over to the large window, pushing the curtain aside and looking around. At first, I didn’t see anything, but then I saw him… saw him doing all the manly things I could think of.

  He worked with his hands, his movements unhurried, precise.

  I hadn’t noticed the massive garage tucked between the trees and off to the side of the cabin when we first arrived. The arousal and excitement of what was happening made everything else fade into the distance.

  It was large, with two massive bay doors that were both open. Inside, there were tools of every size and shape that hung neatly on the walls and an array of other large, almost frightening-looking tools. Saws and clamps, knives and blades.

  Kasias stood in the center currently sanding a large slab of lumber. I wasn’t focused on anything aside from the way his muscles bunched and flexed with every movement he made. I knew it had to be chilly outside, still early enough in the morning that frost littered any green leftover, but even with us being high enough in the mountains that the nip in the air would be frigid, I could see beads of sweat lining the length of his spine.


  He. Was. Fucking. Shirtless.

  He was an incredibly massive male, and with his jeans slung low over his hips, his wide, dark boots covering his feet, and his broad, muscular chest on full display, all I felt was a straight shot of lust right to my core.

  I clenched my thighs together as I felt even more cream spill from me. God, I was still so tired, weak from fucking all night. My pussy was sore, my body aching. And as each second passed, I felt that arousal rise until I couldn’t think straight, until
I was clenching my hand around the coffee mug so tightly I thought I’d break it. This man was going to be the death of me.

  Were all fated mates like this? Were they now one, two souls in the same body, the very thought of not having the other so heartbreaking it actually felt like someone ripped your ribcage open and took the organ out?

  Because that’s what it felt like as I looked at Kasias, as I thought of never touching him again, never having him smell me, lick me, fill me, and roar out that I was his.

  The next sequence of events happened in slow motion as I watched him turn off his saw, slowly straighten, remove the other woodworking paraphernalia that shrouded him, and slowly turn toward the cabin.

  I swear he stared right at me, although how could that be possible, since I’d become shrouded behind the curtain? But his eyes were locked right on me, as if he could sense me, knew where my thoughts were going, that my desire was at a fever pitch, that my heart was racing at the thought of not having him.

  As I watched him prowl, stalk toward the cabin, I made myself set my glass down before I broke it, dropped it, said fuck it and tossed it. I let the blanket drop from my body so I would stand before him totally bare.

  I knew as soon as he came through the doors he’d give me everything I could ever need in this world.

  Because if this was what it meant—if this was how people felt when they were losing their mind—I never wanted to be sane again.



  I felt like I’d been with Kasias my entire life, felt that fated mate bond between us growing stronger by the second. Nothing could rip it. Nothing and no one could tear it apart.

  And we would continue to grow every second of every hour of every day until we drew our last breaths.

  In reality, hardly any time has passed at all since I’d seen him in that bar, since my Iberian lynx recognized his polar bear and my soul knew he was mine. No time at all had moved since he’d brought me to his home.

  I was his now.

  He was mine now.

  I stepped off the back deck and started making my way into the thick line of woods that surrounded the cabin. I felt this hum of energy move through me, this tightening of my skin. My lynx paced inside, growing restless, impatient, trying to push out.



  I was naked, barefoot, but I felt nothing, not the rocks and twigs beneath the soles of my feet, not the leaves and branches moving across my arms and legs. I was focused, concentrating. I felt settled, and for once in my life, everything was exactly how it was supposed to be, how it should be.

  I’d shifted since meeting Kasias, but things felt different now. There was no rush or frantic energy in me. I was at peace, and I knew my heat was subsiding. But that didn’t mean I wanted my mate any less. In fact, I wanted him as much as I did before, as much as when I was delirious with my body’s need to have him fill me. But this was a different kind of need. It was the kind that wanted to know all parts of him. I wanted to share every memory I had, every fear, every happiness I’d experienced. I wanted him to know me better than I knew myself. And in turn, I wanted the same.

  My gentle giant who was only gentle with me, who would kill for me, give his life for me. It was the way of fated mates. He’d never have to say those words—although I knew he would—for me to know he felt them.

  I heard rustling nearby, something big and heavy moving through the underbrush. Close. But not close enough I could see them through the darkness, not even with my shifter senses and vision. But I knew who it was.

  I smelled him, sensed him. I felt the very power in the air as it crackled with electricity. I felt as if he were right next to me, as if his essence surrounded me, tugged at me, urging me closer.

  And then my mate in all his massive polar bear shifted glory stepped into the moonlight so I got an unobstructed view of him. He was massive, standing at almost eleven feet on his hind legs, and weighing over nine hundred pounds.

  It was sane for everyone to be terrified of him. He was an impressive beast, frightening in every single aspect. But I felt no fear. I only felt… love. It was so strange being able to feel this for someone I really didn’t know.

  But I do know him.

  My body did. My heart and soul did. It would take time for the little pieces to fall into place and for us to fully be connected in every way.

  He came over to me, and I lifted my hand and ran it over his soft, thick, snow-white fur. I felt the heat pouring off him, felt like a tiny speck amongst his greatness.

  I closed my eyes and breathed out, let my body shift, let myself feel my animal pushing forward. She needed this, needed to run. My Iberian lynx sprang forth, my body shifting, contorting, my skin making way for fur, my hands changing to paws. It was a crackle and pop in the air that was full of intensity no one within a mile radius could ignore it.

  And when I fell to four paws, stretched, purred at how good it felt to be this free, I felt Kasias move up to me. He nudged me gently, and then we were off. Running, and running, and running until nothing else mattered but the fact that we were two mates finally together.



  One week later

  When I told my mate I wouldn’t let her leave, I’d meant just that. She’d been with me at the cabin for a week now, and for those seven days, I’d kept my female in my bed as I serviced her and her heat.

  I’d fucked her every chance I got, every time she needed me between her thighs. She wasn't working at the bar, not because I didn't trust her or want her to be independent, but because I wanted to take care of her. But also because I’d end up murdering some motherfucker for even looking in her direction.

  But she’d been fine with it, happy to be wrapped around my body like a damn pretzel, and I was more than willing to keep her nice and filled, sated, and in a post-sex coma.

  Over the last week, the only time she wasn’t naked and sweaty, my cum dripping out of her pussy, was when I fed her, when she used the bathroom or showered, or the lone time we ran together in our shifted forms in the woods. But every other time, we were fucking.

  I was filling my mate up, needing her to take as much of my seed into her body as possible. Her mating heat was a drug to me, one I was irrevocably addicted to, would never get enough of, and craved like nothing else on this planet.

  I lounged in our bed, the sheets rumpled around me, the scent of me claiming her just hours before filling my head and making me feel drunk. I’d made her a big meal and ate double portions for myself, because I knew I’d be taking her again all night long.

  I was insatiable when it came to her, and I knew it wasn’t just the heat that caused my dick to be like a lead pipe between my legs, but the fact that I’d found my mate.


  My polar bear growled low at that. It sounded good, real fucking good.

  I couldn’t stop myself as I got off the bed and went to the bathroom. The door was slightly opened, and I toed it the rest of the way so the steam billowed out and the heat and humidity surrounded me.

  I was already naked, prepared for her, my cock thick and long as it stood straight out, ready to be buried in Penny’s sweet cunt. I smelled her before I'd even gotten to the bathroom, that sweet, so fucking sweet scent of my mate. I inhaled, taking in the aroma of my shampoo and soap she used.

  I placed both hands on the frame of the doorway and hung my head as I kept my gaze locked on hers. She had her back to me, the towel wrapped around her feminine, curvy body. My cock jerked and my balls drew up tight. I was surprised I had any cum left in my sack for as much as I’d filled her pussy with my seed.

  “Penny,” I said softly, deeply, but loud enough I knew she heard me. Instantly, I heard her heart start to beat faster, heard the way her breathing shifted. Her heat claimed her even stronger. When I was near, it was like the heat was on fucking speed.

  Male pride washed through me, and I grinned.

  My polar bear rose up, ready
to fuck the hell out of our mate.

  She looked over her shoulder, her cheeks pink from the shower and our fucking, her lips swollen and red, this little moan spilling from her. Her arousal was a cloying aroma that had my arms and legs tightening and my inner beast clawing to come out.

  “Penny.” I said her name again, this time with an erotic harshness in my voice. She turned fully around, and I groaned deeply. The rise and fall of her chest had her breasts pressing against the bath towel. The sight was so tantalizing that I curled my claws around the frame of the door to stop myself from reaching out and cupping the luscious-looking mounds.

  I heard her swallow and watched the slender column of her throat work. That was the good thing about having a mate, especially one in their heat: she’d want me with the same ferocity as I wanted her.

  In just two small steps, I was right in front of her. I closed my eyes, inhaled deeply, and heard the fierce growl that left me. There was no stopping the sound. Snapping my eyes open, I saw how her pupils dilated as her arousal for me grew.

  Her chest rose and fell as she lowered her gaze. Her eyes widened when she saw how hard I was for her… again.

  “You’re insatiable,” she whispered and snapped her eyes to my face.

  “You see how much I want you?” I reached a hand out, grabbed her wrist, and brought her open palm to my erection.

  Penny licked her lips and nodded. “You want me a lot, judging by how big this is.” She tightened her fingers around my cock.

  I knew this wasn’t just because of her heat. I didn’t crave her this much because of the pull of her being fertile, or the sweet scent that she was so ready and pliant for me. It would always be like this between us.

  Fated mates.

  I slanted my mouth on hers and moved my hand behind the heavy fall of her damp hair to cup her nape. When I pulled her toward me, I used my other hand on her neck to tilt her head and deepen the kiss. A rumble left me, and I opened my mouth more and slid my tongue over her bottom lip. Her taste exploded in my mouth, and I felt my chest vibrate with the force of my pleasure-filled groan.


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