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by S Cinders

  He showed her the two clamps and said, "You are doing well, Zoe. I am going to put these clamps on your tender nipples. It will feel intense at first, but I promise you, the end result is well worth the discomfort."

  She swallowed nervously. "Yes, Master."

  His cock surged with the desire to be inside of her. Slowly, he attached the first clamp. She hissed but didn't move away. Her distended nipple started to turn red. Next, he attached the other clamp and she gulped drawing in a harsh breath.

  "You look so beautiful, Zoe. Do you know how fucking hard it makes me to see you like this? I want to do terrible things to you. My beast is clamoring to be inside of you."

  She trembled with the knowledge of the power she had over him. He was literally shaking; his hands coming up to her neck, he tilted her head up and kissed her. Zoe gave herself over to him body and soul, the stinging in her nipples not nearly as intense as it was before. His fingers brushed her soaked pussy and she mewled into the kiss.

  Instead of deepening it, he moved away. She almost cried out in protest until she saw the large toy he had brought back. The bulbous head, he pressed directly against her clit and switched it on low.

  Zoe gasped as waves of pleasure shot through her.

  "Master," she struggled to find the words. Zoe had always had a rather easy time coming and with this toy, she didn't think she would last very long.

  "Do not come, Zoe. You are only to come when I give you permission. Is that clear?"

  Her eyes widened in dismay as he picked up the toy and rubbed it all around her tender folds, the top of its head growing damp from her. She could hear how wet she was and knew that he not only saw it but was staring at her pussy.

  He flipped a switch and it started to go faster. She gasped, trying to hold on, "Master, oh, oh please! Master, please!"

  There was a growl of satisfaction low in his throat. "I like to hear you beg me, Zoe."

  "Master, please, please may I come?"

  Cane gave her ten more seconds of intense pleasure, and then when he saw she was literally on the brink, he demanded she come.

  "Now, Zoe! Come for me, only for me."

  Her body shook against the restraints. She could no more control the spasms than she could the way her juices dripped from her pussy. It started to feel sensitive and she tried to escape the toy, but Cane wasn't having it.

  "Dragons have intense sexual pleasures, Zoe. It would be rare to only have one orgasm while in my care. Breathe through the discomfort, there's a good girl."

  Her eyes locked on his and she tried to do as he asked. Her hair clung to her forehead as sweat coated her brow. She felt like she had been connected to a live wire, her breasts literally forgotten as he continued to fuck her with the toy.

  Again, the round head came up and was placed against her clit. She screamed at the intense pleasure. It hardly mattered to her who would hear or what he was doing. Never in her life had she felt such intense emotions. She was hardly herself but more an extension of him.

  "Master," she croaked, "It is coming close!"

  Her hips began to thrust against the toy. His predatory gaze was locked on her as he rubbed it in slow circles, prolonging the agony.

  "I can't," she said as tears pricked the corner of her eyes, "I can't hold on. Master, please."

  "A little longer, Zoe." He leaned over and pulled one of the nipple clamps off.

  And then he sucked the bud into his mouth. Zoe was crying now, so desperate for release, she literally was on the verge of a total breakdown.

  Cane moved to the other breast and removed the clamp. "Now!"

  He sucked her into his mouth the moment she erupted, squirting him and the floor around them. Her body couldn't seem to stop the orgasm going on and on. Her body seemed to fly at that moment. She was no longer strapped to the bench or even in her right mind. Her body floated in the wonderful abyss of subspace.

  Cane had never seen a woman access subspace so quickly. Obviously, Zoe was a natural born submissive. He gathered her into his arms and wrapped a silky blanket around her so that she wasn't cold. He then tenderly held her and whispered words of encouragement that were completely unlike him.

  He wondered how she would do at the Dragon's Flame Ceremony. Held once a month, the dragons in his horde all came together for a night of hedonistic pleasures. Some shared their partners, others came to watch and pleasure themselves. Anything and everything sexual was admitted as long as it was safe for both parties.

  He decided then and there that he would not be sharing his Zoe. He knew the horde would be expecting him to show off his newly claimed human. But he wouldn't allow another dragon to fuck her. She was his.

  Cane sat there holding her for quite a while. His cock remained rock hard, but that was something he had learned control over. Training a new sub took time and patience. And he wasn't sure why, but he had a feeling that this training was far more important than any other he had done.

  There was a knock at the door.

  Cane frowned, but called out, "Enter."

  Elaine, the head dragon over the Human Claimed entered and bowed. "My king, do you wish for me to take the human during the Dragon Kings' Council?"

  Cane had forgotten that was even happening. He glanced quickly at the clock and saw that he had less than a half hour to be showered and present. Thank Zeus that it was held in his lair that week and not one of his three brothers'. To miss such an event would raise all kinds of questions that Cane had no desire of answering.

  "Yes." He stood abruptly. "Take the human and see she is fed and bathed. I want her every need to be seen to, and then she is to be returned here."

  "My king?" Elaine was clearly surprised at his attachment to the human.

  Cane ground his teeth. "Were my instructions unclear?"

  Elaine snapped back to attention, "No, my king. It shall be just as you say."

  Cane handed Zoe to the smaller woman. Elaine was a dragon and therefore ten times stronger than a human woman. She would have no trouble carrying the curvaceous Zoe. He didn't wait to watch them leave. Cane was late and needed to change.

  Unfortunately, that meant he didn't watch Elaine deliberately smack Zoe's head against the wall of the cavern.

  Elaine sneered as she whispered, "Fragile little whore, we will certainly take good care of you."

  Chapter 6

  Elaine wanted to snap the human's neck. Many of the female dragons felt that the humans were a waste of time. It wasn't like male humans were brought in for the females to fuck. They were expected to breed and help the dragon race continue.

  However, didn't female dragons need sex to fuel their fire? Of course, they needed it just as much as the males did. In fact, many females speculated that in this patriarchal world, ruled by the four dragon kings, little thought was put into the females' needs. And it was possible that they were deliberately keeping the females weaker by giving them less of a chance to have sexual relations.

  In previous generations, before the four dragon kings, their mother Jord ruled their world. She was the fiercest and strongest of her kind. But Jord had one huge failing; she had trusted someone close to her, and they'd betrayed her. In the nefarious act, Jord went missing and was later ruled to be dead. She left her four sons as rulers of the land.

  "Another one?" Jo turned from where she was having her nails manicured by one of the lesser hordes.

  Elaine dropped Zoe's body onto some pillows before answering Jo. "This one belongs to Cane."

  Several of the females in the room hissed their complaint.

  "Pipe down." Elaine rolled her eyes. "They are only playthings, nothing more. When a dragon wants to find a mate, he always stays true to the race. You have nothing to fear."

  Sabrina, a small, dark-haired dragon scowled, "I am not afraid; I am angry. When are things going to be equal around here? I find it useless for the male dragons to be wasting their seed on the humans."

  It was against the law to speak against the dragon king. Sab
rina was walking a very fine line.

  "We should just kill it and be done." Jo moved from her seat and stalked over toward Zoe.

  Elaine's eyes popped, and she went to shield the human from the larger dragon.

  "Stop!" Elaine shouted, "You will not touch her; are we clear?"

  Jo nodded and then went off to sulk in the background.

  Sabrina moved to where Elaine was standing. "I don't know how much longer we can keep this up. Eventually, this is all going to blow up in our faces."

  "We are not in a position to do anything yet." Elaine glanced over to where the human lay motionless. "Give it time, Sabrina."

  Sabrina nodded. "For now, what are we supposed to do with her?"

  "Have Cane's new toy, primped, polished, and returned to his chambers."

  Sabrina's eyes widened, but she held her breath when she noticed the human was no longer motionless.

  Sitting up, Zoe clutched her head and winced. "What in the world?"

  Sabrina moved to her side. "You are in the female den. My name is Sabrina. Rise and follow me; there is much to be done."

  Zoe tried to focus on the small, dark-haired woman. Her head was pounding, and she couldn't recall why she was feeling this way. The last thing she remembered was being held in her Master's arms.

  There were women all around her, maybe twelve in total. They were all staring daggers at her, which caused Zoe's stomach to flip anxiously.

  The women were taller and more muscular than the women of Earth. Even Sabrina, who clearly looked to be the smallest woman there, had several inches on Zoe. It was strange that not one of them smiled or even bothered to hide their ire.

  Suddenly, Zoe felt scared and wanted to be back with Cane. Learning to be his submissive had seemed to come naturally. But here and now, Zoe felt foolish and afraid. These women had hatred written in their gazes.

  Zoe stood, wobbled for a short second, and then steadied herself. She found her shoulders going back and her chin tipping up. Zoe could handle her own if need be. The threat from the other women was palpable.

  As Zoe followed along after Sabrina, she asked the other woman, "Why do they hate me?"

  Sabrina scoffed, "They would not lower themselves to have feelings for a human. They hate the idea of you."

  "What does that mean?" Zoe felt the frigid note to her words.

  "It means that you are asking too many questions and need to remember that you are just a human and that we are dragons. We are your better in every way. You chose to come here, human. So, what happens to you here is your responsibility."

  Zoe stopped in her tracks. "Are you threatening me?"

  Sabrina turned; her dark eyes narrowed as she looked at Zoe. "I do not make threats; I speak truths."

  She turned and motioned for Zoe to enter a large basin of steaming hot water. They had entered a bathing cavern.

  "Wash yourself; you will be taken to the eunuchs next for shaving and polishing."

  Zoe climbed into the water and was immediately surrounded by men in white clothes who started to wash her as if she was a baby.

  Her headache forgotten, Zoe tried to pull herself out of their grasp, but the men just yanked her back and continued their work. When they deemed her clean enough, she was lifted out of the water and taken to a table much like one would find in a gynecologist's office.

  There the white-clothed men started to apply a cream to her legs and pussy. She was shaved everywhere, including between her pussy and ass—they left nothing untouched. Then another cream was rubbed into her skin. This one tingled and made her feel alive.

  Her legs and pussy began to throb as they allowed the cream to dry on her skin. She saw that her limbs possessed a certain glow. Zoe had no idea if it was from the cream, the bath water, or something else they might have applied to her.

  She spoke several times to the white-clothed men, but they didn't speak to her. It was almost as if they were doing these intimate acts but couldn't see her. Never had Zoe been more confused. Her hair was brushed and swept into a lovely updo, and she was given a dress.

  Really, it was more of a negligee, but it resembled what she had seen the dragon women in earlier. The material was see-through enough that if one looked, they would be able to see her nipples and the lips of her pussy through the material.

  Sabrina came back in with one of the white-clothed men.

  "Eunuchs, you may leave," she commanded.

  The men around Zoe stopped what they were doing and shuffled out of the room.

  "Come along, human."

  Zoe was so confused. "Those men who bathed me, they are eunuchs?"

  Sabrina let out an exasperated sigh, "Yes, human, they are. They also asked too many questions. Do you wish your fate to match theirs?"

  Zoe swallowed hard and shook her head.

  Sabrina gave her a small tight smile. "Here is Cane's room. Go inside and prepare yourself to meet him."

  Chapter 7

  Cane felt the frustration of his brothers as they talked about the problems plaguing their world. Dragons were slowly dying off; female dragons weren't producing as many offspring as they once had. His twin brother, Quin, raised the concern that the females weren't as malleable as they once had been.

  Their older brothers, Titus and Andar, were unwilling to talk about any changes in the hierarchy of their species. Dragons were steeped in tradition, and with that, any alteration of their current processes was immediately dismissed.

  "Is the half-breed here?" Quin asked, trying to steer the conversation in a different direction.

  During their meetings, Ava, the human-dragon half-breed, usually came to discuss any females who wanted to be a part of the claiming program.

  Andar nodded to one of the sentries, saying, "Bring her in."

  Ava's normal appearance was greatly altered. Her hair looked like it hadn't been washed and she had bags under her eyes.

  "Please," she said as soon as she was presented in front of the Dragon Kings, "Is there a girl here with the name of Zoe Rose? I am desperate to find her."

  Andar frowned. "We have no wish to talk about that. What is your report? Do you have any more females who have willingly signed up for the program?"

  Ava clutched her hands together. "You don't understand. There is a major investigation going on to find her. I need to know if you have seen Zoe. The door to the restricted section was left open, and I am worried we will need to move the portal."

  This got their attention. Moving a portal into another realm wasn't easy. It would take time as well as locating another witch. The dragons and witches had never gotten along.

  "What did you do?" Titus boomed out, his deep voice shaking the woman until she was nearly in hysterics.

  "Is she here, please, just tell me that!"

  Ava pleaded with them to tell her. More was at stake than the portal. Ava had knowledge about Zoe that even she, herself, wasn't aware of. Also, she had been foolish enough to jot down her silly stories about the Dragon Kings and publish them on earth.

  If Zoe was here, she would soon come to find out that most of the stories were fabricated from Ava's lusty fantasies. But there was also the chance that Zoe hadn't figured it out and still believed the stories to be true.

  Either way, if the Dragon Kings learned that she was exposing any of their secrets, even just the fact of their existence, the punishment would be swift and harsh. A great churning in her belly had Ava on the verge of vomiting.

  Indeed, she most likely would have already if she had been able to eat or drink anything since Zoe's disappearance.

  "The human is here," Cane said. "You can assure whoever is looking for her that she is safe and well."

  Relief flooded Ava. "Thank heavens, I just need to speak with her."

  "Out of the question," Cane barked out. "I am training my claimed mate."

  "Claimed? You?" The color drained from Ava's face.

  How could things have gotten so out of control? She had been too confident in her abilities
to keep everyone in the dark, and now she was paying the price.

  "I won't interfere," Ava said slowly. "But I need to speak with her."

  "Permission denied. Now, have you done your job as the procurer?"

  Ava shook her head. "No, I haven't been able to recruit, with all of the publicity surrounding Zoe's disappearance. You don't understand."

  Cane's jaw visibly tightened. "I do not have to understand. I am a Dragon King, a god in these lands. I do not bow down to human customs."

  Ava swallowed hard when she saw the way Quin, Titus, and Andar were watching her. They, too, seemed offended by her words. She was saying everything wrong, doing everything wrong.

  "Yes, my kings." Ava immediately went into a low curtsey.

  "You will have another human female for us soon?" Titus asked, his tone brooking no argument.

  "Once the portal is moved, I will be able to bring more. As for now, I have it shielded so the police can continue their investigation. But there is a chance for exposure."

  "The portal must be closed immediately." Titus stood, the veins in his neck pulsing. A rare specimen of male beauty, there was something raw and visceral about the man that got to Ava. She knew that he would never seriously look at her. Half-breeds were considered lower than humans, which didn't make any sense.

  She couldn't transition into her dragon form, but she felt her dragon inside of her soul. It was as if the two of them shared the space of her body. Her dragon longed to wrap her arms around Titus, to lick his skin and to have his body pressing into her.

  When Ava wrote her stories, it was always with Titus in mind. The man was strong and fierce. Somehow, she just knew that he would be an excellent lover. His broad chest and thick thighs suggested at the stamina he would be able to maintain. What she wouldn't give for just one glimpse of his massive cock.

  Of all times, she felt her pussy growing damp. Ava squeezed her thighs together. The last thing she needed was for the Dragon Kings to smell her arousal. It was embarrassing enough that she pined away for him and he hardly knew she was alive.


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