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Page 9

by S Cinders

  "I have it! What is the easiest way to enter a place?"

  Titus frowned. "The front door, or gates, in the case of Valhalla."

  Ava's eyes sparkled. "Exactly, only to enter, they only take one kind of customer—the dead kind."

  "I forbid it!" Titus raged, his grasp growing tighter on Ava.

  "You had better loosen your hold, or you will have your half-breed split in two."

  Titus gasped and released Ava. Unfortunately, they were rather high in the sky, and she went hurtling toward the ground.

  "Fuck!" Titus went into a spin, diving after her.

  The craggy rocks were coming up fast, and Titus doubled his speed. If he could only get to her before the rocks, he could save her. But she was falling so fast, and he was clumsy with fear. Just as she was about to crash into the mountainside, the world blurred and Ava disappeared. Seconds later, Titus followed after.

  Cane was shocked. One moment, they were there, and then they vanished. Did he chase after them or continue on after Zoe? One thing was for certain, two Dragon Kings might have stood a chance against Odin, but one would be slaughtered.

  He needed his brother, and so, reluctantly, he dove into the same pattern that Titus did and was swallowed up by the mountain.

  His dragon was stripped away, and Cane found himself falling in his human form. Just before he reached the bottom, he halted. Next to him was Titus, every bit as naked as he was and Ava, who was turned away from him in a borrowed a dress of Zoe's that she had put on before they left.

  A woman was standing over them with an unusual look on her face. "It isn't every day I catch two Dragon Kings and a High Princess of the Fae. Care to explain yourselves?"

  Ava turned, and the truth was revealed. Her features were sharper, more beautiful. Her skin glowed and her eyes were violet, much like Zoe's had been before they learned she was a demi-god.

  "What is this magic?" Titus' voice was rough with emotion. He was staring at Ava as if he recognized something long forgotten but couldn't quite put his finger on it.

  Ava sighed, "Mistress Freya, I have really fucked everything up."

  Freya stepped into the light. "I suppose you can tell me why that monster has my daughter?"

  Cane blinked and started putting together the similarities of Freya and his Zoe. "Zoe is my mate; she was claimed and queened in front of the horde."

  Freya turned and eyed him.

  "I thought you were dead," Ava blurted out.

  "I thought you were a half-breed," Titus boomed.

  Ava blushed. "Well, I am. Half-fae, half-dragon," She rubbed her arms and he noticed the way her ears tilted up.

  Cane hadn't missed it, either. "It was you who put the spell over Zoe to hide her parentage."

  Ava nodded, but Freya answered for her. "I asked Ava to hide my daughter. If anyone was to try and figure out her parentage, we figured that being fae would be better than Odin finding her. But it would seem that what was meant to be has happened." She turned back to Ava, "Oh, you can't kill a goddess, only inhibit their powers for a while. Mine have been slowly returning since my earthly death. Odin isn't aware of this, and we can use it to our advantage. There are others here who would fight on our side as well."

  "Where are we?" Cane asked.

  Freya stood proud. "Folkvang, the field of warriors. Not all of the dead serve Odin; there are others who serve Giantess Ran in the depths of the seas. Let us hope we won't need to call on them."

  "Who are you?"

  The words stopped Ava in her tracks. Her violet eyes closed and she seemed to shudder. When she opened them, Titus could see the tears that were shimmering there. This new Ava reminded him of someone—a girl who had been his playmate many years ago. It simply boggled the mind; maybe she just looked like that other girl.

  Ava reached out her hand and placed it on his arm. Suddenly, Titus saw them as children playing in the cavern while his mother was in the other room discussing some business. The emotions were overwhelming. Titus hadn't thought of his mother in quite some time.

  "Was that why she died?" he asked hoarsely, "protecting the fae?"

  A single tear splashed onto Ava's cheek. "No, it was protecting me."

  Chapter 22

  Titus walked the field of warriors, not seeing the men and women who were training tirelessly for their goddess. His ears were ringing and his mind kept going over the words that Ava had said earlier. His mother had died protecting her.

  Freya had intervened and said no god, regardless of the realm, actually died, but they could take centuries to regenerate again. And even at this, some gods decide not to return to the land of the living.

  He, of all the brothers, had been closest to his mother. The Dragon Queen was undefeatable. Her scales were black like Titus', and her fire was so hot that it burned white instead of orange. She reigned supreme. The Dragon Kingdom was, without a doubt, the strongest of all the realms.

  It didn't make any sense that she would risk all of it for the fae. He knew they had an alliance, even as a boy, he remembered the fae would be among the dragons and vice versa. Had his mother a lover whom he wasn't aware of?

  Honestly, Titus couldn't fathom what would be important enough to risk one's life over. And the fact that his friend, the one he had played with all those years ago, was Ava. She had lied to him, lied to everyone.

  He knew that she was scared and didn't blame her. She was the lost princess and the last living member of the fae. But she was also half-dragon. Obviously, she had some use of magic. When she touched him with that memory, it brought back other memories of her making the toys dance and fly about the room.

  "Are you angry with me?"

  Titus turned to see Ava approaching behind him. The warriors were all around them and yet all he could see was her. The glamour was back in place, for one never knew who might be watching. But she was beautiful to him, all the same. He wondered for the briefest of moments when she had begun to mean so much to him.

  "I am not angry," he said in a harsh tone.

  Her brow rose and Titus glowered, "I am confused and frustrated. I don't understand, and yet, damn it, I am angry. Why didn't you tell me?"

  Ava hung her head. "I couldn't. I was told that if anyone were to discover my whereabouts, I would be killed and all those who protected me would be slaughtered. I didn't believe them at first. I argued and argued that I was safe with the dragons."

  "Who asked you to hide yourself?" Titus grabbed her arm. "Why would you believe them?"

  "Your mother," she replied softly, and he dropped her arm. "She said that they would never stop looking for me. If I wanted to protect you, I needed to hide."

  Titus felt like he couldn't breathe. It was too much. "When did you see my mother last?"

  "Your mother was taking me to the earthly portal when they attacked."

  "Who?" Titus demanded.

  "Wolves, they were shifters. They called themselves Lycans."

  "Lycans?" Titus blinked at her. "Werewolves? Are you trying to say that werewolves killed my mother? I don't believe you. She could easily take on hundreds of them."

  Ava shook her head. "You don't understand. They weren't fighting like we do in combat. They were doctors and scientists. Your mother was injected with something before she could shift and they carried her through…" she made a gesture with her hands, "…I don't know how to describe it. Almost like a portal that swirled in the air. One minute, she was there, and the next, she was gone. Her elders whisked me away to Earth. It wasn't until I was able to contact this realm again as an adult that I even saw another dragon. I was a child hiding in a cold world, going from one abusive foster home to another."

  Titus didn't know what to say. It was all so fantastic, so incredible, that he wasn't even sure he could wrap his head around what had happened.

  "Where are the wolves now?"

  Ava shrugged. "I don't know. There was some news about a Lycan training facility in the news decades ago, on Earth. I worried then that they had f
ound me, but no one ever came. A few years after that, news reported that it had all been a hoax, that supernatural life didn't exist on earth. I knew I was living proof that this statement was false. But I wasn't about to announce it.

  And then I met Freya, and she told me about the realms and that the dragons were still thriving. I begged her to help me find a portal back to you. She granted that request if I would protect her daughter, Zoe. And until she stumbled into the restricted section and fell through the portal there, I had kept this promise."

  "So these wolves might still be on Earth? Or it might be a lie?" Titus blew out a breath. "Did you see my mother die?"

  Ava frowned and tried to remember what had happened that terrible night. Finally, she was able to respond, "No, I saw the man in the white coat inject her with something and she fell limp. And then she was yanked back through and the elders said that she had been killed."

  "The elders will have some explaining to do when we return to the land of the dragons." Titus pulled Ava into him. "I don't know if my mother could possibly be alive after all this time. But now that I know there is a chance, I can't stop until I find out for sure."

  Ava relished the heat from his body as she laid her head against his chest. "I never forgot you. I wanted to tell you, Titus, I really did. I will help you search for your mother, whatever it takes, I will be there."

  He nodded solemnly. "It is done. I must speak with Cane and relay the information you have given me. And then we must devise a plan in which we can get Zoe back. Something tells me that when we face the Lycans, we will need all the help we can get."

  Freya and Cane listened as Ava recounted the things that had happened that night so very long ago. Freya had an understanding look about her, but Cane was furious.

  "How dare you keep such information to yourself?" he spat. His nostrils were flaring and his eyes were burning. The dragon was so close to the surface, begging to get out.

  "She was only a child," Freya interjected, but Cane would hear none of it.

  "All of this time? And then you put Zoe in danger by exposing her to our world? Fuck, one would think that you wanted to be found out!"

  Ava felt as though she had been struck. The worst part was that maybe he was right. She had wanted to be with Titus and the dragons so very badly that she hadn't been careful.

  "I am sorry," she whispered.

  "Sorry?" Cane growled and took a menacing step forward.

  In seconds, Titus had him by the throat. They were both shimmering in-between transitioning. The danger was palpable.

  "Are you going to hit me?" Cane taunted.

  Freya rolled her eyes and did something with her hand that caused both men to freeze in their stances.

  "You forget, gentlemen, that this is my home, and I rule here. Now, if you are both done, I might remind you that Ava was following your mother's orders. Is that not correct?"

  The men grunted.

  "She was also a young child, is that not correct?"

  Another grunt from the brothers.

  "Obviously, we need to deal with that situation. But first and foremost is the rescue of my daughter."

  Chapter 23

  "Valhalla is an enormous hall that has many points of entry. For the most part, they dine and live like kings. So those who are there won't be expecting an attack. Odin, on the other hand, will be expecting us." Freya looked up from the map she had rolled out, to see Cane, Titus, and Ava watching her intently. "I propose that Cane and Titus cause a distraction and that we enter through another way."

  "Leave the mission up to a bunch of females?" Titus scoffed. "That would be beyond foolhardy."

  Freya bristled. "Might I remind you that I am a goddess. And that you are here at my mercy, a female. You might be all-powerful in the realm of the dragons, but you are with the Norse gods now, and we do not play by the same rules."

  Cane clenched his jaw and pointed at the far side of the map, "This is a cliff, how fortified is Valhalla?"

  Freya laughed. "They have a place on Earth called Fort Knox that is said to be the most secure place in the word. Valhalla is a million times more secure. The moment we enter his grounds, Odin will know we are there. The only way to make this work is to create such a distraction that Odin is too preoccupied with it to realize what is happening."

  "What would cause such a distraction?" Ava asked. "I hardly know anything that Odin would be afraid of, save, perhaps, Ragnarök."

  Freya smiled; it was as sinister and wicked as Ava had ever seen.

  "You mean to destroy them all?" Ava felt weak as if she needed to sit down.

  "Are you trying to save your daughter or destroy Odin?" Cane asked quietly. "Because from your words alone, he won't die. Eventually, he will come back and you will fight the fight over again. So, tell me now, goddess, what is your goal?"

  "I want my daughter back!" Freya snapped. "But can I help it if I want to hurt the man who caused me to live and die as a human? The man who took advantage of me and left me with child? Before you cast your stones, you might wish to see it from my side of things. He is a terrible being and could be doing any number of things right now to your mate."

  Cane's eyes lept with fire and his nostrils flared. "Then tell me what you wish to do."

  "Brothers will fight brothers, sisters will kill and plunder their own, whoredoms and grief will run rampant, we will release the serpents to feast on the corpses, and my daughter will be returned to me."

  Ava swallowed and looked over at Titus, who was staring at Freya. "Is this foretold?"

  Freya looked at Titus and nodded. "It comes in different ways, but the cycle continues. A thousand years from now, it will be something else, but Valhalla must fall to create the opportunity for new growth. It will continue forever until men and women lay down their differences and choose to have mercy on one another. As you know, that is not likely to happen."

  "What of Fenrir?" Titus asked.

  Freya shrugged. "He hasn't been seen or heard from since the 13th century. I have no idea where the beast ended up. But obviously, his children walk the realm of earth. They are not as massive as Fenrir. It has been said that he was bound by the gods and sent into exile. But honestly, I think he is out there, likely waiting somewhere, and he will strike when the time suits him and not a moment before."

  "And your warriors are ready?" Cane asked, a new look of determination in his eye.

  Freya nodded. "They are in prime condition, led by none other than Heimdallr."

  "Heim? The god with the golden-maned horse and the ability to see the future leads your troupes?" Titus shook his head. "You really should have led with that. Has he had a vision of what will happen?"

  Freya grinned. "But of course, how do you think I knew you were coming?"

  "Tomorrow, we go to war?" Ava mused later as she soaked in a bath made with oils that would strengthen and protect her.

  Titus could hardly keep his end of the conversation up. He watched as the washcloth moved over her satin skin, the way her nipples were pebbled and how her breasts floated in the water. He was going to let her bathe in peace, but that was before he was presented with such a wonderful opportunity.

  Titus moved to the bath and took the cloth from her hands.

  Ava smiled at him, her eyes sparkling. "It is going to be hard to finish without that, Master."

  His eyes flared, letting her know that the term of endearment wasn't lost on him.

  "I will bathe you," he said gruffly and kneeled beside the golden tub.

  Ava lay back against the rim of the bath, her curvy body proudly on display.

  He growled, "And then I shall clamp these nipples for teasing me."

  Ava gasped, "I didn't tease you!"

  "Are you arguing with your Master?"

  There was a playful note to his question that wove its way into her heart.

  "No, Master, it will be as you say."

  Titus ran the cloth over her belly and down between her thick thighs. "I should like to ha
ve your legs wrapped around my hips or, better yet, my face."

  Ava's breathing hitched. "I should like that as well, Master."

  His fingers parted her folds and he stroked her heat.

  "I want to see you fall apart over and over again until you can't remember anything but my name."

  Ava let out a shuddered breath as his finger grazed her clit, "Oh, yes, please!"

  He moved his hand down and circled her back entrance. "And it is time that my toy went back into your ass."

  Ava whimpered, "Only your toy, Master?"

  He roared his approval and yanked Ava from the tub, water splashing everywhere in the room. But Titus didn't care; he wanted his mate to be with him.


  The thought made him freeze mid-stride.

  "What is it?" Ava's wet hands clutched his face. She was still in his arms, soaking his chest.

  "You are my mate," he said hoarsely, "I chose you, Ava."

  His mouth crashed down on hers and thoughts of toys and clamps were forgotten as he devoured the mouth of the woman who would one day bear him children. He didn't know how it would work. But if Cane could mate a demi-god, Titus could mate a half-breed dragon-fae.

  Ava moved in his arms so that she could better kiss him. Her wet legs wrapped around his waist, and his hands came up to cup and mold her ass. Wet breasts were smashed up against his chiseled chest, and their mouths moved against each other with such raw love and abandon that Ava had tears in her eyes.

  Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined that one day Titus would take her to mate. She knew that the battle they were going into wasn't assured of a happy outcome regardless of Freya's insistence. So Ava wanted this one night to show Titus just how much she loved him.

  She wasn't ready to share the words for fear it would push him away. But her heart was his for the taking; in truth, it always had been.

  He moved to the bed, their lips not separating as he lay down with her on top of him.

  "You are wearing far too much," she said heatedly against his lips.


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