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Page 11

by S Cinders

  "You will not speak to me about my son and the sins he has committed against his people. You, of all people, shouldn't be casting stones."

  Thor grinned at the two gods who looked ready to rip each other's heads off.

  Loki looked over at Zoe and said, "I need to speak with your father. Perhaps you will give us some time?"

  His look was intent, and she realized that he was giving her the chance she needed to get away.

  "I shall entertain the lovely Zoe." Thor stepped forward.

  But Zoe moved out of the way and to the doors leading to a terrace. "I need some time. I will take a short flight and settle my nerves."

  Loki let go of Odin. "That would be best."

  Zoe saw her father nod, right as she took to the sky. The lovely grounds grew smaller as she rose in the air. Valhalla was well guarded, but the cliffs were one area that had less supervision. She went toward that area and ignored the feeling of dread in her stomach.

  There had been news stories of a Lycan Academy that was shut down somewhere out west. She wished she could remember more about the story. But at the time, it hadn't mattered a whole lot to her. That was before she learned that Fenrir, a demi-god, was behind the school.

  His brutality was legendary. No wonder Loki didn't want to talk about his family. It looked like they all had secrets.

  She looked up and, to her surprise, instead of nothingness beyond the cliffs, there were hundreds of warriors in flying chariots, and in the front were two great dragons.

  Chapter 27

  Cane's heart jolted in his chest when he saw the tiny flying creature that was his mate hurtling toward him. In seconds, he had her in his grasp, and then he was tumbling to the cliff's edge, shifting in mid-air. He landed hard but managed to stay on his feet and keep her in his arms. He didn't care that he was naked in front of legions. He cupped the back of Zoe's head and sealed their lips together in a kiss that conveyed everything he felt for her, his tongue sweeping inside of her mouth and dominating her, branding her as his all over again.

  There was a loud clearing of someone's throat. But Zoe didn't care who was trying to get their attention. This was her mate, her love, and she wanted him with every fiber of her being.

  "Zoe Rose."

  That voice, it had seemed like forever since Zoe had heard it. Surely, she was dreaming or maybe she misheard? Zoe reluctantly pulled back, breaking the kiss. She turned her head and then nearly felt all of the blood leave her face. "Mother?"

  Freya raised a sardonic brow. "Do you need to tell me something?"

  "You are alive?" Zoe choked out and pushed out of Cane's arms. She ran to her mother and they embraced, the two women squeezing each other hard as if to reassure themselves that they were really there.

  Zoe's hands went to her mother's face. "You are so young and beautiful. I can't believe you are here. I have so much to tell you."

  "And I you, but first and foremost, we need to get you away from here."

  "I don't really think that is a good idea," Odin's voice rang out across the grounds from the castle walls.

  They looked up and saw the warriors of Valhalla advancing on them.

  Cane shifted back into his dragon form, and Freya pushed Zoe behind her to stand at the front of her troops.

  "You can save a lot of lives, Odin, by keeping your promise of staying away from my daughter."

  Odin laughed, the sound echoing eerily across the field. "I was to stay away when you were human. I am afraid that time has come to a close."

  A great black raven flew from the castle walls, signaling Odin's attack. Freya raised her hand, and the warriors around her started running toward Odin's men. There were literally thousands of warriors barrelling at full speed toward one another.

  Zoe braced herself for the impact; war was nothing like she had imagined. It was both faster and slower than one would think. It seemed like it took forever for the men to reach each other, but in reality, it could only have been minutes. And then there was the clashing of swords, the sound of dragons' deadly roars before blazes of fire swept through the troops.

  It was chaos and destruction, death and blood, and Zoe hated every moment of it.

  The scent of piss and shit rent the air as warriors lost control of their bowels in death. The blood stained the ground and ran in rivers around their feet, making it hard to stay on foot.

  Zoe kept to the air and toward the cliffs. She felt helpless, like an onlooker. as she watched the scene play out before her.

  At the heart of the battle was her mother, looking unlike anything she had ever seen before. A staff in her hand, she wielded it with care and precision, a brilliant light emitting from the ends, slaying the men and women who were unfortunate enough to come in contact with it.

  Her father was battling Cane, having changed into a larger birdlike creature. It was hard to tell who was winning; it seemed that the fire had no effect on the god of death.

  A tall man with dark hair, riding a winged horse swept up the side of the cliff. "Zoe! Come with me, now!"

  "Loki!" She flew toward him and was almost there when an arrow ripped through her wing. She screamed out in pain and starting losing altitude fast.

  Loki swore and dove for her. He was able to wrench Zoe away before she crashed into the rocks below. But the blood coming from her wing worried him. He pulled Zoe in front of him and rode hard from the battle.

  As the sounds of the battle grew fainter, Zoe began to struggle in his arms.

  "We can't leave them! I won't leave Cane again! Please!"

  "I can't, Zoe, I am sorry."

  There was a massive explosion behind them, causing the horse's wings to warble in flight.

  "No!" Zoe screamed.

  The heat of the explosion was almost unbearable as they regained their balance and flew back to safety.

  Zoe couldn't stop the tears. They had landed in her mother's palace, and she was immediately embraced by Ava.

  "They are dead, all of them. You don't understand, there was a massive explosion. It wasn't just fire. Nobody could live through that, nobody."

  Ava nodded, the realization that Titus might be lost to her forever hitting hard.

  The women held each other, unsure of what to do, fearing it was the end.

  "Little Mate!"

  Zoe jerked out of Ava's arms and saw Cane running toward her. He was so filthy that it was hard to tell where the black smoke and soot ended and he began.

  Behind him was an equally filthy Titus striding toward Ava. He didn't stop until she was in his arms, and then he was kissing her, his mouth taking her hot and hard.

  Her hands went into his hair, sinking into the softness and making fists. There was a cry from Zoe behind her, and she knew that Freya had reunited with her daughter. But Ava didn't care. At that moment, she was with her mate and that was all that mattered.

  Titus swept her in his arms and stalked toward their room.

  Once there, he stepped into the shower, with Ava, fully dressed, and pushed her body against the wall. His hands went to her dress and ripped it straight down the middle, the warm spray washing the blood and gore from his body.

  Ava grabbed a cloth and, with a good dose of body wash, started to wash her mate. She washed his face and neck, moving to the broad expanse of his shoulders then his back and pecs, until she was able to rub the cloth over his amazing abs.

  Titus growled, his eyes blazing, but Ava wanted to take her time. She wanted to worship him, take care of him, and then make sweet sweet love with him.

  "I love you," the words came out honest and unbidden. "I will always love you, and I always have."

  Titus felt a tightening in his chest. He had worried that he didn't understand love or know what it meant. But he knew one thing, she was his. And nothing would ever change that.

  He crushed her to him, the cloth dropping, forgotten, between them.

  Chapter 28

  They made love in the shower fast and furious. Then later, when he laid her dow
n on the soft bedding, he nipped and kissed every inch of her skin until she was a bundle of nerves beneath him. When he finally entered her core, she erupted beneath him, her passion squeezing him mercilessly until he could no longer hold on and he joined her in oblivion.

  Titus gathered her in his arms, thinking that Ava would fall to sleep. But she lifted her eyes to his and asked sleepily, "What happened? Zoe said there was an explosion. She was certain that no one could have lived through it."

  Titus ran a finger along her cheekbone, brushing away a hair that was sticking to her lip.

  "I think Freya had something cooked up that we didn't know about. She never once spoke to us about the explosion. But there was a point in the battle when her troops made a dramatic retreat. It didn't make any sense, because both sides were evenly yoked. But when the blast went off, she created a shield with her staff and the ones who were inside weren't harmed."

  "If gods never die, what happens to Odin? It seems that if you die in the afterlife, you will end up in the same place? Or am I understanding this incorrectly."

  "Freya said that Odin will be back; he will just need some time to regenerate. I guess they have been fighting like this for thousands of years. I must admit that I was surprised when Loki took Freya's side, but that was before I learned that Odin had been behind the terrible things Loki's son, Fenrir, was doing to the Lycans. I suppose it is a rather unlikely union, but it worked in their favor. Loki was already at Valhalla and was able to fly Zoe back to safety. She should be healed by now, as long as she didn't lose too much blood."

  "And the explosion? How is it that you and Cane were all right?"

  Titus smiled, his dark teeth glinting in the moonlight. "Ava, I think you and Zoe underestimate a dragon's resilience. While the blast was annoying, to be hit with random items, it was still primarily fire. We live, eat, and breathe fire. It was a surprise but not the end of us."

  "Was anyone else saved from Valhalla? Or was everything there destroyed?"

  Titus shrugged his shoulders. "It is hard to say; the blast primarily destroyed the cliff side of the castle. But there is a possibility of survivors who were on the other side."

  "We must return!" Zoe insisted at breakfast the next morning. "Gemma and the other Valkyries, we have to see if they survived."

  Freya shook her head,."Absolutely not, do you think we risked everything to save you, only to have you turn around and waltz back into that mess? I forbid it!"

  Zoe's fists clenched, but Cane reached over and took them into his large hand.

  "I will escort my mate back to the dragon lands, but please allow my brother, Titus, to look for the other survivors. It means a lot to your daughter; you can see how distressed she is."

  Freya sighed, "What does it matter? They are underlings and followers of Odin."

  "No, Mother, that is where you are wrong. They are valiant women who have been lumped in with Odin. They are loyal to the Valkyrie and because Odin proclaimed I was one, they were loyal to me. I can't just leave them behind."

  Freya eyed her daughter. "You have changed, Zoe. There was a time when you wouldn't have thought to argue with me. Now, before you get offended, let me add that the change is for the better. You are confident and seem to have found your place. If this means so much to you, I will assist Titus in a rescue mission. But I must insist you return to the dragon lands where you will be safe."

  Zoe nodded. "I will, I promise."

  "And Ava will go along with you," Titus proclaimed in a strong voice.

  Ava shot out of her seat. "Hell no! I will go where you go!"

  Freya's lips twitched, and Titus' eyes blazed.

  "Are you disobeying me?" his words were slow and careful.

  Ava nodded. "I never said that I would stay behind, and the last time you went there, everyone was almost blown to smithereens. I won't allow you to go without me."

  Cane gave his brother a wide smile, saying, "Well then, it seems that you have been told."

  Titus pushed back from the table and stalked over to Ava. He yanked her out of her seat and tossed her over his shoulder. There was a loud crack as he swatted her ass. And for a moment, there registered a look of jealousy from the other women.

  Titus strode out of the room and down the corridor until they were back to their room. Inside, he found a chair and pulled her dress up, exposing her lush backside. He yanked her panties down and swatted her again.

  "You will not go against my word, woman!"

  Ava tightened her ass. "I will, when you are wrong!"

  Another crack and then another.

  Ava hissed but didn't break down. She was right, and he was wrong. She just needed him to see that.

  "You will obey me, mate. You will remain safe!"

  "No!" Ava shouted.

  Titus felt his blood boil. Why was she being so stubborn? Couldn't Ava see that he was only trying to keep her safe?

  "I will go with you and do what you do."

  He pictured what would have happened if Ava had been there when that massive explosion had gone off. It was simple; she wouldn't be here now. His heart squeezed, and his throat was tight. "You won't, and that is final!" he choked out.

  Ava started to cry, and it wasn't from the spanking. She was terrified something would happen to him. They had barely had any chance to be together.

  "Titus," she choked out his name, "please."

  He moved her body so her red hot ass was tucked beneath her and saw the tears. "Did I hurt you?" he gasped.

  Ava shook her head. "You don't understand. I sat here for hours not knowing if you were dead or alive. And then Zoe came back and told me that nobody survived. It nearly killed me, Titus. You don't know what you are asking me to do."

  It all started to make sense to him. It had been less than twenty-four hours since she had thought he was dead. Her irrational behavior and attachment were her way of telling him that she cared. Titus thought about what he would do if he were in her situation. The thought of losing her, of never seeing her smile again ripped at his heart, and he felt like it was hard to breathe.

  "I get it," he said, finally, soothing her back. "I understand."

  Tears tracked down Ava's face. "Please don't make me stay behind."

  Knowing that it was possibly a mistake, Titus said the words she had been waiting to hear. "Okay, you can come with me. I have a harness that I can wear as a dragon that will allow a human rider."

  Ava blinked."I thought dragons never let humans ride them."

  Titus snorted, "I would never allow a dragon on my back. But my mate? I would do almost anything for the woman I love."

  Time stood still as Ava bathed in the words, 'woman I love'.

  Chapter 29

  Titus lay Ava on her stomach and grabbed some salve for her reddened bottom.

  At first, the sensation merely brought relief, but as he rubbed her tender skin, his fingers dipped between her thighs and felt the wetness that had gathered there.

  As if he couldn't help himself, Titus spread her wide and began to lick up every drop.

  Ava screamed in delight as his rough tongue lapped at her core. She clenched the sheets and raised to her knees. Titus kissed her hard, moving up to suck her clit into his mouth and then coming back to spear his tongue into her heat.

  She moaned and shoved her hips back; the sensations he was causing inside of Ava had her head spinning.

  He slid a finger inside her channel and then flicked her clit with the flat of his tongue over and over until she shattered, her body releasing all over his hand and mouth. Titus moved that finger up to the tight ring of her ass and rubbed it gently. Ava moaned and pushed back against him. Titus growled and continued to play with her ass until the tip of his finger was inside, and then he pushed her further.

  Ava moaned and tried to relax as another finger was added. She wanted to please him and loved the feel of his massive cock splitting her ass wide.

  He moved away for a moment, and Ava whined, but he was back in secon
ds with the scented oils that would ease his passage. He coated his cock, then his fingers and her ring, stretching and preparing her for his entrance.

  "I need you," Ava cried out, and Titus couldn't refuse her.

  He pushed the tip of his massive cock against her ring and pushed inside. "Breathe, mate, just relax."

  Ava did as she was told, pushing back against him and taking him further inside of her until, finally, he was fully seated.

  "Fuck me, Titus," she moaned. "Fuck my ass."

  Titus grabbed her hips and began to pump inside of her—deep strokes that made his balls smack against her pussy as he rammed his way home.

  She was so fucking tight that he could hardly breathe, himself. Again and again, he rammed into her, loving the way that her ass shone bright pink in the candlelight. Her back had the tattoos of their mating and her body was curved and pushing back against him.

  "Ah," she cried out. "Titus, please, I am so close."

  He reached around and started to rub frantically on her clit as he continued to thrust wildly into her ass. And then she was coming, shaking, and causing him to fall into his own release.

  He slumped over her, wrung out, and happier than he could ever remember being.

  "Sleep, my love, tomorrow is a big day."

  Freya left with Cane and Zoe to travel back into the dragon realm. Those who had survived the battle readied themselves to return to Valhalla.

  "With all due respect, I think you are making a mistake."

  Titus turned to eye the tall, dark-haired god.

  "Loki, god of mischief?"

  Loki scowled, "I am the god of many things, but that isn't the point. I feel you are underestimating Odin. There was something unusual about that blast. I am telling you, I think it's a mistake to return."

  "But we have to; we promised Zoe," Ava added. "And besides, we will have Freya's warriors and a dragon on our side."

  Loki shrugged. "I tried to talk some sense into Freya before she left, and now I see I am wasting my breath. I will just tell you that the battle ended too easily, too quickly. I fear that something is amiss."


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