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Merlyn Academy: Book One

Page 7

by Sophia Stone

  ‘Remember to say the name of the item and then the spell. Paperclip in-vis-a-la-bus. Off you go to practice.’

  James gets up from his seat and tours to room to offer his help to the students. He stops by Olivia who is twirling her hair in her fingers while staring at James adoringly. I practice saying the spell a few times before trying to use my wand to make it invisible which causes Elenore to raise her eyebrows at me.

  ‘Paperclip Invisalabus.’

  The paperclip fades to a dim outline and then reappears. Close, but not quite.

  I look over to Elenore who hasn’t even got that close to making her item invisible. I don’t want to keep asking her to help me as I know at some point she won’t be around. I keep practicing the pronunciation in case I have mis-pronounced it.

  After a few minutes, I try to do more visualisation with my eyes closed.

  Maybe I need more self-belief?

  Before I close my eyes, I look over to see Harry who now has James by his side. I can’t hear what is being said, but the tense body language of Harry shows he does not appreciate James around him. They say a few more words before Harry slams down his wand.

  ‘I said I don’t need your help.’

  James takes a step back and then walks away, back towards me.

  ‘How is it going Lizzie?’

  ‘Is Harry okay?’

  ‘He doesn’t want help. I don’t know why some people are under the mistaken belief that seeking help is weakness. It really isn’t.’

  ‘Maybe I should ask if he wants to come practice with us.’

  ‘You can’t help others if you haven’t mastered the skill yourself. So let’s see you make a paperclip invisible.’

  ‘It fades more than it becomes invisible. Paperclip Invisalabus.’

  Once again, the paperclip fades but quickly comes back to normal.

  James stands behind me and places his hands on my shoulders.

  ‘Lizzie, believe in yourself more. I believe in you,’ he whispers. ‘Close your eyes and believe.’

  I close my eyes and breathe in deeply. I can feel James’ warm breath on my neck and I focus on the sound of him breathing.

  Believe in yourself. You can do it.

  ‘Paperclip Invisalabus.’

  I feel the intense power come from my head, through my body and down into my arm. I open one eye to see if the spell worked. The paperclip is gone. I open both my eyes for confirmation.

  ‘It worked!’

  ‘I told you. Believe in yourself more.’

  ‘How do I make it reappear?’

  ‘Apperalabus,’ James said.

  ‘Paperclip Apperalabus.’ I point my want at the area the clip was, and it reappears.

  ‘Paperclip Invisalabus,’ I chant once again, and the paperclip disappears before me.

  ‘See. Easy,’ James said with a grin.

  I jump up and down in excitement and without thinking, I turn around and hug him. Rather than push me away like Harry did, he lets me do it and for a moment I enjoy the warmth of his skin against mine.

  ‘Sorry. I shouldn’t have done that,’ I mumble as I release myself from the embrace.

  ‘It’s okay, I guess. I’ve never been hugged for helping someone do a spell before.’

  ‘I didn’t hurt you, did I?’

  ‘Why would you have hurt me?’ he asks as I look over to Harry, who is scowling.

  ‘No reason.’

  Why didn’t I hurt him?

  ‘Class. Please finish the spell you are on as it is now time for lunch. I look forward to seeing you again soon’. With a flick of her wand, Professor le Faye is once again invisible. I feel a gush of wind pass me as the class door seems to open on its own.

  ‘Does she always leave like that?’ I ask James.

  James shrugs his shoulders. ‘She doesn’t like to be bothered.’

  ‘Are you coming to lunch?’

  ‘I’ve got to meet my brothers. I’ll see you at dinner though,’ Elenore grabs the last of her things and we walk to the door.

  ‘Do you mind if Elenore joined us?’

  I look at Elenore then back at James.

  ‘No. The more the merrier. My brothers will love another girl to embarrass themselves in front of’. He gave Elenore a smile and then turned back to me. ‘If I were you, I would head to the library for your study break. The rooms get noisy at this time of day.’

  ‘Why would they be noisy?’

  ‘If you chat too much in the library, the librarian uses a silencing spell so no one can hear you. Unfortunately, most students don’t use their study time to learn. They then wonder why they’ve failed the term,’ he sighs. ‘Anyway, I’ll see you later.’

  James waves goodbye before he rushes out of class to his next meeting.

  ‘Well that went well,’ Elenore said. ‘Thanks for inviting me to dinner though.’

  ‘No problem. Want to get some lunch and then go to the library?’

  ‘I thought you’d never ask. I’m starving.’

  We have a short lunch as we are both keen to get to the library and practise our new skills.

  ‘So, will we have a study break every day?’ I ask Elenore.

  ‘Most days we will. I don’t think most students use it to study though. They didn’t in junior school.’

  The library is fairly empty as we arrive, full mostly of second-year students quietly reading. We walk and sit in the study area in the reference section. A large floating sign appears in front of me and Elenore once we sit down.

  “No talking in the reference section” the sign reads.

  Elenore uses her wand to push the sign away and pulls out her notes from class along with a textbook. As I didn’t know we would have a study break, I use this opportunity to find the textbook in the library and familiarise myself with the layout of the room. I make a mental note to study my timetable. I tap Elenore on the shoulder to get her to look up. I make a book sign to her and she nods before looking back down at her book.

  Although the library is vast, every section is carefully labelled; From the history of magic to individual subject textbooks. As I am so unfamiliar with this world, I browse the history section. I had always enjoyed history in school, and it was the only subject I would turn up early for; even if it meant a beating from Laura. A light green book with gold embossing catches my eye.

  “The Great Families of Magic.”

  I turn to the contents page and flick to see if I can find my surname and halfway down the page, I find it. I open the book to the correct page number but find the pages blank. I go back to the contents page and search for another family, the Rush’s. But their pages are normal. The history of the family laid out as back as 58BC. I flick through the rest of the book and occasionally stop on other family names but It’s only my family history that is blank.

  Why would someone do that?

  ‘Lizzie,’ I jump and slam the book closed. ‘Lizzie, are you okay?’ Harry asks.

  ‘Yes. You just startled me.’

  ‘Look, I wanted to apologies for being a jerk lately. Coming here has reminded me how much I miss my family.’

  ‘I understand. Everyone gets home sick, but it’s only a few weeks under the end of term. You can see them then.’

  Harry’s lips become a thin line across his face. ‘I suppose so’. He turns away and fingers the spine of a blue book. ‘I do really want us to be friends.’

  ‘And so do I, Harry.’

  ‘It’s just those brothers…’

  ‘They’re just teasing you. Ignore them. They do it to everyone.’

  ‘You seem close to them. That’s happened quickly.’

  ‘I want to be friends with people, Harry. Maybe you should try it?’

  ‘They’re arseholes.’

  ‘Harry, it will be awkward if we all can’t get along. The brothers will be in most of our classes so how about you give them a chance? Please?’

  Harry pauses and then lets out a big sigh.

  ‘Fine. I’ll

  ‘Thank you. How about you come for lunch tomorrow?’

  ‘Do I have to?’

  ‘No, but it would be a great way to clear the air.’

  I copy Elenore’s fluttering eyelash move and hope Harry is as easily persuaded by it.

  ‘If they are rude again…’

  ‘They won’t. Best behaviour. Promise. So, you’ll come?’

  Harry sighed again.


  ‘Great! See you at lunch tomorrow.’ Harry gives a quick nod and then walks away leaving me contemplating my recent discovery.


  Elenore wouldn’t stop talking at dinner and seemed to hang off Zachary’s every word. Normally this might have bothered me, but I welcomed the distraction to process my thoughts on my earlier discovery. I hadn’t realised the others had noticed my quietness until Elenore and I were back in our room.

  ‘You were quiet today. Everything okay?’ Elenore put down her book to look over to me.

  ‘Yeah. I’m fine,’ I shrugged

  ‘Lizzie, you know you can tell me things, right?’

  ‘I know. I just- it’s fine, really.’

  ‘No, go on, what is it?’ Elenore climbed onto my bed.

  ‘I don’t know how to explain it. I think it’s something to do with magic and my family.’

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘Well, I went to go find some books to read in the library earlier and I came across a book about famous magical families.’

  ‘The Great Families of Magic? I know that book.’

  ‘I had a look at the contents and found my family name, so I went to the right page and… nothing.’

  ‘Nothing? Had some ripped pages out? That always happens. The librarian can use a spell for that you know?’

  ‘No. I mean the page was blank.’

  ‘Were there another blank pages?’

  ‘No, just my family.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘Why would someone do that?’

  Elenore bit her lip and looked down.

  ‘I’ll be honest and say I know little about your family. And I know it must be horrible not to know,’ Elenore shifted her weight on the bed to get more comfortable. ‘But I know if a witch or wizard does something unforgivable, they get erased’.


  ‘All traces of them are wiped from history. As if they didn’t happen. They do as an insult, you know? “You did something bad, so we’ll pretend you don’t exist.” Childish, but it’s a threat that works.’

  ‘Do you know what my family did?’

  ‘No. No one talks about things like that. Especially when you’re our age,’ Elenore rolled her eyes and huffed.

  ‘So, if they did something so bad, they were erased from history,’ I hesitated before asking a question I wasn’t sure I wanted answered. ‘Why am I allowed to be in this school?’

  ‘“The sins of the father are not laid on the children.” my dad always tells me. It means we aren’t responsible for other people's actions.’

  ‘Do other people agree with your dad?’

  ‘Some do. And some don’t,’ Elenore grabbed my hand in hers ‘But someone believes in you or you wouldn’t be here.’

  She gives me a sympathetic smile.

  ‘Thank you.’

  She squeezes my hand before climbing off the bed.

  ‘We had best go to bed. See you in the morning.’

  ‘Yeah. Night.’

  I sat for a long time thinking about what Elenore had said. If my family were so bad that the magic community believed they should be erased, they must have done something awful.

  Why doesn’t anyone seem to know what they’ve done?

  For our next class, Elenore and I got up early to make sure we were there on time. So early, that we were the first students into the classroom. Sebastian was sitting in the back corner, hunched over his desk reading a book. When we came in he peered over the top of his book for a moment before returning to it.

  ‘Shame that not all the brothers are so charming,’ Elenore whispers.

  ‘I bet if it was Zachary doing that,’ I tilt my head behind me. ‘You wouldn’t be saying that.’

  I couldn’t help but grin at Elenore’s face turning a flush pink.

  As the rest of the class filter in, I invite Sebastian to sit with me and Elenore.

  ‘You are welcome to sit with us if you like, Sebastian.’

  ‘I’m not a babysitter,’ was his grumpy reply.

  ‘Fair enough, but I just wanted to let you know you are welcome.’

  I flash him a cheery smile before taking my place next to Elenore as the whirlwind that is Professor Gideon shoots past me.

  ‘Morning. Morning. How is everyone today? It’s been a fine day so far, hasn’t it?’

  I’m sure I only caught a small percentage of what he said because of his speed of talking.

  ‘Welcome to my class students. If you are not aware, or you haven’t read your student pack, then I am Professor Gideon and I will be your lecturer for Elements. I won’t bore you with what I am sure the other professors have discussed regarding course layout. All you need to know is that I am a firm believer in theory and knowledge before you attempt to undertake practicals. This knowledge will be required to pass your exams. I suggest you find your writing apparatus and take notes quickly as I don’t like to waste time. Today’s lecture will be on the fire element.’

  I tried to keep up with Professor Gideon but had to put my pen down after forty-five minutes because of a cramp in my hand. In this time, I had taken notes on how early fire was used by iron age witches and wizards to the various uses for fire spells. By this point, some of my classmates had fallen asleep, which didn’t deter Professor Gideon one bit.

  ‘So that concludes the theory element of this lesson. Now for the practical. As you will see on your desk, you each have a Bunsen Burner,’ The professor flicked his wand and a small flame appeared on each burner simultaneously. ‘Your task for today is to make your flame larger. Repeat after me “Infernious”.’

  ‘Infernious,’ the class chanted.

  ‘Brilliant. Now you need to focus on the task in hand and confidently say “Infernious”.’

  The professor pointed at the Bunsen Burner on his desk which quickly rose before shooting down to a small flame once more.

  ‘Once you can control fire, I can teach you to manipulate it,’ he grins like a Cheshire Cat.


  The flames rise to the shape of bird and swoop around the classroom and above our heads.

  ‘See what I mean? Have fun practicing.’

  The flame bird stops flying around and returns to the burner as a small flame.

  I know I should find this task easy, but I am still surprised when I barely finish the spell before my flame is licking the classroom ceiling.

  ‘Very good Lizzie, keep it up,’ Professor Gideon said, nodding enthusiastically.

  ‘How d’you get yours so big?’ Elenore asked.

  ‘I just say the charm firmly and focus,’ I narrow my eyes to focus on the burner and point my wand ready ‘Infernious,’ I said firmly.

  The fire rises to just above my head but a gust of wind blows the whole thing out. There isn’t even a small flame left. I can hear hushed giggling and turn to see Natasha putting her wand down and turn back toward Olivia.

  ‘Do you need me to get Sebastian to help light your flame, Lizzie?’ Natasha and Hannah snigger.

  ‘They are just jealous. It’s starting to show,’ Elenore said loudly so Olivia can hear. ‘I mean, it’s not like you’ve been learning magic since you were five like some witches here. I can imagine how embarrassing it would be if you couldn’t even master basic spells after that many years of tutoring,’ she turns to Olivia and grins.

  Olivia’s eyes narrow at Elenore and then she turns to me.

  ‘I suppose losers can’t be too choosy when it comes to friends,’ Olivia said and smiles sweetly at us.
  I am really starting to dislike this girl.

  ‘Ignore her. Want me to use my burner to light the flame?’

  I stare at the flame and channel my emotions.

  I can make this turn on.

  The burner flickers before three large flames appear and head towards Olivia and her friends like missiles. Olivia lets out a scream as the flame comes within an inch of her face before Sebastian intervenes with his wand.

  ‘Infernious,’ he shouts, and the flames recede back to my burner. The class turn around to see Sebastian breathing heavily at the back of the class.

  ‘It was very helpful for early witches. Although it led a few of them to be burnt. Such is life,’ Professor Gideon chuckles to Rebecca Carpe and Ralph Winters.

  When he notices that his pupils are silent, Professor Gideon looks around the room.

  ‘Why has everyone stopped?’ he asks.

  The class stop looking at Sebastian and then turn their attention to me.

  ‘Lizzie. A word,’ Sebastian walks towards me and drags me out of the classroom by my sleeves.

  He uses his wand to slam the door behind us.

  ‘Sebastian, stop. You’re hurting me,’ He finally let’s go when we are out of hearing distance of the classroom.

  ‘Have you ever used fire before?’ he sounds angry.

  I don’t know whether to be honest or lie. I sense he’ll be annoyed either way.

  ‘No, I haven’t.’

  ‘Tell me the truth.’ he shouts, and I am taken aback by his tone.

  His knuckles turn white with the force he is using to grip his wand.

  ‘I’ve never controlled it before.’

  ‘And you did today?’

  ‘It normally just happens when I am emotional.’

  ‘Do you normally attempt to hurt people when you are emotional, Lizzie?’

  ‘No. I didn’t mean that to happen. I wanted the burner to light, that’s all.’

  ‘Does anyone else know about this?’

  ‘Only Harry.’

  ‘How does he know?’

  ‘He told me he knew when he helped me.’

  ‘Helped you?’

  ‘In a tunnel. I was walking home, and some girls picked on me. Harry appeared and helped. He’s the reason I knew about all this magic stuff.’


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