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Merlyn Academy: Book One

Page 9

by Sophia Stone

  James sighed.

  ‘You have shape-shifting class with me tomorrow, don’t you?’ Matthew asked.

  ‘Yeah, we do,’

  ‘Have you met Professor Tristan?’

  ‘No,’ Elenore said.

  ‘Just don’t make a big deal about his appearance. Okay?’


  I wasn’t sure why Matt had told me not to make a big deal about Professor Tristan’s appearance. So far, I had met a vampire, ghost and fairy. I didn’t think anyone else could be any stranger.

  ‘I wonder what the new professor will look like,’ I asked Elenore as we walked to our lockers.

  ‘My money is on a Cyclops. That would be cool.’

  ‘Do you have magical giants?’

  ‘We have cyclops, vampires and ghosts. I think the odd magical giant wouldn’t be too hard to find.’

  ‘Oh. My. God!’ Olivia shrieked. A tornado poured out of her locker, pulling the contents with it, which were unceremoniously thrown throughout the corridor.

  I know we shouldn’t laugh, but neither Elenore nor I could contain ourselves. After the prank Olivia pulled on me, I had little sympathy. Watching Natasha and Hannah scrabble around to pick up the remnants of Olivia’s notes made us laugh even harder.

  ‘You!’ Olivia pointing her finger at me. ‘I knew it was you.’

  ‘Knew what?’ I asked.

  ‘Don’t play dumb with me. Wait until I tell the headmaster about this,’ Olivia was quickly raising her voice.

  ‘This,’ I point at the mess. ‘Was not me.’

  ‘You’re a liar,’ Olivia screamed, charging towards me, her wand pointing directly at my face. ‘See how funny it will be when I turn you in to frog.’

  ‘Ah ah ah,’ Zach appeared from nowhere and took Olivia’s wand from her hand. ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea.’

  Momentarily stunned, Olivia is rendered silent by the sudden appearance of Zach and Matt.

  ‘I – I wasn’t really,’ Olivia stuttered. ‘But I’m glad you two are here to see what Lizzie has done to my locker.’

  ‘Lizzie didn’t do that,’ Matt said.

  ‘You weren’t here when I opened my locker, Matty,’ Olivia moved a step towards Matt. ‘Lizzie and her friend were laughing while it happened.’

  ‘It’s Matthew,’ Matt said sharply, taking a step away from Olivia. ‘And if you notice, the rest of the class were also laughing,’ Matt gestures to the small group forming around the lockers. ‘And I also think you’ll find it was us that set that prank off.’

  Olivia was once again speechless and, like a fish gasping for air, couldn’t form a coherent sentence.

  ‘We thought it was a class joke. You know, since you put wet fire in Lizzie’s locker,’ Zach said.

  ‘Class jokes are great. They always build up a sense of everyone getting on, don’t you think Olivia?’ Matt said.

  ‘Yeah. I suppose it does,’ Olivia nervously agreed.

  ‘I was just off to the headmaster's office though. Did I hear you say you would tell him about your locker?’ Matt said.

  ‘I was but-,’ Olivia said.

  ‘You are welcome to come with me if you’d like. But as head boy, I would have a duty to report you using your magic outside of the classroom and using your wand to threaten another student.’

  ‘No. It’s fine. Harmless fun, wasn’t it Lizzie?’ Olivia turns to me with pleading eyes and a worried look spread across her face.

  ‘Totally harmless,’ I smile back at her.

  ‘Great. Now I suggest you tidy this corridor up quickly, Olivia, or you’ll end up in detention for being late to your next class. See you Lizzie,’ as quickly as he appeared, Zach had gone.

  ‘Come on girls, best not be late,’ Matt said.

  ‘I would sit at the back if I were you,’ Matt said as I placed my books on the front desk. I don’t bother asking for an explanation and take Matt’s advice to sit at the back of the class.

  ‘Morning Class. I am Professor Tristan, your transformation tutor for today. How have we been?’ A black figure says as it strolls to the front of the class. The class falls silent as we are confronted with our latest professor.

  ‘Silence? And I didn’t even have to raise my voice. Marvelous,’ he uses his front paw to scratch his ear causing a plume of black hair to float around him. ‘Don’t you just hate fleas?’ he asked the class.

  Now the figure was stationary, it was easier to see the detail. Black course hair covered his body, which stuck out in the gaps of his robes. His wolf-faced appearance was not softened with the presence of glowing yellow eyes.

  ‘As some of you may have noticed, I am a werewolf. I would like to reinforce that I am not a transforming werewolf and so you won’t have to deal with me disappearing once a month,’ Professor Tristan scratches himself on the ears once more.

  ‘Let’s dive right in, shall we? Why might the ability to shape-shift into another being or object be useful?’

  August Baltasar raises his chubby hand to answer.

  ‘To hide from your friends?’ August asks.

  ‘That is a good reason. Anymore?’

  ‘To spy on people?’ Theodore Syrus said.

  ‘Good. Anymore?’ the professor asks.

  ‘To impress girls,’ Matt shouts out. Elenore and I both turn to him and give him a stern look. ‘What?’ he huffs as the class laughs.

  ‘Hilarious, Matthew. I was under the impression you were attending this class as a passive observer or was I mistaken?’

  ‘Sorry, professor,’ Matt groans.

  ‘Apology accepted. There are in fact several reasons you would want to turn into another object or being. Personally, I like it as a form of escapism. My wife, on the other hand, likes the ability to turn objects into kettles so she can have her favourite blend of tea wherever she may be,’ another scratch of the ear.

  ‘Now open your notebooks to the next blank page. Done? Good. I want you to write one object or being you would like to transform into and why. You have one minute.’

  I scribble down my choice with a brief reasoning. I wouldn’t be winning awards for my handwriting today.

  ‘Psst. What did you pick?’ Matt whispers.

  ‘A bird. So I can fly,’ I whisper back.

  ‘I chose a dragon. No one will mess with a dragon,’ Elenore said smugly.

  ‘Your minute is up. Volunteers?’ Professor Tristan asks. Olivia raises her hand.

  ‘I’d turn myself into a Gegeness. All those hands would help me finish my homework quickly.’

  ‘That is interesting, Olivia. Anyone else?’

  ‘She’s such a suck up,’ Elenore said.

  ‘Ahh Miss Rush. What would you turn into?’

  ‘A dragon. No one messes with a dragon,’ Elenore said proudly.

  ‘She’s got the personality for one,’ Hannah said to Olivia.

  ‘Don’t rise to it,’ Matt said to Elenore. ‘Leave her to it.’

  ‘On to a practical,’ The professor rubs his paws together with a gleeful look on his face. ‘We will start small and simple. It is far simpler to change an object if you truly need or want to change it. Can anyone tell me the name of the spell we need?’

  ‘The Transmus Spell,’ Natasha raises her hand but shouts out the answer, anyway.

  ‘Very good. We will start with our textbooks. Think of an object you would like right now. Nothing illegal or silly please,’ He looks in the direction of Matt. ‘Think fairly small to start with.’

  I think for a moment of what I would like right now. It’s been a long week, and I didn’t pack any novels to read during my downtime at school. I know what I want: I’ll transform my textbook into a thriller novel.

  ‘Transmus,’ I said as I point my wand at the textbook. The textbook cover shrinks and turns into a black book with an icepick on the front cover.

  ‘Cool,’ Elenore said. ‘I can’t think of an idea. Matt?’

  ‘I don’t know. What about one of those paddy things?’

>   ‘“Paddy things”?’ I ask.

  ‘Yeah. You know. Those things girls use at certain times of the month. Paddy things. Girls never seem to have them.’

  We burst out laughing at Matt. We take a few minutes of trying to breathe through the laughing to finally calm down.

  ‘What? What’s so funny?’ he asks.

  ‘You mean sanitary pads?’ Elenore said.

  ‘I don’t know. Do I?’

  Elenore uses her wand to transform her textbook into a packet of sanitary pads and passes them to Matt.

  ‘Just in case you meet a girl who needs them,’ she said.

  ‘Hilarious,’ He narrows his eyes at her and scowls.

  ‘Class. Can we please turn our items back please? "Orignious” is the spell and don’t forget to think of what it was originally while doing it.’

  The class chants the Orignious spell and the various objects are once again textbooks. I shove my books back into my bag and sit waiting to be dismissed.

  ‘Just before we go I would like give a word of… well I suppose... warning on the transformation spell. I give this warning to all first years. While it is a useful and, even an entertaining spell, you must remember there are some things that cannot be transformed. Your inner being is one of those things. Yes, you can change your outward appearance but despite attempts by many witches and wizards before you, no one has yet found a way to be a different person. Embrace you. Do not be someone who is concerned about being unique,’ He looks at me and our eyes meet.

  ‘Have a good afternoon. Class dismissed,’ The professor picks up his wand from his desk and walks towards the exit.

  ‘Why didn’t you tell us he was a wolf?’ I ask Matt at lunch. Professor Tristan’s last words are replaying in mind.

  “Embrace you.”

  I think now is a good time to ask at least one brother about the hugging incident with Harry. Matt seems the most laid-back brother and the least likely to think I am insane.

  ‘Because where is the fun in that?’ He smirks.

  ‘So, what did he mean when he said he didn’t transform then?’ Elenore asked.

  ‘He’s more human than wolf, despite appearances. He doesn’t go crazy at the first sign of a full moon,’ Matt answered.

  ‘Was he born that way?’ I ask.

  ‘No one has ever asked him. Not one of those questions that just comes up, does it? Although, I heard someone say that it was a spell gone wrong. But I don’t know if that’s true or not.’

  ‘I bet you think this is all very strange, Lizzie,’ Elenore asks.

  ‘Just a bit, but I am getting used to it,’ I said. ‘We’ve finished our first week and I’m still standing.’

  ‘You’re taking it better than I would,’ Elenore replied.

  ‘Right, I’m off to find my brothers. I’ll see you later,’ Matt gets up from his chair and makes his way to the exit.

  ‘Matt, before you go, can I have a word?’ I ask.

  ‘Sure,’ he said.

  ‘I’ll meet you in the library,’ I said to Elenore. She nods and goes back to finishing her meal. I lead Matt into the corridor and around the corner away from the hall door.

  ‘So, what’s up?’ he said.

  ‘I’m not sure where to begin,’ I said.

  I explain to him the incident at my previous school and the hugging incident with Harry and then the difference with James. ‘Why are my powers linked to emotions? And why did James not get hurt like with Harry?’

  Matt pauses for a moment and is silent. I can’t read the emotion on his face.

  ‘Your power can be more potent when linked with an emotion. That’s normal, although it shouldn’t be out of control. As for the hugging?’ He paused again and bites his lip. ‘I don’t know. I’ve never felt my powers when I have hugged someone. But what do I know,’ He shrugs.

  Unsure whether Matt’s response is reassuring or terrifying, I nod.

  ‘Right, I really have to go. But I’ll see you later,’ Matt waves before walking away, leaving me to wander back to the hall alone.


  Most of the next few weeks are a repeat of my first. Lessons in the morning with a study break in the afternoon. Mostly it is just me and Elenore who decide to actually study during this period while the rest of the class take an extended lunch or go to the common room. Harry still isn’t speaking to me and actively avoids being near me whenever he can. Through the extra practicing with both Elenore and the Knight Brothers, I have improved my magic skills to where I am not far off being as good as some of the students who were raised in magic households. Obviously, there have been a few slip ups. Notably, the time Zach had to save me from being arrested by the police for being found in the Prime Minsters garden one evening.

  As our exams drew closer, Elenore suggested we set up a study group in our room after dinner. Occasionally, James and his brothers would come and offer their help.

  ‘I don’t feel ready at all,’ I said twiddling my pencil between my fingers on my bed.

  ‘You are doing really well. You’ve passed your in-class tests with flying colours so why you are worried?’ James said. James sits on the end of Elenore’s bed along with Sebastian. Matt and Zach lounge on the sofa chatting.

  ‘I know. I just know I’ll mess up the practical parts.’

  ‘What have you got tomorrow?’ Zach asked.

  ‘Invisibility tests; written and practical,’ Elenore replies.

  ‘Le Faye doesn’t put much emphasis on the written part; it’s a formality,’ Seb said.

  ‘Last year, we only had a few questions. Mostly on the history of invisibility,’ Matt adds.

  ‘And a small essay. Not that strenuous, but if it would help, I’m happy to conduct a few mock tests. Just so you can practise,’ James said.

  ‘Would you mind?’ I ask.

  ‘No not at all,’ James smiles at me reassuringly.

  Matt uses his wand to pull the two desks into a row in front of our beds. Two mock exams appear on each desk along with a pen and pencil laid neatly next to each other. With a gleeful look on his face, Matt transforms himself into Professor Le Faye.

  ‘Now girls, you will have one hour to complete the test. Remember, no cheating,’ Matt attempts to put on his best impersonation of the professor but fails. He turns around to check the time on the clock but loses his balance and falls.

  ‘You know you didn’t have to turn yourself into her, right?’ Zach said.

  ‘I was trying to be authentic,’ Matt brushes the strands of long black hair from his face. ‘Maybe I won’t add the heels next time,’ He holds on to a table as he pulls himself up and regains balance. James shakes his head while Sebastian rolls his eyes.

  ‘The written tests are an hour long, so we will all come back after that. Good luck,’ James said before walking out of the door with his brothers.

  I don’t know why I am always panicky at the thought of sitting exams. I’m not sure if it’s the timed element or the how much emphasis is put on succeeding. I slowly work my way through the questions, trying anxiously not to look up at the clock. When there is five minutes left on the test, the clock beeps to let us know. I turn to check on Elenore who is deep in concentration, furiously writing as if her life depended on it. It isn’t so much that the questions are difficult, it’s the constant second guessing I do with myself. I’m confident of an answer all of five minutes before rubbing the answer out and starting again. When the final bell goes, I have just finished rubbing out yet another answer.

  ‘That was harder than I thought it would be,’ Elenore said.

  ‘I don’t think I did that well.’

  ‘Let me see the papers before you make comments like that, Lizzie.’ James said. He pulls out his wand and then sits on the sofa, scanning our work. ‘Seb, would you might taking a second look for me?’

  ‘Sure,’ Seb replies. James passes him the papers and Seb looks through our work, occasionally making the odd nodding gesture. I look at Elenore who smiles and gives
me a thumbs up. Once Seb has finished, he hands the work back to James.

  ‘You both did reasonably well for your first mock tests. The only thing I would change is the structure for your essay,’ James said.

  ‘Structure?’ Elenore asked.

  ‘Yes, structure. Even in an exam, you should structure your essays. Spend a few minutes at the beginning of the exam and plan what you will write. You won’t panic and then rush.’

  ‘Hmm. I’ve never heard of that. I’ll give it a go though,’ I said.

  ‘Will the real test be this hard?’ Elenore asked.

  ‘Shouldn’t be. They usually make the mocks more challenging. Scares the students into revising more,’ Seb said.

  ‘The practical next,’ Matt said. He was lounging on the sofa, still impersonating Le Faye. ‘You’ll need to make something disappear.’

  ‘Okay, what do you want us to make disappear?’ I ask.

  ‘Mmm…,’ Matt looks around the room. He gets up and walks to my bed and pulls both pillows from the mattress. Handing me one first and then Elenore. ‘This. Make this pillow disappear.’

  ‘A pillow?’ Elenore asks.

  ‘Have you ever made a pillow disappear?’ Asks James.

  ‘No,’ Elenore replies.

  ‘Then it is good practice. You should try to work your magic on different things to test your ability,’ Zach replies.

  ‘Le Faye’s a weird one. You never know what she’ll ask,’ Matt said.

  ‘Says the guy impersonating her?’ Zach said. Matt uses his wand to turn himself back.

  ‘I take my job seriously,’ Matt said.

  ‘Whatever. Girls, when you’re ready,’ Zach said.

  I wait to see what Elenore does. She is rarely flustered and is confident in her magic ability. I naively hope somehow this confidence will rub off onto me.

  ‘Pillow Invisalabous,’ Elenore said confidently as her pillow fades into nothing in front of our eyes.

  ‘Well done, Elenore. Lizzie, your turn,’ James said.

  I take a deep breath and look at the pillow.

  It can’t be that hard.

  I imagine the pillow has disappeared and feel my confidence rising. The pillow fades and reappears. I clear my throat and try again.


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