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Cowboy's Bride: A Secret Baby, Ranch Western Romance (Rainbow Canyon Cowboys Book 6)

Page 21

by KC Crowne

  He climbed on top of me, putting his hands on my thighs and spreading me open. I was wet and waiting and wanting nothing more than the satisfaction only he could give. The head of his cock grazed me, and I closed my eyes and allowed a shiver of anticipation to course through my body.

  I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his length, biting my lower lip and stroking him with the tips of my fingers. Gerald grinned and growled, closing his eyes and letting me work, letting me tease him with a taste of what was to come. He did the same, gliding a pair of fingers inside me.

  God, did it feel good. By this point, I knew from hard-earned experience that the way he touched me was nothing compared to the way his manhood felt inside me.

  He kept at it, urging me over the brink of my first orgasm with just his fingers. He was magic, a man like none other. Gerald locked eyes with me as I came, staring deep into me as the pleasure flared through my skin.

  When it faded, I was more ready than I’d ever been. The sun streamed in through the curtains, the light casting our bodies in a golden glow and making Gerald look like a statue of a Greek god. The man was something else.

  I watched his muscles tense as he moved, his face taking on an expression of boiling intensity as he pushed himself further and further inside. He felt like heaven, as always, my walls wrapping him, sheathing his cock in my wet warmth. When he was buried to the root he held fast, placing his hand on the small of my back and pushing me up, making my body flush with his.

  He was made for me, and me for him – there was no doubt in my mind. I wrapped my bare legs around his solid frame and held him close, his muscles working under my calves as he rose and pushed into me again.

  I let out a long moan as he drove into me again, my hands draped over his back, his muscles powerful and solid, everything about him all man. And he held me close, as if expression without words that he was there for me, that he’d never let me go.

  Again and again he thrust inside, my pussy growing wetter by the moment, my walls gripping him tightly. He was so big, so much, but perfect.

  Just perfect.

  “You like the way I feel inside you?” he asked, his voice low, sensual, masculine, like he already knew the answer but wanted to hear me say it.

  “I love it. I love it so damn much.”

  “I could spend all day here, baby,” he said, gazing at me with an expression that was heated and loving all at the same time.

  “Maybe you’ll get the chance.”

  His thrusting picked up the pace, my breasts rocking back and forth under him, my body writhing with the sort of pleasure only he could give me.

  And then I came. I came so hard, so intensely, so overwhelmingly, that all I could do was wrap my arms and legs around him and hold on for dear life. I felt like I was on fire, like I physically burned at his touch, his movement inside.

  Gerald’s face clenched as he drove in and out of me, and I knew he was on the brink.

  “Come for me,” I moaned as the orgasm flowed through my body. “Come inside me.”

  He didn’t need me to ask twice. With one more tight seizing of his muscles, Gerald climaxed, his cock throbbing between my walls as he shot himself deep within. I felt him pulse and throb as he drained, deep, hard grunts shooting from his lips. He finished with me, keeping his cock inside me.

  I didn’t want him to withdraw. Part of me wanted him there forever, me below him and Gerald on top, our bodies eternally joined. But he pulled his cock out, still stiff and dripping. He rolled to my side and cradled my body next to his.

  It was all I wanted. We stayed like that for a bit, no words needing to be spoken.

  “Damn, I’m hungry as hell.”

  All I could do was laugh. “Gerald Walker,” I said with a grin. “You sure as hell know how to spoil a moment.”

  He grinned. “If there’s one thing you need to know if we’re gonna do this, baby, it’s that nothin’ gets me hungrier than a little afternoon lovemakin’.”

  “Are you sayin’ I didn’t satisfy your appetite?”

  “You sure did, sugar. But now I got a hankerin’ for some honey-smoked pork chops. How about we get cleaned up and head on over? There’s food waitin’ for us, and a little party after.” He raised his eyebrows. “But if you wanna relax, process everything that happened, I’d understand that too. And so would the rest of the gang.”

  I considered the idea, wondering if I did need some time alone. But the urge passed. Being with Gerald had pushed aside all the fear in me.

  “So,” I said. “We gonna make this little thing of ours official?”

  “If that’s what you want. Lord knows I do.”

  I smiled. “It’s what I want. More than anything.”

  “About time you said it,” he said with a smile.

  “You’re a real cocky son of a gun,” I said, playfully slapping his solid chest.

  “What can I say? I always follow my gut. And this time it was tellin’ me that you’d come around. After all, how could you resist a man like me?”

  Another cocky grin followed. All I could do was laugh and kiss him, the smart-ass, sexy-as-hell cowboy that was mine, all mine.

  Chapter 28


  Two months later…

  I wasn’t the type of man who got nervous. I prided myself on my ability to keep a cool head no matter what the circumstances. But that day, I was damn near shaking in my size fourteen boots.

  “Come on now, dude,” I said as I pulled my truck in front of the bed and breakfast. “You love her, she loves you – of course it’s gonna go over well.” I shook my head as I came to a stop. “And dammit, quit talkin’ to yourself.”

  The place was bustling. It was the second week after the grand reopening, and it didn’t look like the ladies were hurting for business. The diner next to the B&B was packed, and through the windows I spotted Adie zipping around, dropping off plates and flashing warm, friendly smiles to the customers.

  The bed and breakfast itself told the same story. The parking lot was full, and last I heard the place was booked for the next few months. The front doors opened, and Sabrina stepped out to welcome an older couple as they arrived, wheeling their luggage behind them.

  But I wasn’t there to check in. I had something else on my mind.

  With one more deep breath, I pulled out the keys and stuck them in my pocket before opening the glove compartment and taking out a little something else and holding it in my hand. “Here goes nothin’.” I opened the door and hopped out.

  The day was perfect, mild and calm, the sky clear and blue. Sabrina saw me as I entered, waving her hand eagerly while she held the door open. “Come on in, cowboy,” she said as I stepped over the threshold.

  “Howdy,” I said, my stomach still roiling.

  “Now,” she said as she followed me in. “I’m happy to help you, Mr. Walker. But first let me attend to our new guests.” She gave me a wink as she stepped behind the desk. “Hello there, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkes. Back again so soon?”

  “Couldn’t get enough of the place,” a wiry old fella looking to be in his late seventies said.

  “And what’s another vacation when the last one was so wonderful?” the woman beside him put in.

  “I like that attitude,” Sabrina agreed with another wink. “Well, we’ve got your waitin’ for ya – third floor, Room Three-F.” She handed over a set of keys. “And of course, make yourselves at home.”

  They thanked her as the man took the keys, the two of them heading toward the stairs.

  “Now,” Sabrina said, placing her hands on the desk, acting like she was all-business. “I hope you’re not gonna ask if we’ve had any last-minute openings, because that sure as hell ain’t the case.”

  I laughed. “Nope, just here to see the most beautiful woman in Texas.”

  Sabrina grinned and spread her arms wide. “Well, I’m standin’ right here. What can I do ya for?”

  “The other most beautiful woman in Texas,” I said with a wi
nk of my own.

  “She’s up in her office. You droppin’ in for lunch or somethin’?”

  “Or somethin’. But I did wanna talk to her – kinda important.”

  “Well, well, well, if it’s important…” She picked up the phone and pressed one of the transfer buttons. “Hey there, babe…Well, there’s a studly, Marlboro-man-lookin’ fella here to see you…of course.” She hung up. “The lady is ready for you.”

  “Thank ya kindly, Sabrina.”

  “And let me know how it goes.”


  She glanced down at my pocket, nodding toward the small, square bulge in it. “Good luck. And, if I might be frank, it’s about damn time.”

  I laughed, and she gave me one more wink as I went off. So much for being stealthy about it. But I wasn’t so much concerned about any of that as I was worried about Crystal’s reaction.

  I reached the stairs right as the older couple started up. “Let me get that,” I offered, hurrying over to the woman as she was about to lift her bag.

  She glanced up, smiling as I approached. “Oh, you don’t have to do that, young man,” she said warmly.

  “That’s right, you don’t.” The man smirked at me before picking up his wife’s bag and lifting it off the ground with surprising ease.

  “You alright there?” I asked.

  “Of course I am,” he said. “I fought the Nazis when I was sixteen, for Pete’s sake – I can handle my wife’s bags.” He gave me another light-hearted look.

  “Now Edward, he just wanted to help.”

  “He can help himself by watching me and seeing how it’s done.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at the scene, but it was no joke – he hoisted the bags up the stairs, and I followed close behind, making sure he had it covered. When we reached the third floor, where their room and Crystal’s office was, he set the bags back on the ground.

  “Sure there’s nothin’ I can do to help?” I asked.

  He turned and glanced down at my pocket. “There sure is – get over to that woman of yours and put that thing on her finger.”

  “What?” I asked, a little taken aback that he knew.

  “We were here a couple of weeks ago,” the woman said. “And we couldn’t help but see you with that pretty young owner.”

  “I remember because you reminded me of the two of us back when we first started, ah, seeing each other.”

  “He couldn’t keep his hands off me,” she giggled prettily, like a much younger woman.

  “And hell, can you blame me?”

  I laughed. “No, I sure can’t.”

  “Anyway, with what we overheard at the desk, I’m thinking you’re about to make the big step. So don’t you worry about us, kiddo – go on and get the rest of your life started. Trust me, when you’ve got grandkids, you’re going to wonder what the hell you were wasting all your time doing before them.”

  “When you put it like that, I think I’d best not waste any more time.”

  The woman squeezed my hand. “And good luck.”

  “Thank you both kindly.”

  They wished me another goodbye and I headed to Crystal’s office, coming to a stop in front of the door. I could hear her on the other side, making one business call or another. I knocked softly on the door and she called out for me to come in.

  Fucking hell. My palms were sweating like I was a damn teenager. I wiped them on my jeans and stepped in.

  God, I loved the sight of Crystal at work. She was seated at her desk, her phone cradled to her ear and her legs propped up on her desk. The woman was poised and confident, like she was made to be in charge. It was sexy as hell – just like everything else about her.

  She smiled at me as I came in, gesturing to the chair across from her desk. I sat down and took a look out the window behind her, the view allowing a sweeping vista of the property. The place was coming along like a dream. The garden just behind the building, already lush and gorgeous, had been expanded. Behind it a dozen or so workers were busy clearing land, Crystal choosing to put her profits to work on expansions.

  And she had big, big plans for the B&B. She wanted more cabins, a ranch, and even a man-made lake big enough to take boats out on. I figured it’d take a year at most before she had a place that would really give Rainbow Canyons a run for its money.

  The rest of the Walkers knew, and they couldn’t wait to see what she had in store. After all, nothing better than a little friendly competition. And things were plenty friendly between Crystal and her friends and my family.

  “Alright, so I’ve got you booked for the month of May,” she said, wrapping up her conversation. “Can’t wait to see you then.” She hung up her phone and placed it on the desk before hopping out of her chair and coming over to me, putting her hands on both sides of my face and planting a kiss on my cheeks. “Good to see you, sugar,” she said with a smile. “To what do I owe this little drop-in?”

  “Oh,” I said, matching her smile with one of my own, “I gotta have a reason to come see my lady at work?”

  “You know you’re welcome here any time, handsome. Just ain’t like you, is all,” she commented as she plopped down in my lap. “You’ve been so busy gettin’ your business set up here, spendin’ all that time with the new mayor…just surprised to see you not at home.”

  “Well, I thought I’d do things a little different, make some new habits.”

  She gave me that warm, loving grin I could never get enough of. “I ain’t complainin’.”

  She was right – I hadn’t come by just to say hey. And there was no sense in putting it off. More than that, I was eager as hell to hear her say yes.

  “Why don’t we go out onto the balcony?” I suggested. “Pretty day out, and I’m bettin’ you’ve been cooped up in your office since you walked in here.”

  She laughed, nodding. “Alright, you might be right about that.”

  I took her hand and led her outside. The property stretched out into the distance, beautiful, gentle green hills as far as the eye could see. A family was down below in the garden, a mom and dad watching their two little girls happily playing among the flowers and trees.

  “This is it,” she said, stepping up to the railing and looking out over her land, her little kingdom. “After all we’ve been through, my dream’s finally coming true.” She turned. “And I couldn’t have done it without my cowboy.

  I stepped over to her and put my hands on her hips. “I’m glad to hear it, gorgeous. But I gotta say, I gotta dream too, and it ain’t come true just yet.”

  A curious expression covered her face. “Not yet?”

  I had a big speech a planned out, about how she’d made me the happiest man in the world, how all I wanted was to spend the rest of my life with her. And it was all true, of course. But standing there with her, looking deep into those eyes…I just wanted to make it happen. I took the box out of my pocket and opened it, the ring catching the sunlight and glittering all kinds of brilliant.

  “You ain’t my wife yet.” Her eyes like up as bright as the stone in front of her. “Crystal –”

  I didn’t even get a chance to finish before she squealed, “Of course, I will!”

  She threw her arms around me and kissed me over and over. When I had the chance, I slipped the ring on her finger and held her hands.

  “Time for the rest of our lives to start. You ready?”

  Crystal smiled a smile that made me fall in love with her all over again right in that moment. “You bet your ass I am, baby.”



  One year later…

  I was all kinds of stressed. The bed and breakfast was a damn zoo, men in slick tuxes and women in beautiful gowns zipping here and there, everyone doing their best to get all the last-minute preparations in order.

  And I was about to break the biggest rule of them all.

  “Crystal!” Adie said, her voice sharp and a touch worried. “You know you’re about to get married in an h
our, right?”

  It took me a moment to come back to reality. My phone was still in my hands, and I was reeling from the news the call had brought.

  “And Sabrina!” Adie called out across the room, her voice carrying over the commotion of the rest of the bridesmaids running around, making last-minute adjustments to their outfits and makeup. “We’re in the middle of a wedding and you’re watching TV?”

  Sabrina glanced over her shoulder. She and the rest of the ladies looked killer in their champagne-colored bridesmaids’ gowns. “You see what’s on the news right now?” Sabrina asked. “Look!” She gestured for the two of us to come over.

  “A major shakeup at the Idylwood police station today, as multiple arrests resulted in nearly a third of the force being taken into custody for corruption charges.”

  I was still forty different kinds of nervous, but the action on the news, of officers arresting other officers at the Idylwood police station, was enough to capture my attention.

  The news reporter went on. “These arrests are in addition to numerous city employees arrested over the last several weeks.”

  “Wow,” Sabrina mumbled, putting her hands on her hips. “Guess the system really does work sometimes. It just goes to show if you—”

  “Wait!” Adie interrupted, her voice excited. “There he is!”

  On the screen appeared the familiar face of James, looking handsome as ever, wearing his trademark mirrored aviators.

  “The corruption ran deep as the Rio Grande, but nothin’ we couldn’t take down. And we’re happy to send the message of what happens when you try this nonsense in Texas.” He finished his statement with a grin, one that sent Adie into a swoon.

  “Handsome and a do-gooder,” Adie said, shaking her head. “What a man.”

  A grin formed on my face, but as soon as the news went to commercial the phone call was back on my mind. I glanced around, making sure the rest of the bridesmaids weren’t paying attention.


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