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RTU- Robotic Transfer Universe

Page 10

by Randy Thao

  "Mara!" shouted Dee.

  Mara turn her attention to Dee unaware that one of the clones had crept up on her. By the time she knew it, it had clawed her two times from behind sending her to the ground. It then pulled its arms back ready to strike again. Finally, Dee swooped in and the quickest way to get her out of the way was to push her into the forest. He blocked one of the blows with his sword and struck with the other perishing one of the clones.

  "Dammit, there goes one. Mara are you ok?!" Dee hollered into the forest.

  Pushing pass the thick vegetation, she had fallen on her knees feeling the damage on her back. "I'm fine," she replied.

  As she sat there, she could see that the growing number of clones were overwhelming them. The real Pahda had to be one of them, but which one? The advantages of an open world, fully immersed MMO game like this, is that they are not limited to a small space like that of a game. The limits are taken even outside of the battlefield if need be. Mara decided to walk on the outside of the clearing in the forest. Just as she had anticipated, there sat the real Pahda! She was injured alright and hid away. She was casting from afar her clone spell.

  "Dee!" called Mara from within the forest. "Look about two yards into the forest to your right."

  Dee caught on. He too saw Pahda sitting there crouched behind the bushes. "Great job Mara. Bu, hold them off for a few more minutes."

  Bu jumped left and right to dodge the attacks focused on him. "Hurry up man, they are gaining on me. Take that!" Bu shouted and smashed one of the clone's face perishing it to dust.

  "Meteor Sword Dance!" announced Dee as he set focus on the real Pahda.

  From within the clearing, it was as if someone had gone hack happy with a chainsaw. Leaves, bushes, and stumps came flying out where Pahda was hiding. Short bursts of shrieks filled the air. At the same time, the clones slowly disappeared one by one. Mara stepped out of the forest in order to get there faster. She set focus on Dee. His health still green, but where was Pahda?

  Dee jumped back into the open clearing. "I think we did it," breathing heavily with swords still drawn.

  Suddenly behind them, Pahda burst out of the opposite side of them, hunched.

  Bu gripped his fist. "Come on! How is she not dead yet?" complained Bu.

  "Brace yourselves," Dee exclaimed.

  Pahda threw her head back and gave out one last sorrowful scream. She held her chest in agony. The forest slowly cleared up allowing the sun to penetrate through. The curse had been lifted. The sun shone bright from above and on to her. Her body now true flesh. Her feet now on the green grass as she went down to her knees and hands. The color returned to her hair, a brown and tint of reddish-orange. The forest was quiet, but a good quiet. Then they heard some quick footsteps. It was faint, then it got louder. The three of them turned to the path in which they came.

  "Mr. Sellers?!" exclaimed Dee.

  He ran and ran paying no attention to them as they watched him enter into the clearing. He went straight for Pahda and wrapped his hands around her.

  "My dear Patricia, how long have I waited for someone to break the curse of this forest, so that I may see you one more time," sobbed Mr. Sellers.

  "Daniel, my Daniel. Where did you go?" coughed Patricia. "I waited and waited. I'm so sorry. I thought you had been executed?"

  "No love, they forbidden me from returning to the village. It was the decision of the elders. Someone had to pay for what happened. Since I was the last one seen with the little girl, the blame was put upon me," explained Daniel. "I never wanted to leave you, never."

  Bu couldn't hold back as the story unfolded before them. Tears ran down Mara's face. Dee offered his shoulder. She gripped it and hid her face.

  "Because of the curse you put on the forest, I was not able to get in by myself to tell you. These, these travelers..." Daniel choked. "They saved you, and they saved me. Thank you all."

  Dee, Bu and Mara smiled and accepted his thanks by tilting their heads in respect. Patricia leaned back in the arms of Daniel.

  "Dear, I allowed the darkness to take over and lost my way. Because of this, my life was trapped within Pahda. Now that she has been defeated, I too am free. Seeing you once more, I can now go in peace," spoke Patricia.

  Daniel's face filled with pain. He cried, "I understand love. I understand. I will see you when I get there."

  At his last words, Patricia perished, and the wind carried her away. Daniel sat there for a few seconds, stood up. He never looked happier. To see that his love was set free was the best thing that could have happened. He completed their quest for the three of them. He rewarded them generously as followed:

  Dee: 100 met coins

  Solar wind Gauntlets

  Ring of Cheng

  3 healing potions

  Bu: 100 met-coins

  Protectors Breast Plate

  Tau Bracelet

  3 healing potions

  Mara: 100 met-coins

  Spirit Boots

  Pahda's Choker

  2 Healing potions

  2 magic potions

  They all had gone up to level fifteen to which they applied their talent points and stats accordingly. They thanked Daniel and wished him the best as they made their way out of the forest. It was brighter, the animals roamed about peeping their heads above the vegetation and the sun's warmth could be felt through the openings through the branches and leaves.

  "Mara," Bu initiated, "Dee and I would like to give an extended thanks for your help back there. We couldn't have done it without you. Again, we apologize sincerely about what happened back in Apple Green Village."

  "It's ok. I made a bad decision and let my feelings take over. I mean, it was part my fault that I didn't tell you both about my situation," Mara replied.

  They came back upon the dirt path. Beyond, they could see the twin hills in the distance.

  Dee, having some time to think as they were walking back, proclaimed, "If you don't mind, let's share our stories, so we won't make that same mistake. Also, a lot has happened in the short time since you were gone. We'll fill you in on that as well."

  "I would like that," smiled Mara from under her mask.

  They crossed the green plains and into the twin hills going east. BluaNu was just another day's walk away. This gave them plenty of time to catch up and get to know each other very well. Mara shared how she was chosen to go. At the time of the press release of RTU, Mara was currently working at the hospital, which totally fits her current character. It was embarrassing at first, but they all had a story to tell. The third degree burns on her face were the results of a house fire back when she was twelve years old. Her father had gone mad overdosing on medication drugs. It caused him to hallucinate that the world needed cleansing. The world needed to be purified by fire and it started with him first. He jumped into the fire leaving Mara and her mother to save themselves. By the time the fire fighters got to her, it was already too late. The fire had gotten to her as she lay unconscious. When she awoke, she found herself in the hospital. The pain she went through recovering was unbearable. Yet, there was a certain nurse, named See Lou, who looked past her physical features and saw her for who she really was. She took care of her during the entire time there. Everywhere she went since then, she wore a mask to cover her face. In return, she grew up wanting to be just like See Lou and that's exactly what happened. Besides that, wearing a mask in the hospital was normal compared to other places.

  Some of the other big hospitals also received invitations to RTU as well. Mr. Montgomery struck two birds with one stone hitting the medical industry as well as the gaming world. By luck of draw, Mara was chosen to go and many agreed that she deserved it very much.

  As they got to know one another, Dee started to understand what See Lou saw in Mara. She was sweet, kind and loving. Physical appearances are always changing, but ones character will never fade. The sun set sprung forth vibrant colors of blue, pink, orange and yellow. Above, the dark star filled sky waited to fall over Pon
gblong. They decided it best to find a place to rest before they could see no more. Off the path on the left was a giant sequoia tree stretching almost twenty feet wide and one hundred feet tall. A bit awkward as it was the only tree standing in the middle of nowhere, but it gave shelter and a place to build camp for the night. Bu and Dee went out to hunt for dinner as Mara stayed behind to get a fire started.

  "I remember seeing some buffalo type creatures a little south of here. They will make a tasty meal for us all," declared Dee as they walked into the tall grass.

  Bu, squinted his eyes and curled his lips out looking at Dee. "So when you gonna tell her?" he asked.

  "I'm not following you. What do you mean Bu?" Dee replied.

  "Come on man. Don't act like I don't know," laughed Bu as he slapped Dee on the back sending him flying forward. "I can see it in your eyes. You like her don't you?"

  Dee can feel his heart start to race. "Well..."

  "Well what? Don't keep a girl waiting man. If you like her, better tell her now before someone else comes and takes her away. As for me, no one can replace my girl," told Bu.

  Dee hesitated for he had not dated someone for the longest time ever. He was so focused on his football career and college that he had no time for that. As far as he can remember, his last girlfriend was back in high school. Her name was Jenny. It was short lived, and they only got together because everyone was hooking up. He had no experience in that department what so ever.

  "I'm just not looking for a relationship right now. You know. We have other things to worry about like getting out of here," redirected Dee.

  "Don't try to change the subject on me. How many girls have you dated?" asked Bu. "Four? Five?"

  Dee stood scratching his head, "Uh one?"

  "One!? Bwhahaha," laughed Bu again. "Look, I gocha covered in that area, don't you worry."

  "Uh thanks?" Dee replied.

  Dee and Bu returned about thirty minutes later having success taking down a beast from the tall grass. Mara had a nice bonfire going. The wood coal glowed bright orange casting dancing shadows all around them. She poked the burning wood with a stick as she waited. Bu cooked the meat on the open fire. The aroma of fresh cooked meat filled the air. As they ate, they were again taken by the beauty of the stars in the open sky before them. It was silent now, just the cracking of the burning wood and crickets in the distance.

  "Yawwwnn! Boy that was a good meal. I'm going to head off to bed on the other side of the tree. Good night!" winked Bu as he took off.

  Dee held his breath and cringed his lips and eyebrow signaled Bu to not leave him alone. Bu knew exactly what he was doing, and then there were just the two of them. Dee peered at Mara from the corner of his eyes. He could tell she was very nervous as well. She kept her eyes focused on the fire. The flying ashes, the blue flame that burned deep below, and the orange coals pulsing with intense heat. Neither one of them making a sound, but they both knew something kept them there regardless if they said anything at all.

  Breaking the silence Mara asked, "So Keeper was the one who gave you your legs back and Bu's arm as well?"

  "Fortunately, yes. I've been meaning to ask Keeper again if she could do the same for you, but she just pops in and out whenever she wants. I suppose she has to be careful not to get caught," replied Dee.

  "So you'd really do that for me?" questioned Mara.

  Dee smiled, "Of course. I mean we all deserve to be healed. How much have you been able to save?"

  "Last I check, I was sitting at 323 met-coins. The cost to be restored for me is 1600 met-coins," replied Mara.

  "If it helps, you can take mine. With all of ours combined, it will be a little closer. I'm sure Bu won't mind," Dee offered.

  "That's ok," Mara murmured. "I don't want to burden you guys. You need it to buy items for yourself."

  "No, it's no problem at all Mara," Dee insisted. "I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy."

  Dee wasn't sure what came out of his mouth, but it shocked Mara as well. She stared at Dee with tear filled eyes. There was a longing in her heart to hear those words from someone who actually cared.

  "I once met this guy," started Mara.

  There was a change in her tone. Dee raised his head to give his full attention.

  "We met at the Hospital. I was wearing my mask as usual. He was in pretty bad shape when he came in. Got stuck on a mountain side after falling from rock climbing. His leg was badly scratched and gouged by sharp rocks. He thought I had the mask on because of his infections," Mara paused recalling a triggered memory long kept away.

  "For three months," she continued, "he recovered in the hospital. We had a really good relationship at that point. We stayed up late, talked and laughed. He asked about my mask every so often, but I couldn't find it in me to tell him the truth. He would talk about taking me out as soon as he got better. I agreed. Silly me."

  Dee could see tears running down her face like that day in Apple Green Village. A broken heart is what she had. All he could do was listen.

  Mara sniffed and swallowed as she recalled her story. "When that day came, he was healthy as can be jumping up and down. Then I asked him, 'Do you love me?' He answered 'Yes'. To that, I took off my mask."

  She didn't continue anymore. Dee didn't have to ask to know what happened after, it was obvious.

  "Dee, if you aren't true, take those words back!" cautioned Mara now standing. The flames reflecting in her eyes. "You've seen my face. You said the same things as he did."

  Dee got up, wrapped his hand around her hips pulling her in close. He slowly removed her mask and kissed her.

  Chapter 19 - The Great City BluaNu

  BluaNu was only another half days away. The grassy plains faded away as they entered into another terrain. Big boulders and rocks of different shapes and sizes built towering walls all around them. It was like a city of stone. They encountered weird reptilian creatures living between the cracks, caves and spaces of the dry rocky terrain. On top of a gigantic boulder, they were given a better view of where they were. In the distance, there it was, the city of BluaNu. It was grand. Many buildings could be seen with clouds of smoke coming from the tops. It was closed in by a brick wall that stretched for miles surrounding it. Train tracks came from the east connected at the side of the brick wall where a tunnel could be seen. They couldn't wait to get there. They thought maybe, just maybe, the other players would have some insight as to what was going on.

  Bu had noticed something a little different between Dee and Mara. Something beautiful. He took it upon himself that he had done something good for someone else. It's been a long time since that day he lost his love. Seeing the two helping each other up rocks and getting down cliffs brought back memories. Tears welled up in his eyes. He sniffed them back regaining his composure.

  "You okay Bu?" asked Dee.

  Bu cleared his throat squinted his eyes into the distance. "Yeah, yeah I'm good. It's not too much farther is it?"

  As they moved out of the jagged rock valley, signs of life started to bloom all around them. Flowers and butterflies fluttered in the air. People could be seen fishing along a stream cutting their path. A wooden bridge connected the two sides enabling them to continue. They stopped to talk to the fisherman and asked how far they were from BluaNu and he told them that they were just another thirty minutes away. As they approached the city, from the looks of their mismatch armor and weapons, they finally came upon other players.

  "Look!" exclaimed Mara. "There are other players here as well. We must be pretty close to the city."

  Dee set focus on the three players from where they were. He was able to get a read on them. Their names were Seth, Bee and Tori. Their levels were the same, 9. They were young, maybe in their late teens.

  "Ok, so here's the plan," explained Seth. "There's the 'Big Hog' quest we can do, but I need Bee to be able to lure it into the open field."

  "Got it!" agreed Bee.

  "Tori you can cast whatever you want on it from then on,"
continued Seth.

  "I'm ready!" Tori confirmed gripping her wooden staff.

  "Hello guys," greeted Dee. "Sorry to interrupt, but can we ask you guys a few questions?"

  The three of them looked with amazement as Dee, Bu and Mara came closer.

  "Hello," greeted Bu and Mara.

  "Whoa, where did you get those gear of yours?" exclaimed Seth. The three of them glazed over their gear with mouths wide open.

  "Huuuuh!" jumped Tori. "I want that wand! Where did you get it? Please tell me!"

  Bee's eyes were glued onto Bu's steel shield. He mumbled, "Can I touch it?"

  All this was causing them to feel very uncomfortable. They smiled and backed off a little.

  "Sorry, you know what I think we will just keep going down this path here," apologized Dee motioning his head for them to keep moving.

  "Wait," Seth shouted. "Forgive us. We don't usually see players come around here with some rare gear. We ourselves are trying to get up there as well. I'm Seth as you can see and this is Bee and Tori."

  "Why do you say that you don't usually see people with rare gear? I mean we are pretty close to the city of BluaNu. Players should all be at higher levels and with decent gear by now," explained Mara.

  Seth and his group members lowered their heads. Something was wrong and Dee could see it in their posture.

  "Well you see, BluaNu is not what you think. That's why we're here," hesitated Seth.

  "Yeah that place has been taken over by RTU Elites," added Bee.

  Bu looked at Dee and Mara. "Who are the RTU Elites?" questioned Bu.

  Tori blurted, "They are the biggest guild that we have ever seen and growing. More like thugs. BluaNu was a great place, until they took it over as their base and demanded anyone who came to pay up or shut up."

  "If that is where you plan on going, be careful," warned Seth. "I have one question for you."

  "Shoot," replied Dee.

  "How'd you get your legs so quick?" asked Seth.

  "How do you know?" Dee questioned.

  "It isn't hard to spot a person in a hover wheel chair in a crowd of people," replied Seth.


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