Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology

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Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology Page 12

by Creative Anthologies

  We spend the day laughing and having a really good catch-up. I told her I was thinking of moving back and she was over the moon and wanted me to hurry up and make it happen. The one thing about her is that she is happy as long as I am. Yes, my job and living in Newcastle makes me happy but being home now has made me really think about what I want in life. I’ve seen a couple of job adverts for teaching. It took a lot of looking and thinking but I applied for them; doesn’t mean I’d even get an interview but it’s worth a go.

  It was getting on to nearly four pm and we decide to head back home after spending the whole day in town shopping and eating everything in sight. In a couple of hours, I’d be going up to my old local to meet Jasper, and the closer it got, I wondered if I’d made the right decision in going out.

  I’m sat in my bedroom deciding what to wear tonight when my mum walks in.

  “You look nervous, Amber.”

  “I’m fine, just deciding what to wear.”

  She puts out a red dress. “This one is lovely.”

  “Yeah, it’s nice, but I’m only going up the billy.”

  I don’t why but we have always called it the billy, i think its just a short name from its proper name king William.

  “Oh, are you? I’m going up there later too, so I may see you. I’ll let you get ready.”

  “Thanks, Mum.” It's a bit of a coincidence she's going to the same pub I’m going to, knowing I’m going there with Jasper.

  I pick a play suit that I bought the other day in town; it's not too over the top, so will be perfect.

  I head downstairs and into the kitchen to get my bag ready to leave.

  Mum is sat in the kitchen with Jasper’s mum. I felt so awkward but put on a fake smile; I grab my bag and head out.

  “Have a lovely time, Amber.”

  “Thanks, see you later, don’t wait up.”

  Getting to the pub to meet Jasper I felt so nervous, there’s something about him I wanted to know more of but at the same time he comes across as a dickhead that could get any girl he wanted. I don’t want to get used, I’m getting too old for that. I’m at the stage in my life I just want to settle down and maybe have a family one day.

  As soon as I get in the door, he’s at the bar waiting for me.

  “Wow, Amber, you look stunning. I honestly didn’t think you would come.”

  “I said I would, didn't I?”

  “You did. What would you like to drink?”

  “Vodka and Coke, please.”

  “Good choice. Go and grab a seat, I won't be long.”

  I grab the table in the corner; luckily I haven’t spotted anyone I know yet. Not that that bothers me, but it's all the small talk that bothers me more. The whole “we missed you” crap when they could easily just drop a text.

  Jasper walks toward the table laughing at something which makes me nervous.

  “Here you go,” he says as he puts the drinks on the table.

  He sits opposite me.

  “Do you want to order some food?”

  “I would love to, but could we go somewhere else?”

  “Isn’t here good enough?”

  “No, it’s perfect, it’s just my mum informed me she will be coming up here later and I don’t really need her looking at me the whole night.”

  He laughs. “Well, that means my mum will be joining her too, so we will definitely get out of here.”

  We finish our drinks and head out. As we are walking out the door, our mums are walking in. Jasper grabs my hand and carries on walking out. Their faces were a picture.

  “That will give them something to talk about.” We both laugh.

  We decide on going to the local steak house. It’s one of my favourite places to go, can't wait to go back. I haven't been there in over a year.

  Getting there didn't take long at all, it was only up the road from the pub but we were happy it was away from being watched.

  We are sat at a table waiting for our food.

  “I didn't think you were a steak kind of girl.”

  I laugh. “What kind of girl do you think I look like?”

  “Hmm, jacket potato and cheese.” We both laugh.

  “That’s the funniest thing I've ever heard.”

  We talked non-stop for the past couple of hours. I’ve got so much more in common with him than I ever thought I would. I feel like I judged him way too early. Yes, he comes across as a cocky git and a big flirt but deep down he’s such a caring person who just wants to be himself.

  We finish our meal and decide to stay for a couple more drinks, then head off. I’ve had a really great time which I didn’t think I would have, but I honestly can't wait to spend more time with him. If he wants to that is.

  “Let me walk you home.”

  “You don’t have to, it’s only down the road.”

  “No, I want to. I don’t want you walking on your own, especially at this time of night.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  We grab our stuff and head out.

  Walking down the hill to my house, Jasper has not stopped talking; I don’t know if that’s just him or the drink talking. It wasn’t really a long walk, but he kept putting his arm around me, which I found really sweet. If we class this as a date, it’s been a pretty good one.

  “Thanks for walking me home.”

  “Anytime, beautiful, see you soon I hope.”

  “Yes, you have my number, so gimme a text.” I smile.

  He walks me right up to the door, then out of the blue he kisses me. But I didn’t pull away, it just felt so right.

  “Night, Jasper.”

  “Night, Amber.”

  He walks away looking back watching me walk in, then he heads off.

  As I walk in the door, Mum is stood waiting for me.


  “Hello to you too, Mother.”

  “How was it? Tell me everything.”

  “Let me get in the door first.”

  She walks into the kitchen and puts the kettle on. Then sits at the table waiting for me to give her the gossip.


  “It was a lovely night; Jasper is lovely.”

  “So are you seeing him again?”

  “I don’t know, maybe.”

  “Well, I think you should, you look lovely together.”

  “One date doesn't mean we are together, Mum.”

  “I know.”

  “Right. I’m going to bed. Night, Mum.”

  Chapter 4

  Waking up with no headache is always a bonus. I grab my phone off my bedside table. Six missed calls off Lily and two texts from Jasper.

  I call Lily.

  “Sorry, I was asleep, you okay?”

  “No, Amber, I’m getting married tomorrow, I’m so anxious.”

  “Do you want me to come over?”

  “Could you?”

  “Of course. Give me an hour and I’ll be there.”

  “Thanks, Amber, see you soon.”

  I get myself up and ready and head out to Lily, she only lives a ten-minute drive away from my mum’s, so doesn't take long at all.

  As soon as I pull up at her drive, she's already waiting at the door.

  “I’m so glad you are here; I don’t know what’s the matter with me?”

  “It’s a big day tomorrow, you’re going to be nervous.”

  “Let’s go in. It’s cold out here.”

  We head into her house—it’s full of flowers, dresses and it looks beautiful.

  “I’m glad you’re here. I couldn't do this without you.”

  “You know I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Lil, you’re my best friend.”

  “I know, I just had a feeling you wouldn’t be here.”

  “I’m here. Poke me, it's really me.”

  She laughs.

  “So shall we do what we always do when we are anxious?”


  “Yes, but as its Christmas, let’s make cookies and mince pies.”

“Sounds like a plan, but we will need to go shopping.”

  “Get dressed, then.”

  She laughs. “Okay, bossy boots. I won’t be long.”

  I sit on her sofa and wait for her to get ready. Another text comes through. I completely forgot to text Jasper back.

  J: Hope you’re okay.

  A: Sorry, it's been a mad morning, my best friend gets married tomorrow, and she's an anxious mess, so been with her.”

  J: I forgive you, call me later?

  A: Of course, I’ll call in a couple of hours x

  Lily comes downstairs and we head out. I told her I would drive as she doesn't look in the state to. We go to the big Asda just down the road from her house and grab all the bits we need, then head back to hers; she seems a lot calmer since we have got back from shopping. I’m hoping a couple of hours baking will help her—it’s one of the biggest days of her life, so I know why she's so nervous but she doesn't need to be because it's going to be so perfect.

  We are baking for a couple of hours and the mess of the kitchen was nothing like you have seen before. How two of us can make so much mess is beyond me. Lily is sat in front of the telly watching an episode of Once Upon A Time while everything is in the kitchen. I set out into the back garden to call Jasper. I haven't told Lily about him yet, but I was waiting until after the wedding as I don’t want anything to come in the way of her day.

  It didn't even ring twice and Jasper answers.


  “Hi, Jasper.”

  “I’m glad you have called. I missed your voice.”

  I laugh. “Really?”

  “Yes, it's an odd accent you know, a mix of being a Bristolian and now a mix of a Geordie.”

  I laugh. “Well, you can’t call me boring.”

  “True, what are you up to tonight?”

  “I’m gonna go for a drive and find some Christmas lights. It's a tradition, so don’t laugh.”

  “I wasn’t going to laugh. Can I join you for an hour? Would love to stay longer, but my friend’s staying at mine tonight.”

  “Of course, but if you are busy, we can see each other another day. Well, not tomorrow as I’m at a wedding but day after.”

  “No, I want to see you, so tonight is fine.”

  “Okay, well, do you want me to pick you up?”

  “Yes, sounds good. I’ll text you my address.”

  “Okay. Well, I best go as I’m baking with my bestie.”

  “Save me one. See you later.”

  I head back into the house and join Lily on the sofa. We spend the afternoon watching films and eating what we have been baking all morning. Today has been so nice just to be able to spend time with her before the wedding. It’s not often we get time just us, so it's been lovely.

  It was getting on and I needed to get home before going out for a drive with Jasper. I was so excited to be able to see him again; there’s something about him that makes me feel so good. I haven't felt like this in a long time.

  “It’s been a lovely day, Lil.”

  “Yes, I’ve missed days like this.”

  “Me too.”


  “Don’t say it,” I laugh.

  “Okay, okay.”

  “Well, I’m going to go but I will see you tomorrow at the lunch.”

  “Oh, Amber, I know I can't wait.”

  We hug and say goodbye, and as I’m leaving her mum and sister turn up, which was nice for her because she hated being on her own.

  I get back to Mum’s for a quick change. Luckily no one is in, so wouldn’t be questioned where I’m going now.

  I read Jasper’s message with his address on and give him a quick text.

  A: I’m just getting changed and I’ll be over. Probably be about 30 minutes tops.

  I’m changed and ready to go out. As I get in my car, Mum pulls up on the drive and gets out of the car.

  “Are you going back out again?”

  “Just for an hour.”

  “Anywhere nice?” She gives me a look like she wants to know everything I do.

  “Just going for a drive to see some Christmas lights.”

  “Oh well, you and Lily love doing that together, you always have.”

  “We do, but I’m going with Jasper.”

  “Oh, that’s nice, then.”

  A very odd comment off of her; she loves knowing the ins and outs of everything.

  “Yes, see you in a bit.”

  She smiles and walks towards the house.

  I get to Jasper’s and he’s waiting outside of his house.

  He walks towards the car and it makes me feel so nervous. He gets in and gives me the biggest smile.

  “You ready?”

  “Yes. You are a good driver, ain’t you?” he laughs.

  “Well, there’s one way to find out, isn’t there?”

  We head towards Emersons Green; they always have many houses with lights on.

  We decided on parking up on a side road and walking about the little estate; we found a road that every house had lights on. They all had little boxes at the front of the gardens to raise money for charity. It was a lovely thing to do, thinking of others.

  We had been walking around for about an hour and Jasper hadn’t taken his hand out of mine the whole time; it’s kinda sweet, really.

  Jasper turned and looked at me

  “Wanna take a selfie by that tree over there?”

  “Sure, it is a beautiful tree.”

  He takes the picture and his face lights up.

  “Make sure you send it to me.”

  “I will.”

  “Right, let’s head back and get you to your friend.”

  “Yeah, I suppose so.”

  “You don’t sound too happy.”

  “Oh I am, I’m just enjoying time with you.”

  “Same here.”

  He pulls me close to him and kisses me so passionately that I don’t want him to stop. I know I’ve only known him over a week, but it just feels so right. But it wouldn’t last with us being so far apart.

  I drop him back at his and we say bye.

  “I’ll call you later.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I want to though.”

  I smile, and then he kisses me on the lips and closes the door. I watch him walk into his house and then I drive away.

  Walking through the front door all I could smell is curry. I head towards the kitchen and Mum is just dishing up.

  “Good timing.”

  “I can see.”

  “Thought I’d cook you your favourite.”

  “Thanks, Mum. I’ll set the table.”

  We eat our curry and then head into the front room to find a film to watch together. Dad’s up the pub with his workmates, so won't be back for a couple of hours. We cuddle on the sofa and watch Wild Child, one of my favourite films. She’s got everything for a girly night in. She got the popcorn and best of all some vodka. But I won’t be drinking much tonight as I’m having an early night ready for Lily’s big day. I’m so excited to be seeing her get married. I’m more excited for this than I am for Christmas.

  My phone starts buzzing and it’s Jasper. I cancel the call. I can call him later.

  “Who’s that?”

  “Just Jasper.”

  “Oh really?”


  “Do you like him?”

  “A bit. I don’t really know him.”

  “Oh, Amber, he’s lovely. I’m sure you will get to know him the more time you spend together.”

  “I’m sure.” I carry on watching the film.

  “So are you going to call him back?”

  “Yes, I will after this has finished.”

  She smiles like she's happy I’m going to call him. I know she would be happy if I married him, but I don’t know him that well. It’s nice to get to know him more every time we speak. I don’t believe in soulmates but there’s something about Jasper. It’s probably all in my head and
he doesn’t feel the same. I’m only here for another week, then I’m going back home, so it’s just feeling like a little holiday fling. I’m happy with that right now.

  The film finishes and I look over at Mum who’s sound asleep in the chair. I walk up to her and tap her on the arm. She wakes and feels guilty for falling asleep. I tell her I’m going to bed as I need to get up early to get my hair done.

  I get into my room and sit on the edge of the bed and quickly call Jasper.

  “Well, hello, beautiful girl.”

  “Are you drunk?”

  “Only a little bit,” he laughs.

  “Glad you’re having a good night.”

  “I am, I best get back, then.”

  “I will speak to you at some point tomorrow.”



  “You know I really like you, don’t you?”

  “I do now.”

  “Good night, beautiful.”

  “Night, Jasper.”

  I just laugh it off as I know it’s just the drink talking. But tell that to my heart that had a little flutter at hearing it. I’m falling hard and fast, powerless to stop it.

  Chapter 5

  I can’t believe the day is finally here, I’ve been waiting months to be able to see my best friend marry the man of her dreams. I never believed in all that true love, love at first sight. Until I met Jasper. He probably doesn’t feel the same. It’s probably all just me and I don’t want to put myself out there to get knocked back. And then there’s the problem of the distance, Newcastle isn’t just up the road. Even though I’ve been thinking and I know I’m making the right decision to move back home. It’s not just going to happen overnight. Fingers crossed one of the jobs I applied for I will hear back from. Probably won’t hear from them until January now, considering it’s Christmas Day in two days. There is so much to look into even now I know my mum would have me living back with her in a heartbeat. As much as I love her, I don’t think I could live with her full-time again; I love having my own space too much.

  Lily has called me about ten times already this morning, she’s so nervous and panicking that something's going to go wrong. I know it’s going to be the most magical day. I spend about two hours in the hairdressers this morning having my hair and make-up done. For once I feel like a princess, but not as beautiful as Lily will be.


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