Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology

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Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology Page 13

by Creative Anthologies

  I get ready to head out when my phone buzzes.

  J: I can’t wait to be able to see you.

  A: Same here. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

  Getting to the church I couldn’t wait to see Lily, she's going to be so beautiful. She wanted me with her in the morning but I wanted to wait to see her until she got to the church; I was gutted I couldn’t be a bridesmaid. I just couldn’t get down here enough to try dresses on and be here for the fitting. Lily was just happy I was coming. I think that made her day more than ever. She always had it in her head I wasn’t going to make it. The flowers she has picked are beautiful, and it makes the church look so much bigger and bright.

  As I walk into the church, I head nearest the front to find somewhere to sit with my mum and dad. I see Danny standing there looking as handsome as ever, then standing next to Danny was Jasper!!! I look confused, not knowing where to look. Mum must have known he was Danny’s best man. He knew I was Lily’s best friend, so why wouldn’t anyone tell me? Now I felt stupid. Stupid for falling for him, falling for his lies. I just grab a seat and ignore him. I’m here for Lily, she’s my number one. She’s the reason I’m sat here, not Jasper. As much as I like him, I couldn’t believe he couldn’t tell me. I kept looking around the church. Lily has always done a good job at planning, and she’s done it perfectly with the church. I couldn’t wait to see what she's done to the room at the reception. My thoughts kept going back to Jasper. I just felt so stupid. Now all I think is that it was all a setup. I’m just hoping Lily wasn’t in on it. I wouldn’t have thought she would be as she’s not like that. But I do think my mum was in on it. It makes me sad to think of that. Yes, I like Jasper, but I can make my own mind up without being set up.

  I can see him walking towards us and I just look down and pretend I don’t see him coming. I really didn’t want to speak to him right now. I just didn’t know what to think. Maybe I was just played this whole time.

  “Hi, Mrs Harrison.”

  “Jasper, you know it’s Nicola to you.”

  He smiles. “Amber, can I have a word?”

  I look at him. “Not now, maybe later.”

  My mum gives me a funny look. “Amber, don’t be rude, wedding doesn’t start for thirty minutes yet.”

  I roll my eyes. “Fine, you have five minutes.”

  We head out the church; I stand there and look at him, I honestly didn't want to be doing this now and not here.

  “I tried to tell you I was Danny’s best friend.”

  “You didn’t try very hard.”

  “Yes, I knew you were Lily’s best friend before I asked you out, but, Amber, I wasn’t expecting to really like you, you are different. I can be a cocky wanker but with you I don’t want to be, I’m just me—the boring Jasper.”

  “Jasper, you’re not boring. But you could have told me because now it's going to be awkward.”

  “No, it's not.”

  “Let’s talk later, I want to get back in there and wait for Lily.”

  He kisses me on the check. “Talk later.”

  I still felt mad about it all, but I can hold that all in until tomorrow. I’m not letting anything get in the way of this magical day.

  Before I head back inside, I see the snow machine. It made me laugh. I knew Lily wouldn’t get the dream of having snow on her wedding even though it was only a couple of days until Christmas Day. But I didn’t think she would really get one. But Lily loves being over the top and different. Who could blame her? The machine will make her wedding pictures look so magical though and that’s what will make her happy—it looks like a good fairy-tale white Christmas wedding. Danny’s not bothered, but he will do anything to make Lily happy. I can’t wait to have that one day. The love they have for each other is just magical on its own, but today it’s going to make it even more so.

  I head back into the church and join my parents.

  Mum looks at me for the gossip.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, fine.”

  Next thing I know, I’m getting tapped on the shoulder by Lily’s sister, telling me to come with her.

  I get to the room Lily is waiting in and she’s in a panic mess, pacing the room. She stops as soon as she sees me.

  “Amber. I can’t. I just can’t.”

  “Calm down, what’s happened?”

  “I love him, but I can’t do this.”

  “What are you on about? Of course you can.”

  “I can’t. Not without you.”

  “I’m here and I’ll be at the front watching you walk down the aisle.”

  “Can’t you walk with me, please, Amber?”

  “But my dress isn’t the same as the girls.”

  She points over at the wall as she can’t get her words out properly; I see a dress hanging there looking similar to the other girls but more of a darker purple. I think she must have planned this to get another dress and in my size too. I know it’s all she’s wanted, but I've been here a week. She could have asked, and we could have planned it a lot better.


  “Okay. Let me get changed, then we can go.”

  I’ve never gotten changed so fast in my life, luckily putting this dress on didn’t mess up my hair that I spend a good two hours on. Luckily the dress was a perfect fit.

  I walk back into the room.

  I smile at Lily. “Ready?”

  She smiles back and then gives me the biggest hug and hands me some flowers.

  I look at her. “Planned much?”

  She laughs.

  I walk in front of Lily and her dad with Lily’s nieces. As we get to the front, my mum looks as confused as ever. But there was nothing I wouldn’t do for Lily. Being a part of it was all I ever wanted. Since we were ten, we always talked about our wedding days and said we will always be maid of honour to each other and I’m so happy that has come true.

  The ceremony was beautiful. I have never cried as much in my whole life. I’ve got through that many tissues I needed a bin. I was just so happy to see how happy Lily was and know that this is all she’s ever wanted and she’s got it.

  Everyone headed outside for the photos, the group pictures with bridesmaid, family members, etc. I couldn’t believe how long it would take just to take some pictures.


  I turn and look at her.

  “I need a picture of you with the best man.”

  “You are joking, right?”

  “It’s tradition.” She smiles.

  “Hmmm.” I was so going to get her for this later.

  I head onto the grass where they are taking photos; I felt so awkward, but you could see everyone's faces. They knew what they were doing.

  “You look beautiful.” He kisses me on the cheek and of course the photographer has to take the picture of that.


  “Are you mad?”

  “Not so much mad, just sad.”

  They take the picture and I walk off before he can say anything.

  We all head into our cars and head to the hotel that the reception is in and where we are staying tonight.

  The hotel was beautiful—an estate in the middle of the countryside—it looked so magical, like somewhere you would go if you were a princess and that’s what Lily was today. More than that, she was a queen.

  Everyone did their own thing for a couple of hours before the sit-down meal which I was so looking forward to as I was starving.

  I knew the food here would be amazing, but that was something else. The speeches were lovely and Jasper’s was so funny; he knew Danny so well. I just couldn't believe that they were at school together, and now thinking about it, last time they were at mine, Danny spoke about his best friend. But never by name saying how he might come up next time and how I would love him; it's all making sense now.

  It was an hour before the evening do started and I headed to my room to get changed back into the dress I had on earlier.

  I felt someone behind
me. I turned, and it was Jasper. I carried on walking and got into my room before he could catch up with me. I changed my clothes and headed back down.

  Walking past the toilets just before entering the hall where the evening do was, I got grabbed by the arm and pulled into the toilets.

  “No getting away from me, Amber.”


  The next thing I knew we were in the toilet kissing and not being able to keep our hands off each other. Dang, my heart was flip-flopping about, it was making my head spin. As much as I tried to deny him, I felt that inevitable pull that drew me towards him. Two halves of one soul meeting another and fitting so perfectly.

  It’s Lily and Danny’s first dance and we just make it back in time. A quickie in the toilets was not what I had planned for today. Especially as I hardly knew Jasper. But it happened and I don’t regret a thing. I just couldn't stay mad at him any longer. I couldn’t help how I felt and life’s too short to regret things. Lily and Danny looked so much in love that they shone so beautiful today. Lily spots us coming in together and laughed like she knew what we had just done.

  As they finish their first dance, they invite couples to join them. Before I knew it, I was pulled to the dance floor by Jasper.

  “What are you doing? Everyone is looking at us.”

  “Let them look.”

  Before I knew it, our lips were touching, and we were passionately kissing. We are going to be the talk of the wedding and it’s not what I wanted. Not on Lily’s big day.

  Then came a massive woohoo from Lily and Danny, I pulled away; I felt so embarrassed. I moved away from him and got out of the hall as soon as I could.

  “Amber.” Lily comes running after me.

  I turn. “Please, Lil, just give me five minutes.”

  “I’m your best friend, I don’t think so. What’s the matter?”

  “I didn't come home to get involved with someone, and Jasper, he’s lovely, but…”


  “I live in Newcastle.”

  “Amber, you know he likes you or you wouldn’t have spent days with him getting to know him. Jasper is Jasper, that’s all I can say. But one thing Danny has said is in the past week you have done something to him that no one else ever has.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s changed.”

  We talk for a bit longer and then head back inside to enjoy the rest of the evening.

  Jasper grabs me from behind and cuddles me and for once I didn't care who was looking.

  We all danced and drank the night away. It was the most magical evening and for once I felt happy—happy to be home, happy to be around people I love.

  The next couple of days I spend at home with Mum and Dad getting ready for Christmas Day. I helped Dad put the tree up and we just have some good laughs. Jasper has come over a couple of times. It's just nice to spend time with him getting to know him more each day. He seems to have become part of my life and I like that, but the question is whether or not I think it would work with us being so far from each other. We’re just living in the moment and that’s what I love.

  Chapter 6

  Christmas Day is always special but this year it felt so different, being home has got me thinking that I really want to move back. One for being close to my parents, but since meeting Jasper, there’s something about him that I want to know more about. He’s different than I expected, and I just didn’t want to let that go. People will say we’re moving too quickly considering we have known each other nearly two weeks, but when you know, you know.

  The doorbell rings.

  “Amber, get the door.”

  We weren’t expecting anyone as everyone is here and we don’t have everyone over on Christmas Day. It's more for just us to spend time together. As I open the door, it’s Jasper with his parents. I look shocked as I didn't know they were coming; he never said anything when we were texting last night.

  “It’s Jasper.”

  “I know, Amber. I invited them.”


  He smiles at me like he knew that our parents had set this up, them seeing us kissing at Lily’s wedding had put ideas into both of their heads. I’m just glad they don’t know what we got up to for the rest of the evening.

  He walks into the house and kisses me on the lips.

  “Happy Christmas, beautiful.”

  “Happy Christmas, babe.”

  Sitting around the table, it's been so nice to be home with everyone, but in 3 days' time I’m going back to Newcastle. I didn't know how I felt about leaving or if I even wanted to. I knew I had to at least pack the house up and tell work I’m leaving, which is going to be hard as I love my job. But deep down, I know I’m doing what’s best for me.

  We eat our dinner and then all head in the front room—we all only just fitted in the room; I sat on the floor in front of Jasper.

  My mum out of nowhere, looking straight at me and Jasper, speaks. “So you going to enlighten us all?”

  “What would you like to know, Mum?”

  “Well, are you together?”

  Jasper and I both look at each other. “We are taking it slow, getting to know each other, but to answer your question—we like each other, yes.”

  “Will it work with you being in Newcastle?”

  “We will make it work until…” I smile.


  “I’m moving back, Mum.”

  “Oh, Amber, you have made my Christmas, are you moving back in here?”

  “If you will have me until I get a place?”

  “Of course.”

  We spend the rest of our afternoon and evening playing games, watching cheesy Christmas films, just having a laugh, and as I looked around, I was so happy in the moment. Christmas is a magical time, but this year it was so different. I've fallen in love with Jasper and life.

  It was getting late and Jasper was leaving to take his parents home; he kisses me on the cheek and tells me he’ll pop back after as he wanted to talk to me. It made me feel anxious of what he’s going to say. My head felt all over the place, maybe it was too much for him and he’s regretting things.

  Not even twenty minutes later he was back. We grabbed a drink and when to sit out in the back garden.

  He sits next to me on the garden table.

  “Baby, why do you look so nervous?”

  “Are we moving too fast for you after today?”

  He laughs. “No, of course not, I wanted to ask you if you would like to come on a date with me tomorrow afternoon?”

  “Yes,” I laugh and felt so relieved

  He kisses me on the lips and giggles to himself.

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  I laugh. “Okay.”

  We head back in and join my parents watching Home Alone; we cuddle up on the sofa and it felt so normal. Like he’s always been in my life, like I've always known him. Out the corner of my eye, I can see Mum looking over and smiling to herself.

  We watch all the film, then I walk Jasper to the door; he pulls me in close for a kiss.

  “Thank you for a lovely day, Amber, it’s been the best in a very long time.”

  “You made it lovely too. Not just me.”

  “Night, beautiful.”

  “Good night, Jasp.”

  I close the door and lean back on it smiling to myself. I couldn't believe my luck. How was someone like Jasper mine? It’s been the best Christmas in a long time. It’s definitely a Christmas to remember.

  Chapter 7

  I woke up to a text from Jasper telling me to be ready for him to pick me up at eleven and to wear something warm. Which then made me think about where he could be taking me.

  I get up and have a shower, find something to wear and head downstairs to get something to eat before Jasper was here in an hour. I was so excited for this date and just to spend some more time with him before I go home tomorrow. I was not looking forward to going back. The drive would
be horrible. Leaving is going to be so hard. I know I’m going to be back, but when was the question.

  “Morning, Mum.”

  “You’re up early.”

  I laugh. “Yep, going out in an hour.”

  “With Jasper?”

  “Yes, he’s taking me on a date.”

  “Oh, anywhere nice?”

  “I don’t know, he wouldn’t tell me.” I smile.

  “Oh, a surprise date sounds lovely.”

  There was a knock on the door as I open it, he’s stood there with a massive bunch of red roses. My favourite flower. How did he know?

  “You didn’t have to get me flowers.”

  “I did, it's a date.”

  “Thank you.”

  I take them from him and we head into the kitchen; I find a vase to put them in and put them on the dining table. They were so beautiful they lit the room up.

  I look at him and smile. “Ready.”

  “After you, beautiful.”

  We head out the door; I still had no idea where we were going and he wasn’t letting on at all.

  We were heading in the direction of the mall, and it hit me. I knew where he was taking me. Somewhere I didn't think I had time to go as I was heading home tomorrow. It’s normally something Lily and I do but couldn't again this year as she got surprised with a honeymoon to Greece. I wasn’t jealous at all, but I knew Lily must have mentioned this to Jasper or he just knows me way more than I thought.

  We park up and head towards the mall.

  “We’re going ice-skating, ain’t we?”

  He laughs. “Yes.”

  He holds my hand and we walk towards the entrance of the ice-skating rink to get our boots on.

  Getting on the ice it felt like I've never been away. I’ve not lost my footing yet, so that’s a good thing. Jasper holds my hand and we skate around together. It felt so good to be doing something together.

  “You like ice-skating too?”

  “Yes, I used to do it a lot when I was younger.”


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