Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology

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Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology Page 14

by Creative Anthologies

  “How did you know I liked coming here?”

  “Your mum told me last night.”

  I look shocked as I was adamant it was Lily who would have said something.

  He pulls his phone out of his pocket to get a picture and I lose my footing. Instead of asking if I was okay, he stood there laughing at me before helping me to my feet, then holding me close and kissing me on the lips.

  He lets out a giggle. “And there was me thinking you were a pro.”

  “I normally am, it’s you. You do something to me.” I give him a cheeky smile.

  We had been skating and having such a good time that we didn't realise that we had been skating for over an hour. The weather was getting colder, so we decided to call it a day and head inside for a hot drink.

  Getting inside, the heating hits you, then you realise how cold it really was outside. Jasper holds me close, rubbing my arms to warm me up.

  “Shall we go to where it all started?”

  I look at him, all confused.

  He laughs. “Costa.”

  “I knew what you meant, but where it all started was when you came to rescue me.”

  “That soon, eh? I must have been good,” he laughs.

  “Cocky shit.”

  He grabs me and kisses me.

  “I’m only your cocky shit.”

  We grab a coffee and something to eat. We couldn't believe it was nearly three pm already, it only felt like we had been here an hour but it’s been so much longer. Time flies when you are spending time with someone you like. The thought came to me that this time tomorrow I’ll nearly be back in Newcastle and I didn't know when I’d be coming back. I’m just really hoping to hear back from one of the jobs.

  Two coffees later and we were finally warmed up. We have a look around the shops while we are here; I love a Boxing Day sale. Jasper looked bored as ever, which made me giggle. Typical man that doesn't like shopping.

  We head back to my mum's so we can decide what we are going to do for the rest of the night; I wanted to spend all the time I could with him as we have decided we wanted to make this work. We didn't know the next time we would see each other.

  Getting back to Mum’s, the house was so quiet.

  I shouted for Mum, who informed me she was in the kitchen.

  She smiles as soon as she sees us.

  “Did you have a good time?”

  “The best.”

  “Jasper, are you staying for dinner?”

  He looks at me for an answer.

  “If that’s no problem, then yes, please.”

  “Of course, we are going to order a takeaway in.”

  “Sounds perfect, Mum.”

  We all sit around the table eating Domino’s. That was the hardest decision ever. It probably took us an hour to decide. In the end I told Jasper to decide to make life easier. We eat, then cuddle up on the sofa and watch MasterChef; it was getting late and I needed to get up early. I haven't started packing yet as I've been putting it off. I was leaving most of my clothes here as I didn't see the point taking them with me to bring them back again.

  Jasper and I head into the front garden to say goodbye without everyone watching us.

  He was cuddling me so tight.

  “You know this isn’t a goodbye, we will talk every day and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “I know, but I feel like I’m losing you when I've just found you.”

  “Well, you know that’s not going to happen, I’ll be back as soon as I sort everything.”

  “I know, I’ll just miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you too.”

  We kiss and just stand there cuddling. It wasn’t warm out, but we just didn't care—we just wanted to be close.

  He kisses me on the head. “I’ll be over in the morning to say bye before I have to go to work.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I want to.”

  I walk him to his car and he kisses me non-stop on my face. It makes me giggle.

  “Just getting as many as I can.”

  “I won't have a face left in a minute.”

  “See you in the morning.”

  “Night, Jasp.”

  I head into the house and it felt like I was just holding the tears back; it felt like I just lost my right arm. How could someone you have only known two weeks make you feel like you are complete like he was my missing piece.

  I spend the next hour packing, and I’m going to take it and put it by the front door, ready to put it in the car in the morning.

  My mum comes into the hallway, looking so sad, and I knew she would get like this as I've been here a lot longer than I normally am.

  “Can’t believe you’re going back tomorrow.”

  “I know, but hopefully not for too long.”

  “I can't wait to have you home.”

  “I can't wait either, it feels like the right thing to do.”

  “Well, I’m happy. What mother wouldn’t be?”

  I smile. “I know. I’m going to head to bed, it’s been a long day.”

  “See you in the morning.”

  Waking up the next day was a shock—Jasper was just sat at the end of my bed; it scared the life out of me.

  “Are you getting in?”

  “Can’t say no to that.”

  We spend the next twenty minutes just cuddling, not even really talking. We then get up and I get dressed and head downstairs to grab something quick to eat before I need to head off. The journey was a long one, and I wasn’t looking forward to it at all.

  As I’m eating, Jasper was putting all my stuff in the car for me, which saved me a job.

  “I’m going to have to say bye now as I've got to go to work.”

  He cuddles me tight and doesn't want to let go. He kisses me like he’s never going to see me again.

  “Promise you will call when you get home.”


  He walks off blowing me a kiss which I can see in his face as he tries to hold it in on how hard this really is.

  I say goodbye to my parents and then make sure everything was in the car.

  “Drive safely, call when you’re home.”

  “I will.”

  I cuddle her tight and then get in the car. Holding back the tears so she doesn't get upset. As soon as she's out of sight, I burst out crying. Leaving this time is the hardest thing, but I couldn’t wait to be back for good.

  Chapter 8

  Getting back to Newcastle was a weird feeling. It felt like I didn’t belong here anymore. It just felt like I should still be in Bristol. All I can think of is Jasper and his face when I said bye to him. I’ve been back a week, and it just doesn’t feel right. I spoke to Jasper every day, but it didn't feel the same. Even FaceTiming him was hard when all I wanted to do was hug him. I've never fallen so fast for someone before, but Jasper, he’s everything. Still as cocky and flirty but that’s what I love about him.

  I’ve got work in a couple of hours and I’m going to see if I can transfer to an office in Bristol. I don’t know if that’s even possible, but I know I don’t want to be so far away from everyone anymore. This Christmas has shown me that. Family and friends are what you need around you. Yes, I've got a couple of friends up here but nothing like back home. I had an email offering me an interview for a teacher in a new school in Bristol for special needs and it was like it was meant to happen. They are even doing my interview on Skype as they know that I live in Newcastle. I've just got my fingers crossed that I get it.

  Two days later I’m in the kitchen sorting my lunch out when my doorbell goes. Which is strange as not many people know where I live and I don’t really have visitors.

  I open the door and he’s stood there. My face drops.

  Before I knew it, I jumped into his arms, not letting him breathe, and he just laughs.

  “Jasper?” I was lost for words

  “How hmm what?”

  He looks into my eyes. “I couldn’t be away from you.”

  “I was feeling the same.”

  “Come in.”

  He puts his bag down and sits on the sofa. I was still in shock that he was here, I couldn’t stop looking at him. I couldn’t believe he had travelled all this way to come and see me.

  “How long are you staying for?”

  “As long as you will have me, I've booked two weeks off work.”

  “Oh, I've got work soon though.”

  “That’s okay, I've always wanted to come to Newcastle. So I can go and explore while you are at work.”

  I smile at him; I knew that this just felt so right him being here and it made my decision so much easier.

  “This is so odd that you are here.”

  “I wasn’t letting you go that easy.”

  I smile. “I’m moving back.”

  “To Bristol?”

  “Yes, I got offered a teacher’s job this morning.”

  “That’s amazing, baby, I knew you would get it.”

  “Thanks, babe, so are you happy?”

  “Of course I am, I get to see your face every day.”

  “Same, well, not about my face, but you know.”

  He laughs and then kisses me like he’s never kissed me before. And for the first time in a very long time, I feel complete.

  The end for now

  A Christmas Stranger - KM Lowe


  “See you downstairs, boss,” says Shane, my assistant.

  “You sure will.”

  Tonight is our annual office Christmas party. A party I can really do without. I’m a partner at my father’s publishing company, Brewster and Sons. I’m the quiet one; I like to remain in the shadows. My father, and brother, Gerome, are the face of the company. I like it that way. I’m known to the people that matter, but it doesn’t interest me to be the top bachelor of 2020. If I wanted a woman, I could go out and get one all on my own merit, not because I own a multimillion-dollar company, and not because I’m big-headed, either.

  I tighten my tie, fix my suit jacket, and straighten my back. The only time I mingle with the company is during the charity events we hold, and the annual Christmas party. Any other occasions, I ignore, and that suits me just fine.

  I lift the flute of champagne and down it in one. I need some Dutch courage to get through tonight. Maybe the alcohol will dull the pain and make everything feel more like a walk in the park instead of a walk with the devil himself.

  “Let’s get this over with.” I shake my head at my reflection and exit my hotel room.

  Another thing that gets on my nerves is that I live a block away, but my father made a big thing about me staying in the hotel tonight. I could easily walk the block, but no; appearances matter.

  I step into the elevator with an elderly couple. I look over at them through the mirrors and see their love for one another. The man is caressing his wife’s arm in reassurance. It’s kind of sweet. A love I’ve never seen my father give to my mother, or us, for that matter. How they’ve been married for twenty-five years, I’ll never know.

  My dad was never a family man. If he could throw money at it, he would, and that included the nannies and housekeepers we had growing up. He wouldn’t know love if it jumped up and bit him in the face. I came to resent the man I call father a long time ago.

  The doors ping open and I motion for the old couple to exit first. I might not have got my manners from my father, but I’ve developed good manners over the years.

  “Damon.” My name is called the moment I exit the elevator.

  “Shaun.” I hold my hand out to my best friend of twenty-odd years.

  I pull him into my chest and pat his back. He always drags his ass to these parties just to keep me company, and probably to stop me making a scene when my father does something I don’t like.

  “Ready for another Christmas party?”

  “As I’ll ever be. The quicker we can get in there, the quicker we can leave.”

  I grab two champagne flutes from the nearest waitress and hand one to Shaun.

  “As much as I don’t mind holding your hand to these events, I am not drinking this shit all night. I’ll see you at the bar, where I’ll be waiting with a nice cold beer.”

  “Get me one. No, make it two. I have a feeling I’ll need it by the time I’m finished with my walk around.”

  “On it.” Shaun walks away from me and leaves me to stand at the entrance to the main ballroom.

  “Boss, your father is standing at twelve o’clock,” says Shane as I approach him and his partner, Brock.

  “Thanks, Shane. Hey, Brock.” I hold out my hand to shake the tall guy’s hand. “Good to see you again.”

  “Same to you, Damon. We’ll need to have another get-together outside these shindigs.”

  “Totally. Set it up in the New Year and I’m there.”

  Shane and Brock have fast become good friends. I socialize with them often, but with how busy I’ve been the last two months, I’ve felt like a hermit when it comes to going out with friends.

  I’ve often heard the other staff talk about me for hiring a guy assistant instead of a hot woman like the other CEOs and managers. Even my father has a leggy blonde hanging on his every word. Not me; I’d take Shane any day.

  “Do you need me to do anything, Damon?” asks Shane.

  I shake my head. “No. Enjoy yourself with Brock. I’m going to do a walk around, show my face, shake a few hands, then I’m escaping to the bar next door.”

  “Same old, then.”

  “Absolutely. Why change a habit of a lifetime?” I shrug and make my way around the ballroom.

  I see my father in my peripheral vision, but I’m walking straight over to my brother to see what news or gossip he has for me. I’ll be avoiding any drama tonight.

  “You made it.” Gerome holds his hand out for me, and I shake it.

  As much as I’m nothing like my brother, I still have a good relationship with him. He’s the livewire, the man whore, the outgoing one. The complete opposite from me, because I’m the eccentric one.

  “I’m here, not through choice. I happen to like my team.” I shrug.

  “Damon.” A young woman wraps her arms around my neck.

  It’s only when I smell her perfume that I realize it’s our childhood friend, Nicole. The one woman Gerome loves, but won’t settle down with.

  “Hey. I didn’t expect to see you tonight.”

  “Me neither. It was a last-minute arrangement. You’re looking well.”

  “Thanks. You too. I see my brother hasn’t made an honest woman of you yet.”

  “No more champagne for you, bro.” Gerome punches my arm and we all laugh and enjoy the moment.

  It’s only when the band breaks off and applause rings through the room that I’m transported to the here and now, stuck in the one room I don’t want to be in.

  “Right, I’m off to see Mom and Dad. I’ll be around… somewhere.”

  Anyone who knows me well will know that I’m just looking for my escape.

  I approach my parents, who are talking to old friends. My mother wraps her arms around my neck and gently kisses my cheek. “It’s good to see you, son. How are you?”

  “I’m good. Just doing a walk around.”

  “Son.” My dad shakes my hand.

  That’s about as much affection as he has ever shown me and Gerome. I guess we’re used to it. We’ve never known anything else to miss it.

  “Having fun?” My dad smirks.

  He knows fine well that I hate these events; I just show face to be the perfect son.

  “Just here. I’m going to mingle and find my team. I have their Christmas presents to hand out.”

  My dad shakes his head and looks to his friend. “My son is too giving.”

  “I have the best team in the company thanks to my giving.” I roll my eyes. “I’ll be around if you need me.”

  I’m not about to get into anything with my dad tonight. I know he doesn’t like the way I run my team, but I’m
happy, my team is happy, and the work gets done. He needs to concern himself with the parts of the company that don’t work.

  I walk over to Shane, take out the twenty envelopes I have in my pocket, and hand them to him. “Can you make sure everyone gets these, please? I’m going to the bar. I’ve had enough already.”

  “Sure. I know where everyone is anyway.”

  “Thanks, buddy.”

  I make my getaway through to the bar next door. It’s quiet, but Shaun is in the corner, talking to a group of women. I might have guessed. He’s just like my brother; women flock to him like a herd of sheep.

  I shake my head at the scene and make my way to the bar. The barman spots me and comes straight over.

  “What can I get you, bud?”

  “A Scotch on the rocks, and keep them coming.”

  “One of those nights?”

  “One of those years.”

  He nods, accepting my response like he knows exactly what I’m talking about. He hands me my drink, and I drink it down in one. The amber liquid burns my throat on the way down. The burn is welcomed, because it makes me warm on the inside.

  I plan on sitting here until I need to crawl up to my bed.

  To hell with Christmas.

  To hell with families.


  I walk into the hotel bar and look around at the vacant seats. I come here often with my work colleagues when we leave the office around the corner. It’s usually nice and quiet, but there’s a party on in the main ballroom and people are slobbering everywhere. I maybe should have gone elsewhere.

  The bar, which is surprisingly quiet, considering how busy the lobby is. I spot a vacant seat at the bar and walk over. I bang down my clutch bag, loosen my jacket, and sit down.

  Jack, the barman, walks over and pours my usual glass of sweet white wine.

  “Hey, Thia. I thought you were going home for the holidays.”

  I scoff. “I was, but my flight was cancelled. I can’t get another flight until the twenty-seventh. I’m here to drown my sorrows. Keep the wine flowing. If I could have an intravenous drip, I would.”


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