Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology

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Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology Page 32

by Creative Anthologies

  “Well,” he says, and then lets out a heavy sigh. “Nothing about us is exactly slow.”

  Letting out another laugh, I shake my head, knowing he’s right. Our relationship has been on the quicker side, but I realize, I don’t really mind it. It feels right, so I have to believe this next step is what’s right for us.

  “I’m not sure Mom and Dad will agree.”

  He brushes my hair behind my ear, as he states, “I know, but at some point, we have to do what’s right for us and our family.”

  Nodding, I know he’s right, yet again. No matter how much I want Dad to approve, I can’t let it stop me from being with Dax. I have a baby to think about now, and I want our little family to be together. “We should talk about what happens, if Dad doesn’t hire you back.”

  I know he doesn’t want to talk about it by the way he glances away, but it’s something we need to face. “As long as he doesn’t blacklist me, I should be able to find another job fairly soon.”

  My chest clenches, hearing the sadness in his voice. I can’t imagine what it must be like to know you’ve worked your entire life for one thing, and then suddenly, it’s taken away from you. Taking his hand, I grip it tightly, as I claim, “Whatever happens, we’ll face it together.”

  “Good, because I don’t think I can do this alone.” Grinning widely, I’m glad to know we’re on the same page. Leaning in, I leave a quick kiss on his lips, before making myself pull away.

  If I start kissing him now, I know I’ll never want to stop.

  Thankfully, my decision to not get lost in him pays off. Glancing up, I notice Mom and Dad walking back into the room. I highly doubt Dad would like seeing us kissing for the second time today. As I sit up straight, Dax faces my dad, and I glance at Mom, wondering if she’ll give me a clue to what’s about to come.

  Unfortunately, she doesn’t give me any hints whatsoever, and my stomach fills with butterflies, as I wait to hear what Dad has to say. I know he has a lot to say by the look in his eyes, and with the way his back straightens. I’ve seen my dad at work before, and this is the same exact way he is, while working a business deal. My heart sinks, wondering if that’s what he thinks this is now. Am I just another deal gone wrong?

  “I’ve given some thought about my decision from earlier,” Dad starts, and my heart begins to race, wondering what he’s about to say. As Mom lays a hand on his shoulder, he takes a deep breath, and then says, “As much as I hate the way this … relationship came out, I know that I can’t stop you two from being together.”

  Reaching over, I take Dax’s hand, seeking comfort. It warms my heart, when he doesn’t bother to pull away, but instead, he squeezes mine back, letting me know he’s here for me. Dad doesn’t miss it either, and surprisingly, he continues to say what he needs, too.

  “It’s going to take some time for me to get used to this, but I’ll be here to support both of you in whatever choices you make.” Closing my eyes, I let out a heavy sigh of relief. It’s like the weight I’ve been carrying, from the moment I found out I was pregnant, lifts completely off of me, and I’m glad I’ll have Dad by my side, too.

  “There’s one more thing I need to address, before the night is over.”

  And just like that, all the happiness I just felt vanishes.

  Having no idea what Dad might say next, I hold Dax’s hand even tighter than before, hoping that whatever he’s about to say is good and not something terrible.

  After a moment of pause, he turns towards Dax, and then says, “I was angry before, when I fired you, and for that, I do apologize. I acted out of hurt, and my decision was rash. Therefore, I want to formally state that you are still an employee, and the offer for partnership is still on the table.”

  I grin widely, as Dax drops his head, and then lets out a sigh. Jumping off the couch, I rush over towards Dad, and then wrap my arms around him. I hug him so tight, because he has no idea what he’s given not only me, but Dax as well. We now have a firm future ahead of us, and it’s all because he came to his senses.

  “Thank you, Dad,” I whisper, as he hugs me back.

  “I can’t deny you anything, honey.”

  Pulling back, I smile, and then move to give Mom a hug. I know she’ll tell me later, but I have a feeling she had a big hand in Dad changing his mind. As I step back, Dax walks over to Dad, and they shake hands.

  “Thank you, sir. I want you to know that I appreciate you not firing me.”

  Letting out a snort at Dax’s tone, Mom shakes her head, as Dad fights against a smile. “You’re welcome, but if you ever hurt my daughter, I will make you regret it.”

  “Dad, stop it.”

  Dax laughs, as Dad claims, “Well, what kind of father would I be, if I didn’t at least threaten him.”

  “It’s okay, Blair.” Dax says, and then adds, “I can assure you that I wouldn’t dare hurt her.”

  “That’s good to hear,” Dad states, as he lays a hand on Dax’s shoulder.

  Stepping away from Mom, I stand beside Dax, and then lean against him, as he wraps an arm around me. It does feel a bit strange to openly touch and seek comfort from the man that’s supposed to be off limits. However, when I glance towards Dad, he smiles, as his eyes soften. Grinning widely, I know this means he really is okay with us being together, and that just makes my happiness grow.

  “How about a toast,” Mom suggests, and of course, Dad and Dax quickly agree.

  Shaking my head, Mom grabs some glasses and champagne, and then quickly fills their glasses. I decide to hold an empty one, since I can’t drink. As we raise our glasses, Dad says, “To love, family, and to my wife, for making me see the light.” Mom blushes, but I know she’s ecstatic about Dad’s toast. She’s been on my side, since day one, and I’m very grateful I had her vouching for me.

  “To the future,” Dax adds, and then we clink our glasses together.

  As they drink the bubbly liquid, I say, “Merry Christmas!”

  In return, everyone says the same, and I know this Christmas is most likely going to be retold over and over again. Glancing up at Dax, I don’t care who knows our story, because it’s by far my favorite one.


  One year later

  Holding Declan tightly, I show him the Christmas tree, trying to distract him. He’s getting hungry, but his mom is currently in the kitchen, helping Carol finish up cooking dinner. Since Blair decided to breast feed him, I’m doing my best to keep him happy, until his mom can take over.

  “See the lights, buddy?”

  Declan coos and wiggles, as his big, blue eyes stare at the colorful lights. It’s still amazes me that it’s already been a year, since Blair and I finally officially became a couple. I’ve wondered so many times what might have happened, if I hadn’t come for Christmas, but I know in the end, we would’ve eventually found our way back to each other.

  I know, because she’s the other half of my soul.

  “Merry Christmas, Dax,” Harry says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  I repeat the same to him, making sure to keep distracting Declan. The last thing I want is for him to have a meltdown. However, my job at keeping him preoccupied isn’t going over so well, and he begins to fuss.

  “Let me have my grandbaby,” Carol states, as she takes him right out of my hands.

  Shaking my head, I don’t dare say a word to her. She loves Declan, and she loves spoiling him rotten. “Mom, stop spoiling him so much. He’s going to be terrible, when we go back home,” Blair states, as she shakes her head.

  Harry and I share a glance, but we both know better than to utter a single word. “Oh, hush. He’s my only grandchild, so I’m going to spoil him all I want.”

  Walking over by Blair, I wrap my arm around her, and then kiss her forehead. “I thought we agreed that we weren’t going to say anything to her,” I whisper in her ear.

  As she lets out a sigh, she claims, “Alright, fine. But you’re going to babysit for New Year’s, so Dax and I can have a night to ourselves.�

  Carol quickly agrees, and then promptly takes Declan out of the room. She returns a few moments later, and I smirk, knowing my plan is going exactly how I imagined. Carol gives me a single nod, giving me the signal. Blair is distracted, so she doesn’t even notice, as I glance to her dad, and then make my way over to the tree.

  Quickly placing the single princess cut diamond on the tree, I suck in a deep breath, knowing what I’m about to ask the love of my life. In my heart, I know what her answer will be, but that doesn’t mean I’m not nervous about it.

  Thankfully, I was able to ask Harry and Carol permission to marry their only daughter, while Blair was feeding Declan earlier today.

  Turning around, Carol keeps Declan happy, as Blair plays peekaboo with him. Harry holds a drink in his hand, as he watches them, and it reminds me of how far we’ve all come, since last year. It’s a good feeling to know not only do I have Blair and Declan in my life, but I also have Harry and Carol. They’ve been very supportive, and I couldn’t ask for better future in-laws.

  Walking behind Blair, I take her hand, and then pull her towards me. When she glances at me with those wide, blue eyes, she smiles so big, and I swear that grin will stop my heart one day. “I have something to show you,” I claim, and her eyes turn curious.

  “Another present?”

  Letting out a laugh, I love her excitement, and how she’s not expecting another gift. I have gone a bit overboard with presents for her, but she deserves everything. “It’s just one more, and I think you’re going to love this one the most.”

  With her nod, I lead her over by the huge Christmas tree, and then I stand behind her, as I wait for her to see the ring, dangling on the branch. “What am I looking for, babe?”

  Trying not to laugh, I simply reach forward, and then grab the ring from the tree. My heart races in my chest, as she sucks in a harsh breath, before turning around. “Dax?”

  I hold the ring carefully in between my fingers, as I gaze into her beautiful, blue eyes, and then state, “I love you, Blair. I’ve loved you, since the moment I laid eyes on you, and I just know that you are the one I’m supposed to spend the rest of my life with.”

  Dropping down on one knee, I take her left hand in mine, as I add, “I want to spend the rest of my life, spoiling you and Declan. I want to make more wonderful and happy memories with you, because you make my life complete. I can’t imagine another second without you being my wife, so I have to ask you, will you marry me?”

  Her answer is instant.

  “Yes, Dax. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Smiling widely, I slide the ring onto her finger, and then stand to take her in my arms. I hold her tightly, and then pull back, leaving a tender kiss on her lips. I knew all along she would say yes, but hearing her answer, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. Maybe, it’s knowing for sure that she’s going to be by my side for the rest of our lives. Maybe, it’s just knowing she wants me just as much as I need her.

  Either way, the happiness and excitement I’m feeling right now is something I never want to lose.

  “I love you, Dax,” Blair says softly, and I caress her cheek, knowing she’s feeling exactly what I am.

  “I love you, too.” Giving her one last kiss, I look up, seeing Carol wiping away tears, as Harry has an arm wrapped around her.

  “Welcome to the family, son,” he states, and I nod, unable to fully express how much that means to me.

  I respect Harry, and he’s been like a father to me, since last year. So, hearing him say that I’m a part of the family now, it fills me with a sense of belonging. As Declan reaches for Blair, I’m a little surprised that Carol lets him go. The moment Carol’s hands are free, she walks over to me, and then hugs me tightly.

  “I’m so happy for the both of you,” she states. As she pulls away, she loudly claims, “This calls for a toast!”

  Blair and I let out a laugh, and a sense of déjà vu comes over me. As Carol rushes to get the glasses and champagne, I glance at Blair, holding onto our son. The more I gaze at her, the more I fall in love with her.

  Seeing her new engagement ring on her finger, I have a feeling this is only the beginning for Christmas traditions, and I honestly can’t wait to see what next year has in store for the both of us.


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