Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology

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Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology Page 31

by Creative Anthologies

  Rotating my hips against him, my pussy clenches, as he lets out a groan. I do it again, and then once more, before Dax holds me tightly. He slowly moves me to lay on my back, and then he quickly undresses me. My gaze never leaves his, as he does the same. I can’t look away, even if I wanted to anyway.

  Using my hands, I run them up his chest, admiring his defined body. He does the same to me, seeming to take his time doing so. As he reaches my swollen stomach, he stays there for a while, before looking at me. “I don’t want to hurt the baby.”

  Knowing what he means, I claim, “You won’t.”

  The need to have him inside of me is too strong to ignore, but I know he’s still worried about hurting our little one. Rolling to my side, I demand, “Take me, Dax.”

  “Fuck, Blair.” He quickly moves behind me, and then just as quickly, positions me the way he wants. He holds one of my legs up, and it gives him the perfect opening to sink deep inside of me. As a moan leaves my lips, he nips at my earlobe, and then states, “I need you to be quiet, or your parents are going to hear me fucking you.”

  I nod, but it’s hard to do as I’m told. Dax must sense I’m barely able to hold back, since he uses his free hand to turn my head towards him. He takes my mouth and greedily kisses me. My throaty moans are muffled by his demanding kiss, and I already feel my orgasm, rushing to the surface.

  As he fucks me slow but hard at the same time, I savor this moment with him. The connection we share is stronger than ever before, and I never want this to end. I wish we could stay this way for the rest of our lives, and just forget everything that stands in our way of being together.

  However, as Dax brings me over the edge and shows me again and again how amazing it is with him, I know deep down, we have a hard road ahead of us.

  I just hope, in the end, we’ll continue to stand together.


  Waking up with Blair in my arms, my chest clenches, knowing how much I’ve wanted this with her. I’ve dreamed of this very moment so many times, that for just a second, I wonder if I’m still asleep.

  But then, I feel the baby kick her hard, and I know that this isn’t a dream.

  Gazing at the beautiful woman beside me, I can’t resist leaning down, and then leaving a kiss on her cheek. I never expected last night to happen, but I’m glad that it did. After I spent the day driving around, I realized that I can’t stay angry with her about keeping our baby a secret. In the end, she was just trying to protect me, my career, and everything I’ve worked my entire life for. I also know she never wanted to keep me in the dark. However, the moment I walked back inside of the cabin last night, I just knew I couldn’t keep being angry at her. I’ve wanted her for so long, and the need to be near her is overwhelming.

  So, I went up to her room, only to talk, but being next to her all night, showed me that she’s perfect for me. It also shows me that what we had before is now stronger than it ever has been, and it just reminds me that I have to fight harder to keep her. I’m not sure how things are going to go, when we break the news to her father, but I do know that I’m never leaving her again.

  Pushing out a heavy sigh, I hate to leave her side now, but I know I need to, before her parents get up. The last thing I want is her Dad catching me walking out of his daughter’s bedroom.

  Quietly getting up, I dress, trying my hardest to push down the uneasiness of leaving her for now. It reminds me of the time, when I woke up from the one night with her, and I realized that she had left me early that morning, while I was still out of it. I understood why she had, but it still disappointed me more than anything. Sometimes in life, there are just hard and difficult decisions and choices in front of us that we can’t change, no matter how badly we want, too.

  That’s what it’s like with Blair.

  I know I want her, and I want to start building a life with her. Unfortunately, her parents are standing in the way of both of us being happy. I might be a bastard for claiming Blair, but at the end of the day, she’s a grown woman, and it’s time she starts choosing me, too.

  Out of respect for her parents, I’ll keep my mouth shut.

  For now, anyway.

  Giving Blair one final glance, I open the door, walk out of the room, and then slowly shut it behind me. The moment the door clicks, I look up, and then instantly lock eyes with Carol. For a moment, we just stand still, and I clench my jaw, wondering if I’ve made a grave mistake.

  If she didn’t know about us, she sure the hell does now.

  “Dax,” she states, and I glance away, hearing the warning in her voice.

  For some reason, my first instinct is to lie to her, but then, I realize there’s no reason to do so. “Blair is still asleep,” I say instead.

  Her eyebrow raises, and then she claims, “Harry is downstairs waiting for us, so I suggest you make haste.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I quickly make my way towards my room, hoping like hell she doesn’t tell Harry about this, since now is not the time.

  Surely, she won’t tell him.

  Sitting on the couch, I try to be careful about how many times I look at Blair. The run-in with her mom earlier has me worried, but I also understand why we need to wait, before we break the news to Harry.

  So, I continue to pretend that I’m ignoring Blair, as she does the same. It’s not easy at all, but I remind myself that our little lie won’t continue on for much longer. Thankfully, it’s been a great experience watching them opening gifts, and I feel content being included. Carol and Harry surprisingly got me a small present, which I’m still shocked about.

  I hate that I didn’t have a chance to get Blair something, but then again, I assumed she would be in Italy for Christmas. Sneaking another glance at her, I promise myself that I’ll get her something she’ll always remember the second I get a chance to do so.

  After presents are finished, Harry and Carol sit next to each other, while I hug the edge of the couch across from them. Blair sits on the far side close to me, and part of me wishes either she would move, or that her parents would leave the room. It’s so hard being so close to her, and knowing I can’t touch her, or hell, even look at her for too long, is making things harder by the minute.

  So when Harry’s phone begins to ring, it pulls me out of my thoughts, and as he takes the call, he leaves the room, giving me the perfect opportunity to steal a glance at Blair. Carol doesn’t utter a word, as she moves towards the kitchen, and Blair and I are left semi alone in the living room. Watching her intently, as she moves closer to me, I make sure Carol can’t see me reach over and grab her hand.

  Since my back is towards the kitchen, it gives me the perfect cover I need to keep my intimate touch just between us.

  “Merry Christmas, Dax,” Blair says in a sweet voice, and I smirk, hearing the need, too.

  Moving closer, I can’t seem to help myself, and I wish more than anything that I could hold her tightly against my chest. “Merry Christmas.”

  For a moment, I hold her gaze, and then I smirk once more, when her cheeks start to turn pink. I know exactly what she’s thinking about, because I’m always thinking about it, too. Needing to touch her, I place my arm on the back of the couch, and then I discreetly play with her hair.

  “I ran into your mom this morning, as I was walking out of your room.”

  “What? She didn’t say anything about it,” she claims, but I can tell she’s surprised by the news.

  Shaking my head, I admit, “She scared the fuck out of me.”

  Blair lets out a laugh, and I grin, loving the sound. “Mom knows about us, so I’m not sure why she wouldn’t tell me.”

  “She knows?”

  She nods, and then adds, “I had to tell her, when I found out I was pregnant. She wasn’t upset really, but I think she was shocked more than anything.” Glancing over my shoulder, I make sure Carol is still occupied in the kitchen.

  As I turn back towards Blair, she says, “I’m sure she was just warning you to s
tay out of my room, when we’re around them.”

  “That makes sense, I guess,” I state, and now, I feel like an asshole. It was never my intention to disrespect her parents, but at the same time, I had to be around Blair. It’s like I’m literally unable to stay away from her.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything for Christmas,” she utters, and I frown, catching the sadness in her voice.

  Without any hesitation, I reach over, and then caress her cheek. “But you have given me something for Christmas.” At her confused gaze, I add, “I have you, and you’ve given me a chance to be a father. There’s no greater gift than that.”

  “I really want to kiss you right now,” she confesses in a breathy tone.

  Licking my lips, I look over my shoulder once more, making sure Carol’s back is facing us. When I turn back around, I softly say, “I’ll make it quick.”

  Blair’s gaze turns heated, as I lean in close, but she doesn’t try to move away, when I place my lips over hers. Even if the kiss is far from erotic, the moment my lips touch hers, my cock hardens, and I wish we were alone. However, I take what I can, making sure to leave her wanting more just as much as I am.

  But the thing about kissing Blair, is that it’s hard to stop.

  I kiss her longer than I should, but I should’ve known better.

  “What in God’s name is going on here?” Harry demands, and Blair and I jump away from each other.

  “Dad, it’s not what it looks like.”

  Placing my arms on my knees, I clench my jaw, knowing I just royally fucked up. As Blair stands, I glance up, seeing the anger in Harry’s eyes. I can’t blame him at all, because I know how bad it looks. Blair is a lot younger than me, and not to mention, she’s also pregnant. I’m sure he assumes I’m taking advantage of her, when that’s far from the truth.

  “Someone better start explaining what I just walked in on right now.”

  I start to do just that, but Blair beats me to it, as Carol moves to stand beside Harry. “Dad, I’m sorry. This isn’t the way we wanted to tell you.”

  Standing up, I place a hand on Blair’s shoulder, as I face him. “The baby is mine, Harry.”

  His face turns bright red, and I wonder if he’s going to hit me. My gaze drops to his fists, as they clench tightly, and my heart begins to race, thinking he’s going to resort to violence. “Harry,” Carol starts. “They are both adults.”

  “That’s not the point,” he snaps, and Carol doesn’t utter another word.

  Her eyes meet mine, and I notice the sympathy in them. However, I doubt there’s anything any of us can say that will change his mind. He’s too angry to see reason right now.

  “Whatever is going on,” he claims, and then he looks at Blair, as he adds, “it ends now. Do you understand me?”

  My stomach drops, hearing him say that, and I drop my hand from Blair’s shoulder, as she steps forward. “Dad, you’re overreacting about this.”

  He glares at her, and I wish there was something I could say to change his mind. I wish I could just take her away from him, but I know I can’t do that. I can’t take her away from her parents, because that would make me a selfish bastard. I might be hovering a fucked up line as it is, but I won’t dare cross it, just to keep her.

  At the end of the day, I know Blair’s parents are everything to her.

  “I mean it, Blair. End it now.” When he cuts a hard gaze to me, I clench my jaw, as he claims, “I want you cleared out of the office by Monday morning.”

  Having no other choice, I nod, and then slowly sit down on the couch. Placing my hands in my hair, I try to hold onto the fact that I have enough savings to hold me over, until I can find another job. However, it still doesn’t ease the sinking pit in my stomach. I’ve worked my entire life to get to where I am, and now, it’s just over.

  My entire life’s work is literally just gone.

  Just like that.

  As Harry storms out of the room, I don’t bother to try and stop Blair from racing after him. I know Harry well enough, and his decision is final. There will be no changing his mind, and I also know there’s no point in trying.

  I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about the fact that I may have to let Blair go, too. I can’t even think about not having her in my life, but I also know Harry. He’ll do everything in his power to keep me away from not only Blair, but my child, too.

  Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I glance up, seeing Carol standing beside me. “Give him time. He’ll come around.”

  Laying my hand over hers, I welcome her comfort. I just wish she was right about Harry, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he blacklists me. I also wouldn’t be surprised at all, if he makes it to where I’ll never see Blair again.


  I should’ve never kissed her.


  Chasing after Dad, I’m determined to make him change his mind. I can’t let this happen to Dax, because he doesn’t deserve my father’s wrath. Mom was right about one thing, though. We are both adults, and I’m old enough to make my own choices. I shouldn’t have to worry about what my dad will think about who I’m dating, or the fact that he’s ten years older than I am.

  It also shouldn’t matter that he works for Dad either.

  None of this makes any sense, and I’m not sure why it’s just now hitting me. I know that Dad can be overprotective, but there are some things that he should have no control over. It’s time that he finally understands that.

  Walking into his office, I ignore the uneasy feeling in my stomach. I also ignore the racing pace of my heart, because I have to make this right. Dax will not lose his job, because of me. I won’t allow it.

  “Dad, you’re being unreasonable.”

  He turns to look at me, and I get the sudden urge to cry, as I see the hurt in his eyes. “You’re my daughter, and I won’t let some grown man take advantage of you.”

  Moving further into the room, I state, “He didn’t take advantage of me. I really care about him, Dad. Why are you so against me being with him?”

  “Blair, you have your entire life ahead of you, and you’re so willing to through away your future for him? Honey, he got you pregnant, and then abandoned you. What kind of man does that?”

  Dropping my head, I know it’s all my fault why he thinks this way. I should’ve told him sooner. “He didn’t know.” As Dad frowns, I add, “I know how you are, Dad. I just knew you would react this way, and I thought keeping the baby a secret from Dax would protect him.” Shaking my head, I utter, “I was wrong for keeping Dax in the dark, but what you’re doing is worse. This is on me too, Dad, but yet, you’re only punishing him. I kept this secret from you, not Dax.”

  “See, that’s the biggest problem with this entire situation, Blair. I am your father, and yet, you chose to keep this from me.”

  Unimaginable pain rushes through me, because for the first time, I realize by keeping this a secret, I’ve hurt my dad. Disappointment fills me, until it’s unbearable. I have no one to blame but myself, and it makes the feeling worse. I never meant to hurt him, but what other choice did I have? Sucking in a deep breath, I decide to suck up my pride, and try a different approach.

  “I’m sorry, Dad. I’m truly sorry for keeping this from you.” Walking over by him, I take his hand, and then claim, “Dax is a good man, and he’s done nothing but treat me with respect. He wants to be a part of the baby’s life and to do what’s right. Not because he has to, but because he wants, too. Please, don’t condemn his entire career, because of this.”

  He lets out a long sigh, as hope blooms in my chest. Surely, he’ll see reason, and then take back his decision about Dax’s job. “He really means that much to you?”

  “Yeah, he does.” Holding his gaze, I admit, “I’m falling for him, Dad. I want him in my life, and I know that you’re hurt, but please, don’t punish him for my mistake.”

  I let out a sigh, as he gives me a small smile, but my stomach drops, when he says, “I need some time to think
about it.”

  Nodding, I know there’s nothing else I can say right now that’ll change his mind. As hard as it is, I need to give him some space, so he can make his own mind up about Dax. Leaving the room, I rub my chest, hating there’s so much at stake here. While I know Dax and I will be fine, it doesn’t sit well with me, knowing that my dad might not approve of us being together.

  Walking back into the living room, I meet Dax’s worried gaze, and I realize that no matter what happens, we’ll be okay.

  We have to be okay.

  Sitting beside Dax, he doesn’t bother trying to hide his affectionate touch. It’s pointless to try now anyway, and I take in all of his comfort. Mom went to check in on Dad hours ago, and I hope she’s able to convince him to change his mind about his choice.

  So while they figure out how they feel, I lean back against Dax, enjoying the night with him. For a long while, we don’t talk, and the silence is sort of comforting. I know there’s so much to discuss, but for now, I’m soaking up the moment.

  As he runs his fingers through my hair, I wonder about our future together. I think about our little one growing inside of my belly, and who he or she is going to look like. I wonder how our first Christmas will go, and I hope we’ll be back here next year with our little family.

  “We should go on a date,” Dax claims, interrupting my thoughts, and I turn around, wondering what he’s talking about. “Not right now,” he adds, and I laugh at his deadpan tone of voice.

  “A date will be nice.”

  “You should also move in with me.”

  I raise my eyebrows, as surprise flows through me. Opening my mouth, I start to say something, but I quickly shut it, as nothing comes out. Dax’s eyes soften, and then he cups my cheek, as he claims, “I just want to be around you and the baby. Plus, I thought it would be a good idea, that way you can move out of your parent’s house, and I can be there all the time.”

  Finally finding my voice, I ask, “Are you sure about this? We’re not moving too fast, are we?”


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