A Single Dad to Rescue Her

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A Single Dad to Rescue Her Page 11

by Sue MacKay

  Kayla’s background sounded loving. She spoke adoringly of her family, and there was only love in her face when she mentioned her late husband. Did she want to love again?

  Jamie jerked, gasped. What was he thinking?

  ‘Hello? What happened?’ Kayla murmured beside him. Then she stilled. ‘Jamie?’ she whispered.

  ‘Morning, sleepyhead.’

  ‘How long have you been awake?’ she asked, caution in her words and her body tensing.

  ‘All night,’ he teased, then realised he’d probably upped the tension. ‘Ten minutes max.’

  She began to roll away, and he retracted his arm instantly. ‘We were like this when I woke, and I didn’t want to disturb you.’

  I was enjoying myself, making the most of having you close. It was magic.

  Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she sat up, scrubbed her face with her knuckles. ‘How’re you feeling?’

  Hot. Tight. Needing you.

  ‘Achy and ready to stretch the body.’

  ‘I’ll put the kettle on. What time do the boys get up?’

  Jamie sat up fast, groaned as pain lanced his chest and shoulder. The boys. He’d forgotten them. What if they’d walked in here while Kayla had been lying in his bed, snuggled up to him? ‘Seven, when I usually have to shake them awake.’ What was the time? He tried to twist around to pick up his phone and more pain stabbed his shoulder.

  Kayla was pulling her trousers on at the same time as tapping her phone on the bedside table. ‘Slow down, Jamie. It’s just gone six. I’ll go out to the kitchen and they’ll be none the wiser.’

  ‘I hope.’

  Kayla’s face dipped, and her mouth tightened. ‘Right.’

  She hadn’t liked what he’d said. He couldn’t blame her, but she didn’t know how much he protected his boys from getting caught up in things that would upset them. ‘They’re smarter than you think.’


  He nodded. ‘I didn’t mean to insult you. They’re still not happy their mum doesn’t live with me and if they saw you in my bed they might get the wrong idea and think you’re replacing her.’

  She ran her fingers through her hair, tangling with the knots that had formed overnight. ‘That’s sad. For all of you.’

  She was right. ‘It’s a work in progress. For me too,’ he admitted. Kayla brought things out of him that he hadn’t even admitted to himself, let alone anyone else. ‘Be happy they accepted you so easily.’ Hopefully it boded well for the future, and the day would come when he could have a woman—this woman—in his life, not necessarily in his house or family but there to have some fun with. ‘I’m not in a hurry to get hooked up again. Too much to get my head around. And my trust levels barely touch the scale.’

  Her eyes darkened. ‘I understand how you feel. It’s not been easy putting Dylan’s death behind me. I’m not sure if I’m even meant to. Sometimes I wonder if people would think I’m selfish to want to be happy again when Dylan has no chance. It makes me cautious.’

  ‘To hell with what other people think. Some will be like that, but most, especially your family and friends, wouldn’t wish a life of unhappiness on you.’ Yet here he was doing the same thing to himself. ‘Stay for breakfast.’

  Kayla stared at him for a long moment, then suddenly laughed. ‘My first date in years and I wasn’t even asked, just told to stay for breakfast. I like it. Except I have to get to work.’

  That unexpected laugh dived right into him, lifting his spirits in a way he hadn’t known for so long. ‘That’s a shame.’ He slowly stood up.

  Her eyes dropped to his chest, then lower to his boxers. The laughter died. ‘I’ll head to the kitchen.’

  He hadn’t thought when he’d stood up. That’s how relaxed he was with her. ‘I’ll join you in a moment.’

  ‘Go easy. It hasn’t been twenty-four hours since you had a fight with that beam.’

  ‘Yeah, but I won. It’s probably ash by now, whereas I’m slower than normal but otherwise doing okay.’

  Kayla shook her head at him. ‘You’re nuts.’

  ‘I know.’ He enjoyed this light-hearted banter. It was something else that had been missing for a long time. Maybe he did need to get out and start mixing and mingling with the opposite sex, then he’d be more relaxed, which had to be a good thing for them all.

  Slow down. One night with Kayla in your bed not having the ultimate fun and you’re thinking about getting amongst it?

  ‘Why not?’ It was the only answer he could come up with.

  She popped back around the door. ‘Who’s driving the kids to school?’

  ‘The neighbours,’ he said, his breath stalling in his lungs. She was beautiful with her mussed-up hair and sleepy eyes. ‘I’m glad you were here last night. I would’ve been worrying without someone to keep an eye on things. Thank you.’

  Those golden eyes were fixed on him, her lips slightly apart. Her breasts were rising and falling too fast. ‘Any time,’ she whispered.

  He stepped closer, brushed the back of his hand over her cheek. ‘I might take you up on that.’

  ‘I should go.’ She didn’t move an inch.

  ‘I know.’ Placing his hands on her shoulders, he gazed into her eyes, falling deeper into her hold over him. He didn’t want her to leave. Not at all. But she had to. Suddenly he couldn’t imagine her not being around to talk to or share a coffee with. ‘Kayla?’


  He had to kiss her. Had to. His lips touched hers, brushing across them to the corner, and returning to cover them completely. Her mouth opened under his in invitation and he was lost. Sunk in a softness that absorbed him, overwhelmed him, took charge of him. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her against his hungry body, felt her curves against his tight muscles as he tasted her mouth.

  Kayla pulled back in his arms to lock her eyes with his. The tip of her tongue slid along her lip.

  Hell, he wanted to kiss her some more. His whole body was responding to that tongue. But she’d lifted her mouth away from his. ‘Kayla? I know I said I’m not leaping into anything, but I’ve been wanting to kiss you for so long.’

  Her smile was slow and sexy. Then she was pressing hard against him, holding him tight around his waist, kissing him like she wanted to give herself. It couldn’t get any better.

  Bang. ‘Callum, give me that book back.’

  Jamie froze.

  Kayla jerked out of his arms, stepped away, smoothing her hands down her clothes. Shock registering in her eyes, she murmured, ‘Thought you said you had to shake them awake.’

  ‘I usually do.’ He puffed out the breath that had got caught in his throat.

  ‘‘It’s mine, Callum.’

  The boys’ bedroom door swung open and two little bodies hurtled down the hall towards them.

  ‘I’ll make that tea and leave you to it,’ Kayla muttered.

  ‘Hey, Dad, Callum’s got my book.’

  ‘Watch out,’ Kayla warned from the doorway. ‘Your dad’s hurt, remember?’

  Ryder slid to a stop before him. ‘You still sore, Dad?’

  ‘A bit. Why are you arguing?’

  Ryder shrugged. ‘Don’t know.’

  ‘Yes, you do,’ Callum shouted. ‘You took my book.’

  ‘So what? Where’s Kayla, Dad?’ Ryder headed to the kitchen. ‘Kayla, can you come to my birthday party at the weekend?’

  Where the hell had that come from? This needed to be dealt with immediately. In the kitchen Kayla looked stunned. Would she say yes and make Ryder happy, or no and quieten his concerns? Or would she delay answering until she’d talked to him?

  She glanced at Jamie, worry darkening her face. Looked at his son, waiting with something like resignation in his eyes, and smiled. ‘Thanks for asking me. I’d love to come.’

  ‘Cool.’ Ryder’s
shout ricocheted around the room. ‘You hear that, Dad?’

  ‘I did.’ He didn’t know whether to be pleased or annoyed. This was raising the bar higher than ever,

  ‘How old will you be?’ Kayla asked.

  ‘Eight.’ Ryder was already racing back to his bedroom. ‘The party’s at the skating park. We’re taking our skateboards. You can have a turn on mine, Kayla.’

  ‘No, thanks. I’ve already broken my legs once. I don’t plan on doing that again.’

  ‘Chicken,’ Jamie muttered, uncertain about this. He should be pleased she hadn’t turned Ryder down.

  Then be pleased.

  ‘Thanks for not disappointing him.’

  Finally she relaxed. ‘That doesn’t sound like me.’

  ‘I agree. You don’t let people down, do you?’

  ‘Not if I can help it. But is it all right if I come? What about the boys’ mother? Will she be there? I don’t want to cause problems or give her the wrong idea.’

  Jamie bit back a retort. Leanne would be there, but if she made any comments about Kayla she’d have him to deal with. She had a new husband so he doubted she’d react badly to him turning up with a woman, but he’d been wrong before. ‘Leanne will be fine.’ One way or another, he’d make certain of it.

  ‘Then I’ll look forward to the party.’ Kayla stretched up on her toes and she brushed her lips over his. ‘And to seeing you again.’ Then her cheeks turned bright red and she stepped back. ‘So much for being cautious.’

  ‘Yeah.’ One kiss and everything had changed. One damned kiss and he wanted more. Maybe not the whole deal, but more kisses and holding that sexy body, and getting to know her so much better.

  Too soon, too fast.

  This wasn’t how the future was supposed to go. Not yet. But no denying he wanted more of Kayla. ‘I’ll see you Saturday.’ He had to accept she’d be at Ryder’s party, and that he was already looking forward to more time with her. As long as he could squash the idea she might let him down in the future and believe that his boys would be safe with her. So much for waiting a while before getting involved even a little. Right now he felt as though he was standing on a precipice and he could go either way.


  ‘COME ON, KAYLA, you have to take a turn on my skateboard. It’s my birthday.’ Ryder stood in front of her, hands on his hips, wearing a cheeky smile that got her right in the chest—just where his father’s smiles hit her.

  The little ratbag. How did he know she didn’t dodge challenges? Right now she was hyped up and ready to take one on, both for the hell of it and to quieten her nerves with Jamie’s ex about to turn up. ‘I’ll give it a go.’

  ‘You don’t have to do this, Kayla.’ Jamie joined them, worry reflecting out at him. ‘Think about those fractures you sustained last year.’

  Too right she was thinking about them. But she was a dab hand on skis and snowboards so balance was on her side. She squeezed his arm. ‘I’ll be fine.’ Or sensible. Another challenge going on right there.

  ‘Out of the way, guys. Kayla’s having a turn and she might crash.’ Ryder was running at his friends, shooing them back.

  ‘I’m not that decrepit.’ She laughed.

  ‘Don’t do it. You haven’t had birthday cake yet.’ Jamie sounded light-hearted but his hands were clenched.

  ‘Watch this.’

  Please, please, please, get it right.

  She placed one foot on the board and pushed off with the other, kept her balance as the board moved forward slowly.

  ‘Too slow.’ Ryder walked beside her. ‘You’ve got to go faster or you’ll crash.’

  ‘Okay.’ Same as snowboarding. Except landing on concrete would be inflexible. This wasn’t her wisest move in a while but, hey, wise was highly overrated. Pushing harder, she was off, balancing better as she tucked her left foot behind the right one. Leaning to the side, the board began turning. Just like snowboarding.

  ‘Cool.’ Ryder was still with her. ‘Do a jump.’

  ‘Nope.’ That was one challenge she wasn’t ready for. She managed a sharp turn, wobbled, then pushed with her foot and headed back to where she’d started. Straightening the board by angling her body, she aimed for the grass strip and jumped off, holding her hand up to high five the air. ‘How’s that?’

  Jamie shook his head. ‘I’m impressed.’

  ‘That easily?’

  ‘I’m hoping the boys don’t challenge you to anything else. You won’t be able to turn them down. Weren’t you worried about falling off?’

  ‘Worry and it happens.’ Something she’d learned on the ski slopes as a five-year-old. Strange how she couldn’t react the same about a new relationship. Since leaving Jamie’s house the other morning, she’d spent most of her time thinking about needing to get to know him even better. His kiss was something else, and waking up to find herself wrapped against his body beyond awesome. The sense of belonging had remained ever since. She’d dropped in to see how he was and had had a coffee with him the next day. It had felt right, and Jamie had been relaxed about her being there when the boys had come home. She was starting to let go of her worries over a new relationship.

  ‘Hello, who are you?’ A woman stood in front of her, dressed in classy trousers and a sleeveless top. ‘I’m Leanne, Ryder and Callum’s mother.’

  Jamie stepped closer to Kayla. ‘Hi, Leanne. This is a friend of mine, Kayla Johnson.’

  ‘Hello, Leanne, nice to meet you.’

  ‘I wasn’t expecting you.’ Leanne was sizing her up with a shrewd look in her eyes.

  Glad she’d worn her new white three-quarter-length pants and snazzy red shirt, Kayla smiled.

  ‘I invited her, Mum.’ Ryder appeared between his parents, a frown on his brow.

  ‘You didn’t mention it to me,’ Leanne snapped.

  This could go either way, so Kayla intervened, ‘Probably because I had to check my roster to see if I was working.’ A little lie, and shouldn’t have been said in front of Ryder, but he wasn’t getting into trouble on her account.

  Leanne studied her for a moment longer, then glanced at Jamie. ‘I see.’ Then she walked across to a group of mothers watching their kids skating.

  See what? Kayla wondered. Jamie’s ex didn’t know he’d kissed her, made her warm and happy.

  I’m not wearing a sign on my forehead.

  But there was one in her chest, expanding even as they stood here. She liked this woman’s ex-husband enough to want to become a part of his life. They’d connected instantly, and got on whenever they were together, which was never often enough. More than that, she felt as though she’d found her match in Jamie. Enough to want to have more. Nothing full time and permanent, but to be able to do things together would be wonderful.

  ‘You want to try my board?’ Callum asked quietly from behind her.

  She wasn’t letting either of these boys down. ‘Sure. Shall I do the same loop or try something different?’

  Don’t suggest a jump or this time I might have to accept the challenge.

  ‘What you did on Ryder’s is okay.’ A nervous smile appeared on Callum’s face.

  Kayla held out her hand for the board. ‘Come on, then. Watch this.’ She glanced at Jamie, and winked before mouthing, ‘No jumps, promise.’

  He grinned, surprising her. ‘We’ll see.’ Then he called across to Leanne, ‘How’s David? I thought he’d be here.’

  ‘He’s coming shortly. He’s got a problem to sort out with work first.’

  ‘Good. Ryder was hoping he’d turn up.’

  It was the weekend. Shouldn’t David be here with his wife’s kids instead of working? Kayla shrugged. Not her problem, though she knew where she’d be if she was in the same position. ‘Okay, Callum, let’s do this. Why don’t you borrow another board and ride with me?’

  Ten minutes later sh
e rolled up to Jamie and stepped off the board. ‘Your turn.’

  ‘Concussion, remember? And a badly bruised shoulder.’ He’d had the all-clear for his concussion but his shoulder was still stiff and sore.

  She laughed. ‘Wimp.’

  ‘And proud of it.’

  ‘Then I’d better do another lap.’ It was fun zooming around.

  ‘Thanks for letting Ryder off the hook.’

  On the other side of the dome Leanne was watching them. ‘I know I fibbed, but I didn’t want him getting into trouble over me.’

  ‘I think Ryder understands. Anyway, I’m fine about it. The last thing we need is him being scolded in front of his friends.’ Jamie had his hands in his pockets as he stood watching the kids charging all over the skating dome. ‘They’re carefree and happy. It’s all I want for them.’

  ‘What about for you?’ The question was out before she’d thought it through. ‘Sorry, I take that back. None of my business.’ Except it could be now that they were getting a little more involved. The other morning Jamie had kissed her like it mattered. She waited for his answer, but after a moment of tense silence she shook her head and made to move away. He wasn’t sharing anything at this stage.

  Jamie caught her elbow, pulled her against his side. ‘There’s a big gap between what I’d like and what I’m prepared to give up to get it.’

  Still none the wiser, Kayla waited, making the most of her side pressed against his, the warmth between them, the strength she could feel that was inherently Jamie. This could be the beginning of a big let-down, but she was willing to give it a try. Ready to take the knocks on the chin and see if she was lucky enough to have a second chance at love. Falling for Jamie might happen, or it might not. Only one way to find out.

  ‘Ryder and Callum come first,’ he said.

  ‘That shows in everything you do.’

  His hand tightened on her waist. ‘There was another woman about a year back who wanted a relationship with me. I liked her, but wasn’t interested in more than friendship.’ He paused. ‘She overdid it, trying to get onside with the boys as a way to me.’


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