Book Read Free

His Omega

Page 9

by A. C. Katt

  By one in the afternoon, the crew was ready. Scott Maculley, the national anchor of the NBC evening news sat before them on an antique fan chair. Armand and Sean sat on the sofa across from him in front of the fireplace. The producer said it made for a great visual.

  “This is Scott Maculley. We are visiting this evening with Armand La Marche, the CEO of the privately held Garou Corporation, the richest private holding company in the country. The Garou Corporation is also known for being on U.S. News and World Reports’s list of best places to work and for their extensive charitable contributions. In addition to other charity work, Garou set up shelters for gay teens in most major cities and funds scholarships or apprenticeships for all of the teens who enter the shelters.

  “Mr. La Marche,” Maculley began.…

  “Armand please…”

  “You are the first gay businessman of such prominence to be married in New York; yet no one knew you were gay until this announcement.”

  Armand moved closer to Sean. “My sexuality has never been an issue in my business dealings. All of my close friends and business associates were aware of it; but it made no difference to my business acumen.”

  Maculley stared at the couple on the sofa. “How did the two of you meet?”

  Sean said, “I witnessed a murder on West Street, I didn’t have a cell phone and Armand’s car was the first I saw and I asked for help.”

  Sean fidgeted. Maculley continued, “I understand that the tight security is because you witnessed a murder and are about to marry a high profile man. Yet, you haven’t known him for very long.” Maculley looked at his notes, “Less than two weeks if my notes are correct.”

  Armand bristled at his tone, Sean placed a hand on Armand’s knee and Armand answered stiffly, “I fell in love with Sean as soon as I laid eyes on him. I have since learned he is a talented potter just short of a Masters in Fine Arts from NYU Institute of Fine Arts. We are compatible in every way.”

  Maculley asked Armand, “Why the rush to wed?”

  “Why not?” Armand put his arm around Sean. “I am known to be decisive in business, why shouldn’t I be in my personal life? It was Sean that needed convincing.”

  Armand watched as Maculley’s eyes lit up as if he scented some meat to chew on. “Is it true that you were in fact homeless, when Mr. La Marche found you?”

  Sean straightened his back, “Yes, my father is a policeman in Keansburg, New Jersey. When I came out to him in late August, he cut me off from a legacy left to me by my aunt. I didn’t know it but there was about seventy-five thousand dollars left in the fund, but without it I couldn’t pay my rent or finish my schooling. I had a job at a SoHo art gallery, but because of the recession they closed. I was living on the small amount of savings I had from my job but it ran out two weeks before I met Armand.”

  Armand interrupted, “We are taking legal action against Mr. Quinn to recover Sean’s legacy.”

  Maculley turned to Sean, “What would have happened if Mr. La Marche didn’t find you that night?”

  “I have no idea. I might have been as dead as my friend, Leroy.” Sean’s eyes filled up.

  Maculley’s face softened in sympathy, “Has the murderer been identified?”

  Sean answered, grabbing for Armand’s hand, “According to the district attorney and Detective Murphy who are handling the matter, I can’t speak about the case.”

  Maculley’s eyes turned feral, “Mr. Quinn, after such a whirlwind courtship, it would seem that you have done very well for yourself with Mr. La Marche.”

  Armand stood, “If you continue to pursue that line of questioning; this interview is over.”

  “If you object, we will cut that from the tape.” Maculley said annoyed.

  Sean put his hand on Armand’s arm and he sat back down. “If you don’t mind, Armand, I’d like to answer that question. Mr. Maculley, I didn’t seek out Armand, it was an accidental meeting. I wanted to go to the local hospital, but it was Armand who insisted I come to his home. I tried to leave several times that evening and the next morning, but he didn’t want me to leave because he was worried about my safety. He proposed the second day. Up until that time, I only planned to stay until Detective Murphy could make other arrangements. I have attempted to refuse my intended’s generosity to no avail. At least with the recovery of my own funds I will not be that dependent.”

  Maculley followed up still looking for some scandal, “Would it be safe to say that you felt the same emotions that Mr. La Marche felt for you?”

  Sean looked at Armand, “I fell for Armand almost as soon as he held his shirt against my side in the car. He was persistent, I couldn’t say no.”

  Armand stood again and it was clear to everyone in the room that the interview was over. “I think you have all that you need, Mr. Maculley. In my ten years as head of the Garou Corporation, I have never seen the need to splash my personal life across the media. However, I do understand that our wedding combined with a sensational murder invites inquiry, so I agreed to this interview. But I do object to your tone. I’m sure that you are needed back at the station, and we have much to accomplish and little time to do it.” Armand stood and pulled Sean off the sofa. “Have a good afternoon.”

  Pierre came to the door of the sitting room. “Mr. La Marche and Mr. Quinn are needed in the study by Detective Murphy.”

  “Thank you for your time, Mr. Maculley. Pierre can see you and your camera crew out.” With that, the interview was over.

  “That was interesting,” Sean said as they climbed the stairs.

  “If that’s what you want to call it.” Armand opened the door to the study where Rene and Martin awaited them.

  “Could you go downstairs and make sure they leave tout de suite?” Armand requested as he slumped into the couch pulling Sean down with him. “What’s the schedule for Saturday?” Armand asked Martin.

  “The wedding is to take place at nine a.m. Brunch will be served from nine thirty until eleven. We cut the cake at eleven fifteen and we are wheels up from LaGuardia at noon. We will be taking the helicopter from the Garou building to the airport. We will be in Albuquerque by two thirty local time.”

  “Does the council have our schedule?”

  “La Farge asked and I was compelled to provide it to them. I’m not happy about that.”

  “Make sure the guards are doubled for tonight and tomorrow and that the pack is alerted to our anticipated arrival time. I want to be met by four SUVs with Enforcers for security until we are on pack land.”

  Martin stood and said, “It will be as you say, Alpha. Enjoy your dinner.”

  “If it isn’t too much trouble, I’d like to meet with you again after dinner.”

  “Of course, Alpha.”

  * * * *

  “I escorted Detective Murphy to the study,” Pierre said as he whisked a piece of lint off of his black suit.

  Armand took Sean’s hand and kissed it at the wrist. Sean shivered with desire. His arm snaked around Armand’s waist. Armand pulled him to his chest and tilted Sean’s head to position his lips for a scorching kiss.

  “The good detective awaits us…” Armand said. Sean followed Armand into the room.

  “Good afternoon, Murphy. We haven’t much time. I need to have Sean’s tuxedo tailored. We were going to go with a suit but Mr. Abbott said he could tailor the tux and have it finished by tomorrow so we’ll both be in tuxes for the wedding.”

  “Alpha La Marche, Dimitri Petrovich has left New York.”

  “Detective Murphy…” Sean’s worry was apparent. “What does that mean to us?”

  The detective looked to his Alpha to answer.

  “Petrovich doesn’t dare to go to Europe. He’s been declared rogue by the Russian Council. That means he is still in North America and under our laws. We already have BOLOs posted at all of the major outlets. The fact that he was able to leave the city after the attack at the jewelers is unfortunate but not unexpected. Are you sure he’s not still in the city?” Armand paced
the floor.

  “If he is, someone has hidden him well. The Enforcers as well as the entire New York City police department is out scouring the town looking for this guy. Because you are a prominent businessman, this case took on added importance. The mayor is on my back as well as the state and federal DAs. The feds believe that the incident at the jewelry store was an attempted kidnapping so now the FBI is involved as well as US Marshals because this is seen as witness tampering.”

  “Am I putting this household in danger?” Sean felt uneasy at the thought of someone hurt because of his presence.

  “No baby, everything is under control. From what Detective Murphy has said, we now have protection details from the NYPD, the FBI, and the US Marshall Service.” Armand ran his fingers down the side of Sean cheek. “Even if it wasn’t, I will not give you up. Let’s go up and see Mr. Abbott. He should have your tux ready for a final fitting.”

  “Are you sure about all of this Armand?” Sean asked, more than a little nervous. “I mean, you’re spending so much money, we’re getting married and yet you barely know me…and as the anchor pointed out; you have so much more…”

  “All you need to know is how much I love and need you. Don’t pay attention to what anyone else says. If I’m sure of anything or anyone in this world, I’m sure of you. You are my mate, the one person designed by the gods exactly for me. As I told you, for me there can be no other but you and you are everything I hoped for in a mate and more.”

  Sean shuffled his feet. “I can’t explain why. The more time I spend with you the more I want you. It’s like a burning in my belly and it never ceases. When I come near you, it gets worse. It’s like all I am is wrapped up in you and I can’t breathe if you’re not in the room.”

  “Believe it or not, baby, it’s the same way for me. I was told that is how it is for mates, I didn’t believe them, yet every word was true. I can’t stand any distance between us and all I want to do is run off to pack lands and fuck you senseless. There are only two days before you are mine forever. Let’s both hope they pass quickly.”

  * * * *

  Dimitri Petrovich sat on a bench in Washington Square Park across from the playground. He knew they couldn’t sense him with all the other humans and weres hanging around confusing scent trails with perfumes, deodorants, and aftershave. He had a good view of the Alpha’s house without being conspicuous. Dimitri laid a false trail out of the city. It was easy. Dimitri, used to dealing with Russian enforcement, didn’t have a problem deceiving one such as Murphy. The North American Pack had it too easy; it wasn’t a hardscrabble life like life in the Russian Federation. Russian wolves did well since the Cold War ended, but nothing in comparison to their American and Canadian counterparts who were able to amass wealth over centuries in comparison to a paltry thirty years.

  His informant in the North American Pack was as eager to rid himself of the pup with the special Talent as Dimitri was to obtain him. He was looking to better his position on the council and the appearance of an Alpha Mate with great Talent in the hands of his rival made him burn. It would be easier just to kill the pup as he planned to kill the Alpha; but Dimitri promised he would pay well for the privilege of keeping the Alpha Mate for the Russians.

  They would try to make the pass and grab after the wedding on the way into the helicopter. The pilot was paid off. Dimitri would have the copter crashed and Alpha La Marche wouldn’t survive and the twink would be his to take back to Alpha Fedorovich, thereby securing his place as pack Beta again. With the twink, the pack would prosper beyond its wildest dreams, as would Dimitri. Who knows, Alpha Fedorovich was getting older; once the twink’s mate was dead, he was an Omega and could be passed along to whomever his Alpha chose, at least by Russian pack law. His informant would contact him this evening.

  * * * *

  Martin met Armand in the study after everyone had dinner. Everyone else left the house but Sean, Pierre, and Meg, so he and Armand were alone. Martin silently checked the room for bugs and found one in the lamp by Armand’s desk. Martin crushed it beneath his shoe.

  “Did any of the camera or crew come up to this floor of the house today?”

  “No, Alpha, but if you remember, the council was here a few days ago. We have known for a long time that La Farge waited for a weakness in our defenses to make a move. I’ve said since he took over the Colorado pack that he would be a problem. This only confirms my concerns.”

  “We won’t give him an opportunity to play his game. I don’t want the loup-garou plunged into a territorial war because of his ambitions.” Armand pounded his fist on the desk.

  “Alpha, with all respect, you may not have a choice.” Martin tapped his pencil on his knee.

  “The advent of the Alpha Mate with such a Talent leaves us open to all kinds of attacks. Your life will be in constant danger as they can’t use him while you live. Until we can get the council together after you mate, and he shifts and comes into his Talent, you are frankly a moving target.”

  “Let’s make some alternate plans for Saturday. I think we will send a decoy to the helipad at the Garou building and have the jet leave from Newark rather than LaGuardia. We’re using it to bring Sean’s friends in from Boston, we’ll just bring them into Newark, and no one will be the wiser.” Armand thought about the situation. “Brief Rene, Edward, and Pierre and make sure Jacques and his wife know to come out to New Mexico on the next commercial flight. Buy six first class tickets to New Mexico and two to Boston. But you and Rene will travel with me. Have the Enforcers, Pierre, and Meg take a second chartered jet from LaGuardia. That leaves three trails for them to follow. Let’s hope that they follow our original plans.”

  “So we’ll use Enforcers to be the decoys at the helipad. No one will actually leave from the Garou building.”

  “That’s right. Arm them well. Make these plans yourself, at the airports tonight. Be sure you’re not followed. He’s my life, Martin. I think he is also the future of all the loup-garou. Alpha La Farge is a very dangerous man. In combination with Petrovich, he could very well be lethal.” Armand rose from his desk. “I’ll make this extra work up to you when we get to New Mexico.” Armand paused for a minute, thinking. “Damn, I never got to the business of Elena. Well, I guess I’ll have to take care of that from New Mexico.”

  Armand poured himself some brandy after Martin left the house.

  Pierre came into the study to see if his Alpha needed anything before they went to bed. “As a matter-of-fact, I do. Did any of the council Alphas come up to my study during or after the council meeting?”

  “I believe that Alpha La Farge had to make a phone call and asked to use your study.”

  “That man is too stupid to live. He planted a bug in the study. At least that means that no one on the immediate staff is a traitor.” Armand’s mouth set in a grim line. “Sit down Pierre and pour yourself a brandy.”

  “Are you sure Alpha?” Pierre asked.

  “Of course I’m sure. You and Meg have been taking care of me since my parents’ accident. You are family both to me and to the Alpha Mate. He needs both a maternal and a paternal figure in his life and I can’t think of any better example than you and Meg.” Armand sipped his brandy. “You are a smart man, you know what the advent of an Alpha Mate with a great Talent portends.”

  “Yes, the last time we had an Omega with great Talent was the burning times in France.”

  “Alpha La Farge is attempting to take over the council. I fear he wants to disband the council entirely and let the loup-garou become a monarchy with him as the king. He has a nephew he has been grooming for the council and the rumors of this boy’s cruelty abound within pack circles.” Armand swirled the liquid in his glass. “You know that Bernard is related to LaFarge through one of his sisters.” Armand took a sip of the brandy.

  “Yes, I knew. I wondered when the subject of Bernard would surface. What he is trying to do with Elena is unconscionable. Selling a loup-garou child to the highest bidder is beyond the pale. I know t
hat many of our childless families would gladly pay that sum to have a child but the idea of selling her is outrageous. If I may ask, what do you plan to do about it?” Pierre’s hands warmed the brandy in his snifter.

  “I was going to take her myself; but now I have to consider my mate.” Armand closed his eyes.

  “Once he sees the child and how she is treated, I think he will come to that decision on his own. He is a good man with a large heart. The pack has few children, he will make the right choice.” Pierre put down his glass.

  “His own upbringing after his mother passed was a tragedy. From what I can ascertain, he lived in an emotional desert. I’m afraid that the pack will take advantage of his desire to be loved and needed.” Armand got up and crossed over to the fireplace.

  Armand continued. “He could have reported his stepfather to Family Services at any time and they would have seen to his legacy. But he thought the man was his father and he tried so hard to please him for his mother’s sake.” He finished his glass and poured another.

  “It’s a good thing we have too high a metabolism to get really drunk or just the thought of La Farge, Bernard and Petrovich would send me deep into the bottle.” Armand sighed.

  “I wondered at your wisdom, Alpha, in telling the council of Sean’s Talent?”

  “It would be unethical to withhold something of that import from the council. Not all of them are like La Farge. Most of the members only want what is good for our people and only leave their packs to sit on council because they are called, not because they wish to do so.” Armand answered.

  “Is it likely that any of the council would support La Farge if he issues a challenge?” Pierre set down his snifter.

  “Not really. None of them are related to him by blood. His only kin are his two nephews, only one of which is eligible to become an Alpha. Bernard is mated to Adele and about to have a child.”

  “Why is Bernard so desperate for money? Why couldn’t he have come to you? We all get a very generous stipend from Garou and he made excellent money with his sale to the art museum.” Pierre asked.


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