Book Read Free

His Omega

Page 15

by A. C. Katt

  “That’s your wolf stirring.”

  “How does the change occur?” Sean asked shivering in the cold.

  “Come here, baby, lie next to me and I can share my body heat. Your metabolism is burning up the heat in your body. I’m going to get Meg to cook you a steak. You need red meat and a lot of it before the change comes.” Armand got out of bed.

  “Can we light a fire?”

  “It’s set, I’ll start one. I’ll get another cover until the room is warmer.” Armand walked over to the house phone. Meg picked up on the first ring.

  “He needs the steak?” Meg asked. “I already have them defrosted. Give me about twenty minutes.”

  “He needs the meat rare.”

  “I know that, Alpha,” she snapped. “This isn’t my first rodeo.”

  Armand hung up the phone bemused that Sean’s habit of treating him like a normal person was catching.

  “Meg is bringing steak. You have to eat as much as you can.” Armand tucked the covers closer around his mate. “We may be in luck, this could be any easy change. In loup-garou that are not purebloods, the change can start as many as eight or nine hours before it happens. This won’t last long because you will change at midnight.”

  “How do I do it?”

  “You’ll feel your wolf trying to assert control over your body. Your mind will remain your own. What you need to do is to still your thoughts and let your body naturally morph into your wolf.” Armand sat down on the side of the bed soothing his mate. The fire began to burn brighter in the room as the kindling caught the larger logs. “Before we left I bought you a gift. It’s a very heavy fleece lined robe. I knew you’d need it for tonight.”

  “Can’t I get dressed?”

  “You can if you want to rip apart your clothing.”

  “Considering what you paid for it that could get expensive.” Sean smiled as he shivered.

  “Be brave, baby. It will be all over soon enough.” Armand got the robe out of the walk-in closet and brought it over to Sean. Kneeling, he handed the robe to Sean. “Sit up, baby. Put on your robe. Meg will be here soon with the steak.”

  “This is like a shearling coat.” Sean got up and put it on.

  “Here is a pair of boot slippers to match. We usually run at night. You’ll need to bring these out of the house tonight for the run. New Mexico nights are cool in October.” Armand belted the robe. It was large enough to go around his legs and chest and not leave a gap.

  Armand donned his own identical robe and slippers.

  There was a short rap on the door. Meg entered the room carrying a try followed closely by Pierre.

  “Alpha, do you need me?” Pierre asked.

  “You may stay but this looks like it might be an easy shift.”

  “Alpha Mate is lucky there is only two-hour window until midnight.” Pierre pulled another chair around the fire.

  “Yes, only two hours,” Armand said.

  Meg placed the tray in front of Sean. “Eat all of that, Sean. I’ll have more if you need it. I also have hot coffee.”

  “Suddenly, I’m ravenous.” Sean began to cut up the steak. It looked as if he couldn’t get it into his mouth fast enough. He shivered again as he took a gulp of the hot coffee.

  He finished the steak and began to walk the room. He paced back and forth.

  “I’m pacing like a caged animal.”

  “That’s because you are a caged animal.”

  Sean let out a short laugh. Sean began to rub his hands up and down over his arms. “I’m so itchy. I can’t stand it.” He looked at the clock it was eleven thirty-five. He started to sweat.

  “Come, sit by me, baby. Let me hold you. Listen to my voice. I’m here for you. I’ll always be here for you. That’s it, lay in my arms.”

  “Hot, so hot.”

  “I’m taking off your robe now, baby. Stay with me. Now concentrate on my voice.”

  “Okay.” A bead of sweat dripped down Sean’s nose. He sat with his back to Armand’s chest in the circle of his mate’s arms.

  “I’m going to talk you through this, baby, listen to me. Close your eyes. Find your center. Look deep inside yourself and find a shining light in the middle of your gut. Do you see it?”

  “Yes.” Sean gripped Armand’s arms.

  “Think of your arm going to that white light. Go into the center of the light and pull. Pull hard.”

  “I’m trying. Ahh Ahhhhhhhhhhh!”

  * * * *

  Sean felt better. He looked at the clock, midnight. He was officially twenty-five. What happened? He didn’t feel any different. Then he looked down.

  Shit. I’m furry.

  Pierre and Meg left the room. Armand morphed. Yes, now we’re both furry. What do you feel like doing? Armand asked.

  Can we go outside?

  Yes, there is a button built into the floor near the French door. Press the button to the right of the door. The door swung open.

  Sean sidled up to Armand, sniffing his muzzle. Armand licked his mate.

  Why are you so much bigger than me? You’re like four times my size, Sean whined. I look like a Norwegian Elkhound and you look like one of the hounds from Hell.

  That’s because I’m the Alpha and you’re an Omega. Sean snorted.

  Then catch me, I’m fast as a human, on four paws I should be awesome! Sean took off out the back onto the mesa.

  They raced through the mesa to the tree line skirting the border of reservation land in respect for the occupants. Sean was in shock. He heard and smelled the night, the birds the crickets, the sharp smell of pine. They climbed up the escarpment, sat, tails wagging and howled in pure joy. The cool desert air caressed their fur as they chased jackrabbits and growled away the occasional coyote. They ran miles around the acreage surrounding the compound. Armand showed Sean his favorite places, a local fishing hole at a small creek that trickled into the Rio Grande. He showed Sean how to roll in the dirt to take out a burr from a bush that was stuck in his coat. The wind kicked up and Sean caught his first sight of tumbleweeds being blown across the desert landscape. A rare cloud obscured the moon.

  Sean ran in circles chasing his tail. Armand gave him a wolfish grin. They spent time laying in the pine needles that covered the ridges overlooked by the long tramway. All the while they stayed far away from land occupied by humans. They were too large to ever be confused with the regular red wolves that the government recently brought in to repopulate the southern portion of the state.

  Armand took off down the foothills leading Sean back home.

  Two hours later the two wolves were back at the French doors. Sean took the time to look at himself through the reflection in the window. He was a small gray wolf with a black tipped overcoat. His muzzle was black as well as his ears, yep Norwegian Elkhound. Armand, on the other hand was regal. Black with an undercoat of grey, massive, but well formed, Armand was at least four times his size, almost five foot tall on four paws. Sean was glad it was nighttime. There was no way anyone could mistake them for ordinary wolves.

  Meg must have closed the door because Armand directed Sean to a button that mirrored the one inside the bedroom. Sean stomped on it with his paw. He was thirsty. His tongue lolled out of his muzzle.

  Okay, how do I get back to being a human?

  You do the same thing. Reach down into your center and pull. Eventually, the whole process will pass in a microsecond. Sean stood on four paws and did what Armand asked. Suddenly, he was human again.

  He flew into Armand’s arms. “That was awesome; but what about this la voix thing?”

  “Generally your Alpha decides when you should use it. Your Alpha or your mate are the only ones who are immune. Since I am both to you, I am the only one immune to your voice. However, if a situation looks like violence is likely to break out, or someone is going to do something that you know is wrong, you are authorized to use it as the gods wish.”

  “How do I do it?” Sean asked puzzled.

  “I don’t have the gift. But yo
u’ll know. It is as imbedded in you as your wolf. You’ll just know.”

  Armand stood proud in his nudity. He was a well-formed man. His chest was massive and came down to a slim waist and a tight butt. Sean’s cock stood up straight. He watched Armand’s throat as his Adam’s apple worked to swallow the contents of the bottle of water in his hand. Armand handed a second bottle to Sean and he took a long drink. He put the bottle down on the table and he jumped on to his mate kissing the much larger man down into the welcoming covers.

  Sean held Armand down and went straight for his cock. His mouth moved around its tip, hands pulling back the silky foreskin. He licked around the rim, paying special attention to the exposed head. He pulled on the balls in a gentle rhythmic motion. Eagerly he took more of Armand’s long member into his wet mouth.

  Sean felt Armand’s hands running through his hair and down his back. The added stimulus made him suck harder. He opened his throat and took the whole nine inches down while trying to massage it with his throat muscles. He seemed to have lost his gag reflex. He licked and sucked his way around the whole of Armand’s member. Armand pulled on Sean’s hair. “Not like this, I want to be inside you.”

  Popping Armand’s cock out of his mouth, he licked a long line down the underside straight to his balls. Sean smiled. “But I want to play.”

  He took one ball and slipped it in his mouth sucking and fondling it with his hand. Turning his head he moved to the second ball giving it the same treatment.

  Armand moaned. “I love you so much my little wolf. You are so beautiful to me.”

  Sean kissed his way up the trail of hair that lead to Armand’s flat belly, stopping to dip his tongue in the well of his lover’s belly button. He licked his way up to the flat brown coins that sat with a raised nub on the top of Armand’s chest. “I love you Armand, I never knew I could love as much as I love you.”

  Sean sucked on Armand’s nub laving it with his tongue. The he took a small bite, immediately soothing it with a kiss. He seized his lover’s mouth in a heated kiss exploring the inside cavern of his mouth. He traced just inside his mate’s lip line until his tongue curled around Armand’s. He deepened the kiss trying to pour all of the feelings he had for this man through his mouth.

  Armand wrested control from his lover moving him onto his back. He ran his hand down Sean’s arm in a delicate motion so soft that only the tips of the hair on his arm could feel Armand’s touch. Sean began to shake. Copious amounts of pre-cum flowed from his hard cock. In what seemed like slow motion Armand ran his hands down Sean back and cupped his tight cheeks.

  “I can’t wait for slow and easy tonight, baby. I want you hard and fast. Get the lube.” It was after midnight officially Halloween, the full moon shone into the window as Sean reached into the bedside drawer for the lube. He handed to Armand. Armand took the lube and tapped the pump, slick flowed into his hand. He took one finger to Sean’s hole to prepare him for entry. Quickly he moved his finger around the rim. He inserted a second finger, using a scissoring motion to widen the entrance.

  “I’m ready, take me,” Sean said.

  Armand lubed up his cock. Sean put his legs on Armand’s shoulders. Armand lined up his cock and plunged inside. He gave Sean a breath to adjust. Sean nodded his head. Armand began to move. It didn’t take long for Armand to begin to pound into Sean. His balls flapped against the cheeks of Sean’s ass. Words of love were unintelligible. Sweat dripped down from brow to chest. Sean heard a keening sound and realized it came from him. He was coming hard and fast without Armand putting a finger on his cock. He shut his eyes as his channel spasmed around his lover’s cock. He felt Armand’s shaft spew inside him as Armand filled him when the knot tied to keep them together. Armand’s teeth grew longer and his eyes turned red as he renewed his mating mark on Sean’s neck.

  Armand relaxed against him kissing his shoulders and sucking up a mark on the other side of his neck frantically marking his lover again and again. “You are mine, a gift from the gods to me and me alone. Mine.”

  They feel asleep with the mating knot still entwined.

  * * * *

  Dawn broke from the east shining onto the mountaintops finding the lovers in the same position in which they fell asleep. Sean woke first feeling Armand’s full weight over his chest. He rolled to the side trying to move his lover over without waking him. He didn’t succeed. Armand opened his eyes blinking in slow motion. He realized he was crushing his lover and broke out into a laugh. “That’s to get you back for running away and having me chase you around the mountain.”

  Sean pulled his larger lover into a hard kiss. “Well, get your ass off of mine so we can take a shower and have breakfast with our daughter.” The Alpha roared and with a smack on Sean’s ass he got up and put on the shower.

  The shower turned into another bout of loving and Sean was left with a very sore ass. When Pierre knocked on the door to indicate Meg was on her way, Armand had to get a pillow to put under Sean’s butt.

  They were both dressed in jeans and henleys when Elena came bounding into the room trailed by her new teddy bear. “Do bears turn into people like we do, Daddy?”

  “You answer that Armand, having just turned furry for the first time last night I feel unqualified to address the question.” Sean calmly buttered his toast.

  Armand was stumped. “I don’t think they do, sweetie, but if they do, they hide it like we do. What are you going to name your bear?”

  “Charlie, Daddy.”

  “Have Charlie pull up a chair.”

  Elena chattered on through breakfast. She ate all of her oatmeal and toast. She also stole a piece of her Daddy’s bacon and a good portion of her Papa’s scrambled eggs. “You eat like a horse sweetie, Meg’s going to have to make more breakfast if you continue to be this hungry,” Sean said as he finished the large steak Meg prepared with his eggs.

  “Someone else ate very well this morning. Had a good night?”

  “I’m a growing boy and need a good breakfast to keep up with the calisthenics Daddy needs me to perform every evening.”

  “What’s a cally ten ik Papa?”


  “Oh like the lady on TV?”

  “Yes, like that.” Sean kicked Armand under the table.

  Chapter 14

  Elena’s costume arrived around eleven. Trick-or-treating for the compound was set for six until nine that evening. Just after breakfast the seamstress came to do the final fitting. She made a blue gown with pink sparkles on the underskirt just like Cinderella. Meg planned to do her dark hair up in a chignon and had rhinestone stars to place throughout her “do.”

  She insisted on showing her Aunt Adele so Adele came over to the Alpha’s house to see the costume. The costume was beautiful against her light skin dark hair and eyes. She had long gloves and plastic see through slippers with a small French heel.

  Adele literally waddled over to the Alpha’s compound. While she visited with Elena, Sean spoke to Armand. “She’s holding her back. I think she’s going to go into labor tonight or tomorrow. Where is Dr. Artis?”

  “He’s in Albuquerque. I’ll message him to come back so that he is here for the birth.”

  “Are you sure about this?” Armand asked Sean.

  “There were enough pregnant ladies in Keansburg that I know the signs. I delivered one for the lady next door when the EMTs got tied up in an accident on Route 36. My father was there but he was drunk as usual and pretty useless. However, that was an uncomplicated birth.”

  “Our women seem to have a hard time. The babies are large and often in breech position. Adele had two stillborn. The baby seems to be moving, but sluggishly. I’ll send Meg to our infirmary to make sure they are set up. You may have to use la voix tonight.”

  “I hope I don’t have to and all goes well. Even though I don’t like that bastard Bernard, I have a feeling that this business with Elena wasn’t on Adele but on his head.” Sean looked at Armand with a sense of portent.

“Besides the kids going from house to house, we have the party and the meeting in the pack room. Meg plans to have a cake for your birthday. The pack meeting about Elena will take place after the party. I intend to have Bernard shunned for his outrageous demand to sell his niece. I don’t want Adele or the new baby hurt so I’m sending him to the Colorado pack for a period of six months to get his head on straight.” Armand frowned.

  “Isn’t that Alpha La Farge’s pack? The man who temporarily took over the council while we conducted the manhunt for Dimitri? Do you trust him?”

  “I don’t really trust anyone but you, my Betas, and the pack enforcers. Pack life is such that everyone is jockeying for a higher position. Although Bernard was born a Beta, I have taken as my principal Betas only Martin and Rene. They travel with me and attend council meetings. The other Betas watch over the pack while I’m away. Bernard does neither. He could go to another pack but he has been angling for Beta status here since he sold that painting to the Met. Although born a Beta, Bernard isn’t strong enough nor does he have the temperament for the position. That makes him dangerous. If La Farge is an enemy, then we at least have them both in the same place.”

  “Let’s think about the party. We have already relegated the pack business to after the party when everyone is in a good mood.” Sean suggested.

  “That was good thinking, baby.”

  “I’m just a font of wisdom.” Sean teased.

  “I didn’t know I was going to get such a sassy mate. I may have to throw you back.”

  “Would you? Throw me back, that is?” Sean looked rather apprehensive.

  Armand turned around looking serious. “Never, baby. You can sass me till doomsday and I will still love you. After all someone has to get the stick out of my ass.”

  “I love you too, honey. I’ll work on the stick. It might be fun.” Sean winked at his partner. Armand gave Sean a swat. “Ow!”

  “That will show you to have more respect for your elders.” Armand’s eyes glowed.

  “We are going to have a long and joyous life together my mate.”

  * * * *


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