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Believing Bailey

Page 33

by Linda Kage

  “Are you out of your ever-loving minds?” I started, only for Melody to motion a finger my way and simply say, “Muzzle that ugly mutt.”

  “No! I—”

  The bastard cowboy jammed his hand over my mouth, er, actually kind of into my mouth. The side knuckle of his index finger pressed in against my teeth, practically gagging me, so his thumb could wrap around my face and dig into a sensitive part between my jaw and ear. It hurt like fucking hell. Tears sprang to my eyes and what was worse, he could control the tilt of my head and keep me from biting him very hard.

  I couldn’t move, struggle, talk, scream, bite, or anything, but stare up at him from wet, dazed eyes.

  He smirked down at me.

  Melody’s face appeared over his shoulder where she smirked at me too. “That’s better,” she crooned. “Now where we were?”

  I lifted my hand to flip her off.

  “Behave,” Chance growled, smacking the side of my head into the wall and making me see stars.

  Unable to admit I was beaten, I fought harder, attempting to sink my teeth deeper into his hand, then rearing my head back before slamming it forward, right into his.

  The impact was brutal. Oh God, so brutal. More stars. Lots of stars.

  But it also caused him to curse and lose his grip on me. For the briefest second, he stumbled back, holding his head. I took a moment to lean into the wall and orient myself, before pushing away and lunging for the door. Hoarse air gasped from my lungs. I was three feet from making contact with the handle when a hand landed in my hair and yanked me backward, causing me to cry out.

  “Oh, no. You’re not going anywhere yet,” Melody said, tossing me back to her brother, who flung me into the wall.

  I hit so hard, everything went momentarily black. But I didn’t fully lose consciousness. I ducked my head down, protecting my face and squeezing my eyes against the agony. Chance’s head moved in closer, and this helpless surge of fear and surrender swept over me. I’d never be able to overpower him enough to escape. I might actually die in this bathroom.

  A wave of images flashed through my head. Beck. Tess. Paige. My dad. Even my brothers. Everything good in my life swelled up and surrounded me, like a big hug, trying to protect me from harm. And I embraced it back, not ready to deal with what whatever the Fairfield siblings planned to do to me.

  Except, whatever they’d planned never happened.

  The door sprang open, and Beck’s voice cried, “Bailey?”

  Chapter 37


  With a roar of rage, Beck shoved Melody aside and launched himself forward, tackling Chance against the wall, much the same way Chance had just pinned me there. Since the wannabe cowboy still had a hold on me, I sustained enough of a jarring impact that I cried out, even though it also helped me break free.

  Beckett’s gaze sought mine. Our eyes met, and I could only guess what he saw when he looked at me. My eyes were wet and something dripped from my nose, maybe blood. But the fear—absolute terror—in my expression is probably what prompted him to turned back to Chance and swing his fist into the guy’s face.

  I wrapped my arms around my stomach and backed away from them, as I watched my tormentor become the tormented. Beck showed no mercy, pounding away at Chance’s face until the guy passed out.

  When two hands wrapped around my shoulders, I jumped and spun, only to find Tess there, and Paige too, swarming me and hugging me, Tess crying and telling me how sorry she was. My gaze shifted around the bathroom until I found Logan corralling Melody toward door, keeping her back, while Jonah rushed past them to catch Beckett around the neck and drag him off the limp, bloody Chance.

  “He’s out, man. No more.”

  Beck puffed out an angry snort and kept glaring at Chance’s crumpled form, but he didn’t struggle against Jonah’s chokehold.

  “Let me by,” Melody sobbed, shoving at Logan. “That’s my brother.”

  When he stepped aside to let her through, she rushed to Chance and knelt before him, shaking his shoulder and repeating his name until he gave a weak groan and began to stir.

  Beckett turned to me. Devastation flooded his face as he took me in. “Bailey,” he croaked, stepping forward. Tess and Paige parted so he could pull me into his arms and kiss my hair before setting his cheek against me and tenderly keeping me close.

  I buried my face in his shirt, inhaled his familiar scent and tried not to completely lose it. Around me, everyone started talking about what they needed to do, but I didn’t care about any of that. I just wanted Beck to take me home and hold me until I fell asleep and this whole nightmare was in the past.

  Until Tess announced she was calling campus police.

  I lifted my face. “No,” I said, shaking my head. “Beck’s not allowed to be on campus. If they found him here, beating up another student—the brother of the girl who claimed he raped—what do you think’s going to happen to him?”

  “Fuck that,” Beck said. “They attacked you, Bailey. We’re calling it in.”

  But I kept shaking my head. “They’ll tell them what we did, how we tampered with the video. We’ll all get into trouble.”

  “Bailey, it’s okay,” Paige reassured me, petting my arm. “We’ll face what we did if we have to, but honestly, what do you think will hold more water? Them physically assaulting you? Or us switching a silly video?”

  “You sabotaging my tour,” Melody announced, getting to her feet to glare at all of us. “My brother didn’t touch anyone. He came in here and saw that rapist…” She pointed at Beck, “attacking Bailey, so Chance tried to stop him.”

  Tess scoffed. “Oh, really? You’re going to try to lie your way out of this one too? Who do you think everyone’s going to believe this time? You or Bailey?”

  “Me,” I said, stepping out of Beckett’s arm. Remembering my phone I’d dropped, I checked the bathroom stall I’d hidden in to find it still laying on the ground. When I picked it up, I was happy to see it hadn’t been smashed and was still recording. It probably hadn’t shown much of anything but the ceiling, but I’m sure I had picked up everything Chance and Melody had said.

  I pushed Stop and began to play it again. When it reached the part where Melody cried, “Slap her,” Melody closed her eyes and cursed under her breath.

  “That’s right,” I murmured. “This time they’ll believe me. Now take your brother and get out of here, or I will show this to everyone. If either of you bother any of us in this room again, I will show this to everyone. And if you try to tell the school administration who switched that video on the tour…”

  “You’ll show everyone,” she finished lamely, glaring at me, but resigned to her fate.

  I smiled. “That’s right.” Nodding, I glanced at my tribe. “I think we’re done here.”

  * * *

  I really loved my bed. It was so soft and comfortable and warm. Despite how much my entire head throbbed and my side ached, my beautiful, wonderful bed just kept hugging me, telling me it’d take good care of me.

  I kept my face nestled deep in my pillow as I came awake. It was late Monday afternoon, and I was grateful I didn’t have a final until tomorrow—yeah, somewhere in there, I’d decided to return to school, after all—because I was in no condition to take a test right now. I swear, every inch of my body hurt.

  Beckett and the two couples had taken me home straight form the incident in the bathroom, harassing me the whole way and trying to convince me we should’ve turned Chance and Melody in to the police, but I’d stuck to my decision. This way would keep us all safer. So they’d pampered me and helped me into bed. Someone made me soup and hot tea, and gave me aspirin, and then I’d fallen asleep in the arms of the man I loved.

  The only problem with my wonderful, beautiful, comfortable bed now was that Beck was no longer in it with me. But I could hear the low rumble of his voice. So I opened my eyes and rolled my head that way to find him standing at the window with his back to me as he spoke on his phone.

es, sir,” he was saying as he nodded. “Yeah, I’ll make sure. I got it. Okay. Thank you. Bye.” After hanging up, he gave a long-exhausted sigh and rubbed his hand over his head as he stared out at the park across the street.

  “Who was that?” I asked, surprised when my voice came out rusty.

  Beckett spun to me. “You’re awake? Are you okay?” He hurried to the bed so he could sit next to me and press his hand to my forehead then the side of my face, worry lining his seeking gaze.

  “I’m fine.” I brushed his hand away. “I mean, other than feeling like shit because some shithead siblings attacked me, but yeah, I’m great. Who was on the phone? You looked upset.”

  He gave a low laugh. “I’m not really sure what I am, but I know I’m not upset.” Then he ran his hand over his face, appearing strangely contemplative.

  “Who called?” I repeated.

  “Everyone.” He laughed and dropped his hands to send me a helpless look. “I swear, since you went to sleep a few hours ago, everyone I’ve ever known has called me.”

  “Wha…why?” I grew instantly worried and gripped his thigh. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” he murmured, seemingly lost and confused by that. “Everything’s great, actually. Our, um, our video switch made it viral. It already has thousands of views. The university was the first to call me. They apologized for expelling me after I was found innocent. I’ve been okayed to return to campus next semester and finish my degree. They even okayed it with my professors to take all my finals late to catch up from this semester.”

  My mouth fell open. “Really. That’s great.”

  He nodded, looking distracted. “Yeah. And then my fraternity called. I can return there if I want to. Chance dropped out. Then my boss at the barn called. I can have my job back. Max called.” He glanced at me before rolling his eyes. “I hung up on him.”

  I nodded. “Good.”

  He nodded too. “Yeah. And then…then my dad called.”

  My eyes sprang open wide. “Your dad?”

  “Yes. He, um, I guess Daylon’s father, Mr. Raider, wasn’t the controlling interest in the company. His older brother was. And when he saw the video splashed all over social media and learned what his nephew had done, he forced Mr. Raider to step down. Dad got his old job back, and Daylon’s uncle is encouraging them to proceed with pressing charges against Daylon. Britt actually came out of her room when she heard that. She ate lunch with my parents and spoke to them. She wanted them to tell me…” He blew out a breath before saying, “She wanted them to tell me thank you.”

  I sucked in a happy breath and grabbed his hand. “So you’re back in the family?”

  He glanced at me and squeezed my fingers. “I think so. At least, if I want to be. I might.” He shrugged. “I’m not sure yet.”

  I drew his hand to my mouth and kissed his knuckles. “You don’t have to decide now. You’ll figure it all out when you’re ready.”

  He nodded and smiled sadly at me. “And that last call is one I made. To your dad.” He shook his head. “Ben was the only guy to give me chance on faith alone, and he was the one who got screwed in this whole deal. Now he’s going to have to find a new hired hand.”

  A slow grin spread across my face. “So you’re coming back to school, then?” I asked, growing encouraged.

  He gave another shrug. “That depends. I know I don’t want to return to the fraternity, so…think you can you handle another roommate?”

  “Yeah,” I murmured. “I think I can handle that, no problem.”

  “Good.” He learned toward me to kiss me, only to pause and frown. “You have a bruise.”

  His fingers barely traced over my cheek before I growled my frustration, grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him toward me, smacking our mouths together.

  The kiss was just getting good, our breaths mingling and fingers gripping when a knock came on my door.

  “Hello?” The door slowly swung open. “I heard voices. Are you awake?” Tess popped her head into the room. When she saw Beck and me on the bed, she grinned. “Oh, good. How do you feel?”

  The door flew all the way open and she bounded into the room, skipping forward to join us on the bed. Sitting on the opposite side of me as where Beck sat, she took my hand and looked me over. “Your head still hurts, doesn’t it?” She snapped her fingers at Beck. “Go get her more pain relievers.”

  He laughed, but stood to follow her orders. As soon as he disappeared into the bathroom, Tess turned back to me. “So, the truth is out, and everyone welcomed Beck back to his regular life. That’s good, huh?”

  I nodded and struggled to sit up. “That’s amazing. What else did I miss while I was sleeping?”

  “Not much. I’m not shy around your boyfriend anymore, though, that’s for sure.”

  I smiled. That meant he was a keeper. Something I already knew. But I’m glad she knew it too.

  “But I still can’t believe that jerk ruined the computer and cut off the video right before I got to the moral and lesson in all this,” Tess was ranting, already moved on to a new topic. “Because that’s what Melody needed to hear most of all, you know. Rape is serious and awful and can really mess up people’s lives. To lie about something like that is an insult and slap in the face to all the true victims out there, devaluing the trauma they go through and—”

  “Uh, Tess.” I patted her hand to shush her. “We heard all this the first time you recorded it. You don’t have to repeat it.”

  Tess scowled at me. “But it really bothers me that she did that. I mean, at first, I was just mad at her for the way she treated you and Beck, but then...then it really started to sink in how wrong she was to so many more people out there. People like her…they just—”

  “I know, sweetie.” And I really did. “I know.”

  Tess stared at me for a minute, mutiny in her eyes, letting me know she wanted to keep raging over the topic. But a moment later, she blew out a breath and murmured, “Yeah, you do. It really sucks.”

  “It does,” I agreed. “It kind of makes you want to go Sweet/Vicious on all those bastards out there who hurt women and take justice into our own hands.”

  Tess’s eyes lit with excitement. “Exactly. I’ll be Ophelia. You can be Jules.”

  I sniffed. “What the hell ever! In no universe ever would I be the sweet, sorority girl, Jules. I’m totally Ophelia. You’d be Jules.”

  “But Jules is blond,” Tess reasoned. “And you’re blond now.”

  “And Ophelia dyes her hair funky colors, so that’s definitely me. Ooh, I’m so going to go green on my next dye job. In honor of Ophelia!”

  “Who’s Ophelia?” Beck asked as he returned to the room with a bottle of Tylenol. After handing it dutifully to Tess, he plopped down on the bed next to me and curled his body around me so that we were touching everywhere, just like Tess and Jonah and Logan and Paige always did.

  “Oh, just some character on this TV show we love...” I glanced at him and grinned, touching his face, because I could. “You know what? I’ll just make you watch it with me.”



  Years and Years and Years Later

  “Bethany! Baxter! Brynlee!” I yelled up the stairs. “Hurry your asses up. We’re leaving in five minutes.”

  As I moved to the hall closet and pulled out four coats, the first pair of footsteps sounded on the stairs. They were loud and pounding, letting me know my youngest daughter was tromping down first.

  “Mama,” she started in before she even rounded the corner, hands on her hips and ponytail swinging indignantly behind her. “Baxter says I have to wear a dress, but Daddy said I didn’t have to. So I’m not changing.”

  She glanced down at her outfit, which consisted of nice slacks, cowboy boots, and a gray vest over a grey and orange plaid long sleeve. For my tomboy, that was as dressy as she got.

  I sighed wearily, tired of getting stuck in middle of these endless battles my second and third daughter
s were always forging. “We already told you, you don’t have to wear a dress or skirt or any other girly contraption.”

  “But Baxter—”

  I help up a hand to shush her. “Just stop listening to Baxter.” Then, to appease her, I hollered up the steps again, “Baxter, she doesn’t have to wear a dress.”

  “Well, she’d look better in one,” Baxter lamented as she finally appeared at the top of the steps, decked out in a long-sleeved black and gold number, pantyhose and high-heeled pumps. Her mahogany hair fell down around her shoulders with a gold clip holding up one side. “We’re supposed to be honoring Daddy tonight. She doesn’t look very respectful in that ugly, gaudy—”

  “She looks just fine,” I ground out, lifting my eyebrows meaningfully as my girly daughter swept down the stairs.

  With a dramatic sigh, Baxter rolled her eyes. “Fine, have it your way. She looks like a heathen, but whatever.”

  “She looks like Brynlee, which is exactly how your father wants her to look.” I passed Baxter her coat before tossing Brynlee’s her way. “Just as you look like Baxter, which is perfect for you.”

  I started to slip my arms into my jacket as the last set of footsteps clattered toward us. “Sorry I’m late. I just had two more pages until I finished the chapter.”

  Bethany, my bookworm, was too busy stuffing her kindle into her purse to watch where she was going that she tripped on the last step before catching herself. She wore a long, flowing skirt, nice top and flat pumps, but wasn’t nearly as decorated as Baxter. I couldn’t help but grin as I asked, “Did you brush your hair?”

  Her hand went to the side of her head. “Oh, shoot.” She began to whirl around and race back up the stairs, but Baxter rolled her eyes and groaned.

  “Don’t bother. I have a brush right here.” She opened her own purse to pull one free.

  “Oh! Thank you.” Bethany turned her back to Baxter and let her younger sister comb the tangles from her hair. As the two worked and Brynlee discovered a piece of gum in the pocket of her coat before plugging it into her mouth, Bethany glanced my way. “Is Daddy nervous?”


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