by Steven Levy
Rolling Stone, Every Man a God
ROM memory boards, The Homebrew Computer Club
ROM-cartridge-based computers, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards
Royalties, The Third Generation, Frogger
Russell, Steve (Slug), Spacewar, Spacewar, Spacewar
S-100 bus, Woz
Sagan, Carl, Life
SAGE defense system, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
SAIL, Life
Sales figures, Applefest
Samson, Peter, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Hacker Ethic, Spacewar, Spacewar, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper, Life, Every Man a God
San Francisco Applefest, Applefest
Saunders, Bob, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Tech Model Railroad Club, Spacewar, Spacewar
Saunders, Marge, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Hacker Ethic
Schwader, Warren, Summer Camp, Wizard vs. Wizards
Scientific American, Life
Scott, Mike, Woz
Screenwriter II, Frogger
Sepulveda, Vic, The Third Generation
SHAFT (Society to Help Abolish FORTRAN Teaching), Revolt in 2100
Shootout-at-El-Cassiopeia, Spacewar
Shuttle LIFE pattern, Life
Sierra On-Line, Frogger, Frogger, Frogger, Applefest, Applefest, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards
(see also )
Sierra Sky Ranch area, Summer Camp
Signals and Power (S&P) Subcommittee, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Silicon Valley, Every Man a God
Silver, David, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Winners and Losers, Winners and Losers, Life, Life
Singer, Hal, Tiny BASIC
Sirius Software, The Brotherhood, The Brotherhood, The Brotherhood, Frogger, Applefest, Wizard vs. Wizards
Skeet Shoot game, Summer Camp
Skylab 2, Applefest
Smash-Up game, Summer Camp
Smith, Adam, Afterword: 2010
Smith, E. E. (Doc), Spacewar
SMUT-ROMS, The Homebrew Computer Club
Snyder, Tom, Tiny BASIC
Social engineering, Life
Social issues, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club
Society of Creative Anachronisms, Applefest
Softalk magazine, The Brotherhood, The Third Generation, Summer Camp, Summer Camp, Frogger, Applefest, Applefest, Wizard vs. Wizards
Softporn game, Summer Camp
Softsel Distributors, Frogger
Software Arts, Summer Camp
Software Expo, Frogger
Software flap, Tiny BASIC
Software Superstars, The Wizard and the Princess
Sokol, Dan, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC, Woz, Secrets
Sol computer, Tiny BASIC, Woz
Solomon, Les, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC
Southern California Computer Society (SCCS), Tiny BASIC
Southwestern Data company, The Brotherhood
Space Eggs game, The Brotherhood
Space Invaders game, The Brotherhood
Spacewar, Spacewar, Life
Spergel, Marty, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club, Woz
Spiradisk, Applefest
Stallman, Richard (RMS), Afterword: 2010, Afterword: 2010
Stanford Medical Center, Every Man a God
Stanford Research Institute, Life, Life
Stanislaus River trip, The Brotherhood
Star Trek game, Revolt in 2100, Every Man a God
Star Wars (movie), Summer Camp
Stargate machine, Wizard vs. Wizards
Starpath, Frogger
Steel, Summer Camp, Applefest
Steffens, Lincoln, Afterword: 2010
Stephenson, Jeff, Summer Camp, Summer Camp, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards
Stockman, Tom, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Stoneware company, The Brotherhood
Stranger in a Strange Land (Heinlein), Revolt in 2100
Sullivan, Jay, The Wizard and the Princess
Summer Camp, Summer Camp
Sunderland, April, Frogger
Sunderland, Dick, The Wizard and the Princess, Frogger, Frogger, Frogger, Applefest, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards
Sup’r Mod modulators, Woz
Sussman, Gerry, Winners and Losers
Sylvania company, Woz
Synapse Software, Wizard vs. Wizards
Synergy, The Homebrew Computer Club
System, The, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Systems Concepts, Life, Every Man a God
Systems hacking, Winners and Losers
Systems programs, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Systems software, The Wizard and the Princess
TA Associates, Frogger
Target game, Tiny BASIC, Woz
Tatum, Tom, Wizard vs. Wizards
Taylor, Robert, Life
Tech Model Railroad Club (TMRC), The Tech Model Railroad Club, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Frogger
Tech Square, Greenblatt and Gosper, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Life, Revolt in 2100
war-era security measures, Life
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Afterword: 2010
Telephone interface board, Secrets
Telephone network fingerprinting, Spacewar
Tempest, Frogger
Ten Little Indians (Christie), The Wizard and the Princess
TENEX, Winners and Losers
Third Generation, Summer Camp
Third Generation hackers, Frogger, Applefest
Thompson, Dan, Wizard vs. Wizards
Thompson, Hunter S., Applefest
Thorlin, Fred, The Third Generation
Thread memory, Afterword: 2010
Threshold game, Summer Camp, Summer Camp
Tiger Toys, Frogger
Time sharing, Spacewar, Winners and Losers, Winners and Losers
Time Zone game, Summer Camp, Summer Camp, Wizard vs. Wizards
Tiny BASIC Journal, Tiny BASIC
Tolkien, J.R.R., Life
Tom Swift Terminal, Every Man a God, Tiny BASIC, Secrets
Tommervik, Al, The Brotherhood, The Third Generation, Applefest, Applefest
Tommervik, Margot, The Brotherhood, Applefest, Wizard vs. Wizards
Tomorrow TV show, Tiny BASIC
Tool (jargon), The Tech Model Railroad Club
Tool Room, The Tech Model Railroad Club, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper
Tools for Conviviality (Illich), Every Man a God, Every Man a God
Tools to Make Tools, The Hacker Ethic, Life
Tools, use of, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Tools-to-Make-Tools, The Wizard and the Princess
Torvalds, Linus, Afterword: 2010
Transamerica Corporation, Revolt in 2100
Travolta, John, Wizard vs. Wizards
Tri-Pos, Three-Position Display (Minskytron), Spacewar
TRS-80 home computer, Secrets, The Brotherhood
TV Typewriter, Every Man a God, Woz
Twentieth Century Fox Games, Frogger, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards
Twerps game, Frogger
TX-0 (Tixo), The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Hacker Ethic
Tymshare Company, Revolt in 2100
U.S. Navy, Greenblatt and Gosper
Ultima 2 game, Applefest
Ultima game, Applefest
Ulysses and the Golden Fleece game, Summer Camp, Wizard vs. Wizards
Univac, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper
op-codes, Winners and Losers
User definable characters, The Third Generation
UT-3 debugging program, The Tech Model Railroad Club
VCS machine, The Brotherhood, The Third Generation, Frogger, Wizard vs. Wizards
Venture capital, Frogger, Applefest
VersaWriter, The Wizard and the Princess
Viaweb, Afterword: 2010
VIC-20 computer, Wizard vs. Wizards
Video display module (VDM), Tiny BASIC
Vietnam War, Life
VisiCalc, Summer Camp
Von Braun, Werner, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Vortex Model program, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Vril power, The Homebrew Computer Club
Wagner, Bob, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Hacker Ethic
Wall Street Journal, The, Summer Camp, Wizard vs. Wizards
Wall Wars game, The Wizard and the Princess
WarGames (movie), Secrets
Warner Entertainment conglomerate, The Third Generation
Warren, Jim, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC, Woz, Woz, Woz, The Brotherhood
Watchtower publication, Summer Camp
Weather Underground, Life
Weizenbaum, Joseph, Life
Western Electric College Gift Plan, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Western Electric company, Spacewar
WGBH (Boston public TV channel), The Tech Model Railroad Club
Wheels of Zeus, Afterword: 2010
Whirlwind computer, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Whole Earth Catalog, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100, Every Man a God
Wigginton, Randy, Woz, Woz, Woz, Secrets, Secrets
Williams, John, The Third Generation
Williams, Ken, The Wizard and the Princess, The Wizard and the Princess, The Brotherhood, The Third Generation, The Third Generation, Summer Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp, Frogger, Frogger, Frogger, Applefest, Applefest, Applefest, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards, Afterword: 2010
Williams, Larry, The Wizard and the Princess
Williams, Roberta, The Wizard and the Princess, The Wizard and the Princess, The Wizard and the Princess, The Brotherhood, Summer Camp, Frogger, Frogger, Frogger, Wizard vs. Wizards, Afterword: 2010
Winnitude, Winners and Losers
Wizard and the Princess game, The Wizard and the Princess, Summer Camp
Wizard of Id cartoon, Wizard vs. Wizards
Wizard vs. Wizards (TV contest), Wizard vs. Wizards
Women hackers, lack of, Greenblatt and Gosper
Women, hackers’ relations with, Greenblatt and Gosper, Summer Camp
Wong, Mr. (Chinese chef), Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper
Woods, Donald, Life
Word processing, Frogger, Wizard vs. Wizards
Word word-processing software, Afterword: 2010
World Game, Revolt in 2100
Wozniak, Stephen (Steve, Woz), The Homebrew Computer Club, Woz, Woz, Woz, Secrets, Secrets, The Wizard and the Princess, The Brotherhood, The Brotherhood, Applefest, Applefest, Afterword: 2010
XDS-940 computer, Life, Revolt in 2100
Xerox, Life, Revolt in 2100, Applefest
Yates, Bill, Every Man a God, Every Man a God
Ziploc bags, The Brotherhood
Zork game, Summer Camp
Zuckerberg, Mark, Afterword: 2010
About the Author
Levy is a senior writer for Wired. Previously, he was chief technology writer and a senior editor for Newsweek. Levy has written six books and had articles published in Harper's, Macworld, The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, Premiere, and Rolling Stone. Steven has won several awards during his 30+ years of writing about technology, including Hackers, which PC Magazine named the best Sci-Tech book written in the last twenty years and, Crypto, which won the grand eBook prize at the 2001 Frankfurt Book festival.
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Steven Levy
Mike Hendrickson
Copyright © 2010 Steven Levy
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