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High Minds

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by Simon Heffer

  architecture 735

  armed forces 480

  Corn Laws 98

  and Disraeli 110–11

  divorce 517, 520, 525–6

  education 425, 445–6, 460

  Foreign and War Office redesign 741–8

  as Foreign Secretary 100, 101, 108

  Prince Albert Memorial 344, 346, 351–4

  and Russell 110

  and Scott 741–8, 754

  sewers 701, 706

  Paradise Place 677–9

  parks 696–7

  ‘parliamentary trains’ 713

  Past and Present 54, 58, 95, 171, 377

  pauperism 39, 422–3, 467, 566, 599, 618, 633, 668, 671, 770

  stigma of 438, 654

  paupers 40, 48, 606–7

  education of 422, 619, 694

  numbers of 94, 378, 633, 668–9, 675

  Paxton, Sir Joseph 303, 312, 313, 317, 705

  Peabody, George 648, 817

  Peabody Trust 800–2

  Pearson, Sir Edwin 280–4

  Peel, General Jonathan 396, 397

  Peel, Sir Robert 208–9, 369, 817

  and Ashley 64–6, 68, 70–2

  civil unrest 43, 124

  company law 201

  Corn Laws 38, 46–9, 92, 94, 95–104, 107–10, 265

  and Disraeli 269, 272–4

  education 75

  and Gladstone 47, 95, 100–1, 108, 109, 265

  Great Exhibition, the 292, 297–9

  railways 717

  and the Royal Family 33–6, 100, 103–4, 287–8, 292, 771

  and Shaftesbury 258

  ‘Peelites’ 104, 110, 111, 266, 276, 277

  Penal Servitude Act 631, 668

  Pennethorne, James 350, 736, 752

  penny post xiv, 290, 415 see also mail/post

  pensions 472, 477, 489, 666, 674, 812–13

  People’s Charter 17, 38, 117, 119

  Peterloo 43, 54

  Peto, Samuel Morton 304, 317

  philanthropy xii, 41, 59, 131, 415, 632, 634, 653, 672, 679, 682, 685, 692, 801

  Philip, John Birnie 358, 360, 363, 370, 371

  philistinism 18, 431, 594–5, 602, 604, 605, 607, 611, 735, 772

  Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh 413

  Philpott, Henry 447

  Phipps, Colonel Charles 292, 294, 318–19, 332, 346, 355, 357, 358

  pills 85, 684

  Pitt the Younger’s robe 276–7

  Playfair, Lyon 298, 305, 310, 313, 529, 554–5, 692, 787

  Pleydell-Bouverie, Edward 530

  police force 97, 119, 130, 305, 313, 391, 709

  political parties 110–11

  Poor Law 37, 39, 113, 124, 537 see also workhouses

  1834 xiii, 34, 39, 48, 50

  and Carlyle 53

  and Chadwick 693–4, 696

  Charity Organisation Society, The 671–4

  and Chartism 118, 121

  Commission 73, 694, 695

  and Dickens 636

  guardians 670, 671–2

  and Hill 680

  and Peel 49, 102

  population, rise of xi, 39, 60, 74, 160, 378, 417, 421, 470, 668, 691, 714

  pornography 266, 267

  Portland, Duke of 75, 105, 106, 270

  potato famine xiv, 60, 97–8, 101–2, 106, 144, 261, 472

  press 723, 773, 806 see also magazines; newspapers; individual publication titles

  Pretor, Alfred 27–9

  Prince Consort Memorial Committee 344, 345, 358, 361, 366, 369

  prisons 102, 631, 639, 641, 642

  Privy Council 103, 319, 427, 436, 441, 474

  Committee for Education 43, 75, 318, 322, 417–21, 442, 461–2, 548

  Judicial Committee 752

  staff 164, 166, 320, 414

  professions 433, 571 see also doctors

  Propagandists 107–8, 272, 381

  prostitution xiii, 86, 113, 422, 525

  and Booth 662

  and Burdett-Coutts 639–47, 649–50

  and Butler 551

  children 655

  Contagious Diseases Act 534–6, 797–9

  and Dickens 639–47

  and Gladstone 264, 266–8, 280, 390

  Protectionists 89, 107, 108, 270, 272

  Protestantism 95, 135, 140–2, 149, 154, 176, 189, 190, 233

  provident funds 674

  Prussia, Crown Princess of 354, 369, 403, 497–8, 770, 805

  public executions 404, 624–31 see also capital punishment

  public health xiii, 261, 280, 691–7, 774, 800, 802

  Public Health Acts 701, 766

  Sanitary Act (1866) 708

  vaccinations 696

  public opinion 35–6, 202, 777, 792

  army purchase system 491, 492

  Corn Laws 92, 105, 394

  electoral reform 408, 534

  Great Exhibition, the 302

  of Prince Albert 287, 319, 327, 345–6

  of Queen Victoria 394, 498

  schools 223, 444, 446, 543

  public schools 1–10, 23–6, 444, 453–6

  curriculum 8–10, 445, 448–9, 456–7, 459, 460

  Public Schools Act (1868) 416, 431, 461, 462

  Pugin, Augustus W. N. 135, 315, 348, 728–9, 754, 764

  pursuit of perfection xi, xv, 602, 817

  Pusey, Edward 140, 142, 734

  Quakers 18, 90, 149, 254, 256, 258, 432, 629, 710

  Queen’s College 188, 539, 541, 543, 546

  Queen’s Speeches 102, 318, 395–6, 435, 517, 692, 775

  Radical Reform Association 117

  Radicals 110, 205, 356, 399, 596, 786, 810

  ragged churches 147

  Ragged Schools 76–9, 415, 418, 429, 443, 466, 639, 640, 642, 653–4, 676, 679, 711

  railways 18, 403, 406, 626, 706, 712–24 see also stations

  cartels 725–6

  effects of 39, 41, 43, 124, 151, 692, 816

  gauges 290, 719

  Great Exhibition, the 294, 307

  prices 160, 713, 724–7

  Railway King 721–2

  speculation 98, 716–18, 720–1

  rates 90, 398, 401, 402, 408, 440–2, 526, 695, 697, 706, 711, 726, 767 see also taxation

  rationalism 198, 199, 220, 241, 578

  Record Commission 289–90

  Reform Act (1832) 15, 40, 51, 61, 64, 97, 110, 114, 118, 125

  Reform Act (1867) 114, 204, 269, 377, 380–404, 411, 579, 765, 768, 812

  qualifications 395, 401

  Reform League 381, 385, 391–4, 397, 399–401

  reformatories 423

  Reid, Elizabeth Jesser 539, 541–3, 544

  Reid, Lt Colonel William 296, 297, 304, 305

  religion xii, 1, 4, 79, 203, 215, 416, 564–5, 589–91

  and education 417–24, 430, 436, 438, 440–3, 711, 789, 790

  Report on the Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population 73, 694

  Repton School 25–6

  Revised Code (education) 424–6, 429, 435, 599, 783

  Reynolds, George 658–9, 660

  Richmond, Duke of 410, 805

  riots 42, 52, 119, 392–3, 394, 410, 607

  Ripon, Lord 47–8, 148, 410, 495

  roads 102, 280

  Robertson, D. A. 195

  Robinson, Henry Crabb 539, 541, 542, 543

  Roman Catholicism 4, 14, 60, 139, 141, 144, 145, 183, 501, 789 see also Catholicism

  Romanes, George 246–7

  Ros, Lord de 260, 461

  Rose, Rev. Hugh James 139

  Rothschild, Lionel de 253, 256, 259, 260, 262

  Royal Academy 237, 312, 344, 364

  Royal Academy of Music 319, 337, 338

  Royal Albert Hall, the see Albert Hall

  Royal College of Music 321, 324, 336, 338

  Royal Commissions see also Clarendon Commission on Public Schools; Taunton Commission on middle-class schools

  on the army 480

  into the Army Medical Service 562–3

nbsp; on the education of the poorer classes (Newcastle Com) 418, 420–3, 430, 462, 463, 596

  to embank the Thames 704

  on Fine Arts 287–8

  on the law courts 752

  into the operation of the Poor Law 693

  to oversee the Exhibition 292, 295–301, 305, 314, 315, 318, 320, 321, 324, 471

  on public executions 629–30

  on Railways 725

  on Sanitary Laws 404

  Royal Family 121, 128–9, 289, 308, 498, 679, 772 see also individual members

  Royal Holloway College 686–90

  Royal Society 318, 460

  Rugby School 2, 3, 5–12, 19–20, 22, 26, 154, 164, 170, 171, 226, 446, 448, 450, 453, 454, 457, 466, 735, 775

  Ruskin, John v, 228, 582, 593, 604, 611–19, 817 see also Seven Lamps of Architecture, The; Stones of Venice, The; Time and Tide

  architecture 327, 664, 714–15, 719, 729–33, 748–9

  and Butler 237

  Capitalism 614–16, 667

  and Carlyle 233, 611, 618, 619

  and Cowper 328

  Crystal Palace, the 305

  education 205, 377

  and Hill 676–82

  and Mill 202

  philanthropy 633, 634, 672, 676–82

  railways 714–15, 719

  reform 377, 623

  and Scott 748–9

  and Smiles 209

  and Street 753

  writings 190, 237, 613–17, 729–31

  Russell, Bertrand 197, 198–9

  Russell, Lord John

  architecture 737

  and Ashley 71

  Chartism 123–8

  civil unrest 118

  civil weddings 519, 520

  Corn Laws 38, 45, 89, 98, 100, 103, 107, 109, 272

  education 416, 417

  as Foreign Secretary 359, 446

  Great Exhibition, the 292, 294, 299, 306, 308

  Jews 254, 256, 260

  and Layard 359

  Liberals 110, 270

  and Palmerston 98, 110

  Poor Laws 694

  and Prince Albert 128–31

  reform 381–3, 389, 390, 393, 396

  and Smiles 209

  Rutland, Duke of 56, 57, 108, 260, 739

  Salisbury, Bishop of 258, 410, 452

  Salisbury, Marquess of 409, 416, 418, 503–4, 771, 805

  as Cranborne 396–9, 403–4

  Salomons, David 253–6, 262, 767

  Salt, Titus 663–7

  Saltaire 663–7

  Salvation Army 148, 661, 662

  Sandhurst 485, 486, 487, 787

  Sandon, Lord 415, 559, 785–6, 788, 789, 790

  sanitary reform 73, 76, 88, 190, 343, 404, 566, 647, 665, 668, 691, 695, 774, 775, 816

  Savage, Eliza 237, 238, 239, 248

  ‘Say Not, the Struggle’ 192–3

  Schiller, Friedrich 55, 227, 610

  school boards 222, 439, 441–4, 783–6, 788, 790, 792

  School of Mines 218, 222, 298, 318

  schools xiv, 75, 415–17, 419, 425, 441, 580, 597, 614, 666, 677, 698, 816 see also curriculum, school; education; Privy Council, Education Committee; Ragged Schools

  and Ashley/Shaftesbury 76–8

  attendance 421, 437–8, 439, 784–8

  certificate of attendance 75

  compulsory attendance 415, 419, 768, 782–4, 787, 790–1

  and Lambton 67–8

  schools inspectors 17, 162, 163, 418, 425, 428–9, 432, 436, 593, 606, 713

  Schools of Design 315–16

  science 8–9, 16, 136, 190, 211–22, 286, 318, 321, 430, 433, 447, 452, 456–60, 650

  Science and Art Department 324, 326, 328

  Science Museum 321, 338

  scientific naturalism 227

  Scotland xii, 37, 71, 413, 447, 515, 519, 651, 785

  Scott, Ann 540, 541

  Scott, Colonel Henry 334, 335

  Scott, George Gilbert 327, 332, 334–5, 347–55, 358–72, 692, 719, 730–2, 735–57, 786

  Scott, Sir Walter 56, 351, 612, 619, 729

  Scott Russell, John 291–3, 295, 297, 304, 313, 354

  Scourfield, John 528, 785

  screws 311, 710, 712

  secret ballot xiii, 61, 117, 382, 404–11, 505

  secularisation 8–9, 23, 135–6, 138, 204, 229, 234, 419, 424, 435, 436, 499, 505, 688

  Secularism 146, 150, 153, 184, 197, 227, 232

  self-flagellation/whipping 267–8

  self-help 130

  Self-Help, with Illustrations of Conduct and Perseverance 206–7

  Servants’ Provident and Benevolent Society 128, 130

  Seven Lamps of Architecture, The 237, 613, 714, 730, 734

  Sewell, William 180, 181, 182, 184

  sewers 691, 695, 696, 701–8, 712, 751, 780, 816

  Seymour, Lord 696

  Shaftesbury, Lord 80 see also Ashley, Lord

  and Barnardo 655, 659

  and Booth 663

  child labour 778, 780–1, 796–7

  and Graham 48

  and Holloway 685

  Jews 257–8

  philanthropy 633, 647, 655, 663

  public executions 630

  Ragged Schools 415, 443, 639

  secret ballot 407–8

  Shairp, J. C. 164

  Shrewsbury School 234, 446, 453, 457

  Sibthorp, Colonel 107, 127, 301, 302, 317, 715, 719

  Sidgwick, Henry 445, 451, 500, 547, 550–5, 623

  Skeleton Army 662

  slums 60, 648, 654, 693, 694, 712, 751, 752, 800, 802, 803

  Smiles, Samuel 205–10, 678

  Smirke, Sydney 347, 349, 350, 351, 764

  Smith, Adam 89, 90, 413, 414, 615

  Smith (later Clough), Blanche 162, 164, 167, 168

  Smith, Julia 540

  Smollett, Patrick 23, 535

  Smythe, George 56, 57

  Snow, John 701, 706

  social class xii, 1, 15, 53, 633 see also aristocracy; gentry; middle class; upper class; working class

  social control 431, 587

  social work 668, 671, 676, 678

  Socialism 64, 198, 223, 381

  English 619

  Society for the Improvement of the Condition of the Labouring Classes 75–6, 128, 647

  Society of Arts 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 295, 338

  Solly, Henry 670–1

  South Kensington Museum 322, 326, 331

  Spedding, Thomas Story 37, 52

  St Paul’s 280, 300, 341, 730, 741

  St Paul’s School 446, 453, 455, 730

  stables 414, 648–9

  Stanhope, Earl 260, 362, 367, 368

  Stanley, Dean 458, 504

  Stanley, Lady Augusta 547

  Stanley, Lord Arthur Penrhyn

  and Butler 249

  and Clough 157–8, 160

  on Dr Arnold 3, 6, 7, 9–13, 15, 20–2, 25, 207, 340

  Foreign Secretary 391

  Great Exhibition, the 292, 299

  and Jowett 19

  and Nightingale 164

  and Stephen 229

  and Vaughan 26, 29

  State/Government, role of 56, 95, 126–7, 198, 203, 274, 467, 757, 765, 801, 805, 807

  stations xiv, 335, 714–15, 719, 724, 751

  Stephen, James Fitzjames see also Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

  and Arnold 422, 426, 593, 595, 598, 604, 617

  and Carlyle 377, 578

  and Dr Arnold 11

  the law 581, 766

  and Mill 202–3, 231–2, 582–91, 620–1

  religion 229–31

  women 620–3

  Stephen, Sir James 229, 415, 470, 471, 581

  Stephenson, Robert 713, 719, 721

  Stockmar, Baron 287, 302

  Stones of Venice, The 612, 613, 617, 729, 732

  Strachey, Lytton 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14–15, 20, 22–4, 153–4, 191, 815

  Strangford, Lord 56, 57

  Street, George Edmund 204, 329, 348, 753–64

eet lighting and pavements 712

  street traders 648–9

  Subjection of Women, The 567–8, 588, 620

  suburbs xiv, 305, 324, 693, 697, 699, 714, 804

  Sunday schools 148, 419

  Sundays 150–1, 649, 794 see also church attendance

  Surplus Scheme, the 319

  ‘sweetness and light’ 597–600, 602–3, 605, 607, 617, 664, 772, 813

  Sybil 14, 57–8, 59, 60, 160, 270

  Sylvester, D. W. 429

  Symonds, Dr 28–9

  Symonds, John Addington 27–9

  Talfourd, Sergeant 510–11

  Tallack, William 629–30

  Tamworth Manifesto 97, 270

  Taunton, Lord 367–8

  Taunton Commission on middle-class schools 432, 433, 464, 544, 546

  taxation xiv, 102, 274–6, 385, 413–16, 436, 527, 632, 768–9, 788 see also rates

  Taylor, Helen 532, 545, 551, 567

  teachers 417, 418, 419, 420–2, 423, 425, 428, 435, 546, 784

  pupil-teacher scheme 418, 421, 429, 450

  technical colleges 224

  telegraph 127, 404, 713, 720, 816

  temperance movement 655

  Temperance Society 151, 639

  Temple, Dr Frederick 226, 448, 475

  ten-hours measure 65–6, 75, 664

  Tennyson, Alfred 162, 167, 187, 191–2, 341, 342, 479, 813

  Ternan, Ellen 646, 651, 652

  Thackeray, W. M. 158, 415, 614, 616

  Thames, the 261, 700–8, 761

  Thesiger, Sir Frederic 254, 258, 301

  Thirty-nine Articles 4, 5, 135, 139, 140, 152, 156, 157, 170, 180, 187, 499, 500

  Time and Tide 377, 616, 617, 677

  Tite, William 333, 349, 350, 351, 738, 739, 740

  Tories 110

  armed forces 192, 489, 496

  Arnold on 50, 593, 596, 599

  Corn Laws 47, 92, 104, 107

  and Gladstone 47, 265–6, 274, 769

  reform 50, 398–9, 401, 409–11

  Toryism 13, 92, 270, 501, 619

  tourism 313, 317, 705

  Tractarianism 143, 149, 178, 179, 266, 268

  Tracts for the Times 140–1, 142, 187, 188

  trades unions 14, 116, 125, 189, 198, 200, 223, 386, 580, 605, 665

  Trafalgar Square 346, 361, 363, 391, 392

  transportation 34, 35, 116, 120, 631, 668

  treason 35

  Trevelyan, George 442, 471, 473–5, 481–4, 487–91

  Trevelyan, Sir Charles 669, 672, 674, 736

  Trilling, Lionel 594, 608

  Trollope, Anthony 148, 270, 415, 476, 720, 808

  Turner, William 612–14

  typhoid 343, 694, 697

  Unconscious Memory 242, 246, 247

  unemployment 34, 39, 42, 126, 615, 633

  Unitarians 14–15, 158

  Universal League for the Material Elevation of the Industrious Classes 381

  universal suffrage xiii, 117–18, 120, 123–4, 380–411, 505, 526, 567, 592 see also enfranchisement; household suffrage; Reform Acts; votes for women

  universities xiv, 210–11, 221, 224, 413, 431, 445–8, 469, 499–503, 554, 816


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