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Page 5

by Cheryl Wright


  No! He couldn’t risk being hurt like his brother. What a terrible tragedy that turned out to be.

  Now that dessert was over and baby Chloe was settled, Missy headed back to the stage, and the musical introduction began.

  Chris tapped Lizzie on the shoulder, and she stood. As he accompanied her to the dance floor, she stumbled, hurting her ankle.

  Charlotte, who was now out of the kitchen, ran to her aunt. She squatted down and checked the ankle. “Oh dear,” she said. “I guess you have to miss your dance with Christian now.”

  “Not on your Nellie!” she said, agitated. “I paid a lot of money for that dance. You’ll have to take my place.”

  Charlotte stared at her. Chris was certain he saw the beginning of a grin on Lizzie’s face, but it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

  Charlotte hesitated momentarily, but Chris took her hand. He was becoming more and more affected by Charlotte’s presence.

  As he walked her to the dance floor, he felt all eyes on them.

  They stood in the middle of the dance floor waiting for the music to begin, and he was sure Charlotte would be feeling as awkward as he was.

  He stared into her eyes and got lost in them. He couldn’t look away, he just couldn’t. Why did he feel so drawn to her?

  He felt Lizzie’s eyes burn a hole in his back as he just stood there, so placed his arms around Charlotte, ready for the music.

  He kept her at a distance, knowing how many pairs of eyes would be on them at this moment. They were the only couple on the dance floor at this time, but hopefully other couples would join them soon.

  Chris shuffled his feet feeling a bit like a fox in a hen house – very out of place. Charlotte’s arm crept up around his back, and he held her other hand.

  He felt warmth trickle up his arm as Missy began to sing I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight.

  Was someone trying to tell them something?

  They danced their way around the dance floor. Or should he say shuffled? He was never a brilliant dancer, and with everyone watching them, he felt even more self-conscious than usual.

  Charlotte looked up into his eyes. “Don’t worry about them, Christian,” she told him. “This is about us.” She gave him a tentative smile and he remembered she’d been forced into this too.

  He nodded as he thought how his name rolled off her tongue. It sounded good. He could listen to her say it all day.

  Charlotte looked around the room. “No one is watching us now,” she whispered as other couples joined them. “Let’s just relax and enjoy ourselves.”

  But Chris wasn’t sure he wanted to relax. If he did that, he might feel things he didn’t want to feel. He might enjoy spending his time with Charlotte, and he didn’t want to do that either.

  Not that he didn’t like her. He was enjoying their faux dates, and the times they spent together, even if it was for all the wrong reasons.

  Despite himself, his arms reached around her, and unexpectedly she leaned into him. She moved slightly and rested her head against his shoulder.

  It felt right. It felt good. He pulled her a little closer as they swayed to the music.

  He no longer thought about the people around them. All he thought about was Charlotte. About how good she felt. About how nice it would be to kiss her right now.

  His fingers slid slowly up her arm and onto her cheek. A tiny teasing smile crept into her mouth. His heart skipped a beat.

  “This is nice, Christian,” she said quietly, relaxing into him even more than before.

  He caressed her cheek without even thinking. Hadn’t realized what he was doing until it was too late. “Charlotte.” His voice was equally as quiet. “I really like holding you like this,” he said after long moments.

  “I like it too.”

  Before he could think about what he was doing, he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers, ever so lightly.

  He wondered exactly where it might lead.


  Charlotte looked up.

  Christian was moving closer toward her. Surely he wasn’t going to... Not here, not with everyone around?

  But he did.

  As he gradually moved in for the kiss, she had two choices. She could back off and avoid him, or she could stay right where she was and let his lips connect with hers.

  Right up until those last few seconds she hadn’t decided. But his mouth looked delicious. Inviting.

  So she let him kiss her.

  It was a mere brushing of lips. Not a real kiss, but a promise of things to come maybe?

  He lifted his head again, and she saw a smile on his face. Her hand went up and brushed his cheek. It was smooth and clean shaven.

  Just how she liked it.

  Not that she objected to a five o’clock shadow. That could be pretty sexy in itself. But she liked the way he took care of himself, even though it was him alone, with no partner.

  As the music stopped she felt disappointed. She would have to let go. To lose her grip on him.

  She already knew she would feel emptiness. It had been such a long time since a man had held her in his arms like this.

  Heck, it seemed like forever since a man had held her at all.

  She liked the way it felt. Comforting. Loving. Wonderful.

  As Christian stepped away from her, she felt bereft. She didn’t want him to leave, but the music had stopped. They had to return to their seats.

  As they began to walk away, the music commenced again. The words of Unchained Melody rang throughout the room.

  “Shall we?” Christian asked softly. And she nodded.

  She could think of nothing better than being in his arms again. Being held as though nothing or no one mattered as much as she did. Right in this moment of time.

  Charlotte sank into him; her arm went up his back as he held her hand. “Charlotte,” he said just above a whisper. “I think I’m falling for you.”

  He looked down at her and her eyes opened wide. Then she winced.

  She couldn’t bring herself to commit to another man. Dale was the love of her life. And now he was gone.

  But he wouldn’t want her to stop living, she knew that for certain.

  She opened her eyes again. “I,”

  He put his fingers to her lips. “Shhh,” he said. “You don’t have to say anything. Let’s just enjoy the moment.”

  They barely danced. It was more like a tiny shuffle across the dance floor. Other couples were dancing too, and they didn’t feel like they were on display.

  She closed her eyes and melted into his body. This felt so right. He felt so real.

  A tear slid down her cheek.

  What about Dale? What about her dead husband? Was it time to move on, to move forward with her life?

  That was a decision only she could make. All the memories they’d made together, the plans, the children they’d wanted. Was she expected to forget it all? To just move ahead with another man, with Christian, as though none of it had happened?

  She wasn’t sure she was ready for any of it.

  Charlotte felt him brush her tears away. “It’s okay, Charlotte, I’m not asking for a life-long commitment,” he said, and she felt relief.

  Then he leaned down and kissed her gently. And this time she kissed him back.

  Chapter Four

  “He’s a really nice bloke,” Lizzie told Charlotte, as she packed the cooled baked goods into the glass display cabinet.

  It was nearly time for the mid-morning rush, and they needed to be ready. Not that it was anything new to Lizzie. She’d run her little coffee shop, as she called it, for over thirty years.

  She knew every person in the tiny town of River Valley and knew every eligible bachelor. She’d even tried to match some of them up with equally eligible young women.

  In some cases, she’d even succeeded.

  Christian and Charlotte were her current challenge, and things were coming along nicely.

  She smiled at the

  “I’m not sure I’m that interested,” Charlotte shot back, but Lizzie knew that wasn’t true.

  There was a special spark between them. It was more than obvious at the fundraiser.

  Lizzie had watched them as they danced. She had set that up very nicely, if she did say so herself. It was funny how her ankle seemed fine just after they’d finished dancing.

  They were meant to be together. She knew it, and Charlotte knew it.

  Heck, maybe even Christian knew it.

  She looked across at Charlotte and raised her eyebrows. “Charlotte....”

  Her niece glared at her. “Aunty,” she rounded.

  Lizzie sighed. “It’s been three years, Charlotte.” How did you say this without upsetting her? “It’s time to move on.”

  Charlotte’s head went up sharply. “Move on?” Her voice was high pitched and got higher the longer she spoke. “Do you really think I can move on?” She shook her head. “We were soulmates,” she said quietly. “We had plans. We were going to have kids.” She swiped at her cheeks. “I wish we hadn’t waited....”

  Charlotte pulled out a chair and sat down. Lizzie sat next to her and took her hand. “I know darling. I’m sure you miss him. A lot. But Dale wouldn’t want you to waste the rest of your life grieving over him.” Lizzie took a deep breath. “He was a good man and he loved you. He’d want you to be happy.”

  Charlotte looked at her aunt, tears brimming in her eyes. “I know,” she said quietly. “I just can’t. Not yet. Christian knows that.” She took a calming breath. “We’ve talked about it.”

  The little bell over the door tinkled and a group of workers rushed in. Charlotte stood abruptly, then rushed out the back to the kitchen. Mid-morning rush had started.

  Lizzie watched her go.

  Charlotte and Christian were meant to be a couple. She saw it every time they were together. There was a certain chemistry.

  It wasn’t her imagination, she was certain it wasn’t. After all, she was pretty good at this match-making stuff.


  “Christian.” Lizzie was on the phone, calling the Sheriff’s office.

  “There is a group of ruffians here who are hell-bent on destroying the place.” She paused for moment, then continued. “One of them is manhandling Charlotte.” She listened for his response, knowing he’d rush to get there now, then hung up the phone.

  It was mid-afternoon, and the café was quiet, but it was rather disturbing for the two women who were there alone.

  Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief when Christian, Officer Sawyer, Officer Wrangler, and Officer Drury all strode through the door just a few minutes later, the lights and sirens on their cars still going.

  River Valley might be small, but they did not skimp when it came to law enforcement.

  “Afternoon gents,” Deputy Christian Dolan said, as the four lawmen surrounded the table, and therefore those causing the ruckus.

  Charlotte watched, horrified, as the biggest of the group made a run for it. Christian bolted after him and a fight ensued.

  His hat flew across the room and Charlotte heard fabric rip. As they rolled along the floor, she noticed his shirt was the worse for wear. But that was the least of his problems.

  The other two men sat quietly at the table, watching the drama unfold, the three remaining officers surrounding them. It seemed to be getting out of hand when Jason Sawyer pulled his gun. “That’s enough,” he yelled. “Stop where you are and put your hands in the air.”

  The man did not move a muscle.

  Charlotte was shaking and muffled a cry when she saw the blood dripping from Christian’s mouth. He reached behind him and pulled out his handcuffs, securing the man as he sat on the floor.

  The deputy surveyed the chaos around the room. Chairs were strewn everywhere, and tables overturned.

  “Don’t worry about those,” Lizzie told him. “I was more concerned about Charlotte being hurt.”

  As the other officers took the three men into custody, he walked over to the women. “I have to do some paperwork,” he said. “Can you spare a moment or two to sit with me later?”

  They nodded, and he said he would return shortly, after “sorting these three out”.

  Charlotte was quite shaken by the whole situation and was slumped at one of the tables when Christian returned. She heard the little bell tinkle, and knew it was him before she even turned her head.

  She seemed to have a radar for him these days.

  As she looked up, she saw Christian was not alone. Given their couple status, if you could call it that, she was not surprised.

  Officer Jason Sawyer held a clipboard with several pages. He sat and settled himself as Christian seated himself next to Charlotte, pulling his chair as close to her as possible.

  Lizzie deposited four coffees on the table, then sat next to Officer Sawyer.

  “Christian,” Charlotte said, worry in her voice. “Are you alright? I mean, your mouth is bleeding.” He swiped at his mouth with his ripped sleeve and stared at it.

  “Everyone calls me Chris,” he said, totally ignoring her question about his injury. “But I like the way you say my name, so feel free to keep saying it.”

  Officer Sawyer’s head shot up, but Chris chose to ignore him. He grinned at her, then winked, and she felt relieved, but embarrassed at his public declaration.

  He might have taken a battering, but his ego hadn’t.

  As he took a sip of coffee, he shuffled the paperwork in front of the other officer. “Sorry, but we have to do this,” he said taking her hand.

  He nodded at the officer sitting across from him and Jason began. “So, let’s start at the beginning,” he said.

  Charlotte lifted her coffee to her lips. The sweet beverage slid down her throat and she felt somewhat comforted. What happened today would stay with her a long time.

  “The bastards stormed into the café and tore the place apart,” Lizzie said, annoyance in her voice.

  Charlotte nearly spat out her coffee.

  Christian and Jason both laughed, but she took a deep breath, and then another sip of coffee. They were patient and waited until she was ready.

  “I’d just finished putting the baked goods into the glass display cabinet when they came in. As I walked back to the kitchen, the big one grabbed my hand.” She took another breath, and another sip of coffee.

  Chris reached out and covered her hand with his. “Did he hurt you,” he asked quietly. “Because if he did...”

  “He didn’t hurt me,” she said quickly, trying to dissipate the anger he was barely controlling. “He grabbed me and pulled me into a bear hug.” She looked down into the coffee that she barely saw. “I pulled away, and that’s when he got angry.”

  Christian’s face darkened with fury.

  “Then what happened?” he asked, despite Jason being in control of this interview.

  But he kept his hand right where it was, covering hers.

  Charlotte glanced at their intertwined hands, she didn’t dare look at him in case she broke down.

  “He, he threw a chair across the room,” she said, barely controlling her emotions. “I was really scared. For myself and aunty,” she said, close to tears.

  Jason scribbled her answers as she spoke.

  Christian’s head shot up. With any other victim he would just ignore the emotion. She knew he would. But she wasn’t any other victim.

  He’d held her in his arms. He’d kissed her. He’d told her he was falling for her.

  There was an emotional connection between them. There was that indefinable something there.

  She looked into his face, and his expression changed. It went from anger to compassion in a flash.

  He suddenly stood, scraping the chair behind him. He pulled her up from where she sat and enveloped her in the biggest hug she could ever remember receiving.

  She cried quietly against his chest. He just stood there and let her.

  Charlotte heard Lizzie shift i
n her seat. Now she sat back and stared at them. A smile on her face.


  Chris whistled as he strolled to Aunt Lizzie’s Kitchen.

  It was official now; he and Charlotte were a couple. And he didn’t care who knew about it.

  Despite the ruse they’d carried out for months, just to keep Lizzie off their backs, they’d grown closer and eventually admitted they were meant for each other.

  The little bell tinkled as he strolled in.

  “Good Morning, Christian,” Lizzie said. “The usual?”

  He’d been coming for coffee every morning for some weeks now, hoping to steal some time, even a few moments, with Charlotte.

  “Thanks, yes,” he said, craning his neck trying to see his girl.

  Lizzie grinned. “Oh, for goodness sakes,” she said. “Go out to the kitchen and give her a good morning kiss!”

  He was on his way when she struggled out the door with a huge tray full of steaming hot baked goods. He bolted to take it from her.

  Her whole face lit up when she spotted him. “Christian,” she said, breathlessly.

  “Charlotte,” he said nodding, and his heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. He carried the tray and placed it where the two women could fill the display cabinet.

  She sat at one of the café tables, and he sat down with her. He heard the coffee machine in the background as he covered her hand.

  “What wonderful creations do you recommend today,” he asked, grinning like an idiot.

  She looked disappointed. “Is that all you’re interested in,” she asked. “I thought you’d come to see me.”

  He laughed out loud. “I did,” he whispered. “I always come to see you, but don’t tell your aunt. She’d probably kick my butt.” He leaned forward and gave her a peck on the cheek, staying longer than he should, reluctant to pull away.

  As he pulled back, she said, “Blueberry muffins,” and began to stand. “Sorry, but I have to go.”

  He was disappointed, but knew he’d only get to steal a few minutes of her time. The mid-morning rush wasn’t far off, and she’d have plenty to do in preparation.

  “Coffee’s ready,” Lizzie shouted across to him. She bagged up a muffin for him, and he handed across some money. As she usually did these days, Lizzie waved his money away. But as he always did, he threw it on the counter and rushed out the door.


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