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Protection (To Love And Defend Book 5)

Page 7

by Daniella Starre

  “I do,” Charlie said easily. “What is it? Something about Zoe’s birthday in two weeks? I was hoping you, Pamela, and I could figure out how to surprise her. Maybe not a party but just dinner. I know she doesn’t like surprises.”


  “I was hoping to start spending more time with you two. Zoe mentioned that Pamela had found someone, but she thought maybe I could bring a friend along for you. What do you think? I wasn’t sure if you’d be on board with that. Zoe won’t be happy if I tell her no, but I hated it when people tried to set me up—”



  “I have bad news.”

  * * *

  Breaking the news to Charlie had been worse than she expected. He had burst into tears over the phone, and then he showed up at her place before they had time to remove her body. His face had turned so pale, and his hand trembled, his fingers turning to claws.

  Kiera had to remind him to check himself, that humans were present, and he had nodded and left. She had a feeling he was going to find a spot where he could be a werewolf and maybe destroy a few things. Werewolves tended toward anger instead of sorrow. Anger was easier for them to accept.

  Once the scene was all examined and photographed and they could leave, Keira did everything she could to try to find a link between Roberto and Zoe. The two hadn’t run in the same circles at all. Both were strong, powerful werewolves, yes, but that was the only connection she could see. They hadn’t been friends. She couldn’t think of anyone who would want Zoe dead. Sure, her friend had been a little outspoken, but she had been one of the few who had a few human friends.

  As for Roberto, none of his friends thought anyone could hate him. He had been a gentle giant and had only used his strength when he had to.

  Just when Kiera was beginning to wonder if there wasn’t a connection between the two murders, ballistics came back with a report that the bullets for the two victims had been fired from the same gun. Same bullets, identical markings from the barrel.

  The two murders had been committed by the same person.

  A serial killer. A serial werewolf killer.

  Just what Hazel Park needed on top of the shit from Peter.

  * * *

  Six in the morning and Kiera was still awake, still trying to determine how the two crimes were connected.

  A knock sounded, and she rolled her neck. “Who is it?” she called.


  With another report. He had knocked on her front door this time.

  Did she want to deal with this now? Deal with him? She hadn’t thought about what had happened between them earlier, and she didn’t want to.

  Kiera opened the door. Adrian stood before her, looking a little ragged and worn. His five o’clock shadow made him even hotter, and she found her hand was itching to touch his face and see if the hair would scratch her palm.


  “Come in.” She opened the door wide.

  Adrian was so muscular that he took up enough space that he had no choice but to press up against her to get by.

  Her breathing hitched. Damn it. He was still affecting her. Why?

  Because he gave her hope. He was willing to put himself in danger for the sake of saving humans and werewolves alike. It was fucking hot.

  Confused, she closed and locked her door.

  “It’s a cult. A mob. He’s preparing for war. He has lieutenants. I don’t know who they are, but they’re the ones who are helping him to plan stuff. Honestly, he doesn’t give away much at all at his meetings. I’ll do my best to work my way into his inner circle.” Adrian exhaled and then smiled. “I hope you’re having better luck than I am because so far, I feel like I’m striking out.”

  “Not nearly,” she mumbled. “I don’t know about this.”

  “About what?” His gaze fell on her licks.

  She licked them. Damn it, why did she do that?

  “About you.”

  “About me what?” He stepped closer to her until he placed his hands on her hips.

  Kiera stared up at him. “I think you need to get out of there.”

  “With Peter?” he asked, his breath hot against her neck.

  She shivered as he kissed the sensitive skin at the hollow of her neck. “Yes.”

  “Not with you.”


  He sucked on her neck long and hard, and she grew so wet she knew she would have to change her thong.

  “It’s not safe,” she murmured.

  “He’d kill me if I leave.”

  “I don’t want that.”

  “Hmm. What do you want?”

  “Not a what. A who.”



  Adrian picked her up and carried her over to the couch in two long strides. Wordlessly, they stripped each other, and he tossed her his wallet. She laughed as five condoms fell out.

  He winked and then groaned as she unrolled a condom over his hard cock.

  “Give it to me,” she pleaded, spreading her legs wide.

  “Whatever you want,” he promised, and he inserted in one thrust.

  Her entire body tingled from every point of contact. He kept most of his weight of her, but she clung to him, pulling him closer, rocking her hips in rhythm with his movements, and she scratched his back as his cock hit that one spot that made her come instantly.

  “Adrian,” she whispered, his name like a prayer of hope.

  He thrust a few times, slow, deep ones, and then he shuddered and collapsed against her. “Kiera.”

  For some time, they stared there, him half-reclined on her. When she felt him start to harden within her again, she slowly shifted him to be beneath her and rode him long and hard. She was exhausted, her body pushed to the limit from working so hard and not sleeping enough, but she didn’t care. She wanted this, wanted him, and she shrieked his name when she reached again.

  But he hadn’t come a second time, so she kept on riding him, and she orgasmed a few more times before he finally did.

  “Not fair,” he murmured in her ear as she curled up on his chest. “I can’t come that many times.”

  “You came twice. How greedy are you?”

  “When it comes to you, very greedy.”

  “Besides, women need at least one perk. We are the ones who get pregnant and have to go through labor and delivery.”

  “Do you want kids?” he asked.

  She stiffened.

  “Not a topic for discussion right now,” he said. “That’s fine.”

  “Not a discussion forever,” she said through a yawn. Her eyes closed. “Goodnight.”

  He chuckled, bouncing her head against his chest. “It’s the morning.”

  “Sh.” And she fell asleep against him.

  Chapter 13

  Being inside of Kiera, making love to her, her riding him… Adrian had dreamed about them having sex again and again, so it was no surprise that he woke up hard especially considering her naked body lay on top of her. Her pussy was against his leg, and she was still wet.

  He so badly wanted to wake her, to kiss her, lick her, bite her, thrust deep inside of her.

  She looked so damn peaceful, though, so sweet and innocent, that he couldn’t bring himself to wake her. His erection would have to go away unfulfilled because he wasn’t about to masturbate with her on top of him, and the idea of going at it in her bathroom wasn’t appealing either.

  Instead, he kissed her temple and eased her onto the couch while he slowly shifted out from beneath her. He stood, stretched, and made his way to the kitchen. Never before had he cooked naked, and he wasn’t sure he would do it again. Then again, when he felt a hand on his cock as he was scooping cheesy eggs onto a plate, he definitely thought he could get used to it.

  “You do realize it’s after noon, right?” she asked.

  “Should I have made you grilled cheese instead?” he asked handing her the plate.

  She squeezed
his cock and then released it to grab the plate. “I’m just teasing. You can cook me anything.”

  “I’m glad you’re so appreciative.”

  Kiera laughed and tapped his ass. “Let’s eat and talk.”

  “I’d rather do something else,” he called as she headed toward the dining room.

  “I’m sure!”

  They ate their eggs and bacon crisped to perfection and chatted about nothing important. When she finished eating and laid down her fork, he knew that things were gonna get serious.

  “I mentioned murders to you before. One, we solved already, but there’s a serial werewolf killer out there.”

  Adrian stiffened. “Who?”

  “Roberto Perry and Zoe Wood.”

  Adrian drank the rest of his water and wished it was scotch instead.

  “We can’t figure out a connection between them,” Kiera said. “It’s so frustrating. Are werewolves being targeted at random? Does a human already know? Is it a werewolf?”

  “I know a connection,” Adrian said grimly.

  “You do?” she asked, surprised.

  “Yes. They were two of the werewolves who witnessed me killing Melvin.”

  Kiera blinked a few times. “Oh.”

  “Yes. So had Dallas Chase and Dexter Burke, but they’re dead already.”

  “Who else? Anyone else alive?”

  “Joel Hall, Walter Black, and Terry Bayer.”

  “Okay. Okay. Wow. Um, I honestly don’t know what to think.”

  “Neither do I,” Adrian confessed.

  “You should pull back from everything with Peter. We can’t have him after you too, so you can’t just turn him down now, but—”


  “Adrian, you’re in over your head. Between everything with Peter and now with those involved with Melvin’s death being targeted, there’s so much danger surrounding you.”

  “I get that. I’m not backing away though.”

  “Why do you have to be so damn stubborn?” she snapped.

  “Why do you think I can’t handle myself?”

  “You couldn’t stop Dallas and Dexter from killing themselves in front of you. How strong are you then? You might have muscles, but you aren’t a fighter!”

  “Being a werewolf doesn’t mean you have to fight with claws all the time. There are other ways.”

  “Not with people like Peter and Melvin.” She stood and pointed toward his clothes. “You were willing to do what was necessary with Melvin, but he was already dying. If you and Peter come to blows, will you fight then? Do you even know how to fight? It’s more than just brute strength, and you know it. That’s why you didn’t put yourself in the middle of the fight with Dallas and Dexter.”

  “I can and will fight,” Adrian said. “I will protect not only Hazel Park but all werewolves. Unless you’re going to arrest me, I need to get going and working on gaining Peter’s trust. Don’t worry. I won’t be stopping by again anytime soon.”

  He could tell her mind was working hard, thinking. Was she considering arresting him to stop him?

  Adrian walked around her, grabbed his clothes, and dressed. She didn’t say a word as he left.

  Fuck. How had everything become so damn complicated?

  Chapter 14

  The only way Adrian could think of to try and get closer to Peter was to do his best to help out with the bastard. He drove over to Peter’s house. The sight of Peter’s car gave him hope that he was home.

  Adrian strolled up to the door and knocked. Another werewolf opened the door, one Adrian recognized from the first meeting.

  “Is Peter here?” Adrian asked.


  “Do you know where he is?”


  “Will you tell me where?”


  “How about when he’s expected back?”

  The werewolf silently stared Adrian down. “What’s your name?”


  “Ah. Got a message for you.”

  Adrian grinned. Maybe he was making some progress after all.

  “You need to start pulling your weight, or else you’re dead weight.” The werewolf smirked. “And you know what happens to dead weight, doncha?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Adrian said with a wave of his hand. “Why do you think I came here? I wanted to ask what I’m supposed to be doing. I want to get involved more. Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it. I’ll pull my weight and then some.”

  “Peter already told ya.”

  “He did?” Adrian furrowed his brow. “Do me a favor and just tell me, okay?”

  “You need to recruit more.”

  “That I can do. No problem. Say, you don’t happen to have a list of names of those who were already asked, do you? No?” Adrian shrugged. “That would help some. You know, so I don’t waste time?”

  The big werewolf just glowered at him.

  Adrian nodded and took a few steps backward. “All right. I’ll go recruit. You tell Peter that I swung by to find out how to help him, okay? Thanks. You take care now.”

  Adrian returned to his car and drove off, but he wasn’t about to actually legit recruit people for the grand scheme of Peter’s. Hmm. Maybe it would be a good idea to have some backup, though.

  He had a few friends who might be up for the task, but they were all married with kids, and he didn’t want to have to drag them into it. Maybe—wait a second. Alexis?

  Adrian pulled a U-turn and quickly parked behind the car she was climbing out of.

  “Alexis?” He hadn’t seen her in five years. She still looked amazing, not that he had ever been attracted to her. The two had only ever been friends.

  “Adrian?” She grinned and gave him a hug. “Jasper, come here,” she called to the werewolf who was helping a girl about four to climb out of the car. “This is Adrian. We’re friends from childhood. Adrian, this is Jasper, my husband, and my daughter Lisa.”

  Adrian held out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Jasper took his hand, shook it, and then flared his nostrils. “You came to my house that day.”

  Adrian gulped.

  “Yes,” Alexis said, “but he didn’t know what a monster Melvin was.”

  Jasper nodded tightly.

  “I…” Adrian shook his head. “It’s not safe here right now,” he said, opting not to tell them his role in Melvin’s death.

  “We’ve come to visit Mandy and her husband Clint several times over the years,” Alexis protested. “With Melvin gone—”

  “Tell your daughter to go inside a minute,” Adrian pleaded.

  Alexis’ eyes widened in alarm. She knelt down. “Lisa, want to go knock on the door and see Aunt Mandy?”

  “Yes!” Lisa smiled at Adrian, waved, and rushed off. She knocked on the door.

  Adrian waited until she was inside with Mandy, who gazed at them curiously but nodded when Alexis held up a finger.

  “It’s not safe,” Adrian whispered urgently. “The past week especially has been terrible. Werewolves have been killing werewolves in bids to become the next alpha, and there’s a werewolf serial killer targeting those who were involved with Melvin’s death.” Adrian shifted his gaze from Alexis to Jasper. “If you want to keep them safe, go back to Detroit. That’s where you still live?”

  Jasper nodded. “Maybe we should go.”

  “But we just got here,” Alexis protested.

  Adrian stepped forward. “I killed Melvin,” he mouthed more than said. “I don’t know who is killing the werewolves, but I might be a target and you both could be. Showing up right now is the most dangerous thing in the world. Please, go. I’ll let you know when we’ve found the killer. I’m working with the police on this.”

  “I thought you were just a banker.” Alexis laughed slightly despite the worry and fear shining in her eyes. “I always knew you would be more than that.”

  “I didn’t kill him?” Jasper asked.

  “I wanted to make sure you
didn’t. I wanted you two to have peace.”

  Jasper clasped Adrian’s arm. “I’m sorry I misjudged you.”

  “Don’t be. Alexis and I are—were—good friends.”

  “Still are,” she corrected. “I’m sorry we’ve lost touch.”

  “We can get reacquainted later. After you two and your daughter go back.”

  “Immediately?” Alexis asked.

  “I think we should,” Jasper said.

  “All right.” She hesitated. “Should we have Mandy and Clint go with us?”

  “If you can convince them.” Adrian ran a hand through his hair. “I hadn’t even realized Mandy moved back.”

  “Several years ago. She keeps mostly to Clint and her parents. Travels a lot.”

  Adrian nodded. Hazel Park was small, but it was impossible to know everyone’s comings and goings.

  “I’m glad you saw us,” Jasper said. “We need to get Lisa.”

  Alexis hugged Adrian, and then, to his surprise, Jasper did too.

  “I’ll keep them safe,” Jasper promised.

  “I’ll do the same for Hazel Park,” Adrian said.

  Hazel Park, Detroit, and everywhere else.

  * * *

  Adrian hung around until Jasper drove off with Clint driving behind him. They had convinced the Ramseys to go with them. He wondered what work Mandy and Clint did that they could just take off like that, but he was grateful that they could, that they had listened.

  Too bad he couldn’t tell just every werewolf to leave. It wouldn’t solve all of their issues, though.

  Instead of recruiting a friend to help him in the spy game, Adrian decided to go after a different game plan. Joel Hall lived a few blocks away if Adrian recalled correctly, and he headed that way now.

  Joel had always been a quiet, family guy. As far as Adrian knew, he was single yet, but he loved his sister and her two girls. He deserved to meet a nice werewolf and have a lot of pups with her.

  As soon as Adrian parked in front of the apartment complex, he knew something was wrong. He had to follow his nose of the familiar scent of Joel to locate his apartment. When he got to the right floor, though, a different stench overwhelmed him.


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