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Dragon’s Secret: Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book Fourteen

Page 12

by Martin, Miranda

  I shiver slightly as that realization hits me, an edge of trepidation hitting me on the heels of a wave of lust at that knowledge. It only makes everything seem even more intense.

  The feeling of the air flowing over my naked skin, the weight of Archion's eyes as they look me over, the feel of his fingertips sliding up and down my thighs, the light touch spreading goosebumps over me.

  He leans forward and kisses the front of me, his breath hot against my most sensitive parts.

  "I want to kiss you here," he growls, his fingers sliding between my legs from behind, finding my folds wet and hot with my need for him.

  I gasp, arching forward towards him, not expecting the touch. Growling, he lifts one of my thighs and places it over his shoulder, pressing his face against that most delicate and intimate part of me.


  I grip him tight, trying to get my balance on one foot as his tongue comes out to lick at me, curious and not at all hesitant. Oh God!

  Then he discovers my clitoris. My eyes almost cross, my body swaying as he hits it with the flat of his tongue.

  And he's no dummy. He pauses for a moment as if assessing my reaction. Then he does it again, but this time much more focused on that spot. My toes curl as I thrust against him, unable to control the motion of my hips.

  It feels too damn good. So much better than my own fingers. Is this what I've been missing all this time? This was why all those women would leave men's quarters on the ship with secret smiles. And here I was, wasting my time hanging out in the background.

  Archion's hands grip my hips, holding me in place as he pushes in even deeper, his tongue moving faster against me. Hard, fast, and focused, the sensation is too much for me. Too much after all of the time spent avoiding the physical. Too much after all this flirting with Archion, all of this build up.

  I fly apart.

  Completely and utterly.

  Crying out, I shove myself against him, my leg collapsing underneath me as the pleasure flows through me in an almost harsh wave. But Archion holds me up easily, moaning against me as he continues to lick, to suck, to hold me up at that peak of pleasure as long as he possibly can, until I'm bent over him, my breath coming in gasps, my body limp with satiation. He kisses me softly before lifting his head away.

  His hands are gentle as he positions me over one solid shoulder, his body shifting as he reaches for something. I'm soaking too deep in the glow of the orgasm I just had to wonder too hard about what he's doing. It's clear enough within a few seconds, anyway, when he tips me over carefully, directly onto our combined pallets, the unexpected softness of it on my back making me sigh and stretch in response.

  I open my eyes as I feel Archion settle down between my legs again.


  He lifts and spreads my legs, his eyes watching my face.

  "You are small," he murmurs, sliding his fingers through my utterly saturated folds to circle my entrance.

  I know my face is beet red now. There's something so much more intimate about eye contact while he touches me like that. He pushes a finger in, carefully.

  My body slowly stretches to accommodate even that one thick finger. Still watching me, he leans down to lick at me, that finger still inside me. I relax a little, taking a deep breath.

  I feel like I'm barreling through a whole lot of firsts right now.

  When my body starts to move under him, that pleasure rises again where I didn't think it could, he starts to move that finger inside me, his tongue a delicious counterpoint to the small thrusts.

  Then he tries to add another finger, and I flinch. He notices, of course.

  He stops, raising his head.

  "Are all human females this small?" he asks, his forefinger still inside me. He frowns. "Perhaps you are too small for me."

  I swallow, rising up on my elbows once more so I can see him better. I need to tell him. I don't know why it makes me nervous, but it does.

  "Uh...I guess we're smaller than Zmaj females probably were. But...I'm probably extra tight because..."

  I bite my lip, my face so hot I'm surprised I don't just go up in flames.

  "Because?" he prompts, his gaze intent on my face.

  He's rubbing at my clit again with his thumb. It's not exactly helping me focus. I look away, unable to meet his eyes just then. Why does this feel more revealing then lying spread naked underneath him? I don't know why, but damn if it doesn't!

  "Because...I've never been with anyone before," I get out in a rush.

  His fingers still again.

  "You have not...done this with anyone before?" he repeats.

  I nod, still not looking at him. This is so embarrassing—

  "Good," he growls.

  That snaps my eyes back over to him.

  "What?" I ask, gulping.

  "Good," he repeats, leaning down to give me a quick, firm lick that makes me jump, startled. "I want your only memory to be of me."

  His golden eyes are hot as closes his mouth over me and starts to suck. Oh... I fall back onto the pallet, my legs starting to move of their own accord. The pressure, the suction... It feels...

  I clench my eyes shut, my hands gripping at the pallet on either side of me.

  Archion adds another finger, and there is stretch and pressure from it, but what he's doing with his mouth feels too good for it to distract me much. I feel the pleasure building once more, feel that heat gathering in my middle...

  "Archion!" I cry out, my entire body arching as it hits me like a freight train, somehow different than the one before.

  Making a low sound, he holds me down with a forearm across my hips, his eyes watching me as I shove myself against him. He keeps up that mind-blowing suction until I'm trying to pull away, until I tap out from the sensations. He kisses my inner thigh, his lips shiny from what he's been doing.

  I take a few deep breaths, feeling...tingly.

  I crack my eyes open again, taking in Archion's flushed and reddened face, the quick rise and fall of his chest, the clenched fists he's supporting himself on.

  "Archion..." I sit up, feeling almost boneless. He stills as I cup the side of his face, leaning in to kiss him softly. "I...want you inside me."

  He tenses against me.

  "Yes," he agrees hoarsely.

  Then he lays a kiss on me that leaves me breathless. All of that power, all of that desire, that need—directed at me. I've never felt so completely wanted. I break the kiss, both of us breathing harder.

  "Take off your clothes," I order.

  He pulls back, his eyes scanning my naked body as he undresses in much less time and with a fraction of the care he took with me.

  He's utterly, wonderfully naked. I stare, taking in his muscled chest, his cobble stone abs, the thickly muscled thighs—and the truly awe-inspiring erection between them. My mouth goes dry and I try to swallow. I rest one of my hands against his chest, feeling the quickness of his heartbeats, and take him in my hand. He hisses, stiffening against me as I explore the thick length of him.

  With so many Zmaj and human couples, word gets around about what they're working with. But being confronted with a penis this big... I swallow again, my curiosity sending my fingers to feel the ridges along the top of it, the biggest one at the base. All probably there for the female.

  "Nora..." he groans as I swipe my thumb over the wetness at the head.

  "Do you have two?" I ask, wanting to get that out of the way. Two is...I mean one is a lot.

  "Yes," he confirms, the small thrusts into my hand stopping. "Once my first is spent, the other will reveal itself from underneath my tail." A pause. "Is this...a problem?"

  Startled, I look back up at him.

  "A problem? No." I shake my head, kissing his cheek. "No. I're very big."

  Way to state the obvious.

  "I will be careful," he reassures me, lowering me back down onto the pallet.

  He layers his body over my own, his cooler skin pressing against mine,
hot and sweaty from the heat and the orgasms I've already had.

  I hum, wrapping my arms around his strong neck as he kisses me, enjoying the feeling of his larger, harder body above mine. Of his hardness pressing against the softness of my belly.

  His hand slides down, stopping to cup my breast, but then moving on. It goes past my hip and to my thigh, lifting it and wrapping it around his hip so he can settle himself against me, his length sliding through my folds. We both gasp at that sensation.

  Breaking the kiss, Archion rises up to his arms, his glaze taking in my no-doubt messy hair, my flushed face, my breasts, the curve of my waist, down to where his body is pressed up against my own.

  His eyes take the same path back up to my face, his hips rotating against me, rubbing himself against me. Taking himself in hand, he notches the head against me.

  "I will go slow," he murmurs, smoothing a hand down my side.

  I nod, but I feel myself tense up a bit. There's a lot of him that has to fit inside me.

  But he does go slow. And I've already had two orgasms to help me relax.

  Still, it takes some effort. Archion comes down onto his elbows to kiss me, one of his hands reaching between us to start working on me as he continues the small in-and-out thrusts to make room for himself. It's a little uncomfortable, but it also feels good. He feels good above me.

  After sliding my hands down his sides, I grip his ass, enjoying the feel of the taut muscle in my hands. Every part of him is so much harder than me, so much bigger.

  I raise my other leg, so I can wrap them around his waist, pushing back against his next thrust. I cry out as he slides the rest of the way into me, his hips meeting mine, flush against each other.

  Archion stops, breaking the kiss to suck in a deep breath. I can feel his pulse inside me. Can feel him throbbing.

  We stay like that for a few moments, Archion's face so close to mine that all I can see is the gold of his eyes. It takes a second, but I start to relax around him a bit.

  I feel impossibly full, but slowly, the discomfort that comes with it starts to abate. Archion must feel me relax somewhat under him because he leans down to kiss me gently.

  "Good?" he asks, nuzzling the side of my face.

  I nod, gripping his shoulders.

  "Move, Archion," I murmur, wanting to feel the rest. I grind against him a little experimentally. Oh. That feels nice.

  Archion isn't one to avoid a direction like that. Propping himself up on his forearms, he starts to move out in tiny increments and then back in even more slowly.

  He tilts his head to look between us, to watch his length disappear into me once more. The sight is mesmerizing, even to me. Coupled with the feel of him pushing into me, the feel of him surrounding me... And the feel of those delicious ridges rubbing me in exactly the right way... I shudder as he bottoms out again, that last ridge at the very end pressing against me perfectly.

  Before I know it, Archion is pumping into me with more speed, and I'm meeting him thrust for thrust, grinding against him on each downswing. My nails dig into his shoulders, my head kicking back as I feel that orgasm building once more. It feels different this time, a slower build. Maybe a deeper one. He starts to push into me harder, rubbing against me where I...

  My body locks, the pleasure hitting me harder than expected, faster than I thought it would. I wrap my arms around him, tightening my legs, holding him as close as I can while the orgasm runs through me, while I clench down on him inside me.

  I hear Archion make a sound above me, and then he shoves himself that last half inch back inside me, his erection jerking hard inside me as he joins me, his large body trembling. His head hangs down, his hair obscuring his face as we both start to come back down.

  I feel like I've run a marathon. Every inch of me feels spent, like I'll just fall over if I try to get up.

  Archion stirs above me, pulling out of me carefully and rolling to the side. I immediately feel exposed and cold, though it's still as warm as ever, but then he wraps an arm around me and pulls me in securely against his side. I sigh, snuggling into him, settling my hand against his chest.

  But my palm rubs against rougher skin on the side of his chest, where his arm usually covers it. It's a small spot, maybe a half an inch around.

  Curious, I sit up, still fully ensconced in the afterglow, but the sight of his skin has me pausing. There's a scarred area there, a symbol carved into his skin, a lighter color than his normally tanned self. And its familiar.

  I frown at it, my finger tracing it. It looks like a symbol Zoe revealed to me during that initial vision she gave me. One I didn't really focus on, there and gone as it was. It's two lines crossing each other in an X shape, but the top left and bottom right are extended out... Like two lochabers maybe?

  Archion catches my hand gently and firmly moves it away from that symbol.

  "You weren't supposed to have seen that."

  I shake my head, looking up at his serious eyes. "What? Why? What is it?"

  But he doesn't answer my questions. Rolling towards me, he raises my leg over his hip, nudging against me with his second erection.

  His mouth covers my own, swallowing my murmur of surprise as he starts to sink into me again. I'm already sensitized from before, the inward glide of him firing all sorts of nerve endings. I shudder against him. It almost feels like I'm already close...

  All of my questions fade away under his touch as he starts to push in and then out of me, slowly and carefully, our lips clinging together.

  It's slower, lazier. But it feels...

  It feels so good I can't think of anything else. So I don't.



  Finally, there is no sandstorm and no meteorite shower, and we can begin traveling back to the Tribe. I find myself reluctant to do so, and not just because I will have to face the Tribe Elders' suspicious faces. That is secondary. This time spent alone with Nora—I would not trade it for anything.

  I look over at her as I push the cart. The suns shine down on her beautiful, glowing face, on her shining hair. I have a flash of an image, a picture of how she looked underneath me, pleasure suffusing her features, her skin gleaming with heat...

  I force myself to look away, feeling that desire rise once more. Now that I have had a taste, I know I cannot stay away. It is a truth that I accept. Even my trainers always said to accept reality and work forward from that point.


  Nora's low voice brings me out of my thoughts.


  She steps closer to me, frowning.

  "Did you hear that?"

  I'm immediately alert, scanning the area, straining to hear. There. Had I not been so deep in my own thoughts, I would not have missed the slight sound. I will not allow that to happen again.

  "Wait here," I order.

  She nods, stopping next to the cart.

  I carefully make my way up the next dune and then the next.

  My quarry is not far at all, and that knowledge sends a chill down my spine. I need to be more aware of my surroundings, especially when I have Nora with me. She is depending upon me to protect her.

  I clench my jaw as I look out at another invader camp. This one does not have nearly as many people as the first one I came across did. Ten total. Hmm. I watch them for a moment, almost immediately discarding my first thought which is to take a detour around them.

  I do not want to put Nora at risk with a fight, but neither do I want to leave them alive. There is no telling in which direction they intend to go, and with Nora and the cart with me, slowing down any actions, the outcome of circling around them is highly uncertain.

  Better to take care of the threat now.

  I watch to ensure they are not going to be moving any time soon. When I am reasonably sure they plan to stay for some time, I carefully back away, staying low to the ground.

  Then I do a circuit around their camp, scanning the ground as I do. I am looking for something very specific, som
ething I vaguely remember should be in this area. I finally find it a bit of a distance away from their encampment—an oasis with a small spring and scraggly trees surrounding it.

  I immediately start to circle the area, looking for that distinctive shift in the color of the sand. Sometimes, water bubbles up and mixes with the sand, not creating a pool of water, but rather a pit of almost liquid sand that is quite dangerous. If my memory serves me correctly, this oasis used to have one such pit that was quite surprisingly wide considering how small the actual spring is...


  An area where the sand is too smooth, the color just slightly off. I crouch down, not too close, reaching out and dipping my finger in. It comes away wet, sand sticking to it. Perfect.

  I make my way back to Nora, where she is still waiting patiently next to the cart.

  "There are invaders nearby," I explain in a low voice. "I am going to hide you here and lure them away."

  Nora frowns, shaking her head.

  "Wait, what? Lure them away? Why?"

  "I do not want to leave them here, a danger that could stumble upon us at any time," I explain. "Better to take care of them now, while we know where they are. The group is small enough that I think I can do so."

  She shakes her head, still not accepting my plan.

  "How? How many is a small group?"

  "About ten."

  "Ten?" she asks, stepping closer. "How are you going to take on ten?"

  I shake my head.

  "I am not going to fight ten," I explain. "There is a sandpit I found not that far away. I need to attract their attention so they will give chase. The pit will do the rest."

  She stares at me.

  "A sand pit? Are you sure? There's so much that can go wrong."

  "I have much experience," I reply patiently. "I believe this to be safer then pushing forward."

  She sighs. "I really don't like this."

  "I know," I say softly.

  She nods after another moment.

  "Okay," she says in a small voice. When she looks back up at me, there is clear concern in her eyes. "Just be careful, okay?"


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