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Belly of the Beast

Page 39

by Warren Thomas

  “What’s that glowing inside the fuller?” Raven asked.

  Tane lowered the blade to study it. He’d never seen anything engraved in a blade glow like that. But the runes glowed with the same color as the forge fire. Meanwhile, the actual steel remained a dark, dark gray.

  “Kamain’s Wrath indeed,” he whispered. “I just have to polish and sharpen, and then she’ll be ready.”


  The huge silver doors rattled with the impact.


  “Well fuck me to tears,” Raven said, tightening her hand around the hilt.

  “What she said,” Quinn said. “I’d forgotten about the battering ram. Fuck.”

  “Joelle, is there any magic on the doors to protect them from such an assault?” Armin asked.

  “Not that I can tell,” she said. “I cannot see God Magic. While I do feel some kind of ward on the doors, I cannot determine what is protects against.”


  “We all know the wards are to protect against everything but a battering ram,” Raven said. “That’s how life works.”

  “Get to work, Tane,” Quinn said. “Get a hilt on it first thing. We might need it before you finish prettying it up.”

  “Yes. You’re right,” he said, turning back to the other broken swords.

  He started putting the parts of the hilt back together. The tang he crafted wasn’t an exact fit, so some adjusting work had to be done.


  “I’m hurrying!” Tane cried. “Just keep them out as long as possible.”

  Chapter 92


  Dust came trailing down from the ceiling as the sound echoed through the abandoned dwarven city. Jessy held her hands over her ears, looking distressed.

  “Smash them down!” Nizar cried.

  “It’s not even making a dent, Your Grace,” Jhonny said. “Could the doors be steel cased in silver?”

  Nizar never thought of that, but it didn’t make sense. Why would the dwarves who built the temple even consider the possibility someone would try to batter down the doors? Putting that much valuable silver just in the doors would show their love and obedience to Dakar. It was an impressive sacrifice, which he was sure even Dakar appreciated at the time.

  “Maybe it has a steel substructure,” Jessy said. “I came from a family of smiths, and I’ve heard of lots of different structures having steel bars inside to give them strength.”


  He watched the double-doors vibrate, more dust falling from above. Then he remembered the main entrance. It wasn’t the doors that gave, but the structure they were attached to so long ago.

  “Jhonny, what if we moved the ram over to the side, and tried to smash out one side’s hinges?”

  The mercenary considered it a moment. “Might work, but knocking the bottom hinge loose won’t give us access, Your Grace. It worked up front because we smashed out the top hinges.”

  “If your magic can’t affect the silver doors,” Jessy said. “How about bespelling the battering ram?”

  “What are you yapping about now, girl?” Nizar said. He so wanted to backhand her. She was too full of herself. The girl didn’t know how to properly speak to a man, her superior. “The ram is fine. Nothing we’re doing will harm…”

  Nizar stopped, a thought coming to him. Jessy, infuriating as always, smirked as she lifted a brow.

  “I think you understand, Your Grace,” she said. “Can you actually put a little more oomph in the battering ram? Enough to smash the doors down?”

  “I don’t know, but we will find out,” he said. “Get her swinging again! I’ll tell you win to strike the door.”

  The mercenaries and zombies worked together to get the massive tree trunk swinging within his rough-hewn frame. Nizar moved up close behind. He watched to get the timing, while praying to Dakar for what he wanted to do. His God seemed distracted, and didn’t answer right away. Even then he just felt a sense of acceptance.


  The ram swung backwards, even as the team shoved the frame up against the door again. At the top of its back-swing, Nizar threw “power” into the log. It bristled with kinetic energy as it swung forward much faster than before.


  That produced a dent. The whole structure rolled back with the impact. The team got it swinging again, faster and faster.


  They pushed it back against the doors. Nizar infused it with even more kinetic energy. The battering ram shot forward like an arrow.


  That pushed both doors in a good half-foot. The priest smiled to see the doors didn’t fit flush on the sides either, so the hinges were either bending or breaking out of the stonework.

  “One more time and we’ll be through,” Jessy cried.

  The team was already swinging the ram back and forth, faster and faster. Nizar moved up even closer, heart racing. His breathing short and shallow as he gathered his power.


  They shoved the structure up against the teetering doors as the ram swung back again. Nizar threw all the kinetic power he could into it, sensing it was all Dakar could, or would, give him for now. And that reminded him of his God’s fight with the Arisen hundreds of miles to the north.


  The massive portals of silver groaned, a ripping sound echoing through the underground chambers. Nizar stared, mouth open, and watched them slowly at first, topple over into the temple.

  Chapter 93

  The battering ram strikes made Tane jump every time. No one could ignore that gods-awful sound. The faint sound of shouting men filtered through as well, while his friends remained grim and quiet as they faced the doors.

  But Tane continued sharpening that sword. He felt no objection from Kamain.

  Quinn had held everyone back, posting them about halfway between the doors and the forge. Part of Tane longed to stand beside his comrades in the coming fight, yet the compulsion to finish the Sword of Power couldn’t be denied.

  A particularly loud crash startled him, making even Raven and Joelle cry out. He noticed the stone around the hinges looked broken and loose, and then saw that last battering ram strike had pushed the doors away from the jamb.

  “Quinn! The doors…”


  The massive silver doors appeared to slide a little more inside, and then start to topple over into the temple. His friends jumped back, hands going straight to their ears. Tane didn’t react as fast, and his ears took the full brunt of the crashing doors.

  Marble exploded up and out, pelting them before a dust cloud spread out. Dark figures rushed through the door and dust. They emerged to become gray and black clad mercenaries.

  Joelle immediately let loose on them, taking out one with her second arrow. They raced toward Tane and his friends, zigging and zagging the whole way. And then more zombies began emerging from the settling dust cloud.

  “Surrender!” a familiar female voice shouted. “You can’t escape.”

  His eyes found the smallest mercenary of all. A young woman, with very pale blonde hair. Hair as light as his cousin…


  “Tane! Thank the Goddess! Surrender,” she cried. “Stop what you’re doing and yield.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  “No. You’ve been tricked, Tane,” Jessy shouted, stopping to regard Raven as the Tyrian moved to block her.

  “Stay away from him,” Raven shouted and stopped between him and Jessy.

  “Don’t hurt her!” he cried. “She’s my cousin, Jessy. She’s one of us.”

  “I disagree,” Raven said. “She’s wearing the gray and black of Dakar.”

  “So are you, slimebag,” Jessy sneered. She planted her feet and presented her sword. It was slightly curved steppe sword. Odd choice for Jessy, but he understood she had to take what was available. “Surrender or die.”

  Raven frozen. Her sword point dropped to
the floor, and she took a tentative step toward Jessy. Then she recoiled, and the sword came back up. Rage spread across the raven-maned Tyrian’s face.

  “Is that Tasheba?”

  “Yes. I think that’s what it is called.”

  “I gave it to her,” Nizar said, as he strode into the temple. He sounded amused. “Now it serves my God.”

  “That’s my sword! Give it back!”

  Jessy took another step closer, determination on her youthful face. “Take it if you can.”

  “I’ll take it and hand Nizar your bloody head, child!”

  “Don’t hurt her, Raven,” Tane cried as he rushed toward them.

  “You have to surrender to us, Tane,” Jessy said, eyes remaining on Raven who quickly closed with her. “Nizar is a priest of Ashtar, and we’ve been sent by Ashtar to stop you.”

  All of the mercenaries stopped to stare at Nizar. The zombies remained unaffected, throwing themselves at Quinn, Joelle, and Armin.

  “Are you crazy?” Raven cried as the fight resumed.

  Some of the zombies broke off to head toward him and Raven. They didn’t even glance at Jessy.

  “Nizar is a priest of Dakar,” he said. “Look at the zombies. They are ignoring you, Nizar, and the mercenaries. They are controlled by Dakar.”

  Jessy frowned. Raven closed with her at that time, and they crossed blades a few times, beginning to circle. He looked at Quinn.

  “He’s tricked her,” Quinn said. “Nizar doesn’t think you can fight and kill your own blood, so is using her against you.”

  “Nice try, Dakarites!” Nizar sneered. “But Ashtar Herself commanded Jessy and me to find and stop you.” He pointed at Tane. “You know what to do, Jessy. If he refuses to reject the path of evil, you mush slay him to save the world!”

  Chapter 94

  A man cried out in horror. Jessy glanced over to see Jhonny crumble to the floor. The elf moved back from him, even as a glowing arrow streaked between them to blow up the chest of a zombie.

  The fight’s not going our way, she thought, returning her full attention to the black-hair Tyrian warrior. Raven suddenly lunged and pinked her tip in Jessy’s left thigh. “Bitch!”

  She rushed Raven, swinging widely. Their swords clashed, and then Jessy calmed down and tried to remember all of her training. Tane again tried to impose himself between them, but the women danced around him, finding a way to strike out at each other.

  Maybe Mom was right, Jessy thought. And I’m not ready for this.

  The Tyrian parried her best thrusts and cuts with frightening ease. Nothing she did got past Raven’s defense, and it felt like the woman was toying with her.

  “Back off, Raven,” Tane shouted. “You, too, Jessy.”

  Raven grinned evilly, stepped around Tane, and then swept Jessy’s blade to the side. Tane cried out when the Tyrian moved inside her guard. Jessy’s breath caught, knowing the killing thrust was coming.

  And Tane’s sword came in and parrying Raven’s blade to the side. He body-checked the Tyrian.

  “Jessy, please!”

  “Surrender!” she shouted, tears streaming down her hot cheeks. “I don’t want to hurt you, Tane.”

  “You’re being manipulated by Dakar and his priest,” he said. He held up a blackened sword. The edge was polished bright from sharpening, but the fuller held evilly glowing runes. “I made this Sword of Power to fight Dakar.”

  “Look at the runes, Jessy!” Nizar called. “They glow with the evil of the Pit. That is not a Good weapon!”

  “I see it,” she said, locking sad eyes with Tane. “Can’t you see the evil?”

  “Don’t listen to him, Jessy. Listen to me,” Tane said. “I’ve never lied to you. Trust me.”

  Raven pressed up close, slamming an elbow into Jessy’s face. At the same time, she seized the teen’s wrist and twisted Tasheba away.

  “A-ha! She’s mine again!”

  Her straight sword went clattering away. Jessy raced over and snatched it up. Then she threw herself at Raven again.

  “Stop fighting!”

  Jessy and Raven froze, cutting looks at Tane. Even the others stopped. Well, everyone but the zombies. And Nizar.

  Two zombies charged Tane. He cut one down, but the other wrapped an arm around her cousin’s throat. Jessy cried out, and thrust her sword into the zombie’s side, right through the heart.

  Raven jumped back and blinked at her.

  Looking back at Nizar for guidance, she saw the priest’s hands began glowing and his eyes narrowed at Tane. Was he going to kill Tane?

  “Die!” the redheaded witch shouted, loosing one of her magic arrows at Nizar. The arrow exploded before it reached him, so threw his bolt at her instead. The witch sent another arrow at him at the same instant.


  The witch went flying back against the wall. Nizar stood undisturbed.


  The male Vikon warrior rushed to her side. The elf cut down the last of the free-minded mercenaries, followed by two zombies. Then he rushed the priest with a battle cry.

  Nizar tried to pull up the energy for another bolt, but the elf proved too fast. So the priest dodged aside. Then the Vikon let out a soul-rending wail.

  “You killed her! You monster!” Armin screamed, tears flowing. “I’ll kill you! I’ll kill your soul!”

  “Help me, Jessy,” Nizar cried, pursued by two of Tane’s handlers.

  Tane and Raven gasped, tears flowing down their cheeks as well. Jessy gawked at them. Why would Tane cry for someone so evil? Would such evil people truly care about anyone? Unless…

  Nizar managed to pull his sword, but both the elf and Vikon proved they were superior swordsmen. Jessy recoiled at the sight of a Priest of Ashtar, Goddess of War and Adventure, being so easily driven back. Ashtar’s priests were all weapons’ masters.


  Quinn and Armin went flying back, as did Nizar. A feeling of enormity, of vast evil and wickedness filled the air, everyone froze. Jessy’s heart raced, and she didn’t know why. Why was she suddenly filled with dread? Then everyone slowly turned to the doorway.

  Ten feet tall, a monstrous black figure stood. His eyes glowed blood red. Jessy took in the horns, the cloven hooves instead of feet, and his shaggy body.

  “Dakar?” she whispered.

  “My God!” Nizar cried joyously. “I’ve caught the swordsmith! And he’s already completed a Sword of Power.”

  “Sweet Ashtar, what have I done?” Jessy whispered, a tremor starting in her belly.

  Chapter 95

  “Yes!” Raven cried.

  “What?” Tane asked. “Are you crazy?”

  “This is what the Gods sent you here to do,” she said. “You hold the Sword of Power in your hand. You are the hero fated to save the world. Now do it.”

  Raven might be an adventurer, who dreamed of saving the town, kingdom, world, but that never occurred to him. He was a simple craftsman, a swordsmith. And he’d be quite happy to never kill another man, woman, or God.

  “We’re here for you,” Quinn said. “You’re not alone.”

  Dakar stroke into the temple, causing the maelstrom volume to double. The sound rose to the brink of unbearable.

  “Give me the Sword of Power,” Armin shouted over that unholy roar, voice hoarse. His eyes darting between Dakar and Nizar. “I’ll kill that vile beast of a God.”

  “Tane is Chosen,” Raven said. He barely heard her. “Tane must kill Dakar.”

  He stared at the Tyrian. Tane didn’t recall any part of his compulsion being fighting a God. Nope. He was sent to make four Swords of Power. And then he looked back at Joelle’s still body, and his hand tightened on the hilt.

  “Let’s do this.”

  Dakar came straight at them. The God locked his burning red eyes on Tane. The swordsmith suddenly had to pee. Pee like a big horse. It felt like his bladder would burst. A tremor started deep inside and quickly spread throughout his body.

  Out his periphe
ral vision, Tane noticed Quinn and Armin to his left shift into fighting stances. Raven did the same to his right. He mimicked them, suddenly unable to remember anything about sword fighting.

  Halfway to them, Dakar pulled back a fist, and punched at them. A ball of fiery energy thundered at Tane. It happened so fast he couldn’t react. He opened his mouth to scream his death… and the ball of lightning burst apart.

  “Ha-ha!’ Raven cried. “The Sword of Power works! He can’t touch you, Tane!”

  That’s not how Tane interpreted it. Dakar looked unfazed by his first failed attempt to kill him.

  How did it come to this? Tane thought. I can’t fight a God.

  Whether he could or couldn’t didn’t matter. Dakar reached him, and they were going to fight. The Black God reached out with a growl that Tane felt in his bones, in his very soul. Blind panic consumed him, and he lashed out at that humongous hand.

  The blade bit into flesh.

  “Aaaiiee!” Dakar thundered, yanking his hand back.

  “Yes! You hurt him,” Raven cried. She darted in and thrust into his side. “Die, monstrosity!”

  Dakar snarled and swung a massive arm at her. The Tyrian darted and ducked, stabbing him twice more before falling back out of reach.

  “I stung him,” she said, looking utterly delighted.

  Tane stared at her a second. How could anyone love fighting so much? If she lost, Dakar would eat her soul. So Tane couldn’t allow her to die. No more friends could die for him.

  “Your unholy reign of terror ends here,” Tane growled low as he focused on Dakar.

  Quinn and Armin attacked while the God was distracted by Raven. Seeing Him distracted again, Tane rushed straight at him. Dakar responded faster than anticipated, swinging his arm around to smash Tane away.

  Tane turned into the arm. He swung Kamain’s Wrath with all his strength, chopping deep into the God’s flesh even as he was knocked to his back.

  Dakar howled in pain, but Tane proved unable to hang onto the hilt. The Sword of Power went clattering across the temple. Tane rolled onto his belly and stared at the skittering sword as it stopped at Nizar’s feet. The evil priest reached down and picked it up triumphantly.


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