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Full Moon Foretold (Full Moon Werewolves Book 3)

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by Lia Violet

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Full Moon Foretold

  About Lia Violet

  Other Stories by Ginger Leone & Lia Violet

  Full Moon Foretold

  Full Moon Werewolves, Book 3

  By Lia Violet


  Copyright 2020 Lia Violet

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations used for review purposes.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/ or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The stories in this book are intended for mature, adult audiences only. It contains sexually explicit scenes and graphic language. All characters in this work are 18 years of age or older and participate in consensual sex.

  Full Moon Foretold

  By Lia Violet

  “I’m not taking the money,” the young actor said, standing. “Elise shouldn’t have told you about my mom.”

  “Sit down, Marcus. I’m still one of your bosses.” Hunter gripped the edge of his desk and tried to figure out the best approach with his angry star.

  A glance at the Cancer Society calendar on his desk helped him decide. “I don’t talk about this a lot, but when I was your age, I dated someone from the set.” He cleared his throat and tried again. “Corinne. Corinne Jackson. She’d played a teacher of ours on the show, and we — I — fell for her. She got sick and had to get treatment. She took a part on another show in Australia, where she could get a special treatment. She had trouble paying for it. She wouldn’t take my money.”

  Marcus sat back in his seat. “Did she die?”

  Hunter missed the days when Marcus was an amiable, eager to please young actor. After he’d been turned by a werewolf criminal while filming Full Moon Shimmer, he was often angry and sullen. Another actress, Elise, was the only person who could get through to him.

  Surprisingly, since Marcus’s incident, the angry edge helped his acting, and fans went crazy for him. They’d changed him from a potential love interest and villain to a relative of another character in the last movie to keep him on. Hunter was even mulling over a new streaming series featuring him.

  “No.” Hunter was done talking about Corinne. He’d dreamt about her the night before, again. Time to try the dating app again and stop thinking about her. She’d broken it off when he tried to help her. “And your mother won’t either, if we get her the right treatment. Now think of this as an advance. I want to talk to your agent about keeping you on retainer with my studio anyway, with the possibility of other projects. Who is your agent, again?”

  “Tom Parter.”

  Hunter hid dismay from Marcus. Parter had been his and Aaron’s agents when they first started, but they had a bad feeling about him after two other young males he’d represented committed suicide. He had taken each of those young men on vacation with him in previous years. Corrine helped him find Irene Alcol, who was still his agent.

  “How long have you been with Parter?” How did that guy keep getting deals? Sometimes Hunter felt that agents, directors, and producers who worked with young actors kept a secret code so all the predators could thrive. He and his Full Moon co-stars supported each other back in the day and now.

  “Mom signed with him when I was fifteen. I have a new contract coming up with him.”

  Hunter knew Marcus was now eighteen. “Without telling anyone I suggested it, I think you should speak with Irene Alcol. I’ll call her today and give her your information.”

  “I know people gossip about Tom. But he gave me my start.” Marcus took the card Hunter held out with Irene’s number. “But Elise trusts you.”

  “She’s part of my family, and that makes you one of us also. You’re not alone.”

  “I’ll call her today.”

  “Good. Now take this check.”

  Marcus shook his head.

  “Don’t piss me off, Marcus. I could kill your character off.”

  Marcus gave a nod, and took the check. “I have more Instagram followers than you do, but I’ll take it, though I think this is too much. My part for Foretold isn’t that big.”

  “I think you’ll find a difference in the new script.”

  Marcus took a deep breath. “Thank you.”

  Hunter settled back down to scanning the script changes for Full Moon Foretold, and emails on his other projects.

  “Sir, you have a call from Tom Parter.”

  That was fast, Hunter thought. “Send it through.”

  “Parter. What can I—?”

  “Gladson, you prick. You told Marcus to go somewhere else. I know you did.”

  “I didn’t—” Hunter refused to feel guilty. He’d had to deal with Tom over the years, but his tone was fiercely hostile, something new in their relationship.

  “All you Full Moon assholes are trying to run me out of business. You think I don’t know that you and Presley tell everyone you got away from me when you were young. I never touched you two.”

  “Listen. No one said—” Hunter took out his earpiece as the agent shouted at him.

  “Marcus is star material. Did you send him to your bitch of an agent? I know he needs money. Maybe tell him where he could make some more on the side.”

  “Okay, Parter, that’s it. You’re not making sense. I’m ending this call.” Hunter was surprised to see his hand shaking when he hit the button on his phone.

  After he left, Hunter’s admin, Tim, came in. “Detective Rodriguez is here.”

  “No. Tell him I’m—”

  “You’re not too busy, Gladson. I can hear you, you know.” Detective Rex Rodriguez stepped into the office. “Don’t get mad at your admin. I don’t take no as an answer. Who was that on the phone?”

  Hunter ignored him. “Tim, don’t put through any more calls from that man.”

  “The detective? Oh, you mean Mr. Parter.”

  Hunter closed his eyes.

  Rex was already typing it into his phone. “Was he threatening you? I could only hear your side. Couldn’t get your admin to let me listen.”

  Hunter shook his head and tried to change the subject. “I hope you’re here to talk about recording those songs.”

  The man actually stepped back, and Hunter smiled. The detective had started playing gigs with a local band and according to sources, the band had found the interest of an agent. Hunter would love to get them inexpensively as they were starting and book them for future soundtracks. Foretold had a young woman who was a singer in the movie too. But he knew the detective was inexplicably shy about his musical talent.

  “You know why I’m here. Please print me a copy of all threatening emails Mr. Gladson got in the last week,” Rex said to Tim as Tim started walking out.

  “Hey, he’s not your admin,” Hunter protested.

  Rex looked at him, and Hunter nodded to Tim.

  “Don’t you have real crimes to hunt up?”

  “Elise said you had a bomb scare yesterday on the set, and yet, no police were called. Gary and Aaron said you’ve had lots of threats lately.”

  “The movies are doing well, we’re negotiating the next one. This is how it works. I’m getting more attention.” Hunter flipped a pen between his fingers. It was really hard to say no to Rex.

  “You have no personal security. That’s a mistake I’m going to correct now.”

  “Don’t you have a pregnant wife to go ho
me to?” Hunter conducted the wedding of Rex to Elise himself the night of the Full Moon Shimmer premiere.

  “What if Elise or Tori gets hurt here because you ignored some threats?” Rex’s low toned voice always reminded Hunter that the man was a police officer for a living.

  He squirmed in his chair. He hadn’t thought much about that. Both of those women had been targets of criminals in the past, and he considered both co-stars his family. “What did you have in mind?”

  Thirty minutes later, he’d signed a contract with a security firm for personal security and for the studio, to be reevaluated and increased as the situation determined.

  Victoria came in as Rex was leaving, giving the detective a hug.

  “Don’t hug him, he’s costing the studio money,” Hunter said.

  “Oh good, you let Rex increase security.” Tori smiled at both of them.

  He sighed as Rex left. “How do you all know my business?”

  “Come on, Hunter, we’re family. You missed me during the years between the show and the movies; admit it.”

  He waved her towards the refrigerator. “Grab a drink for yourself, and let’s talk about this script.”

  Tori paused as she opened the fridge and looked back at him. “It’s awesome. You and I know it. I’m not getting rid of the love interest for you.”

  “Dammit, Tori. I don’t want a love interest. I like being the comic relief.”

  She grabbed a Dr. Pepper and tossed it to him, before taking her lemon seltzer. “You’ve never had one. Well, except—”

  Twice in one day he had to talk about this, it seemed. “Corinne. And we weren’t dating on the show. Just in real life.”

  “Hunter, I don’t mean to pry.”

  “You absolutely do. I don’t want a love interest. I’m the producer, Tori.”

  “I thought you’d try to pull that. Aaron!” she called.

  Hunter’s twin on the show, Aaron Presley, came in the room. They’d been best friends while filming the show when they were younger. Then Corinne broke off with Hunter after the show ended, and he threw himself into his career, and into drinking.

  Aaron worked on a few series, but when the reboot movie Full Moon Danger brought them together again, it was like nothing had changed between them. He and Aaron recently bought a house near Gary and Victoria’s, and Elise and Rex’s, in a secure compound not far from the studio.

  “Hunter, I’m not having yet another love interest because you don’t want one. You have to have more of a plot.”

  “I’m busy running the studio. I can only film so much, anyway.”

  Aaron sat on the edge of Hunter’s desk. “So the young singer will be my love interest? She’s like 20 years younger than me. Why couldn’t she be someone’s secret daughter and date Marcus?”

  Tori looked thoughtful. “That’s an interesting idea. I mean, Elise is my daughter in the movies. But I still want to give you more depth, Hunter.”

  “Save it for the paid people,” he said.

  Aaron snorted. “As if you don’t get well paid from each of these movies and licensing deals.”

  “This isn’t over, Hunter, but I have to go get Van from daycare.” Tori and her husband, Full Moon actor Gary, named their son Evan, after the fifth actor they’d worked with when they were younger who had been murdered during the filming of the show.

  “It is over. Make Aaron fall for the girl or her mother.”

  “Fine. But your character is going to do something other than crack one liners,” Tori called over her shoulder as she walked to the door.

  “I also kick ass.”

  “Sure thing, old man,” Aaron said.

  Aaron waited until Tori left. “Did you get another threat?”

  “No. Not today. I don’t think so. Tim printed up all the emails for Rex. Why?”

  “You’re on edge. Something’s up. Do we need to go to a meeting?”

  He and Aaron met at an Ala-Teen meeting before they were cast. Only Aaron knew that Hunter was an alcoholic. “I’ve been thinking about Corinne.”

  Aaron turned and sat in a chair, leaning his elbows on his knees. “Why? Did something happen?”

  “I had a dream.”

  Aaron straightened. “Really?” Aaron knew that Hunter sometimes had visions. Sometimes they came in dream form, or something would trigger one during the day.

  “Just a dream, Aaron, chill. I even had one about you and I getting hurt after that bomb threat yesterday. Sometimes I dream about things that happen during the day like normal people. I don’t know why.”

  “Have you ever tried to contact her?”

  Hunter shrugged, trying to show a casualness he didn’t feel. “A couple times. No response.”

  “She has a kid.”

  “I know. She was dating that Australian doctor after she went over there.”

  Aaron stood up. “Let’s go to Rex’s gym. Maybe a workout would help.”

  Tim came in again. “Mr. Gladson, Detective Rodriguez called and said your new security guard will be here shortly.”

  He blew out a breath. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that. Aaron, hurry. Let’s hit the gym.”

  He and Aaron hurried to their cars in the parking lot. “What’s the big deal?” Aaron asked as they stopped by Hunter’s BMW. “It’s just security.”

  Hunter opened his door and turned to his friend. “I don’t want someone with me all the time.”

  He heard a strange sound then Aaron was pushing him to the ground, away from the car as it exploded into flames.

  Hunter couldn’t hear anything, but he noticed the blood coming from his friend’s arm and leg. “Aaron!” he screamed, not even able to hear himself. He could see people running towards them. He didn’t recognize all of them. He ripped off his t-shirt and tore off a strip to wrap around Aaron’s arm.

  Aaron’s eyes were closed and he wasn’t moving. Hunter’s hand was shaking as he felt for a pulse. He couldn’t tell if Aaron had one. He saw dark arms start to tie a strip around Aaron’s thigh and realized Marcus was trying to help them. Someone yanked Hunter off of Aaron as medics began to work on him.

  Hunter was fighting the big arms around him. He kept shaking his head, trying to hear.

  Gary was in front of him, trying to talk to him and the person holding him.

  He felt the sting of something in his neck, and then felt himself fall asleep.

  “I have to go. You can’t come with me. We’ve been over this, Hunter. You know I love you. I love you too much to ruin your career. I am going to Australia. And you’re staying here and launching your career.” Corinne’s hand covered his cheek. Tears rolled down her soft, dark skin.

  “Don’t leave me,” he said.

  “I have to tell you something.”

  Hunter’s eyes opened from reliving one of the most painful scenes of his real life as beeping started near him. He started to rip the IV out of his arm.

  “Hunter! Stop!” Elise was sitting in the chair next to him, hitting the button for the nurse. “You’ll hurt yourself. You’re in the hospital. You’ll be okay.”

  He took some deep breaths. Was Corinne here? That dream was so real. Then the nightmare that happened to him returned to his mind. “Aaron! Is he—?”

  “He’s alive. He’s had some damage to his leg and arm when metal lodged in them. And his back is burned. He’s still not awake.”

  Elise threw herself down on him to hug him.

  He enjoyed the feel of someone he considered his sister comforting him.

  “I called your mother.”

  “What?” At best, Hunter’s relationship with his mother was strained. But she helped raise him and Aaron and he knew she’d want to know about Aaron at least.

  “She’s with Aaron. I told her I’d stay with you.”

  “Good. I’m glad he has someone. But honestly, Elise, you’re pregnant. You don’t need to be hanging around a hospital. You should go home.”

  She sighed. “The media is really intense ou
t there. Gary wants you and Aaron to live with them or Rex and me.”

  He was shaking his head. Gary sometimes took his role as their big brother on screen a little too seriously. “I won’t put pregnant women and children in danger. I will not walk off without security again.” He swallowed hard, thinking of how his friend saved him. “You guys are right that I didn’t take it seriously. I will now.”

  “Rex and Valerie have been talking to the guys who caught your case,” she said, talking about her husband and his partner. “They have a few of the people who sent you threatening notes in custody, but they don’t feel like they have the right person or people.” She looked away.

  “What is it, Elise?”

  “They have Marcus in for questioning. Tim said you were arguing with him and then he was right there when it blew.”

  “He was right there, helping us! It wasn’t Marcus. It’s racist to pull him in. I will get him a damned lawyer if I have to.” Hunter heard the beeping start again. “Get me my phone, Elise.”

  “No. Gary already sent him a lawyer. And had his mom and sister moved to a suite at a nice hotel under other names.”

  Hunter took a deep breath. He knew this wasn’t Marcus. But he didn’t know who it was. “There’s a lot of anti-shifter protestors who don’t like the movies.”

  “I know. But do you really think that’s who did this? Why you? Now?” Elise chewed her lip as her husband came in the room with a huge, bearded man whose head nearly touched the doorway.

  “Gladson. Good to see you doing better. The doctors said you have a mild concussion but should be able to go home. This is Hans, your personal bodyguard. If you even step off to go to the washroom, Hans is with you.”

  “Hey, Hans.” Hunter waved at the man, who just nodded at him. “Sorry you drew this gig. Who is guarding Aaron?”

  “Hans’s cousin.” Rex smiled at him. “I think you two should live separately for the moment until we figure out who is doing this to you.”

  Hunter closed his eyes. “I’m a danger to him.”

  “Maybe it would be a good time for a vacation,” Elise said.

  “I’m doing auditions for Foretold in a couple days. I can’t just disappear.”


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