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Falling for Mr. Townsbridge

Page 10

by Sophie Barnes

  A growl was all he could manage in response to that suggestive comment. God help him, the next few hours would most likely feel like years.

  ELOISE WASN’T ONE TO gloat, but she was secretly immensely pleased with how well the food had turned out. Compliments were almost unending and she accepted each and every one with a happy, “Thank you,” until every guest had eaten a slice of cake and additional glasses of champagne had been served.

  “You were right to be upset when I suggested foregoing this,” William murmured close to her ear. A delicious tickle caressed her neck where his breath brushed her skin. “These marzipan roses are most delicious. I think I’ll have to put in a private order.”

  Eloise grinned. “I can make mint sweets as well if you like. They’re probably a bit healthier if your sweet tooth has a constant craving.”

  His arm swept around her waist to pull her against him. “By God, I do believe I’m the luckiest man on earth.”

  She leaned her head against his shoulder and savored his strength. “And I am the luckiest woman to have a husband who loves her so much he’s prepared to help her open a business.”

  “The more cooks like you in the world, the happier mankind will be,” he said. “Are you ready to leave or would you like to stay a while longer?”

  “I’m ready,” she said even as her stomach twisted itself into a tight knot.

  They said their farewells and thanked everyone for wishing them well, then took their leave.

  “Are you nervous?” William asked once they reached the house where they would make their home and he’d escorted her inside. No servants had been hired yet since they’d decided to interview potential candidates together, so William served as butler, setting aside Eloise’s bonnet and gloves as she handed him each item.

  She smiled. “I was before we arrived here, but now everything just feels right. And exciting, if I’m to be completely honest.”

  Devilish glee lit his eyes. “My sentiment exactly.” He collected an object wrapped in brown paper and white satin ribbon from the hallway table. “This is for you. I bought it a while ago, right before you left for France. It was my intention to give it to you sooner, but so much else happened and I eventually decided it might make a nice wedding gift.”

  “Oh, but I don’t have anything for you.” As sweet as his gesture was, it made her feel slightly ill-prepared.

  He gave her a positively roguish smile. “You couldn’t be more mistaken. Now go on and open your gift so I can receive mine.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks as she pulled at the ribbon, loosening it until the paper parted and a book came into view. Eloise sucked in a breath as she read the title. French Landscapes in Color. Her heart fluttered about with mad anticipation as she opened it up to the first painting.

  “Oh, Will...”

  “I thought this might help bring you closer to home.” His voice was a little unsteady.

  Tears clung to her lashes. “This is my home now. Here, with you. But this book is the most thoughtful gift I have ever received, and I shall cherish it forever. Thank you so much.”

  “I will always do my utmost to make you happy, Eloise.” Plucking the book from her fingers, he returned it to the hallway table. “This book is just the beginning.”

  He moved in behind her, and his lips brushed the side of her neck. But before she was able to fully appreciate the pleasure the intimate touch wrought on her nerves, she was swept up into his arms. “Will!”

  “You taste so good,” he murmured, carrying her up the stairs, “as sweet and delectable as your pastries.”

  Her cheeks heated in response to his comment. She gripped the back of his neck. “Perhaps because I added a tiny dab of confectioner’s sugar?”

  His hands clasped her more firmly and he quickened his pace, reaching the landing with record speed. Turning left, he marched them toward the end of the hallway. “Is that a French thing, I wonder?”

  “I don’t believe so. Inspiration struck this morning when I went to check on the cake. It was very impromptu.”

  “Well, now that I know your secret, I’m even more eager to explore every inch of your body.” They’d entered the bedroom and William set her carefully on her feet, then steadied her with his hand when she wobbled slightly.

  Fire burned its way through her veins, and her heart beat with frantic anticipation. More so when she turned to meet his dark gaze. Her hand flattened against his chest both in reverence and in wonder. “You’re my husband.”

  It still felt like a dream – a wonderful, magical, fairy-tale romance. He was hers, forever and always, hers to discover, to share her life with, and to adore. Her hands moved to his carefully tied cravat, untying it with measured movements since savoring the unwrapping process was just as important as the gift itself.

  The length of white linen finally fell away, allowing her to pull his shirt open. A sigh swept past his lips when she traced the pad of her finger down the front of his neck and across the small dip at its base. “Eloise.”

  She unbuttoned his waistcoat next and pushed it and his jacket off his shoulders before she leaned forward and placed a hot kiss right over his heart, dampening the fine muslin of his shirt. He sucked in a breath, and his arms came around her, holding her there for a long drawn-out moment while he remained remarkably still.

  And then, as if the need for movement were a matter of life and death, his fingers were suddenly working the fastenings of her gown with lightning speed. Something tore – a seam no doubt – and they both muttered a curse. Pulling and tugging, he forced the silk and lace into compliance until she’d been divested of the hindering fabrics.

  His shirt was removed in a blur, along with her stays and chemise, and then he was kissing her fiercely while shucking his shoes, hose, trousers, and smalls. She kicked off her slippers so only her stockings remained, but when she moved to take them off, he clasped her hands and wound them about his neck.

  “Leave them,” he murmured. Upon which he lowered her onto the bed and proceeded to see to the task himself with torturous slowness. His eyes gleamed as his gaze roved over her exposed body. “If you’ll recall, you took your time with my cravat. Now it’s my turn.”

  She gasped when his fingers traced over a sensitive spot at the back of her knee, then again when his knuckles scraped the inside of her thigh, until he was done with his task and his fingers found other places to explore, at which point she sighed with exquisite pleasure.

  “You’re everything I’ve dreamed of and so much more,” he murmured when he settled between her thighs a while later. His voice was rough with emotion. “I love you, Eloise. I’ll always love you, and I promise to make this experience as perfect for you as I can.”

  At which point he kissed her hard, distracting her from the brief pain that followed and sweeping her into a glorious world where only the two of them existed. It was bright and beautiful, complete with magnificent sensations she’d never before known existed – a place where flight became possible and exquisite bliss an absolute guarantee.

  “How do you feel?” he asked, his voice more strained than usual.

  “As if I could conquer the world,” she replied on a sigh while a sweeping sensation of tingles spread through each limb.

  “You’ve conquered me,” he said, then kissed her again while shifting his body just so.

  Light exploded behind her eyes as the most incredible feeling captured her body. It tore straight through her, so fierce and spine-tingling good she wasn’t sure whether she wanted to stop it or make it continue. “William.”

  “Yes, my love. You’re mine,” he growled. “I’ve got you.”

  He collapsed beside her moments later with deep ragged breaths and drew her into his arms. “You’re glorious. Do you know that?”

  Half dazed, Eloise blinked up at the ceiling. “I was going to say the same to you.” She turned her face toward him and looked into his eyes. “This was without a doubt the most superb experience of my life.”

nbsp; His answering smile was full of pride and warmth and boyish pleasure. “Mine too.”

  She laced her fingers with his and snuggled closer until her head rested on his chest. His hand stroked over her hair with slow, soothing motions. Their first day as husband and wife was certainly off to an excellent start. Satisfied and comfortable in the arms of the man she loved, Eloise looked forward to discovering what all the days, months, and years ahead of them might bring.

  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR taking the time to read the third book in my Townsbridge novella series. If you enjoyed Falling for Mr. Townsbridge, you’ll definitely enjoy the prequels. Grab your copy of When Love Leads to Scandal today so you don’t miss out on Caleb’s and Bethany’s story, then move on to Lady Abigail’s Perfect Romance to see how James and Abigail found their happily ever after!

  And don’t miss No Ordinary Duke! This is the first book in The Crawfords series and features a newly minted duke who just wants to live a normal life, and a woman who despises the aristocracy. When sparks fly between them and she discovers his true identity, compromises must be made if they’re to stand a chance of a happily ever after together.

  Or if you’re looking for a longer read, why not try The Forgotten Duke? In this Diamonds In The Rough story, Lady Regina Berkly flees her wedding and turns to Carlton Guthrie, the Scoundrel of St. Giles, for help. There is no doubt in her mind that falling for him would be a mistake, and yet there’s something about this man – something so tempting she cannot resist. What she doesn’t know is that his kindness toward her is not only linked to desire, but to an all-consuming need for revenge.

  You can find out more about my new releases, backlist deals and giveaways by signing up for my newsletter here: And don’t forget to follow me on Facebook for even more updates and fun book related posts and on Bookbub for new release alerts and deals.

  Once again, I thank you for your interest in my books. Please take a moment to leave a review since this can help other readers discover my stories.

  And please continue reading for an excerpt from When Love Leads to Scandal.

  Chapter One

  March 1, 1820

  Smoky clouds scurried across the London sky as Charles Townsbridge made his way toward the park. He’d gotten into the habit of going for early morning walks years ago when his sister, Sarah, had acquired her first puppy. Their parents, Viscount and Viscountess Roxley, hadn’t known about the stray for quite some time, and since Sarah had feared they’d make her get rid of it if they knew, Charles had offered to help. For the next eight years, he’d taken the dog, who’d been named Mozart, out every morning. Because even when his parents were made aware of Mozart’s existence and had allowed him to remain beneath their roof, it turned out that Sarah did not have the necessary discipline required at her young age to care for a dog. As she’d gotten older, she’d become more responsible and had suggested to Charles that she should start taking Mozart out in the mornings. He’d apparently revealed how loath he was to part with the task, for she’d only done it once before tactfully asking him if he’d mind continuing.

  It was now two years since Mozart had gone off to meet his maker, and yet Charles could not seem to stop taking his walks. They provided him with an excellent start to the day, he realized. The fresh air and movement filled his limbs with the energy required to get things done.

  Crossing Piccadilly, Charles was caught by a swift gust of wind. It tugged at his jacket, pulling it tight across his chest before pressing a kiss of cool air to his cheeks. Drawing the brim of his hat down over his brow, he quickened his steps and entered the park where trees bowed their heads in greeting. He was not the only one who’d decided to come here this early. He never was, even though the people at this time of day were sparse and oftentimes only visible at a distance.

  Turning onto the path to his right, he took the same route as usual: past the flowerbeds, up the hill, and then down across the grass to the lake. A pair of ducks and their ducklings were bobbing on the water when Charles reached the embankment. He stopped to watch, a smile pulling at his lips on account of the fluffy little creatures swimming along behind their parents.

  “My bonnet! Please, please, please, stop my bonnet!”

  Charles turned in response to the outcry to find a collection of straw, ribbons, and feathers tumbling toward him. Behind it came a young lady, her white muslin skirts hiked up in her hand to reveal her stocking-clad ankles as she raced down the hill in pursuit. An older woman followed on her heels, albeit at a much slower pace.

  Determined to help, Charles jogged to the left and caught the straw bonnet right before the wind carried it into the lake. Turning it over in his hand, he straightened the brim and removed a twig and some leaves from the light blue feathers which appeared to be crushed. The ribbons, a slightly darker blue than the feathers, were twisted together, so he untangled them next before fluffing the feathers with his fingers.

  “Goodness me,” the young lady panted as she skidded to a halt before him. Her close proximity now allowed him to gauge her age. She did not appear to be more than eighteen. “I scarcely know how to thank you.” She raised her chin with a smile, her blue eyes laughing with quiet amusement. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair undone by the breeze in a way that caused one stray lock to fall in her eye while another trailed over her shoulder. Her mouth, he noted, was a perfect combination of rose-petal pink and strawberry cream.

  Charles frowned. He’d never compared a feature to something edible before. More odd was how his heart seemed to be hammering about in his chest. Deciding it had to be due to the effort of catching the droopy accessory, he took a deep breath and squared his shoulders.

  “There’s no need,” he murmured, a little surprised by the low timbre of his voice. “I am happy to have offered assistance.” He handed the item back to her and watched as she returned it to her head, securing it with the ribbons. “I’m also relieved that I caught your bonnet when I did, or I would have been forced to go for a swim.”

  Her eyes widened with obvious dismay. “Oh no. I would never have allowed you to do so.”

  Smiling with every intention of putting her at ease, he told her wryly, “When a gentleman sets his mind to helping a lady, stopping him can be a challenge.”

  The color in her cheeks deepened, and it occurred to Charles she was blushing, which in turn caused a strange surge of heat to creep under his skin. He cleared his throat and acknowledged the older woman who’d now arrived. She panted loudly and gulped down several large breaths while clutching at the side of her waist with one hand.

  Charles addressed her. “I believe a short rest on that bench over there might make you feel better.” Stepping forward, he offered her his arm and saw the look of surprise on the young lady’s face.

  A complicated mixture of emotions shot through him, compiled from the pleasure of doing something useful and the knowledge that many of those who belonged to his set would not offer help to a servant. And that was clearly what this woman was – a maid, most likely, charged with acting as chaperone.

  He guided her to the bench and helped ease her down onto the seat. “Better?” he inquired. The chaperone nodded. “Try taking a few deep breaths. Slowly. Not so fast.”

  She did as he suggested and gradually managed to recover from her exertion. “Thank you, sir. I’m ever so grateful for your assistance.”

  “As am I,” the young lady told him. She’d followed him and the older woman over to the bench and was now standing right beside him.

  A jolt of awareness shot through Charles, most likely because she was closer than he’d expected. He turned to face her, his eyes meeting hers and...something indescribable tumbled through him, racing along every vein and snapping at each of his nerves. He’d heard his sisters talk about fated romantic encounters and falling in love at first sight and a slew of other fanciful notions that young girls dreamed of. What he hadn’t imagined was that he would ever have cause to wonder if such things were actually p
ossible or if it might one day happen to him.

  He did so now, however, for there was something about this woman that sparked his interest. But then the chaperone coughed, and Charles shook his head. He’d obviously lost his mind. There was no such thing as love at first sight, just physical attraction, which was hardly enough to call for courtship or marriage.

  With this in mind, he took a step sideways, adding a bit more distance so as not to have his senses stirred even further by the young lady’s scent. It was far too sweet to be ignored and only served to tempt him with possibilities.

  So he touched the brim of his hat with his hand and addressed both women. “It has been a pleasure, but I fear I must be going now since my family will be waiting for me to join them for breakfast.” What reason was there to linger?

  “Do you live far from here?” the young lady asked. Her statement was met with a frown and a firm shake of the head from her chaperone. Realizing her error, the young lady bit her lip. “Forgive me. I am often chastised for being too forward, and since you are obviously a bachelor with no ring on your finger and—”

  “My lady,” the chaperone told her mistress tersely.

  Charles smiled. He could not help it. “No need for apology,” he said, then touched the brim of his hat once again. “Indeed, I thank you for brightening my morning.” And with that he turned away, making his escape while he was still able – before he did something slightly improper, like give her his card. A gentleman did not offer personal details about himself to a lady with whom he wasn’t acquainted. A proper introduction would be required. Most especially when addressing what he believed might be a debutante.

  Purchase your copy of When Love Leads to Scandal to continue reading!


  I would like to thank the Killion Group for their incredible help with the editing, formatting and cover design of this book. And to my friends and family, thank you for your constant support. I would be lost without you!


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