D.D.S.aves the World

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D.D.S.aves the World Page 2

by H Jason Schulz

backed chair was a large man, well muscled and dressed in loose red robes.

  “Your Majesty.” Roger said. “Might I present Olof of Novgorod.” Then out of the corner of his mouth he said to Tom, “Bow!”

  Tom Bowed and King Arthur waved them closer. Roger took Tom by the arm and walked to the chair.

  “With your permission Olof will examine you sire.” Roger said.

  “Very well Merlin.” King Arthur consented.

  Reluctantly Tom stepped onto the dais. “Okay just open up and let's have a look.” Tom said. “I can't see. I need a light.” Tom said looking to Roger. Roger produced a lighted dental mirror and a variety of dental instruments which he held out to Tom. Tom took the mirror and then selected a probe. He then began his examination. “Okay... You have a big cavity in one of your molars and you need a thorough cleaning. We'll start with that.” Tom removed the instruments and began to ask King Arthur questions. “When did this start hurting you?”

  “The pain began at the last full moon.” King Arthur said.

  “How often do you clean your teeth?” Tom asked.

  “As often as needed.” King Arthur replied.

  Tom then turned to Roger and said. “I'll need to get some x-rays.”

  “What be these x-rays thou speakest of?” King Arthur asked.

  “Uh...Your Majesty, they are the stuff of the healing wizard.” Roger explained almost impatiently. “We will have the apparatus shortly....” Roger was looking at a device on his wrist. “With your Majesty's permission we must consult.” Roger took Tom by the arm and they quickly exited the chamber. They walked briskly down the corridor and into another room where Roger closed the door. Roger then began tapping on what looked like an oversized wristwatch on his arm. “What the heck!” He said.

  “What's going on?” Tom asked.

  “The portal is stuck open to your time and it won't reset!” Roger said still struggling with the device.

  “What does that mean?” Tom asked.

  “It means that we are in deep trouble. If this tooth problem doesn't get taken care of, my world and your future will end.” Roger said finally sitting down in frustration in a rough chair.

  “What do you men end?” Tom asked as he sat across from Roger in another of the rough chairs.. “Like no more world?”

  “Maybe.” Roger said. “If this event isn't corrected in the next 4 hours there will not be an England which will result in no USA and may mean that you or I or both of us are never born. Get it?” Tom and Roger sat in defeated silence for a moment then Tom looked up eagerly at Roger and began to speak.

  “Listen, I have and idea.” Tom said animatedly. “You say the portal to my time is stuck open. What if we take King Arthur to the dental school and fix that tooth there?”

  “We're not allowed to take anyone from their time space without clearance and since the portal is stuck, we can't get clearance.” Roger said.

  “What's more important, clearance or saving ourselves?” Tom asked.

  “Roger looked at his watch and then at Tom. He considered just a moment and then said, “Okay let's go! First thing is to get King Arthur out to that field – Where you landed.”

  Roger and Tom went back to the King's chamber and asked him to dress for travel. They then set out toward the field with many of the King's armed guards. While they were riding, Roger and Tom rode out in front of the company and began devising a plan. They couldn't have all the king's men suddenly walk into the clinic so it was agreed that Tom would go through the portal first and then they would send King Arthur. Roger would stay behind and keep the King's guard from passing through.

  At length they arrived at the field where Tom had first arrived. The company dismounted and Roger circled, looking for the porthole.

  “Ah-Ha! Here it is.” Roger said and the Knights rushed forward. “Stop!” Roger commanded. “Only two can there be that entereth at a time.”

  “I shall pass through first and clear the way for my King!” Said a Knight stepping forward.

  “Nay! Without the proper preparation thou -would -die!” Roger yelled theatrically and the Knight stopped short of running through. “Only Olof and the King have thus been readied to pass. Thou, you Knights must speedily prepare to accompany the King!”

  “Yea! Yea!” The Knights called out.

  “Fetch me a copper kettle, salt and spring water, fresh from the spring! This is your quest!” Roger said urgently.

  The Knights hesitated but as the King waved his hand and they were off at a hard gallop.

  “Go now!” Roger said and then Tom stepped through the porthole followed by King Arthur.

  Emerging in his car's front seat he quickly tried to open the door to get out before King Arthur crossed over but too late! King Arthur landed right in his lap! With a huge shove and an awkward struggle, Tom managed to push King Arthur into the passenger seat.

  “What be this place? A carriage of a sort!” King Arthur said looking around in wonder and attempting to get out of the car but jerking his hand away as it came in contact with the hot interior of Tom's car.

  Tom opened the driver's side door and got out, closing it behind him only to come face to face with Dana! Dana is a fellow student at the university and also Tom's friend and partner at the clinic.

  “Hey Tom.” Dana said suspiciously as Tom shut the door on King Arthur as he struggled to follow Tom out of the driver side door.

  “ Oh! Uh..Hi!” Tom said nervously as Dana looked around him and into the car.

  “Who's that?” Dana asked.

  “Who?” Tom said innocently and Dana gave him a questioning look as she pointed to the King struggling to exit the car and climbing back to the passenger seat. “Oh him! Um...That is...a new patient of ours.”

  “A new patient, huh? And you gave him a ride to the clinic?” Dana asked skeptically. She was still looking past Tom at the King frantically trying to get out of the car but unable to touch the hot door lever for any length of time.

  Suddenly Roger appeared in Toms' car. He took a quick look around and then leaned over the struggling King and opened the car door for him.

  King Arthur quickly got out and turning to Tom asked, “What be this land? The heat is unbearable!”

  Roger also got out and surveyed the area and then looked at Tom and then at Dana and then asked in a low tone. “Can we go?”

  Dana watched in stunned silence then finally blurted out, “What is going on here?”

  “We need your help.” Tom said suddenly. “I'll explain later we don't have a lot of time.”

  Just then Roger stepped close to Dana and flashed a badge. “US Government.” He said in a low tone. “Will you assist us?”

  “Uh..Sure.” Dana was surprised but agreed.

  “Good.” Roger said and then turned to Tom. “Which way inside?” He asked.

  Tom pointed and then he and Dana set off, followed by Roger and King Arthur. They passed through the doors to the lobby and Tom was stopped by Roger. Quietly Roger instructed Tom and Dana to distract the receptionist. Tom And Dana walked to the side of the long counter and called the receptionist over and began asking her questions. While they were distracting her, Roger accessed the computer and added King Arthur's name as a patient and then signed him in. Roger then walked up to Tom and Dana and said, “The King is ready.” And then he smiled at the receptionist saying, “Renaissance festival life can be so difficult. Ha, ha!” The receptionist smiled back as the four passed through a set of doors and into an elevator. The elevator doors closed and they sighed a sigh of relief.

  “What did you do with the computer?” Dana asked Roger.

  “I added King Arthur as your patient.” Roger answered.

  “How?” Dana asked. “The system is encrypted.”

  Roger began to laugh. “Your puny 256 bit encryption is nothing. In my time elementary kids can crack it.”

  “What do you mean in your time?” Dana asked. But just then the doors opened to the third floor.

  “What wizardry be this? We have not moved yet the room changes!” King Arthur asked. He was looking wildly around as they made their way through the cubicles each having a dental chair and dental equipment. Many other students were busily working and few noticed the large king or the white bearded magician as the passed by.

  “This is us.” Tom said, indicating a dental chair that was in side of one of the small cubicles surrounded by half walls.

  King Arthur sat down and Dana placed a paper bib around his neck. Just then Dr. Coffee walked up.

  “What's this?” He asked with a grin.

  “Oh...Uh... This...?” Tom stammered. But King Arthur interrupted him.

  “I am King Arthur, King of Britannia, sovereign of all.” King Arthur replied with dignity.

  “Well, Well this is great!” Dr Coffee said with a chuckle. “Welcome to our humble abode.”

  “They are from the renaissance fair.” Dana said in a low tone to Dr. Coffee. “The King has a tooth ache.” She added.

  “Well.” Dr Coffee said, still with a smile on his face. “Don't keep the King waiting!”

  “You are too kind.” King Arthur said as Dr Coffee strode away to assist other students who were calling out his name.

  “Whew!” Tom said, “That was close!”

  “No it wasn't.” Dana said smiling. “You just freaked out!”

  “I did not.” Tom protested.

  “Can you please stop arguing and save the world?” Roger asked.

  “Yes! Sorry.” Tom said and he and Dana went to work.

  The X-rays showed a hideous cavity in a molar and also the King he needed a filling in the tooth next to it.


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