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Spies Like Me

Page 8

by Doug Solter

  Nadia appeared to shy away from the sudden attention, but she kept her eyes on the display model. “The statistics on energy efficiency are quite impressive. The way you designed the panels on the roof and molded the other solar panels down the corners of the building is also impressive. They supply energy to the building’s climate control system during the night hours, isn’t that correct?”

  Ben joined Nadia near the model. “Yes, a very astute observation. This new system can keep the climate control system running without outside power for five days. On reduced power it can go as long as two weeks.”

  “Two weeks? That’s amazing.”

  Emma introduced Ben to the other girls before he led them up the stairs. For being a president of a major company, Ben’s office was cluttered with stuff. The white dry-erase boards were filled with scribbles and numbers. Piles of books and air-conditioning models sat on the floor. Ben had to clear off some files from his leather couch so the girls could sit. He offered them something to drink and finally asked what he could do for them.

  Emma spoke first. “I’m doing my own investigation into Dad’s death. It wasn’t an accident. His plane was sabotaged.”

  Ben sat back. “Sabotage? The French investigation said it was pilot error.”

  “They’re wrong. I can’t tell you how I know. But I know. I swear to God. Someone killed my dad and your engineers. And I need your help to find out who.”

  Ben thought about that. “Why would someone kill your father?”

  “That’s what we need to find out, Mr. Gooden,” Olivia said.

  “Have you told the police?” Ben asked. “Isn’t this something they should be investigating? I share your desire to get answers, Emma, but you don’t know anything about conducting a criminal investigation.”

  “But I—”

  “All four of us want to expose whoever did this,” Olivia interrupted. “We’ll turn over all the evidence to the proper authorities when the time comes. But all we’re asking for is your cooperation, Mr. Gooden.”

  Emma fired a look at Olivia. Ben was her family friend and she wanted to do the talking.

  “No offense to you, young ladies, but you’re just a bunch of kids.”

  “Ben? I need to know why Dad was over there in the first place,” Emma said. “Did he call you at all during his trip?”

  Ben sat back in his chair, his mind digging. “We talked a lot. There was this pending agreement between one of Ken’s tech firms and the Polish government. Your dad had been working on the deal for months.”

  “Was that normal for him to fly clear across the Atlantic in his private jet for a simple business agreement?” Olivia asked.

  “Ken was very hands-on in all aspects of his business. If he thought he could help seal the deal, he would fly to Siberia if he had to.”

  “My dad was a workaholic to the extreme,” Emma said.

  “Ken loved it. He wasn’t the type of owner who sat at home and let other people run his companies. Whenever he could find time to dip his toe into something, Ken would do it. Sometimes it made people frustrated.”

  “Frustrated enough to kill him?” Olivia asked.

  Emma watched Ben for an answer.

  “Despite Ken’s idiosyncrasies, people loved working for him. Ken could have let one of his executives handle the Polish negotiations, but he wanted to do it. That’s the way he was.”

  “Why were the AirTech engineers on his plane when it crashed, then?” Miyuki asked.

  Ben folded his fingers together. “As I said, I talked with Ken a lot when he was in Poland. One night I mentioned some strange modifications my engineers had discovered on a follow-up to a job we did for a European customer.”

  “What kind of modifications?” Olivia asked.

  “Well, one of my engineers found that our customer made unapproved modifications to the climate control systems we installed. I told my head engineer to document the changes and send them to me. When I told Ken about this, he was intrigued and wanted to get involved. Since he was in Europe anyway, he flew to France and met with them.” Ben cocked his head. “Are you sure his plane was sabotaged? I wish you would tell me how you got this information.”

  Emma stood up and faced her new friends. “Do you mind leaving us alone for a minute?”

  “Why?” Olivia asked.


  “What will you tell him?” Nadia asked.

  “Not what you think I’ll say. Please?”

  Nadia and Miyuki left the office. Olivia hesitated by the threshold of the door and studied Emma.

  “Trust me.”

  Olivia didn’t look convinced, but she left and shut the door anyway.

  Emma came up to Ben’s desk and eased into a chair. “Do you trust me?”

  “I trusted you with my babies for years. Of course I trust you. But what you’re telling me, Emma, doesn’t add up.”

  “I’ve got powerful friends helping me with this investigation. They’ve got access to info other people can’t get. I can’t tell you who they are, so all I can say is…they want to help bring the people who killed Dad to justice. And that’s the truth.”

  Ben frowned. “What have you gotten yourself into?”

  “There’s nothing to worry about. Grandma knows these people and she’s fine with everything.” Emma crossed her fingers under the table. “We really need your help because I don’t think we’ll get very far without it.”

  Ben sighed and shook his head. “I need to know more.”

  “Sorry. As much as I’d like to…I can’t tell you more. You’ll just have to trust me.”

  Ben left his chair and walked towards a dry-erase board, staring at the mess of blue and black scribbles.

  “You’ve never let me or Dad down,” Emma said. “Please don’t start now.”

  Ben cooperated and gave the Gems an empty office and his master password to AirTech’s internal computer network. Flipping open a couple of notebook computers, the girls went right to work, searching the company’s database for anything out of the ordinary. Emma didn’t know what to do. She knew how to use a computer. Duh, who didn’t these days? But the other girls were trained in cyber investigations and knew what things to look out for while Emma could only do a thorough search of her social media news feeds. To be useful, Emma brought up drinks and snacks for everyone from the company’s break room on the second floor.

  Nadia found the original AirTech climate control designs that were installed for a company named AgEurope, the one Mrs. B wanted them to flag. “Interesting.” Nadia leaned closer to the screen. “AgEurope is a part of the Raymond Foods empire. And AirTech put in new systems for all the other Raymond Foods companies too.”

  “How many companies?” Olivia asked.

  “According to AirTech’s billing department,” Miyuki added, “all of them.”

  “Hang on,” Olivia said. “I’ll look through the project files.”

  “Already there,” Nadia said. “The installment dates all occurred within a three-year period.”

  “Sounds like a major project for AirTech,” Olivia said. “So their engineers noticed something strange after they finished with the AgEurope install, right?”

  “That’s what Ben said,” Emma replied with a mouthful of chocolate mini-donut.

  Olivia scoffed at Emma’s lack of manners. “Anything else, Nadia?”

  Nadia pressed her lips together. “Earlier, I found a way into the Rothchild company servers in New York and hacked into Mr. Rothchild’s personal email. Didn’t find anything strange the last few months he was alive. No threatening emails. Arguments. That sort of thing.”

  Emma swallowed. “You hacked into my dad’s email?”

  “Only as a precaution. Our investigation must be thorough.” Nadia glanced up at Emma and pointed at her own mouth. “You have some chocolate.”

  Emma wiped her mouth and glanced at her fingers. “Thanks.”

  Nadia hesitated. “You now have more between your…”

nbsp; Emma broke out the compact and guided her tongue over her teeth while she double-checked.

  “Find anything else, Miyuki?” Olivia asked.

  She shook her head. “No Swiss bank accounts on file. No financial records look out of place. Read through some Chinese toy contracts that looked legit also.”

  Olivia leaned against the office wall, deep in thought. “And I checked the HR database. Think we can rule out disgruntled employees. No processed reprimands issued by your dad. No files on ex-employees suing your dad or making threats.”

  “This is a dead end,” Miyuki said.

  “It still brings us back to AirTech’s dealing with AgEurope,” Nadia said.

  “I could…told…that.” Emma was munching on another mini-donut. “That’s where…should…”

  “Could you please not talk with your mouth full?” Olivia said. “I can’t understand a flipping word you’re saying.”

  Emma fired her a look and finished her donut. “I said…I could have told you that. That’s where we should’ve started. No one working for my dad would have done this.”

  “How do you know that?” Olivia asked. “We can’t take anything for granted.”

  “Because everyone loved my dad.”

  “Rothchild Industries has over one hundred thousand employees in all of its companies. It’s illogical to assume that every single employee loved your dad. That’s statistically impossible.”

  “Whatever,” Emma said. “It’s true.”

  “You girls argue statistics,” Miyuki said. “Meanwhile, I’ll go pack for Europe.”

  Chapter 10

  Their flight landed at Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris around seven that morning. Ben Gooden did offer Emma the corporate jet for the hop over the Atlantic, but after what happened to her dad, Emma wanted to go commercial. The Gems headed straight for the rental car area, where Olivia presented a special black credit card to the man at a special check-in desk. Normally a group of teenage girls couldn’t rent a brand-new Renault sedan. But this was Paris, and special things always happened in Paris.

  “Mademoiselle Emerald, your car will be waiting here, on the lower level.” The man drew it out on a paper map with French and English labels. “Remember to return the car full of petrol or my employer will charge a fee and Mrs. B wouldn’t like that. Enjoy your stay in Paris.”

  “Merci, Turtledove,” Olivia replied with our contact’s code name as she took the key fob from him.

  They walked through the concourse and past a line of waiting taxis to reach the lower level of the parking garage. Olivia tossed the key fob to Nadia, who slipped into the driver’s seat as they packed their bags in the trunk. Nadia took on the heavy traffic through Paris and Emma was impressed how calm the girl was behind the wheel. Inside the confusing French traffic roundabouts, huge trucks would try to cut Nadia off, but she weaved her way in and out of each problem without once freaking. By noon, she parked the Renault across the street from AgEurope headquarters.

  Emma prepared herself to step inside the building. “How do I look?”


  The way Olivia said this told Emma it wasn’t a compliment.

  “Do we need to go over our parts again?” Emma asked. “Olivia is my assistant—”

  “We know that already, love. We’ve done this spy thing before. The big question is are you ready? Do you know what you’re going to say?” Olivia asked.

  “Of course. I got this.”

  Emma’s heels clicked along the tiles of the ground floor as she held her head high with confidence. She was the heiress to the Rothchild fortune. Her father’s corporation was powerful and well respected around the world. She had to represent it well. Emma made sure she looked the part. Designer dress, shoes, sunglasses, jewelry, bag…it was the perfect costume.

  Emma noted the reception desk and veered towards it. She crossed her arms and sighed at the receptionist, who finally acknowledged her.

  “Please tell…” Emma drew a blank.

  Olivia whispered in her ear, “Jacqueline Boyay.”

  “Yes, of course. Please tell Jacqueline Boyay that I’m ready to see her now.”

  The receptionist paused. “Mademoiselle Boyay is in a meeting. May I ask what this visit is regarding?”

  “You may not,” Emma said. “Her office is which floor?”

  “The top floor. I’ll need to clear your appointment with her assistant first, Mademoiselle…?”

  “Rothchild. And I don’t bother with appointments.” Emma’s method acting technique took full control of her senses. She now felt powerful. In control. A young woman not to be underestimated or messed with. “Tell Jacqueline I’ll be waiting in her office.” Emma pointed her shoes towards the elevators and walked on the first one that opened its doors. Olivia, Miyuki, and Nadia all exchanged worried looks before joining her. The doors closed. Emma pressed the button at the top and the elevator began its climb.

  “What are you doing?” Olivia asked. “You’re supposed to be playing yourself. Not some stuck-up princess spitting on the peons.”

  “I’m playing a more confident version of me. Hey, it got us on the elevator, didn’t it? Just play along and everything will be fine.”

  “If you goof this up, I’ll personally twist your perfect neck.”

  Emma threw her a look. “Try it and I’ll straighten that broom you call a hairstyle.”

  Olivia gasped.

  “Would you both please chill?” Miyuki asked.

  “I agree,” Nadia said. “Take it down a level.”

  The elevator stopped and revealed another large reception area with no windows. Small LED lamps emphasized pieces of modern artwork hanging on the dark walls. A well-fit man in a well-tailored suit stood up from the only desk in the room.

  Emma knocked her head back and marched towards him. “I’m Emma Rothchild, daughter of Kenneth Rothchild. Jacqueline will want to see me. Is her office straight through those glass doors? Thank you, sir. Handsome suit, by the way.” Emma headed for the outer office doors.

  But the man’s hand grabbed her arm.

  “Mademoiselle Boyay cannot be disturbed,” the man in the suit said, his eyes not in the mood to play along.

  “Oh yes, I know she’s in a meeting. Only wanted to cool my heels. Any harm in that? Of course not. Men don’t understand how difficult it is to walk around in heels all day.” Emma glared at his hand. “Could you please stop wrinkling my blouse? It’s quite expensive.”

  Miyuki and Nadia glanced at each other.

  “Mademoiselle Boyay cannot be disturbed,” the man repeated with added annoyance.

  Emma rolled her eyes. “You said that already. Are you sure we can’t wait for her? How about inside this lovely reception area? That way you can make sure we don’t steal your art collection.”

  The man didn’t loosen his grip.

  Olivia offered him a business card. “I work for Mr. Gooden, president of AirTech. The company that built the climate control system at your new office here? We have some unfinished business that Mr. Gooden would like to tidy up. What time does Miss Boyay have available on today’s calendar, sir?”

  The man released Emma and took Olivia’s card, examining it.

  Emma dug her fists against her waist. “You’re a rude baboon. I’ve never been treated with such disrespect in all my—”

  Miyuki jumped in front of Emma. “You must see this amazing painting. It has cows!”


  Miyuki took Emma’s hand and guided her away. Nadia came up from behind and shielded Emma from the man’s line of sight. The three girls didn’t stop until they reached one of the paintings near the elevator.

  “What are you doing?” Emma asked.

  “Let Olivia do her thing,” Miyuki said.

  “Yes, you were about to get us all thrown out,” Nadia whispered. “Now, admire the pretty painting.”

  Emma scoffed and took in the massive picture of a wheat field near a Dutch windmill. Normal enough. Bu
t the sky wasn’t blue. It was painted to look like, chocolate?

  “You lied,” Emma said. “This painting doesn’t have any cows.”

  The girls watched as Olivia discussed something with the male assistant. Finally, the man returned to his desk. Olivia quietly joined the other girls. “Jacqueline’s on her way.”

  All the girls were relieved.

  “Emma, if you’re going to act like…whatever it is you’re doing…act nicer. We want people to help us, not piss them off so they won’t talk.”

  “Sorry about that,” Emma said. “But it felt good, so I went with it.”

  The girls each found a seat and waited.

  A half hour later, the elevator opened and out stepped a woman with high cheekbones. She wore dark slacks, short spikey blond hair, and a business suit. Blood-red lipstick covered her lips. The woman sized up the four girls before heading inside her office without a word.

  A phone rang and the man with the suit answered in a low, businesslike tone. The man finished and stood.

  “Mademoiselle Boyay will see you now.”

  The four girls stood up in unison as they checked their clothes.

  “She will only see Miss Rothchild and the AirTech representative.” The man eyed Miyuki and Nadia. His cold stare forced them back down into their seats. The man opened the double glass doors, allowing Emma and Olivia to step inside before he closed them.

  Jacqueline Boyay’s office was modern and cold. Silver with black accents. Strange Gothic statues placed with the eye of a designer who loved bleakness. The only color was the sun coming from the window. It surprised Emma that this was a woman’s office.

  Jacqueline invited them to sit and offered them something to drink. Both girls declined. The woman then poured herself a scotch and sipped it while she slid behind her black desk. Jacqueline crossed her long legs and studied the girls.

  She said nothing.

  Emma summoned her courage. The stage was lit. The curtain was up. The people in the audience were watching and waiting. It was showtime. “My time is valuable, Jacqueline, so I don’t appreciate it being wasted like this. However, I do need answers, so let’s get to it, okay? Great. I—”


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