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Rising Moon: The Awakened Trilogy #2

Page 5

by Amanda Carol

  “Where should we take her?” I ask Knox, thinking maybe Declan can come too. It might give her an extra sense of security having her brother there.

  “I don’t know. Maybe out of New Orleans. Her life changed here, so it’s possible she needs to get out of Louisiana altogether. Grace and I went to Texas,” Knox says, and doesn’t go into further details.

  “Hunter,” Declan finally says as he turns his body to face me in the seat. “Her life didn’t change here. Her life changed three years ago, and she hasn’t dealt with that yet. So…” He pauses, glancing away for a beat then looking back up at me. “You take her home. Back to where it all started.”

  The car grows eerily quiet.

  “Me? Why not the both of us?” I ask him and he shakes his head.

  “No. I can’t go. She won’t talk to me, but she’ll talk to you. You’ve already gotten her to open up. She trusts you, maybe even more than me. I have no idea how you can get her there, but I think that’s where you need to take her.”

  I hold his gaze a moment longer before he nods and turns back in his seat.

  He’s right. Her problems all started when her parents died. Then she came here and learned that she’s a demigod. And then, to make matters worse, she was kidnapped and tortured. I don’t think she’s fully let herself deal with all of those emotions and feelings. She’s bottling it all up, and if she doesn’t get it out, I’m scared of what it’ll end up doing to her.

  When we get back, I’m going to come up with a plan to get her out of here. Just me and her.

  “Hey, wait. You guys are from Maryland, right?” Bennett directs his question to Declan.

  “Yeah,” Declan replies.

  Bennett looks at me. “Aren’t Zachy-Poo, HailsBails, and MaiKy from Maryland?”

  “Who?” Declan quirks a brow.

  I nod my head.

  Zayne laughs. “Oh, I remember them. Didn’t Haylee punch you in the face?”

  “We do not speak of that. But, yes. Yes, she did. That remarkable woman changed my life.” Bennett sighs as he places a hand over his heart.

  “Wasn’t that kind of talk the reason you got punched?” I ask him.

  Bennett brings a finger to his lips. “Shhhh!”

  “Who are you guys talking about?” Axton asks.

  “Zach, his girlfriend Haylee, and their friend Kyler were on vacation in New Orleans. Bennett and I had just finished patrolling when we stopped in at a bar down on Bourbon Street for a drink. One vulgar comment to Haylee from this red-headed fucker got him punched in the face,” I explain.

  I leave out the part where, later, after we all had a good laugh, Bennett shifted and then we had to explain everything to them since they were humans. Surprisingly, they took it really well, and we’ve been friends ever since.

  “I deserved it,” Bennett admits, hanging his head.

  “Fuck, man. What did you say?” Axton asks as he laughs his ass off.

  Bennett cringes. “I said, ‘Sit on my face and I’ll guess your weight.’”

  The entire car busts out laughing.

  “What the fuck, dude? You never mention anything about a woman’s weight, ever!” Axton wipes his eyes. He’s crying from laughing so hard.

  “The best part was that Zach actually thought it was pretty clever until Haylee threatened him too. Kyler and I just sat back and drank our beers. It was good times,” I chuckle.

  “Yeah, yeah. Anyway, you could always say you wanted to visit some friends. We haven’t seen them in a while. And they keep asking when we’re going to come to the east coast. No time like the present!” Bennett shakes a finger.

  The rest of the ride is just bullshit guy talk about cars and other random shit. When we pull up to the abandoned park, Declan removes his amulet and places it in the pocket behind Bennett’s seat. Then everyone gets out of the car.

  I stay in my seat and open the link to Aria. Hi, baby.

  Hey, is everything okay? Is Declan okay? I hear a slight panic in her voice.

  Yes, Declan is fine. We just got to the park, I just wanted to let you know we made it safely, I say, trying to calm her nerves. Kai will be around keeping an eye on things while we’re out just in case you want to go train.

  Okay. I think I’m just going to stay in and paint tonight, she replies, sounding a little distracted, which indicates that she’s already in her studio room.

  I chuckle. Alright, I’ll leave you to it then. I’ll update you in a bit.

  Mmm-hmm, I hear, which makes me chuckle again. Hunter, please come home to me.

  The desperation in her voice makes me want to say fuck it and go back home to her right this second. But I can’t. Duty calls.

  I’ll see you later, I think back to her before closing the link and getting out of the car.

  I walk over to the entrance, where everyone is waiting for me. I’m surprised they don’t have security around here making sure people don’t trespass.

  “Man, this place gives me the heebie-jeebies!” Bennett shivers as we walk through the run-down gates.

  He’s not wrong. This place is eerie, especially at night.

  “All right, guys, the building is this way.” Zayne’s voice is low as he leads us further into the creepy-ass park.

  All of us are on high alert, glancing over our shoulders, making sure we aren’t being followed by any security guards. The last thing we need is collateral damage.

  Actually, now that I think about it, if Isabella and Ronan really are here, they’ve probably already killed any security guards. I sniff the air, but I don’t smell anything.

  “Here it is,” Zayne whispers, coming to a stop right in front of an old building.

  We all stop, gathering around him. I glance up and take the building in. It’s a metal warehouse that looks like it might come down if someone sneezes too loud.

  “Okay, let’s do this.” Axton bounces on his feet and shakes out his nerves before stepping forward and opening the creaky doors.

  “Well, if we hadn’t already caught their attention, we definitely have now,” Bennett mutters quietly before following Axton inside the building.

  The rest of us follow suit. Inside isn’t much better than the outside. As I look around, I notice that there are balconies running along the walls, and I see the remnants of the stage. The middle of the theater is empty, apart from a random broken chair here and there. So far, I don’t sense any vampires around.

  “They’re—" Declan starts to say from behind me, but he’s cut off.

  I turn and he’s gone.

  What the fuck?

  I spin, glancing around frantically before my gaze lands on Declan in the middle of the room. But he’s not alone. A dark-haired man has him in a chokehold and I immediately recognize him from the sketches that Aria drew in her mom’s journal. It’s the vampire Ronan, and I know he’s not alone. Why the hell couldn’t we sense them?

  “Do not shift,” I command to the others as I try to figure out a way to get Declan out of Ronan’s grasp.

  “I would listen to him if I were you,” a feminine voice echoes throughout the building.

  A woman with long, curly dark hair comes walking in from behind us, her heeled boots clicking across the floor. This must be Isabella, the woman from the painting.

  “I will not hesitate to kill every last one of you,” she warns.

  “Let. Him. Go,” I growl, watching her every move as she walks closer to us.

  “I will. But not before I get what I need. Trust me, if I wanted him dead, he would be dead.” She walks slowly in front of us, eyeing us up.

  She stops in front of Bennett. “You know, I never really had a thing for gingers, but for you, I’d make an exception.”

  She runs a slim finger along his jaw. He snarls at her, and his eyes glow a bright amber color, which is rare for him.

  She pats him on the head. “Down, boy.”

  He snaps his teeth at her, and the bitch giggles. She actually fucking giggles.

  “Oh, I
love it when they bite.” She winks before turning her back on a bunch of wolves and a witch.

  Wait, where did Zayne go?

  I quickly let my eyes glance around the building and I finally spot him on the balcony. His gaze meets mine; he nods, then ducks down so he won’t be seen. Declan starts to fight Ronan, but he’s too strong. Ronan tightens his grip around Declan’s neck, cutting off his air supply.

  “You know, I didn’t have to carve into your sister the way I did. But it sure was fun.” Isabella smirks as she circles around them.

  She did what? I growl and start to rush forward, but Isabella has her hand wrapped around my neck in an instant.

  “I won’t kill him, but you are fair game. Any one of you are.” She tightens her grip around my neck, and I struggle to breathe. “I know wolf shifters are hard to kill, but I know what will kill you instantly.” She brings my face closer to hers. “So don’t test me.”

  She tosses me back, and I stumble into Knox, trying to bring air into my lungs. I don’t acknowledge him as he steadies me. Instead, my eyes narrow in on her.

  The only thing that I can think of that can instantly kill a wolf is Wolfsbane. But that’s just a myth. I open the link to Bennett first, then the rest, letting them know that Zayne is up on the balcony and that, no matter what, we get Declan and we get the hell out.

  Isabella reaches into Ronan’s pocket and pulls out a vial, followed by a dagger. “You know, a little birdie may have mentioned that you were going on some secret mission to find me. I’m not surprised that you found where I was so quickly. Apollo did have the gift of foresight.” She runs the tip of the blade down the side of Declan’s face before she circles around them.

  “With that knowledge, I knew it was only a matter of time before you came looking for me. Did you really think I wouldn’t be prepared for your arrival?” She stops in front of Declan again. “But, lucky for you, I only need a little bit more of your blood.”

  Declan gives her a confused look right before she takes the dagger and shoves it into his stomach. She yanks the dagger out and holds the vial in the blood flow. She turns her head and smiles then she licks the blade clean of his blood. Declan groans and struggles against Ronan, but it’s no use.

  He’s not going anywhere.

  And there’s nothing I can do.

  Damn it, Zayne! What is he waiting for?

  “There, that should do it.” Isabella smirks, replacing the cork back in the vial.

  Declan goes limp, and Ronan drops him on the floor. They both start walking away from us, but I'm not about to let her get away.

  I open the link to Axton. Ax, get Declan.

  Axton rushes forward to grab Declan while we watch his back. As if Zayne had the same thought I did, a fireball comes flying down from the balcony, hitting Ronan and setting him ablaze. He stumbles and falls to the ground, and Isabella whips around. Her eyes narrow in on Zayne.

  I shift into my wolf and the others follow suit, and that brings her attention over to us. Another fireball comes down and hits the hand holding the vial. It falls, the glass shattering as it hits the ground, making the blood seep out over the floor. Isabella hisses and her fangs drop down.

  Zayne jumps over the balcony, landing on his feet on the ground below. He shoots another fireball at her, but she moves her head out of the way. She glares at him before stalking toward him. I take off running after her, lunging forward and biting her arm just before she can get her hands on Zayne.

  I spin her around, biting down harder and jerking my head from side to side. She brings her other hand up, punching me hard on the nose. I yelp and release her, shaking my head. Then something catches her eye behind me.

  Hunter, we have Declan. Let’s go! Bennett’s voice rings in loud and clear in my head.

  I turn and run away from her, only she’s much faster than I expected her to be. Right before she gets to the door, Knox tackles her to the ground, his teeth snapping away at her as she holds him back.

  I glance back to where Ronan is lying on the ground. The flames are out and he isn’t moving, but I know better than to think he’s dead. We need to get the fuck out of here.

  When I get outside, Bennett, Knox and Zayne have Isabella cornered, while Axton is quickly getting Declan to safety. She’s not leaving this park with Declan’s blood tonight. Or ever.

  I roar, charging toward her. I leap into the air, baring my teeth, but the bitch is fast, and she grabs me by my neck. She tosses me off to the side, right into a rusty food cart. I get up, shaking my body. When I glance up, she’s just finished tossing Bennett aside.

  She takes off after Axton and Declan, and Zayne throws a fireball at her. It hits her right in the back and she tumbles forward. We are almost caught up to her, but she’s on her feet in an instant and I see her reach down into her boot and pull out something silver. She gives me an evil smirk before taking off running.

  She reaches them seconds before we do. I watch in horror as she lunges forward, and tackles both of them to the ground. It’s all arms and legs and I can’t tell who’s who.

  I promised Aria that I’d protect her brother, and so far, I’m doing a shitty job. I push myself to run faster, with Bennett and Knox flanking me and Zayne not too far behind. Out of all the witches on the Compound, Zayne is the fastest.

  Isabella is thrown off them by the air element. Then out of nowhere a tree comes flying out from under a roller coaster, smacking into her. I duck as it flies over us and I rush over to where it landed. Just as I get closer, Isabella tosses the tree off and pulls a limb out of her shoulder. I bare my teeth as her eyes glance between all of us.

  “This isn’t over. His blood will be mine,” she hisses before taking off.

  I find it odd that she’s giving up so quickly, but I don’t have time to dwell on the thought.

  “No! No! No! C’mon!” I hear Declan yell from behind me.

  I turn and see him hovering over Axton, who is lying on the ground, unmoving. Declan’s hands are glowing brightly over Axton’s chest.

  “Please! Fuck! C’mon! Work, damn it!” He’s trembling, trying to heal Axton, but it’s not working.



  I shift back into my human form, sprinting over and falling to my knees next to Axton. His eyes lazily turn to mine. He coughs and purple goo squirts out of his mouth, and then he starts to convulse. Declan and I try to hold him down, but then he goes still and stops breathing, his head falling to the side.

  “Why isn’t my power working?” Declan chokes out, and then he starts to do compressions on Axton’s chest. “C’mon, breathe! Ax, breathe, man!”

  “Declan,” I murmur. I know his efforts are useless.

  “I’m so sorry,” Declan whispers as he finally realizes that there is nothing more he can do. His eyes are on Axton, his hands still gripping his shirt. “I’m so sorry. I tried. I’m sorry.”

  Bennett walks around and kneels down next to Declan. “C’mon, let’s go.”

  He pulls Declan’s hands from Axton’s body and throws one of his arms over his shoulder, helping him stand up. I watch as they walk off toward the entrance of the park. This wasn’t supposed to happen. We were supposed to come here, check it out, leave, then come back later.

  “Why wasn’t Declan able to heal him?” Knox asks, taking the spot that Declan was just in.

  “I don’t know,” I murmur.

  Then I see the dagger that she had. It’s covered in that purple goo.

  I look up at Zayne. “Z, grab that dagger and wrap it up in your hoodie. We should take it back with us and see what that purple goo is. Knox—"

  “Yeah,” Knox cuts me off.

  We don’t need to ask. We’ve all been through this at least once in our lives. For some of us, more than once. As we carry Axton’s body back to the car, I open the link to inform my father.

  We failed. Axton is dead.

  I’m not even sure what time it is when I feel the pull. I take in a deep breath and open the lin

  Hey, baby.

  My entire body goes stiff at Hunter’s strained tone; it doesn’t sound right.

  What happened? I ask as my heart starts to race in my chest. The paintbrush I was holding falls to the ground.

  Declan is fine, but— he pauses.

  I feel immediate relief.

  It doesn’t last long, though, because I start to hear howling outside. I rush down the steps and open the front door. Kai is sitting on my bottom step with his head in his hands. I look around at the other cabins and people are coming out. Some shift into their wolf and start to howl into the night. And, if I’m not mistaken, their howls sound full of sadness.

  Hunter, what’s going on? I ask him, afraid of the answer.

  We lost Axton tonight, Hunter tells me.

  I bring my hand up to my mouth and glance down at Kai. I didn’t know Axton very well, but I considered him a friend. He helped me, and for that I will forever be grateful. But I can’t help but feel like his death was my fault. I should have opened my mouth. I need to stop living my life in fear, because look where it’s gotten me.

  I’m so sorry, I reply, not knowing what else I could possibly say. I know sorry won’t bring him back.

  Don’t be. We will be home in thirty. I’ll see you soon. Hunter closes the link after that.

  I look up and see Alexander and Lydia walking up the pathway. Lydia’s arm is looped through Alexander’s; her free hand comes up and wipes away a stray tear that is falling down her cheek. Kai gets up when he spots them and bows his head in respect.

  Alexander nods in return. Then his gaze meets mine. He keeps eye contact as he walks past my cabin, like he’s staring me down. I’m not sure why he’s hostile toward me now, because I thought we were on good terms. Shrugging those thoughts off, I go stand next to Kai who is still watching after them.

  “What are they doing?” I whisper.

  “They’re going to get Ax’s parents. The Alpha used the link to inform the pack that he…” Kai’s voice breaks before he can finish.

  I’m not sure why I didn’t pick up on it. I guess since I'm not technically a wolf, I wasn’t included in the mass link message.

  Kai coughs to clear the sadness from his voice. “They’re going to get his parents so they can say goodbye.”


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