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Rising Moon: The Awakened Trilogy #2

Page 11

by Amanda Carol

  I lean my head against the window as Hunter drives down the road. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders when I told him about Isabella, but I’m still not sure how to bring up the traitor to him. Hunter already has enough on his plate, and he shouldn’t have to worry about this too.

  When I spoke with Declan on the phone, he convinced me to stay. He promised me that Bennett and Ciera would be there with him, and even Knox would be spending some time there. I trust the pack, and I know Declan is in good hands. I just wish I knew how to put into words that the person who they all trust the most is the person they should trust the least.

  It feels weird being back in Maryland, the place where I grew up. We aren’t in my hometown, but I’ve been to Annapolis a lot with my parents. A good friend of theirs had a boat and we would come down here and hang out on the water all day. My parents were rich and had rich friends, but they never acted like the hoity-toity assholes you’d see on TV. They were all the most down to earth people I’d ever met.

  To make things even weirder, we’re going to be staying with people that I have never met before. Hunter told me that they know about who he is and that vampires are real. I guess it’s a good thing that they do know, so we don’t have to hide what and who we are. We finally pull into a driveway and Hunter parks his car next to a Jeep that’s sitting right behind a truck.

  He turns the car off and reaches for my hand. “If for any reason you want to leave, just say the word and we’ll go. I’ll check us into a hotel or something.”

  I give him a small smile. “It’s okay. You trust them, and that’s good enough for me.”

  We get out of the Impala and I meet Hunter by the trunk. He opens it, taking our bags out. I glance down at his guitar case and my bow with a case of arrows, then look up at him and quirk a brow.

  He shrugs. “Just in case.”

  Before I can reply, he slams the trunk closed just as the front door of the house opens and a young guy walks over to us.

  “Hey, Hunter. Long time, no see.” He slaps Hunter’s hand and they hug. “How have you been, man?”

  “I’ve been good. Things are starting to get a little intense down in the bayou, but nothing we can’t handle.” Hunter smiles at him, then motions to me. “This is my girl, Aria.”

  The guy holds his hand out and I take it. “Hi, Aria. I’m Zach. Nice to meet you.”

  “Thanks. It’s nice meeting you, too,” I tell him.

  He grins at me as I shake his hand. He’s got a smile that I'm sure makes all the ladies’ knees go weak.

  “So, are you a wolf shifter too?” Zach asks.

  It’s a little strange to hear a human talking about our world. Especially since we’ve been so careful for so long not to get humans involved.

  “She wishes.” Hunter winks at me.

  I shoot him a look, then turn back to Zach.

  “Actually, I’m a demigod. A descendent from Artemis to be exact. My twin brother, Declan, is a descendant from Apollo,” I reply.

  I watch Zach’s eyes grow wide.

  “Well, fuck. Anything else? Should I be worried about fairies or some other shit?” he asks, scrubbing a hand down his face.

  “Nope. It’s just shifters, witches, vampires and demigods.” Hunter is the one to answer him. “Well, unless you count the Greek gods themselves, but no one has seen them in centuries.”

  Zach just sort of stares at him, dumbfounded.

  “Don’t worry. It still hasn’t really sunk in for me yet either,” I joke.

  Zach laughs. “Anyway, let me help you with those.”

  He takes my bag from Hunter and leads the way to the house. Their front porch is nice, and it reminds me a bit of my old house. I take note of the porch swing before Zach opens the front door and ushers us inside. We hear arguing coming from further into the house.

  “Looks like you arrived just in time.” Zach chuckles as we follow him into the kitchen.

  There’s another man sitting at the table watching in amusement as two girls argue. Zach walks over and slaps his shoulder.

  “Still at it?” Zach asks him.

  “Yeah. I’ve already ordered takeout. I tried telling them, but they shushed me.” The man sitting down shrugs, then looks over at us. “Hey, Hunt! What’s up, brother?” He gets up and hugs Hunter, then glances over at me. “You must be Aria. I’m Kyler. And that feisty brunette is my girlfriend, Dani. She’d introduce herself but…”

  He points to a brunette, who’s got her hands on her hips and is preoccupied with a blonde standing in front of her.

  “Hails, I love you, but you’re supposed to boil the noodles before you put them in the oven,” Dani tells the blonde, pointing down at the burnt concoction sitting on the counter.

  Oh, man. I thought I was a bad cook. This girl is making me look like a master chef. I scrunch my nose and look up at the guys. Zach and Kyler are shaking their heads laughing and Hunter just stares at it like it’s going to grow legs and walk away.

  “This is what you get for letting me cook!” the blonde says, raising her brows and pointing down into the pan.

  “You asked to cook!” Dani shouts, trying to be serious, but failing.

  The blonde looks down at the glass pan and cringes. “We should order takeout.” She finally looks up and over at us, and her eyes widen. “Oh, my God! You’re finally here!”

  She comes over and throws her arms around Hunter.

  “Hey, Haylee,” Hunter laughs as she squeezes him tightly.

  She releases him and looks at me. “I’m Haylee. It’s so nice to finally meet you!” She holds out a hand and I shake it. “Sorry I ruined dinner.”

  “Aww, Hails, it’s okay.” Zach comes over, wrapping his arms around her waist. “We already ordered takeout.”

  He kisses her cheek, but she pulls back, narrowing her eyes at him.

  “Oh, so you knew I would ruin it?” she asks, glancing around the room.

  Dani and Kyler look away guiltily.

  “You guys set me up!”

  “No! We would never!” Dani laughs as she walks over to Kyler.

  He kisses her temple as he puts an arm around her shoulders.

  She holds out her hand to us. “I’m Danielle. It’s nice to finally put a face to the names.”

  Hunter reaches for her hand first. “Hunter, and likewise. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Hopefully good things,” Dani laughs.

  “Of course.” Hunter smiles at her as I shake her hand and give her my name.

  “Hails and I will go grab dinner so you boys can catch up,” Dani says, standing on her tiptoes and planting a kiss on Kyler’s lips. “Would you like to come with us?”

  “Um.” I glance up at Hunter.

  He grabs my waist and pulls me to him, pressing his lips to my forehead. I feel the tug and open the link.

  You should go. I’ll get us settled in.

  I inhale sharply and close the link.

  “Okay. Sounds good,” I reply, giving her a small smile.

  “Awesome. We will be back soon.” Dani loops her arm through Haylee’s. “Hey, bro, can I use your Jeep since you have Ky’s truck blocked in?”

  “Sure. Please bring her back in one piece.” Zach tosses her the keys and Dani just rolls her eyes. “Oh, and Dani, please drive safe.”

  They all share a look before she nods and I follow them out to the Jeep, hopping in the backseat. I wonder what that look is all about, but it’s really none of my business. Dani pulls the car out of the driveway and we head down the road.

  The drive to the takeout place isn’t far. Haylee shows me the unique diamond ring on her finger and tells me that she and Zach got engaged about a year and a half ago. Zach is Dani’s brother, and Kyler is Zach’s best friend, which is how Dani and Kyler met. I tell them about Declan, and in return I learn that Dani and Zach are Irish twins, or siblings born within a year or less of each other. I had no idea that was a thing until now. However, Declan and I aren’t supposed t
o be identical, yet here we are.

  Touched by gods.

  The thought almost makes me laugh as we walk inside the Chinese place they ordered takeout from. We are standing in line waiting to pay when the hair on the nape of my neck stands on end, the familiar feeling I get when a vampire is near. I glance behind me and look out the windows; of course, I don’t see anything. But I know they’re here, and I know there’s more than one.

  I step closer to the girls, and the look on my face wipes the smiles from their faces.

  “Okay, I know you guys know about…” I lower my voice. “…vampires. I’ll explain how I know that later, but we need to leave quickly. When we walk outside, we get in the Jeep, and we drive back to your place. And just hope they don’t follow.”

  The girls nod. The clerk hands Dani the takeout bag and she politely smiles and thanks him.

  When we step outside, I stand on the sidewalk as the girls quickly get inside the Jeep. They are both looking at me with fear in their eyes.

  I look to my right, and hidden in the shadows is a group of vampires. I can’t completely make them out, but I know there are four of them. I’m outnumbered and weaponless. I have my magic, but fire won’t kill a vampire, and drowning them certainly won’t work. They are watching me, thinking I'm some easy prey. If I don’t do something, they will kill tonight, if they haven’t already.

  I open the link to Hunter. We have a problem.

  What is it? Are you girls okay? Hunter’s voice echo’s through my head as I get in the car.

  Yeah. There are four vamps here, and they are watching us, I reply as Dani drives us out of the parking lot.

  Hurry up and get back here. We can go back out when you get back, Hunter says.

  I nod as if he can see me. I glance out the window. The feeling that they were near never really went away, and I realize that they are following us.

  “Dani, I need you to drive faster,” I say, leaning in between the seats.

  Haylee grabs my hand and squeezes. My gaze connects with hers, and the fear in her eyes makes my breath hitch. I know that fear; I’ve seen it in my own reflection. She’s afraid, but it’s not herself that she’s scared for.

  They’re following us, I tell Hunter.

  Suddenly, a deer is thrown at the front of the Jeep, making Dani scream and slam on the brakes. All three of us are jolted forward from the impact.

  We’ve been ambushed at the end of the road. I close the link off to Hunter as I gather myself.

  “Are you guys okay?” I ask them, and they both nod breathlessly. “Stay in the car.”

  I get out and walk to the front of the car. I kneel down by the deer, and it’s just as I suspected. It was dead before it was thrown at the Jeep. I stand up, looking in all directions, and find that we’re surrounded.

  I hear a scream come from inside the car and I whirl around, eyes going wide as I take in the sight in front of me. Two vampires are standing on the roof of the car, while the other two are about to break the windows. One succeeds, shattering the glass, and makes a grab at Haylee’s throat.

  I feel the familiar tug and open the link back up to Hunter.

  Aria, Haylee’s pregnant.

  I understand the look that Haylee gave me earlier now. She’s worried for her baby. I use the air element to knock the vampire grabbing for Haylee away. Then I do the same for the one that’s on Dani’s side. The two on the roof jump down in front of me, and before I can use the air element to knock them back, one punches me. I don’t want to use fire; I don’t want to hurt Haylee or Dani.

  Hunter, I need you. I can’t do this on my own, I say.

  He knows the words have a double meaning.

  I throw a punch at one and kick out to the other, knocking them back. Another scream, and I glance up to see that Dani is about to be bitten. I start to run for her, but my path is blocked. One vamp throws a punch; I block it, but I miss the second. I stumble back, wiping my nose, and I notice the vampire’s eyes darken at the sight of my blood.

  Now I have their attention.

  “You think their blood tastes good? Imagine what mine tastes like,” I seethe as the vampires in front of me hiss.

  Maybe that was stupid, but if I don’t do something, I won’t be able to save the girls. And I know that vampires are attracted to the scent of my blood because they can sense the power flowing through my veins.

  Anger flows through me, and as one vampire lunges forward, I reach out and wrap my hand around his neck. He lets out an agonizing wail when I let the heat flow out of my hand, burning his neck. He falls to the ground as another vamp tackles me, making us both tumble down to the ground.

  I roll into the fall, and we are a tangled mess of arms and legs. I kick the vampire off of me, successfully breaking away from him. I’m up on my feet, and now I’ve got three thirsty vampires staring at me. I look past them and see that the girls are huddled together by the Jeep.

  Big mistake. Taking your eyes off a vampire is never smart. The three of them rush forward all at once. I reach for the power inside me and use the air element to send them all flying backward.

  Where is that fourth one?

  I'm tackled from behind, and as I fall forward, taking the fourth vamp with me, I smack my face hard on the pavement. The impact impairs my vision, and I shake my head as I hear a howl. The vampire who was still on my back is now gone. I jump up onto my feet and watch as Hunter rips the vampire’s head off. His glowing blue eyes meet mine, and I nod.

  One down, three to go, I tell him through the link.

  The other three are now stalking the girls. I shake the fog from my head and use the air element to knock them away.

  “Aria!” Zach shouts.

  I look up just in time to see him toss my bow and quiver of arrows through the air. I catch the bow in one hand and throw the arrows around my back with the other. I grab an arrow and line it up, taking aim. Hunter is fighting one vamp while the other two are about to get the girls. I release the arrow straight and true into one of the vamps, piercing its heart as Hunter rips the head off the one he was fighting.

  One more— I start to say, but when look up, it’s gone and so is Haylee.

  “Haylee!” Zach yells, running off after the vampire.

  Kyler runs straight to Dani and pulls her tightly to his chest. I take off after Zach, with Hunter by my side. As a wolf and a demigod, we are much faster than humans, so we easily outrun Zach.

  The vampire is holding Haylee by her neck. When we get closer, Hunter leaps forward and lands in front of them. A deep warning growl stops the vampire in his tracks. I stop running and line an arrow up.

  Zach finally catches up to me. “Please don’t let anything happen to them.”

  His plea catches the vampire’s attention, and he whirls around, still holding Haylee tightly around her neck. Her tear-filled eyes find Zach immediately.

  I open the link to Hunter. I don’t have a clean shot of the heart.

  I line up the arrow and aim for the vampire’s head, but he keeps shifting on his feet.

  One wrong move from the vamp and I could hit Haylee, I elaborate to Hunter.

  Trust your instincts. You can do this, Hunter reassures me.

  I hear another low growl from Hunter. The vampire turns his head and adjusts Haylee. I close my eyes and take a breath, then reopen them with a new sense of clarity. I know this is my only shot to save their family.

  The vampire stops moving for just a second, and I release the arrow.

  It hits the center of the vampire’s head and they fall to the ground. Haylee catches herself just as Hunter rushes forward and rips the vampire away from her. She’s starting to crawl away when Zach reaches her and helps her to her feet.

  He clasps her cheeks. “Are you okay?”

  He doesn’t give her time to answer because he crashes his lips onto hers. Then he cradles her head into his neck as she cries, clutching the back of his shirt.

  Hunter shifts back into his human form and runs up t
o me. He pulls me into an embrace, and I close my eyes, resting my head on his chest.

  I pull away and look up at him. His eyes are still glowing softly as he stares down at me. He bends over and gives me a soft kiss. We break away when we see Zach carrying Haylee over to us. He sets her down on shaky legs when they reach us, but he still holds her close.

  Haylee reaches forward and grabs my hand. “Thank you for saving our lives. Especially—"

  She doesn’t say anything more as she places her free hand on her stomach. Zach places his hand over hers and mouths his thank you.

  “No thanks are necessary. I wasn’t going to let anything happen to you guys,” I reply honestly.

  She gives me a small smile and releases my hand.

  “Dani and Kyler don’t know yet. We haven’t made the announcement, so if we could keep this between us…” Zach says, resting both of his hands on her stomach.

  “Your secret is safe with us.” Hunter looks down at me.

  I laugh. They keep our secret. The least we can do is keep theirs.

  “Of course it is,” Zach chuckles as we make our way back to the Jeep.

  Kyler is leaning against the Jeep as Dani paces. She looks up as we approach.

  “Oh, my God, Hails! Are you okay?” She runs forward and hugs Haylee tightly.

  “Yeah, I'm okay. Aria and Hunter saved me before I became dinner,” Haylee replies.

  “Well, I mean, you can still be dinner.” Zach winks at her.

  “Gross.” Dani scrunches her nose and stares at her brother.

  Haylee narrows her eyes at him.

  “Too soon?” Zach asks, a smile forming across his lips.

  “Yeah, dude, pretty sure five minutes is too soon,” Kyler laughs.

  Hunter and I watch in amusement. Seeing them interact with each other makes me miss my home back in New Orleans, and my friends. Being away has helped me see what a total bitch I’ve been to everyone.

  “You guys go back to the house and I’ll hang back and deal with the bodies,” Hunter says, grabbing a dead vampire.

  “You sure?” I ask. “I can help.”

  He takes one look at me. “Yes, I’m sure. Make sure everyone gets home safely and get cleaned up. I’ll catch up with you guys soon.”


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