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Rising Moon: The Awakened Trilogy #2

Page 23

by Amanda Carol

  Gunner watches after her. “Sparkles?”

  “I’ll let her explain that to you,” I reply, and he nods. “Let me know if you need anything.”

  He stares at Kat for another moment before going inside.

  The next two days are all a blur as we get ready for my father’s Moon Run. Haku, the Alpha from Hawaii, was the next to arrive, followed by Khari from Africa and Clyde from Russia. Last to show up was Oliver from Australia.

  I’m really glad that Aria had helped my mother and Kora take control of things. My mom and Aria have been getting to know each other more, so my mom says. I’m glad, because Aria’s not going anywhere if I have anything to say about it.

  I’m lying down on my bed with Aria in my arms, grateful for the peaceful moment in the midst of all the chaos of this week.

  “Have you tried using the link to connect with all the shifters yet?” she asks, her fingers idly drawing circles on my chest.

  “No, I haven’t,” I answer. “I honestly don’t know how.”

  She sits up, crossing her bare legs under her. “Let’s try something small. Try talking to both me and Bennett. Focus on only us, and say something, like, I don’t know, hi or whatever.”

  I stare at her for a moment. Her faith in me is astounding.

  “Okay.” I close my eyes, and focus on her and Bennett only, and open the link.

  Hi or whatever.

  What the hell, Hunt? I was about to get in the shower, Bennett answers.

  Thanks for sharing, Aria responds.

  You are welcome, Blondie. Wait, are we linked together? Bennett asks. I can hear the excitement in his voice.

  Yes. We are, I say, and I open my eyes to see Aria smiling at me.

  Okay, good. Now that I have you both here, can I switch Alphas with someone? Clyde scares me. Every time I try to talk to him, he stares at me like he wants to slaughter me. Dude, it’s creepy, Bennett says.

  Aria bursts out laughing next to me.

  We can talk about it later, but you’ll just have to suck it up for now, I tell him, then close the link to them.

  “Consider that karma for all the times he’s interrupted us,” I laugh and pull Aria to me, cradling her head and crashing my lips onto hers.

  She pulls back, giggling. “I considered a collar with a bell, but this works so much better.”

  She kisses me again and we get lost in each other for a few minutes. I’ve been so busy with everything that I haven’t had time with just her. She lays her head back down on my chest.

  “Do you think the other Alphas will stay and help out with Isabella?” she asks.

  “I’m not sure. I think they would, but there’s only one way to find out for sure.”

  I close my eyes and concentrate on all the other Alphas, and I ask them to come over to my cabin.

  Aria and I quickly get ready and go downstairs to wait. We hear a knock on the door.

  “Aloha kakahiaka,” Haku says, angling his large body to fit in the doorway. He’s a large man with Hawaiian markings tattooed up his arms. He looks at Aria and laughs. “I’m sorry. ‘Aloha kakahiaka’ means ‘good morning’ in Hawaiian.”

  Aria nods her head, but doesn’t say anything.

  Khari steps in behind Haku and shakes Aria’s hand, then mine.

  “Habari, good morning.” He smiles, then steps inside.

  “Man, this heat feels wonderful. It’s winter in Australia. Morning!” Oliver says as he arrives.

  This dude has been a hit with the ladies. Blonde hair and blue eyes, and all muscle. Clyde walks in and nods, but doesn’t say anything. He’s a mystery to everyone here.

  Gunner is the last to arrive, which he does in a suit. Well, he doesn’t have a jacket, but his sleeves are rolled up to his forearms and I can make out some tattoos on his arms.

  “Sorry I'm late. Kat was introducing me to Sparkles,” he says.

  “Oh, that lovely unicorn. He seems fancy, doesn’t he?” Oliver says in his Australian accent. “I was out for a run and accidentally scared the poor thing.”

  “Poor Sparkles,” Aria mumbles under her breath.

  I wrap my arm around her and pull her to me.

  “Thank you all for coming over, and I hope that we’ve accommodated you all well. If there is anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask,” I say, standing a little taller. “I do have something I'd like to ask you, and it’s okay if you choose to say no. We have come face to face with Isabella, the original vampire. She’s going to try and release the Titans.”

  “In order for her to succeed, she needs my brother’s blood, which she has been trying to get. This woman is patient and cunning, and if you’re dumb enough to call her bluff, you might as well start making your own Moon Run arrangements,” Aria explains, and all six Alphas turn their attention to her. “She will stop at nothing to get what she wants. We killed her accomplice, but don’t underestimate her. She more than likely has a plan B.”

  “We would like to ask for your help. If she succeeds and the Titans are released, then that means hell on earth, for all of us. I hate to ask so much of you, but—” I start to say, but I’m cut off as Khari stands.

  “Listen to me, boy,” he says, walking over to me. “Your father has told us many stories about you, and how much you have accomplished in your Beta role.” He grabs the back of my head and places his forehead against mine. “I will stand by you, and I will get the rest of my pack to prepare.”

  He pulls back and steps aside, and I'm taken aback.

  “The Hawaiians will have your back too.” Haku steps forward. “Ohana, brother.”

  He pulls me into a hug. Then the rest of the others come up and do the same. I’m having a hard time believing any of this. This is…surreal. First the first time in my life, I believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that I can lead this pack and win this war.

  When the Alphas leave, Aria and I spend a little time in my garage before its time to start getting ready for my father’s Moon Run. I’m working on my car while Aria paints.

  “Hunter,” Aria says.

  I look up at her.

  “Come here.”

  I walk over to her, and as I get closer, her smile grows. When I walk around to stand next to her, I do a double take at the painting.

  “I painted this for you,” she tells me.

  I stare down at it. It’s got my Impala coming out of the woods, and the trees are formed in the shape of my wolf. The moon sits high in the corner; the light reflects off the car and in the bottom corner the words “Be a simple man” are etched into the blades of grass.

  I let out a breath. “Baby, this is amazing.”

  I turn toward her, cup her cheeks, and lean down to kiss her, swiping my tongue against her bottom lip. She opens her mouth slightly and I deepen the kiss, slowly drinking her in, and putting all my unspoken words of gratitude into this kiss. I pull back, resting my forehead against hers.

  “Thank you,” I murmur.

  Then I lace her fingers in mine, and we walk inside, hand-in-hand. It’s time to start getting ready for tonight.

  Dressed in all black from head to toe, I make my way downstairs and wait for Aria to finish getting ready. I’m sitting on the couch strumming on my guitar when Aria comes downstairs. She’s wearing a short black dress that shows off those legs of hers. The straps are thin, but she’s carrying a black sweater to wrap around her shoulders. When my eyes travel down to her feet, I’m not surprised to find her wearing black Converse. I get up, and she comes straight into my arms. I place a kiss on the top of her head, and she grabs my hand. We then make my way over to my mom’s house, where my father’s body is lying in wait for his final resting place.

  On our walk, wolves and witches alike line our path. The six other Alphas are standing just at the bottom of the steps, right next to my father’s casket. My eyes start to fill with tears, and I squeeze Aria’s hand. I feel the tug and open the link.

  I’m here, Aria tells me, and she brings our linked hands up to
her lips and places a soft kiss on the back on my hand.

  Then she releases my hand and goes to stand next to my mother. My mother is crying, and Aria wraps her arms around her. I look to my Betas, and they both nod, understanding that I want them to look after my mom and my girl.

  Exhaling sharply, I grab the handle of my father’s casket. The other six Alphas grab a spot. As we slowly make our way forward, the others walk in line behind us. In front of us, Abby and Zayne are lighting up the pebbles and lighting our path down to where we bury shifters who have lost their lives. Abby and Zayne fall in line behind us and we finally make it to my father’s gravesite. Aria steps forward with Abby, and they use the air element to help us lower my father down. Then Aria uses earth element to bring vines up over his headstone, making a beautiful and intricate design. I lean down, placing a hand over his tombstone.

  “I will not let you down, Dad,” I whisper softly and wipe my eyes.

  I glance at where we laid Axton to rest and watch as Aria forms an intricate design over his tombstone. When she’s finished, our gazes lock and she gives me a weak smile. She wipes the tears from her eyes as she goes back over to Declan. I stand and go over to my mom. I wrap my arm around her and we make our way back over to the same boulder my father stood on when we ran for Axton. Before I can say anything, the air around us grows heavy.

  Artemis is here along, with two other gods. There are collective growls from the shifters, and some of them shift. Bennett and Knox stand in front of Aria and my mom, while the six other Alphas step forward, their eyes glowing brightly.

  I step up, putting my hands up. “Whoa, it’s okay. They aren’t a threat.”

  Some people relax, but the Alphas are still standing in defense.

  “Artemis, please get your dogs under control,” one of the gods says, then turns to Aria. “Hello, love. Long time no see.”

  I turn my head to Aria and quirk a brow.

  “Hello, Ares. It hasn’t been long enough,” Aria quips, taking a step toward me.

  I feel the tug and open the link.

  I met him the night of the attack. I’m sorry. I should have told you, but with everything that happened… She trails off.

  I reach for her, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her to me. She came face-to-face with the God of War. I’m just glad she’s okay.

  “Ah, the lovers shared an intimate exchange.” Ares smirks.

  “Ares, must you wreak havoc everywhere you go?” a man asks.

  I can’t believe I didn’t even notice it before. He looks exactly like Artemis. Brown hair, brown eyes, the works.

  “Why, yes, Apollo. I am the God of War.” Ares rolls his eyes.

  “We know,” Aria says.

  Ares is in her face before I can even blink. She meets his stare, and he laughs.

  “I’m surprised she’s one of yours, Artemis.” Ares claps; his eyes flick to me. “She’s beauty, light, and chaos all rolled into one tiny package.” He leans in closer. “Cherish her.”

  Then he walks away.

  I already do.

  “I’m sorry for the interruption, my young warriors,” Artemis says. “I’m glad you are all gathered here together, and my apologies on popping in at such a time as this. But, I have gifted young Hunter here a moonstone. There is only one in existence. It makes wolves stronger, faster. You will heal quicker, but it also protects from Wolfsbane.”

  The wolves in front of me step in closer and stare at me. I still haven’t forgiven myself for not telling my father about the Moonstone when I had the chance. Maybe if I had, he wouldn’t have jumped in front of me, and he would still be alive.

  God, there’s so much I wish I would have said to him while I still had the chance.

  “Here is something that no one besides myself and the witch who created the gene knows. If an Alpha is wearing the necklace, its magic will protect the pack,” Artemis finishes.

  “Why did you give it to me, then?” I all but shout.

  “Here we go.” Ares suddenly gets interested in the conversation.

  “Your destiny, young wolf, was to become the Alpha. Not just of this pack, but of all of them. All seven of you are meant to be here. To join together as one, because you’ll be stronger together. Isabella doesn’t know such a gem exists, so you will have an advantage over her she won’t see coming,” Apollo explains.

  “No, it can’t be me. There are other six other wolves standing here who would be a much better Alpha than me,” I say, my heart starting to beat faster.

  I look at the other six Alphas standing in front of me. I expect to see anger on their faces but it’s the opposite. They are smiling and nodding.

  Haku steps forward. “We told you we would follow you.”

  Then, one by one, they all kneel down in front of me. I glance behind them at my pack, and then, turning abruptly, I jump up on the boulder.

  “There are no words to describe everything we’ve lost in these past few months. We lost Axton. He was our friend, our pack member. He was loyal and kind. And we lost our Alpha, a man who always put his pack first above anything else. He was a devoted husband, and…” I pause, looking down at Aria for a moment. “And he had faith that one day, I would rise to the occasion and become a great Alpha. I wasn’t ready for it, but I am now. If you stand with me, with us, we will fight in this war with Isabella.” I suck in a breath, looking at everyone standing before me. “And we will win.”

  There is no hesitation.

  Every single wolf shifts.

  The moonstone shines brightly under my shirt, and I pull it out. Once the moonlight hits it, it casts out bright blue rays of light and touches every single wolf.

  “Isabella has no power over us now. So, let’s run. Because, starting tomorrow, we have work to do.”

  The wolves howl as I jump down and go to my girl.

  “I can’t do this without you, baby. I want you by my side, always.” I hold out my hand to Aria. “Run with me.”

  She smiles at me and places her hand in mine. “I’d love to.”

  She smiles as I howl in human form. And together, we run hand-in-hand and lead our pack into the night.

  Thump. Thump.

  Opening the door to the house I’ve been renting out, I hear the soft heartbeat of the human I’ve got downstairs. I like to think of it as my own personal blood fountain. I used to have another, but Ronan killed him. Luna won’t be so happy when she finds out. Good thing Henry wasn’t Abby’s real father.

  Thump. Thump.

  The heels of my boots clack against the hardwood floors as I make my way into the kitchen. Storming the Compound to get that pathetic boy’s blood was Ronan’s idea.

  “Brute force is how you’ll get it,” is what he said to me.

  Well, brute force is what cost him his life and ruined my original plan.

  Thump. Thump.

  I grab a clear glass and the bottle of bourbon sitting next to it. As I pour myself a drink, the air around me grows thick with power. I glance up at the wall.

  Thump. Thump.

  “Hello, Athena,” I say, taking a sip of the bourbon and turning around.

  The Goddess of Wisdom and War Strategy stands before me. Her blonde hair is pulled back in a tight ponytail, which makes her sharp features even more fierce.

  “Would you like a drink?” I ask.

  Thump. Thump.

  “You failed. You still don’t have the last bit of blood needed.” She sits down in a chair, crossing her legs.

  I scoff, tipping the glass back and letting the amber liquid burn the back of my throat. It’s not blood, but it’ll do.

  Thump. Thump.

  I pour more bourbon into my glass, taking another hefty sip. “It wasn’t a complete bust. Alexander is dead. And while the young wolf grieves and takes his position as the new Alpha, it will buy me some time.”

  Maybe Ronan’s stupid plan wasn’t so stupid after all.

  Thump. Thump.

  “It seems as though my family ma
y be going against Zeus’s orders,” Athena says, quirking a delicate brow. “I don’t know what they’re doing, but just be careful. They have my brother Ares on their side.”

  “I will succeed in my plan.” I turn around, drink the rest of the bourbon, and slam the glass on the counter.

  I’ll just need to up the stakes.

  Thump. Thump.

  “How? You had plenty of chances to grab the last of Apollo’s descendant’s blood, and you’ve still come up empty-handed.” Athena raises her voice and the house shakes.

  I roll my eyes before turning back around to her.

  Thump. Thump.

  I smirk. “Did you forget that I come from your bloodline, Athena? I know you’re doing this out of sheer boredom, but I will seek my revenge on the gods and release the Titans. I will watch this godforsaken world burn.”

  I turn on my heel and head down to the basement.

  Thump. Thump.

  “Where are you going?” Athena asks.

  I turn to her. “The thing about heroes is, they don’t make sacrifices for the greater good.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means, it’s time for plan B.”

  With that, I continue on to the basement. The thumping of the heartbeat gets louder. My mouth starts to water, and I think about her warm blood dripping down my throat.

  Thump. Thump.

  Thump. Thump.

  I open the door and walk over to a cage. The blonde woman is lying still, no doubt weak from all the blood loss. I walk over to her and kneel down beside her. She whimpers when I pick up her arm, bringing her wrist up to my mouth. I push the fabric of her shirt up her arm and drop my fangs.


  Her heartbeat quickens as I sink my teeth into her wrist. It doesn’t start to slow until after a few big gulps of blood. Drinking blood feels euphoric. It’s like when humans get high off ecstasy. All of your senses are magnified: you see better, you move better, and the very slightest caress of something on your skin feels phenomenal.

  Ronan was a means to an end. I used him to get to the twins. Even though he lost them because his thirst for blood was so much stronger that night, he made up for it by locating Abby. And when I saw her with Leuce, I put together the pieces of the ever-complicated puzzle that is Hades and Persephone.


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