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Artist's Bride

Page 5

by Alexa Blue

  “Fuck,” Harry says, moaning as his hands travel lower. “I really tried my utmost to ensure this does not happen, but fuck, if I don’t have you now, I am going to lose it. You’re driving me crazy.”

  With that statement, he grabs me and pulls me toward him; his mouth claiming mine.

  He kisses me with the intensity of someone who had been without water for a few days—he needs to quench his thirst, no matter what the stakes.

  He needs it.

  His tongue plays with mine, and I let out a moan. I place my hands behind his neck and pull him down into me, giving in with the same wild abandonment. I can feel he’s hardness pressing against my head.

  “I want you too,” I whisper to him, laying down and looking up at him.

  He stops momentarily to look at me. “You’re sure?” he asks.

  “Yes!” I breathe. “I want you to be my first,” answering the question he didn’t ask. I look him in the eyes when I tell him this.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man,” he says, smiling broadly. He begins to shower my neck with kisses as he starts disrobing me. Laying down next to me on the soft rug, he murmurs, “God, but you’re beautiful, I love the softness of your skin,” while touching and exploring my every voluptuous curve.

  His mouth finds a nipple, making me moan out loud. He sucks my breast while his hand slowly moves lower. I take in a sharp breath when he finds my heated spot, and I instinctively open my legs, wider to give him better access. I want to show him what he does to me too.

  “Fuck, this pussy is wet and ready for me,” he growls, and starts playing with my clit.

  “Please!” I beg for some kind of release, and start fucking his finger.

  I feel a few seconds of coldness down there and then the pressure of his beautiful mouth is on my pussy, replacing his fingers. I look down and take in a magnificent sight. He’s sitting between my legs and eating me like I’m the most delicious dessert he’s ever had.

  “I want you to cum in my mouth, honey,” he coaches, tongue fucking my pussy.

  I start to move in rhythm, while he’s applying more pressure with his tongue. Feeling the pressure building, I can feel myself starting to go over the edge.

  I start begging him for some release. “Oh, God! Fuck...yes…pleaseee… I’m going to cum!”

  My body starts shaking out of control, wracked with tremors. I grab his head, pulling him toward me, and my fingers dig into his scalp. I need him close to me. He holds me as wave after wave passes through my body.

  When I eventually get my breath back, he says with a huge grin, “I won’t ask if you enjoyed that, because you obviously did.” “I’m hoping to spend the rest of my life, giving you so much pleasure.”

  Seeing he’s still aroused and wanting to please him too, I shyly start to touch him through his trunks.

  My God, but he’s big.

  What if he can’t fit in me? Is my fleeting thought.

  I finally relieve him of his briefs, and when I take his big dick in my hands, he throws his head back in pure pleasure.

  I place my mouth on his dick, and he lets out a loud groan. “Oh, fuck yeah, honey, I’m going to teach you how to please me.” He moves my head back and forth while I’m sucking him. His pace increases, and I can taste him in my mouth. His moans grow louder until he growls, “fuck! I need to be inside you now.”

  Grabbing me, he lays me next to him, and finds my wet, golden spot again with his fingers. When I’m literally drenched, he positions himself between my legs. He lifts my butt with his hands, and pulls me toward him. His big cock presses against my entrance.

  Spreading my legs wider, he whispers, “I’m going to try not to hurt you too much,” as he starts to push.

  “Simultaneous pain and pleasure shoot through my body as he enters me slowly. He covers his mouth with mine in a deep kiss, licking the tears escaping my eyes, as he starts to move in rhythm with me… thrusting in and out of me. I hold onto his body and bite down as his rhythm increases. We’re moaning and kissing at the same time. I’m starting to spin out of control again. I beg him to cum with me.

  Looking at me with raw desire, his pace has become faster and more frenetic. I lose control at the same time that he gives one powerful push, shouting, “Honey, oh fuck… I’m going to cum…”

  Harry shoots his warm seed into my tight pussy. We both explode at the same time…

  When we finally get our breath back, he rolls off me and then jumps up with a start. “Shit, you’re bleeding, honey! Don’t do anything, I’ll be right back.” He returns with a clean cloth and starts cleaning me up, giving me gentle kisses while he’s doing this.

  “You’re truly mine now,” he says proudly while looking at me. “I wouldn’t mind if we made a baby today.”

  I look at him with a smile, agreeing. Although I’m feeling a bit sore, I cannot remember ever having felt this content. I’ve just given myself to the first man I’ve ever fallen in love with. I know there will be no one else after him.

  When I eventually manage to stand, I’m still a bit shaky. Looking at me, he takes me into his arms saying, “I think we’re done for today, I want you to get some rest. I can’t seem to control myself around you, so it’s for both our sakes, that I take you home. I’d hate for you to start thinking I’m a dirty old man that just wants to pounce on you,” he says with a grin.

  “I don’t mind,” I reply, “I loved what you did to me.”

  “And I loved doing you,” he says winking, and hugging me closer, “but you need to heal. I don’t want to hurt you anymore. We have the rest of our lives to experience this kind of pleasure daily.”

  “I’m driving you home,” he offers. “I’ll have your car delivered to you early tomorrow morning.”

  “Thanks,” I reply, “I’m off from work tomorrow. I’ve had to arrange for day’s leave. My mom is coming into town, and we’ve agreed to meet. I’m not really looking forward to it, but as they say, you don’t get to choose your family, especially your mother. She’s a force to be reckoned with.”

  “I gathered you’re not too close with her, based on our earlier conversation,” he says.

  “Sadly, all I can remember growing up with her was just wanting to be accepted by her. Just to feel some form of affection. I probably turned out to be everything she did not want in a daughter. Too curvy, and I resemble my dad that she refuses to discuss with me. I’m not her version of ‘perfection’ and probably never will be.”

  “Well, always remember this from now on, you will always be my version of perfection,” he says, hugging me tighter.

  “As I’ve mentioned, I’ve had a difficult relationship with my dad, too. I’m glad to report that since meeting him yesterday, we’ve reconciled. He’s back to being the dad I knew. But, yeah, I understand what you’re going through.”



  I look at my goldilocks and make a silent vow to always protect her. Maybe it’s time to tell her about my dad’s illness now. Get everything out in the open.

  “Honey, remember I told you about seeing my parents yesterday,” I remind her.

  She nods her head in response.

  “My reason for visiting them is that my dad is actually very sick, and he needs a kidney. I’m donating one of mine to him.”

  She looks at me with a shocked expression spread across her face.

  “It’s ok,” I reassure her. “I’m a match for my dad, and success rates with these kinds of operations are reasonably high these days.”

  “Sorry to hear about your dad,” she whispers. “Can something happen to you during this operation?” Bree asks in a small voice.

  “My dad’s the one with the higher risk,” I reassure her. Placing my fingers under her chin, I force her to look at me. Her beautiful brown eyes glisten at me.

  “Listen to me. Nothing’s going to happen to me. Especially not now that I’ve met you, future wife.”

  That, at least, elicits a small smile from her.

  “We’re going to be ok,” I tell her again, holding her tight in my arms.

  There is no need for me to bother her with my own fears. I’m hoping for the best.

  “Okay, enough sad talk for one day,” I tell her. “We’ve lots to be happy for.”

  “Let’s go,” I tell her, leading her by the hand. “Do you want me to be there with you tomorrow when you meet your mom?” I ask her.

  “It’s okay, I’m used to handling her,” she replies with a wry smile. “And I certainly do not want her to hit on you, one of the many bad habits she has.”

  “I kid you not,” she replies when she sees me raising a brow. “I think she does it just to see if she still has that ‘it’ factor. My mom is a gorgeous woman, and she knows—”

  “So are you.”

  “Thanks,” she replies, blushing with pleasure.



  I’m hoping my mom behaves when I introduce her to Harry. I’m sure she’ll take notice of our age difference immediately. She’ll be aware that she’s closer to Harry’s age than me, giving her an automatic license to flirt away. This time I’m going to be putting my foot down firmly.

  Worries about the operation that Harry’s about to have niggles in the back of my mind. But I’m going to trust that everything will be fine.

  It’s not like he has much of a choice and it’s a great thing he’s doing for his dad. I just pray they both make it through safely. Losing him now would devastate me, but I’m going to trust that everything works out just fine.

  We eventually arrive at my place. Harry insists on walking me inside, wanting to ensure that I’m comfortable. I’m feeling a bit sore, but it’s a kind of pain I don’t mind.

  He bundles me up in a light comforter, leaving me seated before the television.

  “Where is your kitchen,” he asks, “I want to make you a cup of tea before I leave.”

  He sits across from me with his cup of tea in hand, scrutinizing me, and looking a bit concerned.

  “I hate to just leave you now,” he states. “You’ve been through quite a bit today, and there’s a lot to process. I should be with you right now.” His voice is full of genuine regret.

  “I’m fine,” I reassure him again, smiling. “You can go now.”

  “Is it ok if I see you after your meeting with your mom tomorrow? I want to take you out for dinner.”

  “That’s fine,” I grin, “I’m looking forward to it.”

  He kneels and takes me in his arms again, giving me a lingering kiss, and, with a peck on my forehead, he leaves. I feel like a part of me leaves with him.

  I wake in the early hours of the morning, startled that I’m still in my chair. I must’ve fallen asleep from sheer exhaustion.

  Notification lights flash from my phone. There are three messages from Harry, wanting to know if I’m ok and another from Adriana.

  Deciding to start my day earlier than my usual routine, I take a quick shower. I send Harry and Adriana messages, letting them both know that I’m ok.

  Now to start the preparation for mommy dearest; mostly mental. A few hours later, I’m all ready and waiting for her.

  I return Adriana’s call and catch her up on what’s been happening. We set a date to meet up tomorrow for lunch.

  The ringing of my doorbell announces, what I assume, is my mom. Opening the door, I’m surprised to see she’s not by herself. There is an attractive younger man just behind her.

  Before I can get a word in, she rushes through the door and into my place.

  “Hi, honey, how have you been?” She does all this while air kissing my cheeks, French style.

  “This is Jake. Jake, this is Bree,” she introduces me to the man she’s with. “She’s the daughter, I told you about,” she says, glancing towards Jake.

  Jake is standing and looking at me with discomfort written all over his face. His forced smile does not reach his eyes when he looks in my direction as my mom makes the introductions.

  Politely shaking his hand, I feel sorry for the poor man. I’m assuming he’s the guy she was telling me about the other day—the one I had to lose weight for. He’s not my type, and I’m clearly not his.

  I’m about to offer them seats when there’s another knock on my door. Wondering who it could be, I rush to open the door.

  Relief floods my face when I see it’s Harry. Mouthing a silent, ‘Thank God,’ I open the door wider and let him in.

  He grabs me and starts kissing me. “Good morning, goldilocks. I was worried about you.” His tall, athletic body towers over me as he holds me in his arms.

  My mom, clearing her throat very loudly in the background, announces her presence. Harry looks up, only then realizing we have company.

  “Apologies, I thought we were alone,” he claims, sneaking a wink in at me.

  My mom, ever the flirt, looks Harry up and down.

  “I’m Angelika,” she announces, and saunters over in our direction. “And you are?” she asks, arms extended, smiling coyly.

  “I’m the guy that’s going to marry your daughter,” Harry drawls. “My name’s Harry.” He takes her extended hand in a lukewarm shake. Clearly, her usual charm is not going to work on him.

  Raising her eyebrows at his statement, she looks at me. “Well, this is a sudden development. Why don’t I know about this?”

  “Why would you, Angelika? You know we don’t have that kind of relationship,” I say, deciding to play along with Harry.

  “There’s no need for sarcasm!” she shouts, thoroughly ticked off now. She turns to Jake. “I think we’ll leave now. Clearly, you have ‘more important’ matters on your mind.”

  Having said that, she struts out of my place with the same speed she had when she entered earlier, poor Jake trailing behind her.

  “Sorry if I messed things up with your mom,” Harry apologizes as we hear my mom drive off with screeching tires.

  “Apology not needed, that’s sadly how we roll,” I reply wryly.

  “I meant what I said to your mom. I do want to marry you if you’re willing to wait for me?” He says.

  I look at him, shocked, but elated when I see he’s serious.

  “Yes... Oh, my God, yes! I’ll wait, and I do want to marry you,” I grin. “I think I’m falling in love with you,” Harry.

  “And I’m already in love with you, so we’re on the right track,” he says, taking me into his arms and kissing me hungrily. “I’m never letting you go.”

  Feeling the heat rising between us again, I take him by the hand, and lead him to my bedroom.

  We leisurely get undressed as we explored each other’s bodies. We have the rest of the day to ourselves, and this time, our lovemaking is more paced. We take the time to learn one another’s wants and needs.

  Each time Harry came inside me, he rubbed my belly and said that our baby is starting to grow inside me.

  Much later, we order takeout, deciding to eat in. I sit, eat and listen while Harry explains to me what kind of procedure he’ll be undergoing with his operation.

  “That’s the reason I asked if you’ll wait for me. I’m going to need a few months to recuperate. I will have to go for regular visits to the hospital, till our doctor gives us the okay.” There’s a hint of sadness in his eyes again. “Our doctor says all of this could take a couple of months, and I want my dad at our wedding. That’s why I’d like for us to wait a while. But only if you’re okay with that? I’m thinking six months after the operation should be fine?”

  “That’s perfect with me,” I say, giving him a kiss. “I can’t wait to meet your parents.”

  “They’re looking forward to meeting you too. I told them about you already,” he says with a smile, pulling me tighter. “I’m looking forward to a bright future with you,” my goldilocks.



  Eighteen Months Later…

  I’m sitting on our porch, taking in the warmth of this beautiful summer day. I glance down at my beautiful bab
y boy, currently sucking on my breast for dear life. I still cannot believe how lucky I am.

  “You need to leave daddy some of those boobies, Josh, else we’re going to have a major problem,” I tell him, smiling down at him. “Your daddy’s very possessive over them.” Josh’s response is to suck even harder… Yeah, daddy’s boy, alright.

  He looks like a miniature version of Harry, with just my blonde hair coloring.

  So much has changed in the last year and a half. We had a few scares with regards to my father-in-law’s health, but all has been well now for the past six months. Harry’s recovery was less problematic due to his age and excellent health.

  Harry bought a property almost next door to his parent’s home. He wanted our son to be close to his grandparents, and his parents, in turn, could not be happier.

  His parents have welcomed me in with open arms; his mother treating me like the daughter she never had. Having never had someone make such a fuss over me, I’m lapping up all the attention.

  We set a date for the wedding the day I confirmed I was pregnant. My mom’s response to our invite was just downright rude. I received a curt email, informing us she won’t be able to attend, as she will not be in the country. Harry had to console me afterwards when he found me crying after reading her response.

  I’ve decided not to inform her about the birth of our son. She can find out for herself. If she’s interested in meeting him, I won’t deny her access, but I’m done. The only reason I’m allowing her to see her grandchild is because if it weren’t for our argument, I would not have met Harry.

  So, indirectly, she is responsibility for our meeting.

  The sound of Harry’s car pulling up takes me out of my reverie. I look at my handsome husband as he approaches me with a huge grin on his face.


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