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Page 5

by A. R. Breck

  "What happened?"

  He inhales a shaky breath. "He, uh, had a heart attack on his wedding anniversary. They were all driving, and it happened. Suddenly and horribly. They crashed the car and her mom got pretty injured. Ended up having a brain hemorrhage and passing away at the hospital a few days later. Mercy was the only one to make it out alive."

  I puff out the breath I was holding. Holy shit, that's some crazy shit. "So, you took in a little kid? How old is she, like ten?" I could deal with that; she'll probably just stay out of my way.

  He grimaces. "No, actually. She's seventeen."

  "What?" I say loudly. Too loudly.

  He looks over at me with wide eyes. "It's not as bad as it seems. She's very polite and has been a good addition to the family. We've been doing a lot of family dinners and her and Aric get along very well."

  I bet they are.

  I sneer, "I don't want some dramatic teenager hassling me at every fucking turn."

  All I can picture is drama. I know what a seventeen-year-old girl is like. I fucking hate them.

  "Watch your language, Aeron. You will show her respect or else you can find yourself a different place to park your ass." He says sternly.

  Puffing out a shocked laugh, I say, "You would kick me out for some girl you don't even know?"

  "I know her, Aeron. We've gotten to know her over the past few weeks and she's nothing but a sweet girl. You'll like her, give her a chance."

  I don't want to give her a chance, and I don't need to. I don't want some random trampling through my fucking house like she owns the place, leaving her tampons and girly shit all over the house. Whining with any kind of drama that doesn't go her way.

  No, thanks. That shit does not appeal to me, at all.

  I don't fucking care what he thinks or wants to believe, this is my house. My territory. She better stay out of my way or I'll drag her by her hair all the back to wherever the hell she came from.

  Fucking orphan or not.



  "Who are you texting over there?" I ask Aric.

  The both of us are in his room, me laying back on his bed and he's sitting on the floor with his back up against the bed.

  "The boys want to go to some party tonight." He says, shooting off a text.

  Nerves seize my chest. A party? "What are you saying? Are you going?"

  "Nah." He looks up at me. "Unless you want to? I haven't been to the last few, but I figured it's not really your scene."

  Not my scene? What am I, a nun? "Do you want to go?" I don't want to hold him back, or anything. I could go out, I guess.

  Or, maybe he doesn't want me to go. Shit, I kind of hope that’s the case.

  "You know, I can always stay here. You can go if you want." I roll over, ready to get up and go back to my room, but he gets up instantly to block my way.

  "Wait. I want you to go with me. I didn't want to force you into going if you didn't want to. I really don't mind hanging around here, you know? We could go swimming or something."

  As much as he's trying to make me happy, I can see the inkling of wanting to go in his eyes. I can't hold him back. I'll do it. For Aric. "No. Let's go. I think it'll be fun."

  "Really?" His smile brightens up his entire face, I think the room even gets brighter.

  So worth it.

  "Yes. I'll go get ready, and then we can go?"

  "Cool. I'll text them now." He's already texting away by the time I leave his room.

  Shit, I hope this is a good idea.


  Dressed in shorts and a shimmery tank, I readjust my hair for about the hundredth time. Aric banged on the bathroom door about five minutes ago, but like always, my hair never cooperates at the time I need it to the most.

  Bang, bang.

  "Come on, Mercy!" He opens the door, much to my dismay. Whistling, he says, "You look hot. Well, if you would quit messing with your hair, it's looking kinda messy right now." He twirls his finger around my head.

  "Ugh! I can't go, my hair sucks." I drop my hands and slap them against my sides. "Go without me. It'd be better if I just stayed back anyway."

  "No, no, no. I'm kidding. You look fine. Put it back up and let's go. Now."

  Knowing I'm not getting out of this, I throw my hair up and frown at it. It'll do, I guess.


  "Uh huh."

  I turn off the bathroom light, and as we start walking down the stairs, we hear the garage door shut.

  "Little brother!”

  Both of us freeze, and that voice breaks chills out along my spine.

  My God, that deep voice.

  "Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I forgot about Aeron." Aric says, closing his eyes and looking up at the ceiling.

  A second later, he turns the corner.


  "Well, you must be Mercy." Dressed in gray sweats and a hoodie, he looks like sin in gray. The way he says my name sounds like poison dripping on his tongue. I’m not sure if the way he says it is a good thing or a bad thing.

  His hood is pulled up over his head, but his full lips and angular jaw are only accentuated in the shadows. I can't see what his hair looks like, but it looks the same color as Aric's and has a slight curl to it as it hangs over his forehead.

  Tall like Aric and Dave, I have to wonder if there's something in this water. They're all tall and built like football players. Fucking Greek God's of men.

  "Do you speak?" He lifts a shadowed eyebrow at me.

  "Leave her alone, Aeron." Dave turns the corner and looks up at us frozen on the stairs. "Hey, guys. Where are you headed?"

  This snaps Aric out of his shock, and he lets out a smile and walks the rest of the way down. "Aeron, good to see you, brother." He walks up to him and they give each other a hug and slap each other on the back.

  "Good to see you too, man." Aeron says, and his low voice. God, his low voice.

  When he looks up at me over Aric's shoulder with his gray eyes, my heart stops.

  Just full fledge stops mid-beat. I try to take a breath, but it's like the air gets sucked out of the room like a vortex, leaving only Aeron standing and staring at me with those full lips and blue eyes. Holy shit, his eyes are blue. They look like the Caribbean Sea, with such a deep blue with a shade of green. It’s almost overwhelming.

  I. Can't. Breathe.

  "So, do you speak, Mercy?" He waltzes up to me with the laziest swagger known to man. Once he reaches me, he holds out his hand and says, "I'm Aeron."

  My heart starts up again, thumping so loudly I'm worried everyone in this room can hear it.

  Holding my hand out, I say, "S-sorry. I'm Mercy." The moment my hand touches his, it's like a current of heat and cool and everything good and bad in the world sinks between our palms.

  I yank my hand out of his palm as my heart stops again.

  I'm going to pass out soon if my heart doesn't make up its damn mind.

  He lifts his mouth into a smirk as if he knows what he's doing to me.

  Aric walks up and grabs my hand, starting up my heart again and making it race. Just as Aric always does when he's around, makes my heart race and tummy flutter.

  Aeron... he does something different. So much different than anything my body has ever felt before.

  "We're going to a party. We should be back in a while." He says, frowning at Aeron.

  "Who's throwing the party?" He asks, leaning his hand up against the banister. He does not in any way look like he just got out of jail, rather ready for the next party.

  I can already smell the horrible ideas festering in his head.

  "Shane's house." Aric says with an apprehensive lilt.

  Aeron nods. "Cool. See ya." Hiking his duffle over his shoulder, he swipes past us and hops up the stairs. When he gets to the top, he turns around and gives me a look. "It was nice to meet you, Mercy." He gives me a smile that resembles the Joker's and then he's gone.

  I look back to Dave, who shakes his head like he doesn't know wha
t to do with his oldest son. I'm sure he doesn't. "So, you guys are going to Shane's? Aric, you know the rules."

  Aric rolls his eyes. "Yes, Dad. I know. Home by two. No drugs. No getting arrested. No drugs. Oh, and wrap it before I tap it." He looks over at me and winks with that one.

  My face flames to the hottest fire.

  "Jesus, Aric." Dave runs his hands down his face in irritation. "Mercy, why don't we leave this place and go get our own? I know I for one, would be a much happier man without these two fools."

  "Yeah, not a chance. Bye, Dad." Aric grabs my hand and pulls me out the door.

  He pulls my hand the entire way into his car, and once we get in, he lets out the most strangled growl I've ever heard come from a human.

  "What? What's wrong?" I can only imagine it has something to do with Aeron.

  He looks at me, and the usual playful boy is gone, and in its place is a very, very angry man.

  "Aeron, he just..." He lets out a frustrated groan and grabs my shoulders. "He’s not good, Mercy. I don’t like that he’s going to be living in the same house as you. You’ll tell me if he tries something with you, right?"

  I sigh, thinking of the mystery brother. "You don't have to worry about Aeron. I’ll probably never even see him."

  He looks at me, trying to measure out the probability of my words. After a minute of silence, he nods and heads out.

  I let out my silent breath. What's happening to me?

  I brush my fingers over my hand that touched Aeron touched. It has not stopped from feeling the ice and fire and everything good and bad that it did the moment his hand touched mine.

  Aric doesn't have to worry about Aeron getting to me.

  But I am.



  My nerves come full force when we pull up into a wooded area close to the beach we went to the other day. Cars trail along the side of the street up against the tree line. Up ahead, I can see a massive cabin-like home sitting up against the river.

  People hangout outside and others swim in the water as the sun sets, creating a pinkish hue on the water.

  "Wow, this is where Shane lives?" I balk at huge home. Although not as large as Aric's, I've never seen a cabin this large. The large windows illuminate the entire house, and the amount of people walking around both inside and out makes me nervous.

  "Yeah. His parents are divorced so this is where his mom lives. She's out of town, though."

  I nod my head, but honestly, I barely heard a word he said. "Who are all of these people?" There's no way this many people go to the high school I’m about to go to, right?

  "People from school. Most of them, at least. Others are from nearby school. Some from college." He shrugs and looks over at me, "You all right? We can go back home if you want." He reaches over and squeezes my hand, sensing my unease.

  For a moment, I wish to be one of those random girls who don't have a care in the world. I wish I could just come to a party and let loose. Have fun with a boy without having to worry about the repercussions.

  I want to float down the river and right into another life.

  Unfortunately, my life isn't a walk in the park, but maybe for tonight I can just pretend it is.

  "Let's go have fun." I squeeze his hand back and unclip my seat belt.

  He smiles at me and together we exit the car, walking into the house and straight into the kitchen. Standing at the island are Aric's friends from the beach, Shane stands with his arms wrapped around Aubree, and next to them is Luke, Declan, Sidney and Riley.

  Aric walks up to Shane, "Great party, as always."

  Shane gives him a head nod and looks over at me, "Hey, Mercy. Want a drink?"

  I look at the expanse of alcohol scattered across the kitchen and feel way out of my league. "Sure, get me anything."

  Aric furrows his eyebrows at me and says to Shane, "I'll get it."

  Standing there, I cross my arms across my chest and give an awkward smile to Aric's friends as I wait for Aric.

  “So, how are you liking Aurora Falls so far?” I turn around and see Riley leaning against the counter. She’s absolutely beautiful, with her curly brown hair and cocoa skin giving away her mixed lineage. Her eyes have a hue of yellow in them which pop dramatically. She’s gorgeous. I feel a little intimidated by her with her mile-long legs and slender body, yet curves in places I’m jealous of because I will never, not in a million years, ever be able to have.

  “It’s okay. It’s just all kind of new, you know?” I lift up a shoulder and let it drop.

  “Aric told us what happened. I’m so sorry. I can’t even think about something like that happening without feeling sick. And having to live with Aric? Ugh. You’re lucky you have Dave, though. He’s awesome.” Riley gives me a sympathetic smile, and I have to blink rapidly to stop the tears from forming. I hate talking about my parents, mostly with people that didn’t know them. At the end of the day, it’s really awkward. Something else caught my attention, though.

  “What’s wrong with living with Aric?” I cock my head to the side, curiosity piqued.

  Her eyes widen and she lays a hand on my arm. “Hah! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean Aric particularly. I just mean living with any of these guys. They’re all fucking slobs! I don’t know how Aubree can deal with Shane.” She rolls her eyes.

  “Hey!” Aubree yells from the other side of the counter. “They aren’t that bad. At least Shane isn’t.” She curls her arms around Shane’s back, but he’s in the middle of a conversation with Aric and Declan, so doesn’t even acknowledge her besides a squeeze to her hand. Aubree is beautiful, too. Her blonde hair is pencil straight and lays down to her lower back. Her blue eyes and perfect smile make her look like a model.

  “Word is Aeron’s released. Have you met him yet?” Sidney asks, taking a sip out of her drink. Sidney has brown hair, piled on top of her head. She seems more relaxed, and totally someone I could get along with. She’s more on the curvy side but looks comfortable in her jeans and crop top. She’s stunning. All of these girls are stunning.

  I feel completely inferior.

  “I met him. Just for a second, though. Right before we came.”

  Sidney gets a dreamy look in her eyes. “Girl, now that’s lucky. I would let Aeron live with me any time, dirty or not.”

  “What’s the deal with him? Aric doesn’t say much.” I lean in to whisper, not wanting him to overhear me.

  The three of them look at each other, and then look back at me. “He’s a different type of human, that’s for sure.”

  My eyes widen. “What does that mean?”

  Before any of them can answer, Aric walks back with a red cup in hand, filled with a dark colored liquid.

  I give it a funny look and he chuckles in my ear. "Just drink slow. If you don't like it, I can go grab you a water."

  I roll my eyes and take a sip. "I'm fine." I choke back a cough and try not to show how absolutely disgusting this drink is.

  Because it is, disgusting that is. It's absolutely horrible.

  It's like the devil took a hot shit in this drink and lit it on fire. It burns from my tongue all the way down to the pit of my stomach.


  "Want to go take a walk down to the water?" He asks, taking a sip of his beer in his own red solo cup.


  "Hey, where you guys going?" Luke shouts over the heads in the crowded kitchen.

  "We're going to take a walk outside. It's really loud in here." Aric says. "We'll be back in a bit."

  "Uh huh, sure you will!" Luke responds, already inebriated.

  “Wait!” Sidney runs up to me, a smile on her face and her eyes glazed over. “Fourth of July is in a couple weeks. I know Aric is planning on going to the beach party with us. You should come hangout with us.” A smile lifts the corners of my mouth at her sincerity.

  “That sounds like fun. Thanks.” Sidney gives me a smile and walks back to Riley and Aubree. I could stay and hangout with them, but Aric is already pul
ling me by the hand, out of the kitchen and to the front door.

  He walks me down the yard and up the dock. I watch people play in the water and a pang of jealousy hits me when I see everyone carefree in the water. I should have brought my swimsuit, but even then, I still doubt I would have gone in the water.

  "I should have brought my swimsuit." I echo.

  "We could go in anyway." Aric smirks at me.

  "Are you serious?" I raise my eyebrows.

  Not that I'm scared, it's just with all this heat between us the last week, I can't see any good coming from getting into my skivvies with him.

  "Skinny dipping?" He waggles his eyebrows at this, and I bark out a laugh.

  "Now you're pushing your luck."

  He unbuckles his belt, ready to strip off his pants when we hear cheers coming from the front of the house.

  "What's going on?" I ask, turning away from a very tempting Aric and towards a body coming out from the shadows.

  "Fuck." Aric rebuckles his belt and let out an aggravated groan.

  I almost ask who it is, until I see him step out of the dark.


  Walking up to the house like he owns the place. Switched out his pair of gray sweats for a pair of shorts and a plain t-shirt. His slightly curly hair is messy as ever, but it's what I didn't see before that has me splitting at the seams.


  So. Many. Tattoos.

  His sweats and hoodie covered the work of art he was hiding.

  His legs are covered, his arms are covered, and his neck is covered. I don't think I see an inch of his body that doesn't have a tattoo on it besides his face.

  I feel like my insides turn to mush and my heart is slipping away by the second.

  "Mercy." Aric barks at me.

  I look over at him and feel instantly guilty.

  He has a heavy frown on his face as he looks me over. "You have that look."

  "What look?" I act stupid. So stupid.

  "The look that every other girl in this town has when they look at my brother." He looks angry at me, spitting out the words from between his teeth.

  I go over to him and grab him by the hands. "I'm not. I swear. Your brother is... no. Just no." I feel flustered and overwhelmed and a little sweaty.


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