Book Read Free

More Team Building

Page 12

by Robin Roseau

  “Make them tight, Selena. Please.”

  “I will. Stay right here.”

  I stepped away, leaving her there, and I picked up three more pieces of rope, braiding them together. I stepped back up behind Mary and ordered, “Open your mouth.” When she did, I used the rope to gag her. I was watching, and her eyes snapped widely open, but she didn’t fight me. Once I was done, she looked over her shoulder at me. I caressed her cheek and lips. “You may always tell me what you want. I may not always do it. Understand?” She nodded. “But when you want things, you will tell me.” I brushed my fingers across the rope. “This is in fun, and I think you like it. Am I wrong?” She shook her head.


  I grabbed her right wrist. It took a minute, but I tied it behind her, securing it to the harness I’d done, then added the left. I pulled her arms a little more tightly behind her with one more rope, and then I made sure it was how I wanted it. I smiled and leaned forward to nibble one ear. “God, you look hot like this.” She offered a little whimper. “Mine now, aren’t you?” Nod.

  For a minute, I played, enjoying the touch of her skin under my fingers, but then I turned her and pushed her onto the bed, face down. I collected more rope and tied her legs together, side-by-side.

  And then I completed the hog tie. She grunted a few times, as I pulled it tightly.

  I teased. I whispered. She moaned. She whimpered.

  She shuddered under my touch.

  Then I used more rope, and I braided it into her hair before pulling backwards, lifting her chin from the bed, facing the headboard. It was a little cruel, but once I was done, I lay down beside her, looking into one wide eye. “Are you okay?”

  She grunted, so I reached up and untied the gag. When she realized what I was doing, she fussed a little.

  “Really?” I asked.

  I slipped from the bed and went back to the chest, retrieving one of the paddles. I tossed it onto the bed, right in front of her, then climbed back up beside her. I caressed her bottom before I finished removing the gag. I set it aside and picked up the paddle. “That sounded like a complaint, Mary.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Was it a complaint? Answer honestly?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I’m sorry, Selena.”

  I picked up the paddle and caressed her bottom with it. She quivered and stiffened a little further. I gave her a swat. “Count them.”


  I gave her five swats before I left the paddle on her quivering bottom and lay completely down, partly curled around her and looking into her eyes.

  “Mary,” I said. I set a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Why did you ungag me?”

  “You’ll find out in a minute,” I replied. “Mary, I don’t have a lot of experience being on this side of things.”

  “You’re doing just fine.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Please don’t stop, Selena.”

  “All right. I don’t know how long it’s safe to leave you like this.”

  “A while.”

  “I’m about to make a rule, and then you’re going to answer honestly. If I’m ever doing something foolish, or if I’m leaving you too long, you will tell me. Is that a rule you can follow?”

  “Yes, but it needs to be a rule.”

  “It’s a rule.”

  “Okay,” she whispered. “A while. Not hours.”

  “It won’t be hours, not if you’re good with your tongue when bound like this.”

  I finished undressing, then arranged the pillows so I could prop up against the headboard. Mary was forced to look at me, right between my spread legs, but she was too far away for what I had in mind. So I leaned over and pulled her to me.

  She grunted, but I got her… right… where… I… wanted… her.

  She went to work.

  She was quite talented.

  * * * *

  We played for a couple of hours, maybe a little longer. Eventually, we lay together, her now untied, both of us sweaty. I was glowing, inside and out. I think she was, too. We cuddled together, one of my hands resting on her bare bottom.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Am I doing everything right?”

  “You’re wonderful.”

  “Mary, is this what you want most of the time?”

  She didn’t answer right away, but squirmed a little until she could look up into my face. “That depends on what you mean by most of the time.”

  “Help me understand.”

  “Clearly, I’m not a little mouse,” she said.

  “I’ve never thought of you as a mouse.”

  “Let’s imagine… we were living together.”


  “I’d want you to do things like that to me absolutely as much as you wanted.”

  “Every day?”

  “If you wanted to tie me every day, I’d love that. I’d probably be disappointed if it weren’t fairly often.”

  “You wouldn’t want to turn things around?”

  She settled back and began tracing her finger on my nipple. I closed my eyes and let her do what she wanted. “Yes,” she finally whispered. “I would.”

  “Are you saying that because you think it’s what I want?”

  “No. It’s a confidence thing for me though. Are you asking me to turn it around?”

  “I’m trying to understand what you want, Mary.”

  “I don’t necessarily want a 100 percent, 24/7 submissive role, but I really like knowing it’s okay to just let go, when I know she doesn’t mind if I turn needy.” She lifted her eyes. “Do you hate it?”

  “No, Mary. I have loved every minute I’ve spent with you.”

  “I did a 24/7 sub slave once, for a few months. It was fun at first.”

  “What changed?”

  “I did. She was great. Oh, she wanted a 24/7 sub, and I was game to try it. The sex was good, but…”


  “I think it’s hard to honor it. That probably doesn’t make sense. I think she became a little jaded. She stopped asking what I wanted, ever. She just decided. And maybe that’s actually what I told her I wanted, at the beginning, but I began to resent it. She didn’t do a thing wrong or a thing contrary to what we’d agreed, and a lot of it was really good. But I began to resent the entire thing, and when finally I said something, it turned into a huge fight. She thought I was blaming her. I was blaming myself, but I probably didn’t put it very well. Even if she understood, I think at that point she felt like if I didn’t want it, she didn’t want me. I moved out the next morning.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  “I think ultimately it was about respect. I didn’t feel like she respected me.”

  “I think you’re amazing,” I said. “And not just because you let me spank you.”

  “You were telling me something, but I’m getting mixed signals.”

  “I know. I think I’m giving myself mixed signals. Let me talk this out.”

  “All right.”

  “Was the spanking cruel?”

  She snorted. “No.”

  “Did you consider it a real punishment?”

  “No. I considered it a newbie trying to implement a real punishment.”

  It was my turn to laugh. “Well, you’re wrong. Okay, I’m a newbie, but it wasn’t supposed to be a real punishment. It was for you.”

  “For me?”

  “You were trying to top from the bottom. I was telling you that you didn’t have to. I wasn’t ungagging you for you. I was doing it for me.”

  “I figured that part out. I thought you were doing it for me.”

  “Mary, I will never give you a real punishment. Never. If that’s the sort of relationship you want, I’m the wrong woman.”

  She said nothing for a minute, and I thought we were about to break up before we’d barely begun. But then she said, “You should know if we keep this up, I’m go
ing to fall in love with you.”

  I pulled her tightly to me. We held each other for a minute then slowly relaxed. We lay for a minute then she levered herself up and looked me square in the eye. “If I fall in love, we’ll be talking about transitioning to exclusive.”

  “Not yet,” I said.

  “Not yet. But am I clear?”


  “Good.” She settled back down.

  “When you complained, were you telling me you didn’t want to be ungagged, or were you telling me I didn’t have to?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Was spanking you an appropriate reaction?”

  “Yes. For the record, I liked it.”

  “I rather thought you did.”

  We lay together. I didn’t think we’d really settled anything, and apparently Mary didn’t, either, as she said, “For the amount we see each other, I’m going to be hungry for more of what we’ve been doing. Unlike someone I know, I’m not seeing anyone else.”

  “Understood. Did you just ask for exclusive?”

  “No. But if I look you in the eye and tell you I’m in love with you, then we’re scheduling a conversation.”

  “Understood. Keep going.”

  “If you want to swap roles sometime, we can. If this turns steady, then I’m going to ask if we can switch so I can show you how I like being treated, or so you can see how some of it feels.”

  “That would be good.”

  “I like the way you treat me in between. If you want a full-time sub, I don’t want that.”

  “I don’t.”

  “You don’t have to always tie me. I’m not as good for you that way.”

  “You were just fine, and I had fun.”


  “Still, there are ways to tie you that leave you able to see to me.”

  She laughed. “True.”

  “Are you telling me that’s not what you want?”

  “No way. Tie me all you want.”

  “Do you like other restraints more?”

  “I like anything I can’t escape from. The ropes have a particular advantage.”


  “They take longer to apply.”

  “Why is that an advantage?”

  “Anticipation. By the time I’m fully helpless, I’m deep in sub space.”

  I laughed. “Understood. Mary, if you ever want to tie me, just tell me. Or, for that matter, if you just want sweet and gentle.”

  “I will. If you want me to tie you, then warn me so I can get into the right mood.”

  “Will do.”

  “Do you need warning?”


  “So, I can surprise you?”



  Again, we lay quietly, and I thought we were both about to drift away, when she said, “I want to do the thing with Evie and Joy.”

  “Okay. We’ll find a way to make it work.”

  “I want them to run it.”

  “We’ll find a way.”

  “Thank you.”

  * * * *

  Thursday arrived. Nan actually offered to drive us to the airport, so we didn’t have to take a Lyft. At the curb, she pulled me into a hug and asked, “Are our days numbered?”

  “I don’t know. Did you want me to invite you home next time?”

  “I wish I weren’t a coward.”

  “You’re not a coward.”

  She lifted her voice. “Mary, are you going to get mad if I kiss her?”

  Mary laughed. “No.”

  Nan shared a kiss then whispered, “Are you going to get mad if I kiss her?”

  I laughed. “No.”

  So she turned to a surprised Mary and pulled her into her arms. The two whispered for a minute, and then they shared a simple kiss. It was sweet. Then we watched as she climbed into her car and drove away.

  “She’s in love with you,” Mary said. “And I think she’s going to break up with you.”

  “I don’t even know how to tell you how weird this is.”

  “We’re geeks. Weird is our middle name.”

  “True,” I laughed. “Shall we?”

  We did the airport thing. Soon enough, we were aboard a 737 to MSP. I gave Mary the window seat and took the middle, but as soon as we were in the air, we lifted the armrest dividing us. The guy seated to my right glanced over, but we both ignored him, and he didn’t give us any trouble.

  “Okay,” Mary said. “What’s your mom’s name?”


  “Elsa Stark?”


  “How about your dad?

  “I don’t remember him.”


  “Yeah. He and Mom were never married. They lived together, but… I don’t remember him.”

  “Can I just say: that’s really shitty. Well, unless he died.”

  “No. It’s a bad topic with Mom, though.”


  “For the record, I’m not sensitive about it. Mom will want to know about both your parents, and don’t worry about this.”

  “Okay. No brothers or sisters?”

  “A younger sister, but she’s in the navy. I have an Aunt Barb. She has kids, and she’s a fairly new grandmother. You probably won’t meet any of them, but who knows? Mom may schedule something. I didn’t think about forbidding it.”

  “Don’t worry on my account,” she replied. “Grandparents?”

  “I suspect I’ve met my dad’s parents, but if so, I don’t remember, and I don’t ask. Mom’s parents are gone now. They died young.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t remember Grandma very well. Grandpa was funny. He used to play with me, and he’s the one who taught me how to ride a bicycle. I was ten when he died.”

  “That really sucks. Are we going to run into old girlfriends?”

  “Duluth is kind of a tourist town, but they’d have to fly in.”

  “None from high school.”

  “No. And I haven’t kept in touch with anyone from high school.”

  “How conservative is it?”

  “It’s safe to hold hands,” I said. “But maybe not alone at night. It can be pretty redneck. I don’t worry about disapproving looks, and I turn pretty caustic if anyone actually gives me shit. I hope you’re okay with that.”

  “I’m fine with that. I don’t go looking for trouble, though.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “Do we get to share a bed?”

  “Yes, and I told Mom you’re loud.”

  “You did not!”

  I giggled. “I may have said ‘we’.”

  “You did not!”

  “It was part of a longer conversation.”

  “You actually told her we were loud?”


  “I’m not sure if you’re teasing. I’ve seen your ability to tell tall tales.”

  I thought about it. “You’re right. You have. I don’t want you to distrust me. Unless it’s part of the rules of a game, or it’s about a legitimate surprise, if you ever ask me if I’m lying, I’ll answer honestly. Promise.”

  “I’m going to be really hurt if you break any promises, Selena.”

  “I promise.”

  “Okay. Are you lying now?”

  “No. I’m really promising.”


  I giggled. “I really told her we were loud, but it was in context. I probably shouldn't have said it.”

  “Damned right you shouldn’t. Now I have a loud reputation to live up to.”

  I giggled again. “You’ll just have to be restrained.”

  “Oh, we’re so not playing any of those games in your mother’s house.”

  I sighed. “Maybe just little games.”

  “We’ll see,” she said. “I should have worn my nun outfit.”

  “Yeah. You could pull it off, unlike me. Mom knows what I’m like.”



  “That’s about the last word I’d use for you,” she admitted. “Probably not literally the last word, but you know what I mean.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “Are you nervous?”

  “A little, but mostly just excited.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Thank you for bringing me with you.”

  “I’ll need to talk to Mom alone a little.”

  “That’s fine. Just send me for a walk or something.”

  “We’ll find a chance,” I said. “Maybe I’ll tie you to the bed and leave you there.”

  “You will not.”

  “I might.”

  “No, Selena,” she said, her tone sober. “I know you were just teasing, but you will never leave me like that.”

  “You’re right. I wouldn’t. But is there a story?”

  “No, it’s just not safe, and I’d get mad.”

  “Okay. Thank you for telling me.” I lifted her fingers and kissed them. “Are you upset?”

  “No. So. Tonight and tomorrow in Duluth.”

  “We’ll drive north on Sunday when everyone else is driving south,” I said. “Mom made ressies. She’ll get mad if we try to pay for the hotel, but we’ll pick up dinner checks. I make more than she does, but she gets mad if it comes up. However, she’ll let me treat for dinner.”

  “You and I will trade the checks.”

  “No. I’ll pay them, and we can discuss another time. It’s easier, and you already paid for your airplane ticket.”



  She paused. “Are you trying to dom me?”

  “No. Mom will let me treat her, but she won’t let you.”

  “Oh. Why didn’t you just say that?”

  “Because I was trying to dominate you.”

  She nudged me. “Were you?”


  “You’re insufferable.”

  “I was, however, trying to figure out why I felt so strongly about it, especially as I already knew you did.”

  “Ah. Fair enough. Say that next time.”

  “I’ll try to remember. So. Mom will pick us up at the airport. She’s not a hugger. She might hug me, but she doesn’t usually.”


  “Yeah. It’s unlikely she’ll hug you.”

  “Okay. Don’t take it personally.”

  “Right. She’ll try to feed us. I’ll point out it’s nearly midnight. It’s going to look like we’re fighting. We’re not. But she won’t take ‘no’ until I put a little tone into my tone.”


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