Book Read Free

More Team Building

Page 23

by Robin Roseau

  “You’re up, Joy,” I said.

  “Oh, no,” she said “That’s for you, Selena.”

  “I gave the opening. I think it’s Mary’s turn.”

  “No, it’s not,” she said. “Say something nice.”

  I nodded. “This event was fabulous not due to anything I did, but because of these two women.” I led fresh applause for Evie and Joy. “And because Altered Events rocks.” At that, we all applauded and offered a few hoots and hollars.

  I turned a circle. “I’m still a little messed up, trying to wrap my head around events. This was really just one weekend, right?”

  Evie laughed. “Yep. How long did it feel like?”

  “Seven years,” I said. “Okay, a bunch of that seems like a blur. No, not seven years. Twelve. We left Earth and traveled to a distant star, a 5-year voyage. We then began to colonize. The aliens appeared a month ago. But from first physical contact to now was days. Do other humans feel the same timeline?”

  “No,” Calypso said.

  “Not me,” Joy said. “Almost. Seven years. I remember us arriving.”

  The others agreed. I turned to Mary, and she called Aurora forward. “We have our history. It’s fuzzy,” Aurora said. “Then we noticed you were here. We traveled here. That was a blur.” She began laughing. “Here? Where the fuck are we?”

  Everyone laughed. “We understood,” Tara offered. “Keep going.”

  “Yeah, a month. But from when the shuttle landed, a few days.”

  Evie and Joy were grinning. Everyone turned to look at them. Evie shrugged. “What can we say?”

  “Okay, this isn’t phrased right, but what’s real?”

  “You really had first contact with space aliens.”

  “What are the implanted memories, and what wasn’t?”

  “I bet all of you remember being in your quarters, dressing,” Evie said. We all nodded our heads. “That was your first moment of real acting. Everything before that is implanted. Over time, it will feel fuzzier than the events since.”

  “Amazing,” Tara said.

  “By the way, those of you who are aliens will remember it that way. You know the truth, but you’ll probably remember it as being aliens.”

  “That part is totally, totally awesome!” Gail said. “Thank you, Evie and Joy.”

  “Not us. The PhD’s,” Joy said. “They do the amazing work. We planned the story.”

  I began fresh applause, joined by everyone. When it settled, I asked, “Does anyone regret coming?” That generated laughter. “I want to know. Evie, is your boss listening?”

  “Probably. She’s a busy-body.”

  “Boss-lady,” I said. “Those two put together an amazing story. Thank you.” I let the fresh applause settle, then said, “I had an amazing time, absolutely amazing time. Mary and I have already agreed we want to do more events. Mary, may I keep talking?”

  She laughed. “Yes.”

  “Mary and I loved the dancing and would love to do something like that again, perhaps often. I presume Altered Events would be happy to host.”

  “Ecstatic, I’m sure,” Evie said.

  “I think we’d also like another event like this. Evie. Joy. Would you help us?”

  “Of course, we would.”

  “A raise of hands if you could do this again, maybe not too often.” There were a bunch of hands raised, everyone but Mary’s. I turned to her.

  “Longer,” she said, once it was quiet. “A week. I want it longer next time.”

  There was laughter and applause, and we all looked at Evie and Joy again.

  “If you thought this was expensive,” Joy said. “But sure. We need more time to plan.”

  “We’re going to send out a note with more information,” Mary said. “Asking which of you could handle the time and cost of a longer event. We won’t consider it binding, because we know some of you didn’t commit until you heard more of the details. But I’d like a longer event than this, although this was amazing.”

  “It was years,” I said. “Years!”

  Everyone laughed. Mary turned to me. “I want the seduction to take longer, and then I want to own or be owned longer.”

  “Fair enough,” I said. “Longer works for me.”

  “We’ll get back to you,” Mary said. “Wrap it up, Selena.”

  I laughed. “Final thanks goes to everyone who came. I had a blast. That was due to everyone here.” I looked around. “Admiral.”

  Calypso stepped forward. “Lieutenant-Commander?”

  “Do you hate me?”

  She laughed. “No. I did, and then I worshipped a scaly goddess. It’s hard to hate anyone after that.”

  “Very good. Does anyone else have anything to say?”

  “Yes,” Tara said. “I’m starving.”

  “Anyone else? All right then. Let’s eat!”

  * * * *

  We stayed for dinner and another hour past that. People stopped by to talk to us, some staying longer, some on the way out the door.

  Tara collected me and pulled me aside. “Did you have fun?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Something seems to have shifted.” I followed her gaze to Mary. “Is that lingering from the event?”

  “I think the event accelerated it,” I said. “Tara.”

  “We’re friends,” she said. “We weren’t, before. I was your boss, but we weren’t friends. Now we are, and others, too. Or am I wrong?”

  “You aren’t wrong. Mary and I already talked about that, including the chance you could win next time.” I paused. “Tara, I don’t want you using my trigger again. Please don’t be mad.”

  “I’m not,” she said. “You’ve helped me figure a few things out. Thank you.”

  “Do you know what you’re going to do?”

  “Not yet, but I needed a shakeup.” She paused. “I’m going to promote a few people.”

  “You’re going to let go a little more.”

  “I’m going to try. I’m going to get it wrong at first, but I’m going to work on it.”

  “I’m glad.”

  She kissed my cheek. “Is that okay?” She whispered.

  “Yes. That time. You may kiss Mary’s cheek, if she allows it, but you need her permission to ever kiss mine again.”

  She nodded. “Was that permission to ask her?”

  “Yes, but it’s her decision now.”

  “Okay. Good.”

  “Did you give her my trigger?”

  “Weeks ago. She hasn’t used it.”

  “No. She may not.”

  Tara nodded. “I’m going to say goodnight to her. Do you need a few days off?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe a half day.”

  “If I see you, I see you.”

  “Thanks, Boss.”

  She slipped away, but a minute later, she and Mary talked quietly. That ended with another kiss on the cheek, and we both watched her walk out.

  Gail had disappeared. I felt bad about that. But Nan was hovering, and when she saw I was free a few minutes later, she gestured, and again, I found myself at the edge of the room.

  “My loss, I think,” she said.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah.” She grinned. “While you were worshipping hot alien ass, my ass was getting worshipped by one hot alien and one hot human.”

  “A hot human?”

  “Chastity was nearly lost to Sasha. I ended up getting both of them.”


  “Damn, that was a hot event.”

  “Yeah, it was.”

  “Am I invited next time?”


  “And to the dance thing?”

  “Talk to Mary.”

  “So it’s like that?”

  “For you, it’s like that. For any of her ex’s, they talk to me.”

  “That’s a fair rule. Damn it. Normally I do the dumping.”

  “Are you going to be okay, Nan?”

  “I need to man up,” she said. “Woul
d you still let me introduce you to my family?”

  “As a friend, if Mary allows, yes.”

  “If she allows.” She nodded. “Do I ask her, or do you?”

  “You do. She doesn’t have the context, though, so don’t ask tonight.”


  “Nan, we’re friends. I hope we’ll always be friends.”

  “I do, too. And Mary.”

  “And Mary, and Tara, and Gail.” I agreed. “Now hug me.”

  She did, and then she whispered, “Am I the hottest Asian chick who has ever had you?”

  I laughed. “You’re the only Asian chick who has ever had me, but yes, you’re hot.”

  “As long as that’s settled.”

  And then she slipped away, talking briefly to Mary and then hugging Evie and Joy. Five minutes later, the last woman left, leaving the four of us. We gathered together. “Well,” Evie said. “Do we still get to call you for fun events?”

  “You call Mary,” I said.

  “Understood,” Evie said. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” Mary said, sliding her arm around my waist. “We want to work directly with the two of you for future events. I hope you can arrange that. We’ll give you a little break, but we’d like a proposal for dance evenings, perhaps four a year. Depending on cost, we might like them more often.”

  “Other places are cheaper.”

  “Does Altered Events want to hold them or not?”

  “Yes,” Evie said.

  “If we discover someone else also can host them, we might alternate more,” Mary said. “I’d like a proposal. No rush.”

  Evie nodded. “How detailed?”

  “High level. Don’t spend time on it. Just a rough idea on price, how much advance notice, how many people you think would be best. We’ll get together to discuss it.”

  “I’ll get something to you by the end of the week. Is that sufficient?”

  “Perfect.” Mary slipped from me and hugged both of them, then said, “I’ll wait in the car.” She took my purse from me, and we watched her go.

  “You’re so whipped,” Joy said.

  “I sure am.”

  “Is it going to wear off? There’s a lot of leftover bliss going on here.”

  “No. It’s been coming.” I turned to her. “You spilled your guts.”

  “I was so lost. I have never gone under that fast. I think someone cheated.”

  I laughed. “If so, it wasn’t me.”

  “Your girlfriend was one freakishly hot space alien.”

  “Yes, she was. She’s a freakishly hot human, too.”

  “Yeah, she is,” Joy agreed. “You’re not jealous?”

  “Wouldn’t that be the peak of hypocrisy?” I asked. “No. It was the game, and I’m not sure I remember how many aliens she had me worshipping, but she shared.”

  “It became a sex fest, even though we weren’t sure it would,” Evie said.

  “For everyone?”

  “No. But the two of you, that’s for sure. A few others. Not everyone.”

  I nodded. “Need help closing up?”

  “Naw. Go on. Talk to you in a few days?”

  “Sure.” We hugged, and then I headed for the door.

  * * * *

  Mary was waiting in the driver’s seat of my car. I climbed in on the passenger side. She smiled. “I’m not sure you’re fully with it. I’ve had a lot more time to recover.”

  “What you mean to say is you want to drive, because I’ve been fine for a while.”

  “Same difference.”

  She started the car, and soon we were on the road. We drove quietly for a while before she said, “Are you sure, Selena?”

  “Positive, if you are.”

  “I’ve been positive for a while.”

  “Nan wants to talk to you about something.”

  “She told me. Something about her family.”

  “She wants to introduce me as a friend.”

  “And she needs to talk to me?”

  “If any of your ex’s come out of the woodwork, asking that kind of favor of you, I’d want to be involved.”

  “Not as her girlfriend.”

  “No. I think as a close, western friend.”

  “Sure,” Mary replied. “You didn’t have to ask me.”

  “I think I’d rather ask when I don’t have to than not ask when I should have.”

  “Good plan.” She paused then asked, “Where are we going?”

  “If you mean physically, right now, you’re taking us home, where we will shower, preferably together, and then climb into bed, preferably together.”

  “Home can mean two different places.”

  “Mary, right now, I’m still blissed belonging to you. I could have driven, but…”

  “So my decision then.”


  “Your place, then.”

  “Our place?”

  “We need to figure that out. You own. I own. I don’t want to think about that tonight.”

  “Yeah, too much. Mary, I want us under one roof. Is that what you want?”


  “That’s the part that matters to me. However, we have an interesting dynamic, and if you’re really saying you want me to tie you up and tell you what we’re doing, can we wait a few days?”

  She laughed. “Tying me up is about fun in the bedroom. It is not how we will make couple decisions. Those we make together.”

  “Then I would still prefer we wait a few days.”

  “My turn. Selena-pet obeys her lady. Don't respond to that.”

  The compulsion hit, and it hit hard. She glanced over, and then she practically slammed the car onto the shoulder. “Selena?”

  “Hitting hard,” I said. “Please, let me answer.”

  “Tell me until morning.”

  “Until morning.”

  The compulsion settled in, holding me tightly, and I gazed at her adoringly. “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “Did I screw up? Are you even able to answer that?”

  “I’m fine,” I said. “Please, Mary.”

  “Lady Mary.”

  “Lady Mary,” I said. “I’m fine.”

  “We’ll talk when you’re back to normal. Do you know what order I should give you right now?”

  “I’m fine,” I said.

  “All right. You’re entirely mine right now, aren’t you?”

  “Just like a few hours ago, but no scales.”

  “All right. Be a good passenger now. We’ll be home soon, Darling.”

  She drove carefully, parking in my garage, and I followed her inside. She led me to the bedroom and turned to me. “Does this give you particular needs?”

  “Only to obey, and you are like a goddess.”

  She smiled. “I hope I’m always like your goddess. I’m exhausted. You’re exhausted. Will it hurt you if we shower and sleep?”

  “No, Lady Mary. Will you hold me?”

  “Yes, Darling.”

  And she did.


  Mary and I worked out our details. I was entirely in love, and she was, too.

  We made love a lot, most of it fairly kinky, but deeply loving. But we made a home together, and we made room for our friends.

  And then one day, she told me, “We have plans this weekend. I am bringing you somewhere, and you will be blindfolded. Do you accept my authority?”



  I had at least an idea what was up, and so I wasn't surprised when I was fitted with a headset, and soon zoned out.

  * * * *

  “There’s your mom, Selena,” Mary said. “See you Monday!”

  I turned, saw Mom, and waved. “See you, Mary.”

  I settled down in Mom’s car. “How was school, Darling?”

  “Really good, but I’m glad it’s Friday.”

  “We have plans for the entire weekend.”


  We got home. I put my
things away and headed back downstairs. Just as I arrived, I heard the garage door opener again. I hurried to the service door and waited. The door opened, and then Gail-Mom stopped, frozen for a moment, then she smiled broadly. “You’re home.”

  “Hug,” I said. “Pandora-Mom says she has plans for us.”

  She hugged me tightly and then whispered, “I’ve loved you for a long time, Selena. Thank you for being so fabulous.”

  “I love you, too, Gail-mom.”

  We made dinner, the three of us. “I have an announcement,” Gail-Mom said.

  “It should wait until after we’ve cleaned up,” Pandora-Mom said.

  “All right.”

  And so we had dinner and talked about the plans for the weekend, beginning with a game this evening, and a drive and picnic tomorrow.

  We cleaned up and moved to the game room downstairs, but then Pandora-Mom said, “I think I already know what you’re going to say.”

  Gail-Mom nodded. “Maybe, but I bet Selena doesn’t. Darling, you know we love you.”

  “I know.”

  Then she set her hand on her stomach. It took about three seconds with no one saying anything, before I began jumping up and down. “You’re pregnant! You’re pregnant! I’m going to be a big sister.”

  The moms came together and kissed deeply, and it was as I was watching them that I felt weird. I stared, becoming deeply confused. I remembered I was Altered. This was an event, that’s all, a really good event. “Gail?” I whispered.

  They separated and looked at me, then they both stood and moved to me. I touched her face. “Gail?”

  “Pandora, what’s wrong with her?”

  “This is how you tell me?” I turned to Pandora. “Are you Altered?”

  “Only a little,” she said.


  “Only a little,” Pandora repeated.

  “You two? Married?”


  “And you didn’t invite me to the wedding!” I screeched. “What. The. Fuck!” I screamed the last word.

  “Honey,” Pandora said. “Honey.”

  She reached for me, but I pulled away, then held my hand out. I took several deep breaths. “I can feel the programming. It’s pushing at me.” I took more deep breaths. “Why wasn’t I invited to the wedding?”

  “We went away for a weekend,” Pandora said.



  “You are fucking kidding me. You got married in Vegas?”

  “It just kind of happened.”


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