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Android Alien Apocalypse Harem - Arc 1 Box Set

Page 9

by Natalie Hunter

  "We don't have much time, but I've come to get you out just like I promised. It's safe out there, Maddy. It's incredible. I've got us everything we need, but I'll explain once we're out of Sanctuary. I brought you some clothes from the outside world that'll be easier for you to get around in than your Sanctuary stuff - the shoes at least - and everything else we need I've got back at my base, so don't waste any time getting your stuff. Just trust me, and come with me."

  He took his hand away, letting her speak now she was awake enough not to make any loud noises out of confusion.

  "Really? Oh, thank you so much, Curtis. I - I don't know what to -- is it really? Is it really OK out there? Can we really go now?"

  She seemed both drowsy and wide awake at the same time, her excitement apparent but her mind still making sense of the situation. Perhaps she wasn't even sure if it wasn't all just a dream.

  "We need to go. I can't stand it in here anymore, and we need to leave before anyone wakes up. Here, there are clothes in the bag, or wear your own stuff and just use the shoes in there - it doesn't matter - just get ready as fast as you can," he said, swiftly dashing back into the chapel to get the bag, which he put on the bed next to her.

  Madeleine nodded seriously, then sprang out of bed. He was a little taken aback to see both that she slept naked, and that she had opted to just throw on one of her usual black dresses with nothing underneath, before pulling out the tennis shoes from the bag and quickly putting them on. If the size was wrong (he'd chosen by getting the size there were the most of in the store room, figuring that if the Lucky Buy had ordered more units in one size, it must be the most common), she didn't seem to notice.

  I know I told her to be quick but I didn't mean she didn't even have time to put on her underwear! Not that I'm complaining...

  She may not have thought her bra or panties were important enough to wear for the escape, but she did take her big silver cross off of a metal table and put it on around her neck. They moved into the chapel, and she looked longingly at her bible.

  "You can take that if you want," he said.

  "Well, I... No, I'll leave it. It's the only one in Sanctuary and so I guess they need it more than me..."

  "I'm sure I can source you a copy of the bible outside," he said, though he had honestly given no thought to religion since he'd been in the outside world, given all of the people around him were robots, unconcerned with such matters. There was probably a bible somewhere in the apartment at the Lucky Buy, even - Pinky kept all the books that had previously belonged to Mr Montgomery in a big wooden case that nobody ever opened, because robots read just by downloading books into their own memories, and Curtis hadn't really found time yet to start looking through old world literature. He could kind of understand why Madeleine would want that particular bible, though. In fact, even though he wasn't religious, he felt a symbolic attachment to it due to its role in his escape. But, if she felt it was more important to leave it there to offer spiritual guidance to the assholes of Sanctuary in her absence, fair enough.

  "Are you ready to go then? We'll have to be completely silent once we leave the chapel, until we're on the other side of the door, so if you've got anything you need to get or say, now's the last chance until we're free of this place, OK?"

  "I'm ready. Lead on."

  She stayed close to him, holding his hand as he moved as swiftly as he could toward the light from the lakeside farm, staying close to the wall. They made it into the lake area, but here it was harder to stay in the shadows. Bright lights shone down at all kinds of angles to help the hydroponic crops grow, and this also made for reflections on the massive underground lake itself. meaning that while there were certainly shadows, it was hard to use them for cover.

  It shouldn't have mattered, because there shouldn't have been anyone here. But there was, and unfortunately, she saw them before they had a chance to retreat back into the hallway.

  What Sophie was doing there didn't appear to be connected to them being there at all - in fact, before her eyes met Curtis's and her mouth fell open in surprise, she'd just been sitting by the lake in her shorts and tank top, her bare feet dangling into the crystal clear water. It was just bad luck. The worst luck.

  "Curtis! Oh my god! I knew someone would catch you sneaking around eventually! But wow, I can't believe you were his accomplice, Madeleine! That's wild!" she pulled her feet up out of the water, drying them off on a towel she had with her as she spoke. Her voice was hushed, though, and although she seemed surprised, she somehow didn't seem half as surprised as Curtis felt she should have.

  He looked to Maddy for some kind of explanation.

  "Everybody thinks you've just been in hiding somewhere in Sanctuary. That was the conclusion Janice jumped to, and, well It was better to let them think you'd done something that futile to get out of your trial than... well, tell them anything at all. Nobody even asked me anything. They've been looking for you everywhere," she whispered, her voice soft in his ear, so Sophie, who was approaching from the side of the lake wouldn't hear.

  "Wait, though... You look different. Your skin is darker and your hair is lighter."

  Sophie narrowed her eyes, looking at him carefully as she got closer.

  "Were you hiding somewhere with UV lights? Like, you were tanning all this time? No... Your clothes..." she looked completely bewildered now, the obvious reason why Curtis would have appeared after two weeks looking like he'd been out in the sun and wearing things that had never existed in Sanctuary not, apparently, obvious to Sophie.

  His mind raced. She was only a second or two away from figuring out that he had been outside, and their location close to the exit, and Maddy being with him... well, Sophie may not have been a genius but she certainly wasn't too dumb to put it together that he and Maddy were leaving, once she figured out the first part. But what should he do about it? If she told people, others might try and leave, and that might be bad, it would certainly mean he would lose some control over his surroundings out there. If she followed him, then that'd be worse still. It may have been easy to forget about her and how much he hated her for the way she'd treated him when he was in here, or for how she'd conspired with her girlfriend in a way that had nearly gotten him castrated, but now he could see her, all of those feelings welled up in him again. He wanted to punch her in the face, in complete honesty. He couldn't have her around him all the time, especially not out there, where she'd probably somehow end up having a great time, and being just the same bitch as always. He'd been through hell because of her, and the world out there was his reward. It was unbearable for her to be rewarded too, he just couldn't fucking abide with it.

  "Don't be scared, OK, I'm not really gonna do anything, but I need her off our backs," he whispered to Madeleine, before passing her his bag, letting go of her hand, and stepping toward where Sophie was now standing, eyeing him as her mind worked overtime trying to work out how he wasn't wearing Sanctuary issue clothes.

  Trying to look confident, he pulled his gun out of its holster, and pointed it at her face.

  Chapter 5

  "Why... why do you have a gun, Curtis?" Sophie asked, her voice tiny, and her face now milk white.

  "Fuck, Sophie, isn't it obvious? I live out there, now. I'm going back out, too, and I'm taking Maddy. She doesn't want to stay down here anymore, and so I came back for her, and we're leaving Sanctuary forever. Don't try and stop us, OK? I don't want to have to hurt you, but this is too important to have you running your mouth off about it. Don't try and stop us, and don't tell anyone you saw us. Can you do that? Or am I going to have to... Well, can you do that?"

  There was something about holding the gun that made him feel powerful, made a thrill of adrenaline run through him. He only wanted to scare Sophie out of acting like a dumb bitch and telling people what she'd seen tonight, but there was a sense of security to being the one with the weapon, which made him feel certain that Sophie had to do what he told her, just as much as the androids he was the master of. It wa
s enjoyable, in a dark way. Once this was over and he was safely past the door with Maddy, he might just have to get her to do something about the stirring in his pants.

  To his surprise though, Sophie, rather than simply promising to keep his secret, dropped to her knees on the stony ground and burst into tears.

  "Curtis, I'm so sorry. You don't know how it's been since that day! I can't even look at Fliss anymore - we broke up - that's why I'm out here at night, cos we still share a room and I couldn't sleep with her there, so... so I took a walk. We didn't mean to get you in all that trouble, it was supposed to be a joke, and... and I wanted to do it too, you know? I wanted to be with a man... Fliss just... I just couldn't... I..." she sniffed and garbled out her words in a childish flood of shuddering sobs.

  Curtis looked at his gun, and put it away.

  Well, that didn't work like in the movies. She was supposed to be intimidated into doing what I asked, not whatever this is. What is this, anyway, an apology? I don't care, I just want to leave.

  "Sophie, it doesn't matter anymore. Whatever issues you've got down here with Fliss or whoever, you can sort them out and get on with your life. I'm fine, see? Nobody castrated me, and now I'm back off out to my new life. Just let us go, pretend you didn't run into us tonight, and then put the whole thing behind you."

  "So, you forgive me?" she asked, looking up at him, her watery eyes gleaming in the eerie white light of the cave.

  "No. I don't forgive you. Not exactly. I just don't care anymore. And so neither should you. Now, the important question is just this, can I trust you not to cause me any problems?"

  "If you forgive me, then... can I come with you?"

  "No. I just said didn't I? I don't forgive you. And besides, you were fine down here. Just sort things out with Fliss and you'll be fine again. I'm sorry you won't have me to torment anymore, but, well, you'll just have to find a new hobby."

  "Come on Curtis, we're friends! You're taking Madeleine, and I'd never even seen you speak to her before. Why would you take her and refuse me? We grew up together! I'm practically your big sister! And besides, I can make it worth your while, can't I? I mean, Madeleine's a woman of the church so you can't have much fun with her, but you want me, don't you? And I bet you'll need a woman by your side out there, to take care of all those urges you have. Think about it, we could do whatever we wanted if we weren't in Sanctuary, and I would let you..." she was cajoling now, crawling across the floor towards him, reaching out to touch his leg, but she sounded more desperate than sexy.

  He rolled his eyes. He wasn't sure if this offer would tempt him even if he didn't know that Maddy was a lot filthier than she appeared, and that there were countless sexy android women out there who called him 'master' and would indulge any fantasy he had, without also being poisonous little bitches he hated the sight of. It seemed pathetic that even now, even after having a gun pointed at her, she still thought she could manipulate him with vague promises of sex.

  "No. Fuck off. Now, can I trust you to keep quiet or not?"

  "It won't matter. They'll figure out you left eventually, what difference does it make if they know I saw you?"

  Now she sounded like her usual, bratty self.

  "They'll figure out we left, yes. They'll figure out Maddy helped me leave the first time, too, because only she and Janice had the codes for the door, but what they won't know, unless you tell them, was that I came back after two weeks out there, healthy and well. If you tell them nothing, they won't want to come out after us - they will know I left, and then Maddy left, but they won't know what we found outside. Aliens, a hostile wilderness, all the shit that keeps you all down here in the first place. Don't you get it? Only you can answer the question of whether it is safe to go outside."

  He wasn't sure if it was a good idea to explain to Sophie the power she now had, but it was better than letting her think it didn't matter if she broke the promise because of her own lack of forward thinking.

  Sophie was quiet for a moment, clearly thinking it through, but then she looked back up at him with a renewed strength in her eyes.

  "OK. I won't stop you leaving, and I won't tell anyone."

  Well, I guess all she needed was to know she still had some fucking upper hand over someone. For fuck's sake.

  "Great. Thank you very fucking much. I didn't want to have to do anything I might regret. And, just so you know, it may be safe out there for me, but it won't be safe out there for them. That gun is just a hint at the kind of firepower at my disposal in the world outside, and if I see you, or Janice, or anyone else I don't want to be seeing out there, I will be your enemy."

  Sophie whimpered and crumpled back down again, where she remained motionless on the floor as he pulled away from her, nodding to Madeleine, who began moving toward the pathway to the exit, her eyes wide but her expression stoic. Curtis was sure she'd have an opinion on what just happened, but was glad to see that she was smart enough to wait until they were out of Sanctuary to air it. With a last look of irritation at Sophie's sulking form, prone on the ground by the lake, he moved off, desperate to get past the lock and back into what now felt like his own territory.

  They were safely on the other side of the door, with it sealed once again, before they noticed Curtis' gun was missing.

  Chapter 6

  Madeleine had kept quiet and out of the way while Curtis entered the code. This was his third time inputting it, but he was still no closer to having the long, random series of letters and numbers even partially memorized, and so it still took all of his focus to make sure he entered it right first time. As soon as they'd stepped through and he'd closed it behind them with its now almost familiar clunk, though, she let out a long sigh of relief, leaning against the wall. Curtis knew how she felt. He too was glad to be out of there, and for her, this wasn't like his first time leaving Sanctuary - she knew she was going to be safe.

  "I can't believe I'm really out of Sanctuary! I never thought I'd really see it!" she said breathlessly, her face bright with a beaming smile in the light from Curtis' flashlight.

  "Well, this bit doesn't really look any different... The thing is, Sanctuary actually isn't deep underground like we thought - when we come out we're really more than halfway up a mountain. It's not that bad to climb down, and after that my car will take us to the place I've been using as a base, but we should wait in this tunnel until it gets light outside, so it'll be easier and safer to deal with the mountain. We can wait here, or we can head for the exit, but we still have a bit of time to pass until the sun starts to rise and it's better to stay sheltered in the tunnel..."

  He knew he was rambling and had basically just said the same thing twice, but he wanted to keep talking, to avoid a gap where either of them might need to address what had just happened with Sophie.

  He needn't have worried, though, it seemed that discussing the people of Sanctuary was not on Maddy's list of current priorities either. Quite out of nowhere, she pulled him close to her and kissed him urgently, her hands clasping the collar of his shirt.

  The excitement of the situation and the fact they had time to kill had clearly combined in Madeleine's mind and made her decide it was the perfect time to become reacquainted with Curtis's cock, and as he felt the warmth of her tongue in his mouth and the soft feel of her body - which, he couldn't help remembering, was naked under her dress - it was easy to succumb to the same mood. The relief of getting away from Sophie, of having succeeded in the rescue, was intense, and left him feeling like he had some nervous energy that could be put to good use this way...

  She reached down to grope his stiffening cock through his jeans, enjoying the exhilarating feeling of finding him growing hard.

  "You like that? Since you're my hero and all, and we have some dead time in here, I think I'd like to show you my appreciation for coming back for me," she said, an innocent look on her face as she watched Curtis's own face relax in pleasure, his cock now fully erect under his clothes.

  "Fuck yeah," he sai
d, "want to suck it for me?" he asked, although it was more a command than a question.

  Maddy smiled a sultry smile and sank to her knees right there outside the door of the former home he'd just rescued her from. She undid his fly and pulled his jeans down, and his underwear with them. His cock was as hard as it was for his sex robot whores, and there was nothing about Madeleine that he would have said was inferior to the android girls he now fucked on the regular - she may not have special features or secrete recreational drugs through her mouth and pussy, but she knew what it was like to be frustrated. She really, really wanted him, in a way that a robot never could, and this made her a huge turn on.

  She told him how much she liked the way he smelled different now, not of Sanctuary issued soap, in a sweet, girly voice before greedily taking his cock in her mouth and sucking him with complete enthusiasm, getting him as wet as she could and guzzling his dick at the back of her throat. She looked up at him, enjoying his visible reaction to her sloppy, noisy blowjob. He knew she had learned this from archive porn, and that was kind of adorable, as well as feeling fantastic.

  He grabbed a handful of her hair and gripped it in his fist, bucking his hips to fuck her mouth even deeper. It felt amazing having the preacher of Sanctuary taking his dick in her throat right outside the door, thinking about how disappointed Janice and the other old cunts would be in them for giving in to their hormones and wanting each other like this, and about how it didn't matter at all, because now, he'd brought Maddy to his world.

  "Oh fuck, stop, I don't want to come yet..." he grunted, although it was really hard for him to ask her to stop. He wanted to fuck her though, and he wanted for the first time he came for her out here to be inside her. There would surely be times to fuck her mouth as much as he wanted in the future, now. Maddy pulled her head away and stood up, her hair now a sexy mess where he had been holding on to it. Curtis pulled her dress up to bunch up above her bare tits. The first natural breasts he'd seen in a while, he couldn't help but stare at them in the shadowy light from his flashlight (which he'd dropped to the floor), admiring how firm and large they were, how stiff and pink her nipples were, as he squeezed them and rubbed his thumbs over them, making her gasp in excitement.


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