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Android Alien Apocalypse Harem - Arc 1 Box Set

Page 13

by Natalie Hunter

  Curtis gaped. He was surprised to hear this coming from the minister, even more surprised than when she'd asked him to take her virginity, or to arrange a threeway with a female android. It seemed so... manipulative.

  "I mean... I could, I'm not gonna lie, a man can't help but be curious about what it'd be like to fuck a hot blue half-alien girl... but intentionally giving her children? That seems like such a big deal..."

  It had been a big deal in Sanctuary, of course. It had been the reason for his time there being such a frustrating, miserable one - the fact that he could, at least theoretically, get women pregnant. But what had he really been planning out here? Surely there would need to be another generation or what were they even doing here, aside from making a fun place for him and Maddy to live out their days? Had he thought maybe he'd have a couple of kids with her one day and that'd be it? Leave repopulating to, whom, exactly? Sophie and Fliss were among the only women young enough to have kids left in Sanctuary, and Fliss would never let a man near her. And a child with Sophie as their mother would probably be a dick. Repopulating the region with jerks didn't sound like a wise legacy.

  As if she was following the exact same train of thought, Maddy said:

  "You know I'm... not the youngest. If we're going to have children, well, then I probably only have time to have a couple, and even then, according to stuff I read in the archives about biology, it's not that easy to get pregnant in your late thirties and after. It could be that the androids can manufacture fertility drugs or something - I could ask Mercy about that, but still, we won't be creating many new humans with just me having them... But maybe Sky... Maybe there are more like her - human enough that their kids can be part of the new humanity we could start... Well, you could start, by impregnating them. Maybe we need to redefine what humanity even is."

  But of course, there were other humans, and he knew it. He'd been feeling disturbed about it ever since Sky had told him.

  "I know what you're thinking. That we should try and rescue all the other... experiments - man, it feels so gross calling them that - in the city Sky came from, and, well, whether I'm on board with fucking them all until there are hundreds of small blue mini versions of me running around the place or not, I have been thinking we should save them too. I mean, what's the point in having the massive army of robots we have to amass anyway just to make sure nobody from Sanctuary can have them, if we don't actually use them for anything important? But, if we're going to free the experiments, then there's something else you need to know..."

  He told her what Sky had said about the Aerquan having a separate, more carefully protected compound with humans in it that they bred for use in their experiments. She looked like she was going to cry.

  "We can't allow that to go on," she said, surprisingly fierce, "my God didn't create us for that. We'll take our androids to Sky's city and free every last human or part-human or part... any-kind-of-Earthling, even if it's part-fucking-slug. And then we'll go to the next city the Aerquan control, and the next after that, and we'll save everyone."

  Curtis could only nod. He had no idea how the fuck they were going to do it, but he strongly agreed that it was what they needed to do. As for knocking up all of the fertile females, well, maybe the pressure would be off a little on that if they freed the other humans. Maybe - other than Sky, who he'd still need to have carry his child so she'd stay loyal to his faction - he could keep on just fucking whoever he wanted to, whether they were human, android or alien for fun, and if anyone else got pregnant, well, that'd just be an interesting new development. After all, the androids would probably do all the difficult parts of raising children for him, right?

  Chapter 3

  Curtis and Madeleine had decided that they needed to continue with their original plan for now of claiming all of the robots in the region, though now with a bigger goal in mind. They'd ultimately be taking the most suited androids with them in the form of an army to take on the Aerquan and free the experiments and the alien-bred humans from Sky's city. But of course, this meant that Curtis still had to go to the city in their own region straight away. He'd already put it off until tomorrow, so he could spend some time 'helping Maddy settle in', but Sky's appearance couldn't really cause further delay. This was because they didn't know what was going on in Sanctuary, and how soon somebody might come out of there and into their territory.

  "You should take her with you," Maddy said, decisively.

  "What? Why? Isn't it better if she stays here at the Lucky Buy while you claim the pilgrimage androids? She'll be safe here since all the robots under our command know not to harm her - as long as she doesn't go out into the parking lot and get seen by any you haven't claimed yet. Oh, and I forgot to tell you - there are loads of them out there already, I was going to leave them to you."

  Maddy stood up from the comfy armchair and looked out of the window, confirming that there were indeed a whole load of androids and other robots outside.

  "I also forgot to tell you that I went down there to get us some alcohol before I found Sky. I already tested some of the rum, it's safe. It's pretty good when you get used to it. I'll bring us some up if you want some before bed, it'll definitely help you sleep."

  "Well, I'll go and talk to the robots and bring up the booze in just a moment, we need to figure this out first, and I still think it's better if Sky goes with you. You can use the time to find out more about her and... there's also the matter of impregnating her. Nobody here can do that, and the faster she's carrying your child, the less likely she is to switch sides if more humans come out of Sanctuary."

  "Couldn't I just fuck her before I leave and hope for the best? I mean, I know people don't usually get pregnant the first time but if Mercy was to tell her she was, then we'd get the benefits of her loyalty and she could stay here where it's safest?"

  "I don't think that'll work. Mercy is under your orders, but I bet the medic androids aren't allowed to do anything that acts against the interests of someone's health, like lying to them about that sort of thing. They probably have to adhere to certain rules, like I was supposed to as a minister, but with them, it can be in their fundamental programming, can't it? I bet she wouldn't be able to give incorrect health advice or do anything that might harm a living person."

  "OK, that does sound like the kind of thing that'd be a thing. Seems like you've got the androids pretty well figured out, for someone who's so far only fucked the maid..."

  Madeleine blushed, still clearly a little embarrassed that she'd come so hard from Pinky's attentions. This reminded Curtis why he'd gone to get alcohol in the first place.

  "It just stands to reason, doesn't it? Humans lived alongside all these androids before, and used them to do all the stuff they didn't want to do or couldn't get other people to do. You wouldn't be able to live comfortably in a society like that if you thought the medic robot doing first aid on you if you were in an accident might have been ordered by their owner to, I don't know, give you breast implants at the same time... The manufacturers must have made sure the androids were generally comforting and not scary to have around."

  Curtis shrugged.

  "Yeah, you're right, it was a stupid plan. But, well, won't taking Sky to the city with me just make things really complicated? I mean, I don't know what I'm going to encounter there... well, I do, a shitload of robots... and they're no threat to me but if she's spotted before I've taken control of one, they might attack. And what if she does get pregnant while we're there? I don't know shit about that - it wasn't really worth researching when I was studying biology, given in Sanctuary, I was never likely to meet a pregnant woman. And sure, there are medic androids who could take care of her, but... well, who's to say she's even the same as a human in that respect, 100%? What if her alien DNA means her pregnancies will be different from what the medic androids know?"

  "I know pregnancy is probably the scariest thing in the world to you, given how your mom died, and, well, the consequences of all of that, but I was a k
id in Sanctuary before that happened and it was something they did teach us about back then, and it's really not that bad. For the first three months most people can't even tell a woman is pregnant, so you'll have plenty of time to get her back here. And yeah, her pregnancy might be different to a human one, but if we are going to need to breed with the experiments to repopulate the region then we - and our androids - need to learn about that anyway."

  "You're way too logical for someone who believes the stuff in a book from 2500 years ago..."

  Maddy smiled slyly in spite of his dig at her religion.

  "So... if I do take her with me, I guess she's going to need a disguise, she was covering herself with an old blanket she found when I met her so I guess it is sight that the androids use to decide someone is a target, and they've all learned the aliens are blue, so it's her skin that's a problem and --"

  He was cut off by Pinky entering the room, bowing demurely at them, before beckoning in an almost unrecognizable Sky.

  He'd been able to hear the sounds of hairdriers and running water and various clanging around from the apartment's bathroom the whole time he and Maddy had been talking, but hadn't thought to much of it, but now, presented with the results of Pinky and Mercy's efforts to clean up the half-alien, his face was frozen in surprise. Maddy, who hadn't seen what Sky looked like before and had also been prepared for there being a blue-skinned woman around, also looked stunned - clearly this had not been what she'd been expecting either.

  Sky's sky blue skin shone beautifully now that she was clean, and her long, royal blue hair had been carefully untangled and now fell in glossy waves down over her shoulders and back. Her eyes were an almost neon yellow, and big and bright now she was refreshed. But what had really caught Curtis' attention was her figure. Pinky had dressed her in a simple white tennis dress - presumably from the Lucky Buy's storeroom, but its short length and body skimming cut made Sky's long legs, curvy hips and full breasts look amazing. He hadn't seen what she looked like from the neck down at all when she'd been under her blanket, but he'd expected her to look skinny and malnourished after however long on the run. Instead she had an athletic tone to her arms and legs, and a healthy, feminine amount of soft flesh rounding out her hourglass body. His cock responded faster than his brain, stiffening in his pants as any worries about what would happen when she got pregnant were flung far from his mind, replaced by the desire to have her naked, to be inside her, and indeed, to fill her up with his seed.

  "Well done, Pinky, you... you did a good job there," was what he eventually said, after gawping at Sky's breasts (did Pinky not think to give her a bra?) for an amount of time that would probably have been deemed inappropriate by anyone with normal social skills. But since nobody in the room had normal social skills, except maybe Maddy, who was also gawping, it didn't matter.

  Chapter 4

  "So, do I look more like a human, now?" Sky asked, her face a little confused. It seemed she couldn't tell whether the reaction from Curtis was positive or not.

  He wasn't sure how to answer that, given she looked just as human, and just as much alien, as before - just a lot more appealing.

  "You look great," he managed, "this is Madeleine, by the way, I guess you can tell she is the other human living here."

  "Oh! A human female! Please, treat me as you would a sister! I am Sky, my human name, given to me by my human male!" Sky said, clasping her hands together and giving a beaming, enraptured smile to Maddy.

  "Oh, well, I don't have any sisters so I'm not sure what that means, but... welcome to the group!" Madeleine mumbled, a little fazed by Sky's enthusiasm.

  "Tell me, Madeleine, did Curtis claim you? Will our children be brothers and sisters?" Sky continued.

  "Ummm, Sky, when you said earlier that you learned about humans and how they... reproduce from books, what kind of books were they?" Curtis cut in, rather confused by the way Sky seemed to think he was now her man and would be fathering her children, even though she hadn't been party to the conversation he and Maddy had only just had where he himself had realized that might be a good idea. As hot as she looked and as willing as he was starting to feel, he didn't want any bizarre misunderstandings.

  "Oh, a mixture. The compound we lived in had once been a human hospital, and there were books of all kinds, magazines, too. There were stories about human princesses and their loves, articles about how to get a better job, oh, and small little books about how to stop your back hurting and how to know if someone is having a stroke. They were old, so some of them were not complete, but we pieced together what we could."

  So, her ideas about humans are based on a random selection of fairy tales, magazine articles and healthcare pamphlets. With pages missing. No wonder she has strange ideas. She probably thinks human men are there to rescue women and then have babies with them, and babies come from some rather clinical process... I suppose it's not that much more fucked up than how I'd think things worked if I hadn't had the archives.

  "OK, so, you say about me claiming you, and you and Madeleine having babies, but, from your research, how do you think that happens?"

  "Well... I know it is a physical thing, and involves the genitalia of the male and female. My genitalia are just like the diagram of the woman's genitalia in the 'Your Changing Body and You' book, and my body did do all that changing the book had in it too, about seven years ago when I was 12 - the menstrual cycle and so on - so I think it will work on me..."

  So she's 19. Wow, she's the only person I've ever met who's actually younger than me! But, yeah, doesn't sound like she knows all the ins and outs of sex, as it were. Ugh, I really don't want to have to teach her all this in some boring assed lecture, but I do need her to understand if I'm going to be taking her with me with the intention of fucking her as much as I can so she'll get pregnant...

  "Maybe it is better if Sky sees a practical demonstration of how we humans ummmm... put the genitalia together," said Madeleine, once again seeming to know exactly what Curtis was thinking, adding "I mean, we learned what we like from videos ourselves, didn't we?"

  Curtis' cock throbbed at the idea of having Sky sit in the armchair by the bed and watch him fuck Madeleine, which is what he took her suggestion to mean.

  "Or, we could give her a tutorial. Maybe I could demonstrate with one of the male androids, and then she could try and do the same with you?" Madeleine's eyes were down now, her face a little flushed, and Curtis could tell she was getting embarrassed about her own fantasies again. But what she was suggesting now sounded even hotter to him - getting Sky all turned on watching Madeleine get pounded by an android and then sliding into her wet, virgin alien pussy...

  "Shall I go and get Sarge?" Pinky, who'd been silently listening by the door asked helpfully.

  "Yeah. Yeah, you do that. And tell everyone else we're not to be disturbed in here for a while. Especially the sexbots - they'd just make things confusing..."

  "Sexbots?" asked Madeleine (who hadn't met Dora and Estelle yet), and Sky in unison.

  "Don't worry about it."

  Sarge, the buff, action-star looking security robot was the only male of his robots (unless you counted Ian the car, which Curtis didn't) that Curtis had gotten to know very well. The Lucky Buy had already been Sarge's home, and it had been useful to have an android who was designed for combat around just in case (though, in case of what, Curtis wasn't sure - his supermarket base was always thronging with androids who'd lay down their lives - or whatever it was they had - for him, so he wasn't that sure why having Sarge there all the time made him feel safer, but it did). He'd already been expecting that Maddy would probably find some uses for Sarge's 'special protocols' while he was away in the city - if she wasn't too busy experimenting sexually with the female androids - and he found that the idea of it didn't make him feel jealous or grossed out at all. Sarge was, when all was said and done, a very sophisticated tool, and a tool that belonged to Curtis. If he wanted to use him to get Maddy off, then it was practically the same as gi
ving her one of those vibrating toy cocks he'd seen women using in the porn in the archives. Watching her getting fucked hard by him while his new sexy half-alien girl got more and more desperate to feel a cock inside her too was an idea that did nothing but get his already stirring dick rock hard, as he heard Sarge's distinctively heavy footsteps coming towards the bedroom door.

  Sarge entered, closing the door firmly behind him. There was no need for a lock, when everyone outside had to obey Curtis' instruction to Pinky that they mustn't be disturbed. He gave a slow look up and down Sky's body, as if scanning her somehow, but then shrugged, as if to say, 'well, she looks pretty blue, but orders are orders so I won't stun her'.

  "Pinky said that you want me to use my special protocols with your human companion," he said, smiling at Madeleine, whose eyes had gone wide with a girlish excitement. She'd never properly met Sarge before, and it looked, as Curtis had anticipated, like his big, muscular body and square-jawed good looks were to her taste.

  "That would be me, and yes, Sarge, I'd like you to -- I mean, your master would like you to tease me, get me real wet, and then fuck me nice and hard, so that we can show Sky here how it's done, before he fills her little virgin pussy with his hot load."

  Curtis was pretty sure Maddy was talking like this just to get him even harder, because there was really no need to describe to Sarge what she wanted in such lewd tones. It was working. There was something about Madeleine talking that way that was just extra filthy, when he remembered her in Sanctuary, where everyone thought their minister was so pure of thought.

  "Fuck yeah - it's been a long time since I've been allowed to use my special protocols, and it gets kinda frustrating listening to everybody else in this place coming," said Sarge, to Curtis' amusement, as he took off his black stab jacket (surely androids were stab proof anyway?) and the tight black t-shirt underneath, revealing a bodybuilder-esque physique that was clearly appealing enough to Maddy to make her visibly squirm in her seat. She stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing herself against him in her tight black dress (she still wasn't wearing anything underneath, Curtis was sure).


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