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Bake Sale for Murder

Page 10

by Harper Lin

  “Yes, but don’t forget that you are donating half to the charity the Richtmans choose. It’s a wonderful gesture too. You guys in the art club should all be proud of yourselves.”

  “What do you think is going to happen to Stacy, Mom?” Adam asked as he opened the fridge and pulled out an apple.

  Amelia took a seat at the kitchen table. The last thing she wanted to discuss with her boy was the sad, pitiful state of a woman that age having relations with someone her son’s age.

  “Well, they’ll investigate. That whole creepy thing will probably make the papers. You know how it is with journalists. The seedier, the better. I’m not sure. But one thing I do know is that Stacy’s just a girl. Her heart was broken, and sometimes you don’t think straight when that happens. Love makes people do stupid things sometimes.”

  “Did you ever feel like that with Dad?” Meg asked.

  “Did I ever want to kill him?” Every day since the divorce. “No. Not kill. Give him a swift kick where the sun doesn’t shine, yes. But kill? No.”

  “I feel like that about Adam all the time,” Meg teased.

  Adam stuck his tongue out at her before jogging downstairs to his lair.

  “You hungry, honey?”

  “Nope. Can I call Katherine?”

  “You just saw her not ten minutes ago.”

  “I know, but I want to talk to her about what happened.”

  “Sure.” Amelia sighed. “Meg, I have to tell you something. Can you sit for a minute?”

  Meg hopped up on the counter and looked at her mother.

  “I just got the news that your dad and Jennifer are having a baby.”

  Amelia watched as her daughter’s face fell.

  “It’s something we knew was probably going to happen. Right?” Amelia said soothingly. “Meg, remember that you will always be your father’s little girl. This doesn’t change that.”

  The words sounded like cardboard.

  “Why didn’t he tell us?” Meg asked. Her voice sounded small, as if she’d somehow shrunk in size within the last couple of seconds.

  “There is a reason. Adam overheard Jennifer telling someone. He wasn’t supposed to know. Probably because your father wanted to tell you himself when he felt the time was right.”

  “So why are you telling me? How come Dad isn’t?”

  “I thought it would be better if you heard it from me.” Amelia shrugged.

  “How come Adam didn’t tell me?”

  “He was afraid it would hurt your feelings. You know how big brothers are. If you got upset, it would make him upset, and you know how he hates it when people see him upset.”

  Meg looked down at her dangling feet. “He’s going to forget all about us,” she said.

  “No, Meg, he’s not.” Amelia hoped she sounded more convincing than she felt.

  “Just watch. Can I call Katherine now?”

  “Of course,” Amelia said as she watched Meg hurry out of the kitchen.

  “I should have just kept my mouth shut. Mrs. Arlings was right. I just put my nose in other people’s business.”

  The cat was out of the bag. There was nothing Amelia could do to unring this bell. Her children knew about John and Jennifer’s new development. They’d taken it as well as could be expected.

  “I don’t know what I should have done differently, Lila. Maybe I shouldn’t have told them at all and left it to John,” Amelia said while sipping a glass of white wine and gorging on nachos with guacamole.

  “You are forgetting that John wasn’t going to tell you. He wanted you to believe the kids were at risk so they’d come live with him.” Her voice was calm and logical like classical music. “Whether or not it was a ruse to get Jennifer a little help making adjustments, I don’t think you’ll ever know for sure. But the fact remains he knew she was pregnant when he demanded custody.”

  Amelia sighed.

  “I can’t think about it anymore tonight. Like Scarlett O’Hara says, I’ll think about that tomorrow.” She took a sip of wine. “Thanks for coming today. I know it meant a lot to the kids. Plus, you got to see all that excitement.”

  “You can’t make this stuff up,” Lila replied. “Mother sleeping with the daughter’s boyfriend? How does that even happen?”

  “As soon as Dan gets off work, I’ll be sure to ask him.”

  “Is he coming by tonight?”

  “He called and said he wanted to stop by once they were finished collecting statements and taking fingerprints and confessions and all that jazz.”

  “Take notes. I want you to tell Beatrice and me everything.”

  “Okay.” Amelia laughed. “Did you ever date any younger men?”

  “Like Mrs. Arlings? The question should be ‘Did you ever rob the cradle?’ No.” Lila scoffed as if Amelia had just asked her to pose for a picture without wearing makeup. “My men were always older than me. And even at that, they were as immature as the day is long. Why in the world would I want someone practically fresh out of diapers?”

  Amelia laughed. “I think I just heard a car door slam. I think Dan is here. I’ll get all the gory details and see you at the truck on Monday.”

  “Good night, Amelia. Love to Dan and the kids.”

  Amelia hung up the phone and hurried to the door.

  When she opened it up, Dan was standing there with a bag from Moody’s Restaurant in one hand and his jacket and tie in the other.

  “You look exhausted,” Amelia said and quickly took the things from his hands.

  “You will not believe the day I had.”

  “Did something else happen?”

  “I wish. No. I was dealing with Stacy Arlings and her mother, Crystal, all day.” He yawned as he stepped in and shut the door behind him. “There’s a burger in there for you.”

  “How’d you know I was drowning my sorrows in food tonight?” She peeked in the bag.

  “Lucky guess. What are you doing that for?”

  Amelia told Dan about Meg.

  “That whole mess is what Captain Kirk would call a Kobayashi Maru. The no-win scenario.”

  “You said a mouthful there. Neither of the kids knows about his requesting custody again. Or why he’s requesting it. After seeing Meg’s face today, I don’t dare tell them about that.”

  “I wouldn’t,” Dan said. “Not until you have to. And I don’t think you’ll have to.”

  “I’m giving myself a headache thinking about it. Let’s change the subject. So tell me all the details about Stacy and her mom. Lila sends her love and says don’t leave anything out.”

  It took half the night for Dan to relay the entire story as Stacy told it. Not only had her mother slept with Brian Richtman, but she’d also told her daughter she did.

  Stacy couldn’t kill her mother. They had a bond, no matter how warped. But she could kill the man who’d come between them. Or boy.

  “She said she confronted him in the gym between classes.” Dan took a bite of his burger then wiped his mouth. “They were behind the bleachers when he told her that he loved her mother, Crystal. That he was only still dating Stacy to get to Crystal and that Crystal said they could be together when Stacy went off to college.”

  Amelia’s mouth fell open.

  “Stacy lost it. I can only imagine the humiliation she felt. She slapped him across the face and started to storm off. Then she saw a five-pound weight left behind by some of the guys on the wrestling team working out. She picked it up, stomped back up to him when his back was turned, and crack, upside the head.”

  Amelia finally closed her mouth.

  “He was dead before he hit the floor. She got him just right. Had it been a little to the left or right, he’d probably still be alive.”

  “So what will happen to her?”

  “With all the scandal caused by her mother, I think any judge would go easy on the girl. She’ll serve time, but I think she’ll get out with enough time to start a new life for herself.”

  “That is one heck of a story.”
br />   “It isn’t quite finished. After Stacy told her mother what happened, Crystal Arlings, in her infinite wisdom, told Stacy to frame Joe Smarman.”

  “Why did she pick him? She didn’t sleep with him too?”

  “No.” Dan smirked. “Her mother said that the police would believe it was Joe because they had such a rivalry. Brian was the better jock. But Joe was the better man. We never thought for a second he did it. But we waited and watched as we interviewed Stacy and her friends. It was only Stacy who pointed the finger at Joe. No one else did. And when we asked her why she went along with her mother’s scheme, Stacy said her mom gave her some really good advice.”

  “Oh Lord. What?”

  “That the cops would believe her because she’s pretty and just turned eighteen.”

  “Wow.” Amelia sighed. She couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  “Is it okay if I use your spare room again?” Dan asked.

  “Of course. Meg is right. The house feels fuller when you are here.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Amelia sat outside the courtroom, looking nervously at her watch. She’d been there just a handful of times. Usually, it was quite amicable. John wanted to change payment dates or there was a question about amounts.

  But this was different. This was the big one.

  Amelia hadn’t spoken to John since she confronted him over the phone about Jennifer’s pregnancy.

  Now she was sitting here hoping that rage would come back so she could explain to the judge in a rational way why her children belonged with her.

  It was ten o’clock in the morning. People in suits were stomping down the corridor. Families with lots of kids loitered in the hallway. She stood up and was just about to go into the courtroom designated for her hearing when she saw John’s lawyer quickly strolling down the hallway.

  “Miss Harley!” he shouted and waved.

  She stopped and looked at him skeptically.

  “I’m not making any deal, Hank.”

  John’s attorney was Hank Malone. He was a bald man with expensive suits and no neck to speak of.

  “Uh, no.” He cleared his throat. “John won’t be appearing.”

  “So? I can do this with you.”

  “No. What I mean is he won’t be appearing. I’ve got another court call in a different room. He’s decided not to pursue the changes in the custody.”

  Amelia wanted to scream, “Yes!” and really gloat, but she didn’t. She held back her tears of joy and nodded.

  “Well, tell him thanks for letting me know before I drove all the way out here.”

  She turned and quickly walked down the hallway. She was afraid if she didn’t, maybe Hank would change his mind or say, “Fooled you,” and the whole mess would be a go after all.

  When she was finally in her car, she let her emotions out. Laughing and crying at the same time felt good in this instance. She’d won this round.

  “And you are a gracious winner, Amelia Harley,” she said to herself as she dug through her purse to find her phone.

  She pulled up John’s number and sent him a text.

  Thank you. Tell Jennifer the kids and I said congratulations.

  It was hard to type those little letters, but Amelia liked how she felt at that moment. She liked feeling like David after he slew Goliath.

  Continue The Pink Cupcake Mysteries with book 9, Sugar and Scandals.

  When Amelia is interviewed about her cupcake business for a popular food magazine, she also learns about the death of an old classmate. Spencer Randall had always been a ladies’ man, but in recent years, he’d taken to dating wealthy older women for their money. He was found dead on a hiking trail, beaten to death. With multiple women fighting over him, Amelia and Dan have their work cut out for them.

  In the middle of a stakeout with Dan, Amelia also uncovers her ex-husband’s latest scandal…

  Read an excerpt at the end of this book.

  Catch up on all the books in the Pink Cupcake series here.

  Sign up for Harper's Newsletter and get notified when new books are on sale for 99¢!

  Recipe 1: Red Velvet Cupcakes with Buttercream Frosting

  Makes 12

  * * *


  • 1 egg

  • 1 cup + 3 tbsp cake flour

  • 1 tsp baking soda

  • 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • ¾ cup + 1 tablespoon sugar

  • ⅓ cup vegetable oil

  • ⅓ cup + 1 tablespoon buttermilk

  • ½ tsp pure vanilla extract

  • A few drops of gel-based red food coloring

  * * *

  Vanilla Buttercream Icing:

  • 1 cup unsalted butter

  • 3 cups icing sugar

  • 2 tbsp whole milk

  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract

  * * *

  Line 12 pans. Preheat oven to 350 F. Sift flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl. Stir a little and set aside.

  Whisk vegetable oil and 3/4 cup of sugar in a separate mixing bowl, until combined. Add egg, mix, and then add buttermilk. And add in vanilla extract and red food coloring, until well mixed.

  Make a hole in the dry ingredients. Pour in wet ingredients. Fold with a spatula until smooth.

  Divide batter into cups, filling 2/3 of each cup. Bake for 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Take out of oven; let cool in pan.

  Icing: Mix butter and half of icing sugar on medium speed in a mixing bowl. Add vanilla, remaining icing sugar, and milk. Beat until smooth.

  Transfer into a piping bag to pipe on top of each cooled cupcake.

  Recipe 2: Butterscotch Cupcakes

  Makes 20

  * * *


  • 1 box instant butterscotch pudding

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 3/4 cups flour

  • 1 1/4 cups milk

  • 1/2 cup oil

  • 2/3 cup sugar

  • 3/4 cup butterscotch chips, roughly chopped

  • 2 1/2 tsp baking powder

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  * * *

  Butterscotch Frosting:

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar

  • 1/2 cup butter

  • 1/3 cup heavy cream

  • 1/4 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla

  • dash of cinnamon

  • 3 cups powdered sugar

  • 1-2 tbsp milk

  * * *

  Line 20 pans. Preheat oven to 375 F. Whisk flour, dry pudding mix, sugar, butterscotch chips, baking powder and salt in a large bowl.

  In another bowl, whisk eggs, oil, milk and vanilla. Pour over dry ingredients and stir until combined.

  Bake for 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Let cool in pan.

  Frosting: In a large saucepan, melt butter over medium heat until light brown. Add brown sugar and stir until it comes to a boil. Whisk in cream until it comes to a boil again. Stir constantly. After 30 seconds, remove from heat and add salt, vanilla, and cinnamon. Cool for about 20 minutes. Beat in powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon of milk, adding more milk as needed for a thick and creamy frosting.

  Transfer to a piping bag. Decorate cupcakes. Sprinkle with butterscotch chips if desired.

  About the Author

  Harper Lin is the USA TODAY bestselling author of 6 cozy mystery series including The Patisserie Mysteries and The Cape Bay Cafe Mysteries.

  When she's not reading or writing mysteries, she loves going to yoga classes, hiking, and hanging out with her family and friends.

  For a complete list of her books by series, see her website. Follow Harper on social media using the icons below for the latest insider news.

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  A Note From Harper

k you so much for reading Bake Sale for Murder. If you were entertained by this Pink Cupcake mystery, please recommend it to friends and family who would enjoy it too. I would also really appreciate it if you could write a book review to help spread the word.

  You might also enjoy my other dessert cozy mystery series:

  • The Cape Bay Cafe Mysteries: When Fran moves back to her idyllic beach town to take over the family café, she also develops a knack for solving bizarre murders. Each book includes special recipes.

  • The Patisserie Mysteries: An heiress to a famous French patisserie chain takes over the family business, while using her status as a Parisian socialite to solve murders in high society. Each book includes French dessert recipes.

  • The Emma Wild Mysteries: a 4-Book holiday cozy series about a famous singer returning to her small Canadian town.

  I also have 2 other fun mystery series:

  • Secret Agent Granny: 70-year-old Barbara is a sweet grandmother—and a badass ex-CIA agent.

  • The Wonder Cats Mysteries: three witches and their magical cats solve paranormal murder cases in the mystical town of Wonder Falls.

  If you want to be the first to hear about new book releases and early bird specials, sign up for my mailing list.

  I’m also on Facebook, where I’ll be holding giveaways, sharing recipes, and posting about what I’m reading at the moment.

  Follow my Pinterest boards to see the locations and inspirations behind each book.

  You can also connect with me on Goodreads.

  If you’d like to get in touch with me directly, you can email me at I would love to hear what you think about the books. Do also drop me a note if you happen to catch any mistakes. While each book is edited and proofread by professionals, errors can still slip through sometimes. As an indie writer, I want to provide readers with the smoothest read possible.


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