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La Famiglia : Elias : Part One The diRuggiero Mafia Family Saga

Page 3

by Laura Sutton

  The loud music was making the air vibrate, but she still heard his reply.

  “Not as beautiful as yours, bimba, but thank you,” he breathed, and her breath caught. He was so handsome, and she was so drawn to him, like a magnetic pull or some other, inexplicable force. It was crazy; she’d only just met this man. Maybe it was the wildness and freeness she was feeling, in this special place, at this special point in her life. She was about to start her career and would have to be her regular serious self for the foreseeable future. Why not indulge in this moment, soak up this feeling of want and attraction?

  Eli reached around Roxy and pulled open the door of the club. They showed the bouncer their resort wristbands, confirming they were in fact staying at the resort, and stepped into the neon-lit darkness.

  “Are you sure ‘bimba’ doesn’t mean ‘bimbo’?” she almost yelled into his ear over the pulsating Spanish song.

  Eli threw back his head and laughed as they made their way to the bar. He pulled her close, crowding her back against the bar as his hands rested on either side of her, caging her in. Sam felt like she should be scared, like she should feel restrained; he was so much bigger, so much stronger, but all she wanted was more, more of his strength, of his heat, permeating her body.

  He leaned down, and she thought for a split second he might kiss her, but just as her eyes fluttered closed and her lips parted, he moved his head and ran his lips lightly over her cheek. Not kissing, but caressing, almost nuzzling, the skin there. Sam barely kept from moaning at the sensation of his breath, hot and damp, on the shell of her ear.

  “You are so far from a bimbo, Sam, trust me. It takes a special woman to make me want her the way I want you.” He took her earlobe between his teeth and tugged on it.

  She did moan then, shuddering at the cascade of goosebumps down her arms.

  “Drinks!” she heard Roxy call. Cold air rushed between them as Eli stepped back. Roxy pressed a drink into her hand and she drank it like a parched runner would guzzle water during a marathon. Cool mint and rum tickled her tongue and throat on the way down.

  “Careful, bimba, don’t drink too much too fast. I want to have fun with you tonight.” Eli plucked the now-empty rocks glass from her and smiled.

  She swallowed, at that smile. It was dark and sexy, a promise and warning wrapped up in one hot package. Part of her was telling her to run, but another part, a bigger part, was begging her to stay. She steeled her resolve and met his gaze with all the courage she had.

  “Okay,” she agreed. She ran her fingers through his dark hair, curling just a bit thanks to the humidity, and then down his face. His beard scratched and tickled the palm of her hand pleasurably, and she watched, fascinated, as he leaned into her touch and closed his eyes.

  “Enough of this, I wanna dance! Sorry, Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome,” Roxy called out, grabbing Sam’s other hand and tugging her away.

  Eli’s eyes shot open, confused for a second at the rapid change, but then he smiled, lifted his glass and leaned back against the bar as Roxy dragged her out onto the dance floor.

  “Come on, he wants to watch you,” Roxy said over the loud music, and put her hands on Sam’s hips.

  Sam rolled her eyes and pulled a face. “Rox, you know I don’t know how to be sexy! Not like you.” She swayed to the beat, trying to follow her friend’s moves but feeling awkward. She’d never been particularly graceful.

  “That’s just it, you don’t need to be sexy like me,” she said and spun her around so Sam was facing Eli, Roxy still guiding her to move her hips in time with the music. “You need to be sexy like you.”

  Sam closed her eyes and let the music, the atmosphere, and the look she had seen in Eli’s eyes, take her away. She couldn’t make out the words of the song, but the music was sensual, and she imagined her body moving against Eli’s instead of Roxy’s. She pulled her long blonde hair up off her neck, needing air to cool her damp neck. The dance floor was crowded and hot and she liked that none of these people here knew her, and therefore couldn’t judge her.

  “Don’t look now, but I think you sent out the siren call. He’s not just watching anymore,” Roxy said into her ear.

  Sam opened her eyes just in time to see Eli step onto the dance floor. He pressed himself all along the front of her body, moving with her to the music and she felt him, felt his cock, hard against her belly. She looked at him in shock. Had she done that?

  Eli leaned down to talk into her ear. “Don’t look so shocked, bimba, I wasn’t the only man watching you move and dance. I want to do more than just watch, though.”

  He pulled away and fixed her with a meaningful gaze. He was giving her a chance, she realized, a chance to say no, to leave the dance floor and go back to her room and continue her normal, staid vacation and life.

  Or she could take a chance on something risky and sexy.

  That same sense of resolve filled her as before; she brought her hands to his waist and slid them up his taut belly, over his hard chest and then around his broad shoulders, with a slow, naughty smile.

  “I want to dance,” she said. “With you.”

  He grinned and took her mouth in a fervent kiss as an answer.

  Chapter Four


  He couldn’t keep from kissing her any longer. He’d watched as she and her friend danced, and he knew Roxy had talked her into putting on a little show for him. He wasn’t complaining, not at all, enjoying how Sam moved her body to the music, and how her eyes seemed to sparkle under the lights strobing around them.

  What he didn’t like was how he wasn’t the only man in the club eyeing her. There was a pair of guys at the bar talking about the two hotties on the dance floor, and he knew they were talking about Roxy and Sam. So he finished his drink, the overly-sweet mojito Roxy had ordered, and made his way onto the dance floor.

  Going to clubs had never been his thing. His father and his uncle ran several in Dallas, so any novelty they might have had was long gone. At this point, he associated them with danger and the ruination of his family more than anything enjoyable.

  Tonight, though, those thoughts were far, far from his mind. He pulled Sam even closer to his body, gripping her shoulders hard and stroking his tongue in and out of her mouth. He kissed her like a man possessed, losing himself in the feel of her body, so much softer than his own, and her taste. She tasted like the mint from her drink, but also like innocence and sunlight. He knew he sullied her just by being in her presence, but he couldn’t stop. She was like a drug, and he was well on his way to being an addict.

  “Sam!” Roxy’s voice came dimly to him, as if from a distance, but he didn’t want to stop kissing Same, didn’t want to take his hands off her luscious body. “Samantha!” Roxy said louder, and this time Sam tore her lips away from his. He growled at the loss of contact.

  “Sorry!” Sam said and turned in arms to face her friend.

  Eli ran his hands down her bare arms, their muscles flexing under his caress. Would she be this responsive to his touch when she was naked on his bed and his hands were on her thighs, her hips, her chest? God, he hoped so.

  “Carlos called. I’m gonna head back to the room and video chat with him. Y’all stay down here and have fun.” Roxy winked, and Eli couldn’t help but grin. He hadn’t been very subtle, had he?

  “Oh, we can go,” Sam said, and Eli’s hands clenched on her arms. He wasn’t ready to part from her yet.

  “Nope, you’re going to stay with Eli and dance, and you’re gonna give me at least two hours in the room alone.” Roxy gave them an exaggerated wink that left no mystery what her intentions might be.

  Eli laughed when a look of embarrassed recognition came over Sam’s face, and he leaned down and kissed the crown of her head. She was so sweet, so innocent – and he was dead set to find out how innocent.

  “Oh-okay, well, text when you get to the room, so I know you’re okay,” Sam said.

  Roxy kissed her cheek. Bye, Sam! Bye, Eli!” Roxy waggled her fing
ers in farewell and departed.

  Sam and Eli watched her disappear through the club door.

  “I should really make sure she makes it back to the room okay,” Sam said, a line of worry puckering her forehead. Eli pulled her body further into his, pressing his semi-hard cock into her ass, and Sam rewarded him with a very feminine gasp of shocked pleasure.

  “She’ll be okay, but if she doesn’t text in five minutes, we’ll go check, okay?” He kissed her neck and began to move their bodies to the music, the salsa-pop beat coursing through them. His hands roamed down her arms and up again, then stretching one across the front of her chest right above her cleavage.

  “You make me so hard,” he murmured.

  It was true; at the bar earlier at the beach, at dinner, talking about the Costa Rican weather and the state of American politics. The way she sipped her wine and the way her lips seemed to caress her fork when she ate. It was all he could do to keep his hands off of her. He knew his intensity wasn’t good; he had seen how intensity could turn into jealousy and he’d sworn to himself to be above that. It was why he’d only had lukewarm feelings for the women he dated and fucked in the past. If they didn’t rouse him completely, then he didn’t care enough to be jealous.

  Sam was different. He’d only just met her, but his want for her ran deep, so deep. If he had met her under normal situations, back home on a regular Friday night, he would’ve walked away before now, not tempted fate. They were on vacation, though, headed to different lives, so he could indulge. He could fuck her, make her body sing, and enjoy every second of it, knowing that he wouldn’t fall into the trap of insane jealousy that the men in his family were known for.

  Eli’s hands had just moved over her hips when the little bag on her wrist vibrated. She pulled out her phone, and he read the text over her shoulder, a picture from Roxy showing she was sitting in their room.

  Have fun! said the text, followed by emoji of an eggplant and a sploosh of raindrops. He could feel the heat flame from Sam’s face with how closely their cheeks were pressed together, and knew they were both thinking of the inevitability of what was between them.

  “So I guess you’re mine for the next two hours, huh?” He darted his tongue out to run around the shell of her ear. She moaned, leaning into him, and nodded.

  “Whatever shall we do?” she said, a teasing lilt to her voice, as her hand snaked up and into his hair, holding his head against her.

  He tugged on her earlobe and then sucked it into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue.

  “Oh, I have a few ideas,” he purred before spinning her back around to face him.

  She was taller than most women he dated, but he still had to lean down to kiss her. He liked it. He enjoyed the feeling of having this beautiful, intelligent woman at his mercy. It was like taming a wild thing, being able to make love to a woman like Sam, showing her she could pass control over to him. He knew her type: smart, driven, with rigid restraint maintained over every aspect of their lives. He wanted to wrest that control away from her in his bed and show her the ecstatic release of letting go.

  He continued to kiss her as they danced, moving his leg between hers and pressing his thigh into her center. It was hot in the club; even with the air conditioning of the resort, the bodies packed onto the dance floor made the room hot. But the heat radiating from between her legs was almost hot enough to burn him. He pressed his thigh harder into her center and swallowed the moan she made into his kiss.

  God, Eli wanted to fuck her, but he also didn’t want to scare her off. He ached to spend the next two weeks exploring her body but he was afraid if he showed her too soon how much he wanted her, it might frighten her. But maybe there was a way to make her burn and not make her flee…

  Eli dragged his lips from hers, peppering her jaw with tiny kisses until he reached her ear.

  “You are so sexy, Samantha.” He somehow pulled her even closer. “I want to touch you, bimba.”

  “Oh, God,” she moaned.

  Eli pulled back and looked down into her face, her gray eyes sparkling and other-worldly. He cupped her jaw with his hand and rubbed the pad of his thumb over her damp lower lip.

  “Is that a yes, Samantha?” he asked, his thumb still running along the smooth texture of her lip. Instead of answering, she sucked his thumb into her mouth and ran her tongue around it. Maybe his sweet, innocent Samantha wasn’t that innocent, after all. Even better, Eli thought wickedly.

  Eli took her hand and pulled her off the dance floor. The perimeter of the club was made up of little alcove-like niches with sofas– the perfect place to hide, have a drink and maybe do a little more, away from prying eyes.

  Eli pulled her down to sit next to him on the bench, and instantly he was kissing her once more. His fingers threaded through her thick blonde hair and his tongue was back in her mouth, tasting her, claiming her.

  He kissed her for what seemed like hours, caressing her throat, slipping down to squeeze and fondle her breasts through her dress. They were soft and large, and felt like they were made to fill his hands. He brushed his thumb over one of her nipples, making it harden under the soft fabric. Desire sizzled over his nerve endings and he couldn’t stand it being so separate from her any longer. With a growl, he pulled her into his lap, spreading her legs over his thighs.

  “Oh!” Sam cried as he settled her astride him with a sly grin. He thrusted his hips up against her once, just to let her feel how hard he was for her– because of her.

  “‘Oh’ is right, bimba. Fuck, you feel good,” he moaned against her mouth and kissed her again, his arms pulling all her soft curves into him.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered and pressed herself down against him. It took all his control not to open his fly and take her right here. Not yet. But he needed to make her come, to see her lose control and feel her heat and wetness around his fingers.

  “I’m going to touch you, bimba, make you come right here on my lap. Show everyone that looks this way how you’re mine.”

  “Oh, God, Eli, yes, please,” she begged. Eli smiled with fierce satisfaction at her wanton need and took her lips in another searing kiss.

  Eli brought his hand down, his palm flat over her throat, and skimmed it down over her breasts, over her stomach to her hip and then her thigh. He squeezed it, here her skin was smooth and warm and slightly damp from the heat of the club. She felt so good, and he wanted to more, wanted all of her.

  He moved his fingers between her legs and moaned into her mouth, her dampness evident through the fabric of her panties. He pushed it aside and slipped his fingers into her sex. She was so hot, almost scalding, and so tight. Eli’s cock hardened even more as her cunt gripped him.

  “Oh, God,” Sam moaned, and Eli pushed his fingers in deeper.

  “No, bimba, not God. Just me,” he whispered against her lips, and began to move his fingers. He was all purpose as he worked her, no intention to tease, just make her come, to grind into his palm and pour her release all over his fingers.

  He moved his fingers in and out of her, and the faster he moved them, the harder she ground her pussy on his hand. He pulled back and watched her with lids made heavy from lust. She was tight around just two of his fingers. How tight would she be around his cock? Fuck, he couldn’t wait to find out. She leaned back a little on his lap, tilting her hips forward, moving faster. He pulled her dress and bra down just enough that her nipple sprang free. He took it into his mouth and her fingers threaded through his hair, holding him to her chest.

  He moved his fingers faster and with each upward thrust, he rubbed the heel of his hand into her clit. Eli could tell by the way she pushed her hips down into him that she was getting close. He let her nipple slip from his mouth and kissed her lips quick and deep, his fingers flying inside her.

  “That’s it, bimba,” he whispered. She was panting and moaning, now, and not quietly. If anyone looked over for even just a second, they would know what they were doing.

  “Yes, Sam, I want you t
o come for me,” he said hotly and brushed his thumb over her clit. A second stroke of the hard nub and she was gone, her body clenching around his fingers so tightly Eli was sure that it was going to cut off his circulation. She spasmed against him, lips sunk deep into her lower lip to stifle her cries of pleasure, and Eli rode a wave of pride and satisfaction for being able to bring her to such a peak.

  At last, Sam slumped over him, her forehead coming to rest against his shoulder, and he rubbed calming circles over her back as she slowly came back to herself.

  Eventually she sat back and gave him a sweet little smile, her eyes sleepy and sated. Gently, Eli pulled his fingers out of her body and the tiny moan of disappointment that left her swollen lips made him groan. He was harder than he could ever remember being, but this had been for her, and he wanted to keep it that way… at least for tonight. But he couldn’t deprive himself of a taste of what had been tormenting him, smelling so heady, so fresh and sweet. He brought his fingers up to his mouth and sucked her essence off his fingers.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered, eyes wide, still sitting astride him. He grinned and righted her dress.

  “You look so beautiful, Sam,” he told her honestly, but she shook her head. He framed her face with his hands and kissed her lightly.

  “Don’t tell me no, bimba,” he murmured against her mouth. “If I say you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful. Understand?”

  She blinked, still looking doubtful, but this time she nodded. He grinned again and adjusted her a little in his lap. His cock was unhappy it wasn’t getting any action, but it would survive.

  “Come on, bimba, let’s get you back up to your room before Roxy comes down in her PJs searching for you.”

  “Oh,” she began, but shook her head and moved to get off his lap. He stopped her, though, not liking the sudden sadness in her eyes.

  “No, not yet,” he decided. “What’s wrong?” He brought one of her hands to his lips to kiss her fingers.


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