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A Lovely Nightmare: A Paranormal Romance Novel

Page 23

by Wendy Cole

  Brady hummed as he continued down, kissing each inch of skin, tasting until he found what he sought. He lifted my legs, and his tongue ran along the most intimate part of me. A jolt of surprise made me arch up, the world shifting as electricity shook my soul, awakening a part of me that’d laid dormant my entire life. Light flooded my irises, bright yellow gold. This time, the moan that escaped me sounded anything but human. Without thought, my hips lifted to meet him, my body fighting to get closer as fate demanded our obedience.

  Brady drifted back up, his mouth never losing contact, lips dragging across my skin as he moved to claim my neck.

  My hands flew to his shoulders, trying and failing to pull him back. Brady grabbed my wrist and pinned them above my head. “Not yet,” he murmured roughly, his mouth moving to my collarbone, soft open mouth kisses. “I want you,” he groaned. “I’ve never wanted anything more than I want you.” He released my hands and pulled my legs up, wrapping them around his waist and grinding into me. “I can’t wait anymore,” he growled. “Tell me, Sweetheart. Tell me you want me. Make me whole.”

  “I want you, Brady.”

  His clothes disappeared, gone in a burst of magic, and he didn’t wait. No sooner did the words leave my lips, he moved forward, joining our bodies together as one. There was no pain, no moment of regret, just a jolt as my soul melded to his, like a million beams of light, yellow and blue, forming together to paint a picture of the two of us.

  Brady stilled, allowing me time to adjust to not only him, but the feelings warring within me. His eyes locked with mine, shining, brighter than ever before.

  The pull I’d always felt magnified and the feelings I had for him grew to new and impossible heights. He was everything, every breath, every cell, every molecule within my body.

  “I love you,” Brady said, his voice full of emotion.

  My heart shuddered, lurching painfully as my own emotions came to a head. I’d never been in love, never even had a boyfriend, but as the bond settled over us and our souls intertwined, I couldn’t think of any other word to describe the way I felt. “I– I love you too.” I stared at him in wonder, unable to process my own feelings but knowing it was true. I loved him. The realization shocked me, but at the same time, filled me with contentment. Joy.

  His grip tightened. One arm slid behind my back, lifting my bottom half and holding me as close as he could against him. His eyes stayed glued to mine as he pulled back then rocked forward, painfully slow. His lips parted on a breath as his own pleasure filled his expression. He lowered his head, kissing my shoulder as he once again slowly rocked his hips. “You’re so perfect,” he murmured reverently, the words like a prayer against my skin. He moved again, his control mirrored in the way his arm held me, tight and secure, carefully. Steadily, with each motion, his pace increased.

  I gasped in pleasure as he rocked back and jerked forward, his control slipping for a fraction of a second.

  Brady made a deep masculine sound then flipped us over, positioning me above him. “You take the lead, Sweetheart. My control can only last so long.”

  For a moment, I sat still, unsure of what to do, but Brady gripped my hips and guided me.

  It felt good, too good, better than anything I’d ever experienced. Tension filled me, building and tightening my skin. Each movement seemed more intense than the last, electricity pulsing, sparking until his slow and steady pace just didn’t seem to be enough. Before I knew it, I was moving on my own, increasing, demanding, needing.

  Brady’s jaw clenched, and his grip tightened as I took control. He tilted his head back with a groan, then his intense eyes shot back to my face. “Sweetheart,” he spoke roughly, barely decipherable above the sound of my own heartbeat.

  I didn’t pause, didn’t slow. Just the thought felt like a sin, an abomination, a crime against fate. The need consumed me, dispersing all other thought as I fought to give into whatever the pull was demanding, not even sure what it was.

  Brady’s grip on my hips tightened, digging into my flesh as I continued to rock against him. Small sounds filled the air, filtering from my chest with each movement I made.

  Brady made a rough sound, and before I could register what was happening, he flipped me over and slammed into me.

  I cried out as my body crashed, pulsing pleasure taking possession of every last ounce of lucidity I had.

  Brady didn’t stop, he continued to move, holding my waist up with one arm as he claimed me in every way. Each time his hips met mine, another wave of pleasure hit, until I couldn’t see, couldn’t think. Nothing existed apart from the two of us, our souls, and the swirling yellow and blue light that blocked out the rest.

  The world passed us by. No time, no threats, no dangers. Every fear I’d ever had, my whole past leading up to this one perfect moment, none of it mattered in the shadow of our joining.

  Brady’s mouth claimed mine, hard and rough, unable to fight the demands any more than I could. The control was not his to be had. His hips moved with force, and my own fought to match him. A sound ripped the air, inhuman and animalistic as he gripped me into him, holding me flush, as tight as we could be. One being. Our bodies intertwining just as our souls had. Shudders racked his frame, muscles vibrating as he took in breath after heavy breath. He hummed, peppering soft kisses against my skin as he lowered me down to the rug.

  His eyes ran over me, worshipping. “You’re finally mine,” he whispered, voice thick. He lowered himself, his hand pushing the hair away from my forehead as he met my lips in a long, languid kiss. “I never want to leave this room. Stay with me.” He searched my eyes. “For a while. I don’t want this to end.”

  My heart melted, and in that moment, with him looking at me how he was, the way his voice softly urged, pleading, I couldn’t understand how I’d ever seen him as a monster. I couldn’t believe I’d ever wanted to be anywhere but right in that moment. I cupped his cheek and smiled when he leaned into my touch. “I don’t want to leave either.”

  He dropped his head onto my shoulder and clung to me. “I’m so glad,” he murmured. “You need to rest for a while.” His hand lifted, caressing my hair as he continued to lie against me. “Sleep.”

  A peaceful darkness engulfed me.


  By the time I woke, the darkness had thickened, the fire had dwindled down to embers, and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust. I scanned the room and found Brady casually leaned back in a chair only a couple of feet away. His eyes weren’t electric neon, but still held a faint hint of that blue color shimmering within them.

  He was so still, just watching me as I slowly sat up. Then I realized, I still didn’t have any clothes on. “Brady?”

  He hummed. “Yes, Sweetheart?”

  The sound of his voice caressed my eardrums, sending a wave of love along with it. My chest swelled with warmth. I took a deep breath and tried to focus. “Where are my clothes?”

  “Hopefully far away from here.” I watched his arm lift as he tilted a glass to his lips then sat it back on the table to his left.

  My cheeks heated at his blatant gaze. I wrapped my arms across my chest and pulled my legs up.

  Brady stood and smoothly closed the gap between us. My eyes stayed glued to him as the light slowly illuminated his skin. He hadn’t bothered to dress either, and the closer he got, the more of him I found myself staring at.

  He dropped to his knees in front of me, then slowly pulled my arms and limbs apart. “That’s better,” he murmured as he lowered us both down to the floor. “I’ve been memorizing the shape of you for hours, Sweetheart. It’s still not enough.”

  I allowed myself to relax and turned onto my side to face him.

  Brady mimicked the action, propping his hand onto his head to get a better view. “We could stay here forever, if you wanted. Never wear clothes again.”

  I smiled up at him, no longer insecure as another wave of warmth washed over me. My gaze roamed downward, taking in just how beautiful he was. I’d a
lways seen it, but now, it was so much more than before.

  God, I’m a Brady-loving zombie. My eyes roamed again, landing on one very particular part before darting to the wall in embarrassment. What’s wrong with me? Need filled me as the memories of a few hours before resurfaced. Could we do it again? Or is it too soon? Do they have rules about that kind of stuff?

  My eyes met his, and they were dancing that familiar smirk back across his face. “You can look. No need to be shy.”

  My face caught on fire. “I wasn’t looking.” I was totally looking. There was a lot to look at. I mean, I don’t have much to compare it to, but if it gets any bigger than that, I feel like jeans would be made much differently.

  Brady laughed, big and loud, and the sudden outburst in the otherwise quiet setting startled me. “What? I mean it. I wasn’t really, I mean, it is kind of out there so I might have glanced a bit—”

  Brady cut me off as he took my hand in his and moved it to the area in question. My eyes widened as he closed my fingers around his length, then held them there as he met my gaze. “It’s yours, Sweetheart. Believe me, you can look, touch, do whatever you want, and I will never argue.”

  Jesus…I chewed my lip and allowed myself to notice the soft and silky skin beneath my hand. I watched him carefully as I caressed it.

  Brady’s eyes grew hooded, and a deep, rumbling sound left his chest. He moved his hand away from mine, placing it out of the way and allowing me total access to him.

  I did it again, up his length then back down. A shudder rippled across his flesh, and the expression that crossed his face made my body heat up all over again. I relished his reaction, the power I held over him. It wasn’t just me. Brady felt it too. He’d told me before, but I’d never truly believed it, not until now.

  Before I knew it, my insecurities vanished, and a bolder side of me took over. I did it again, then once more, until I found a steady rhythm.

  He stiffened and tensed, his eyes squeezing shut as he blew out a deep breath. When he opened them again, bright neon blue shined back at me. “Amelia…”

  I roe up and placed my lips to his without pausing. He was so powerful, so inhumanly perfect, yet it was I who held every bit of control. The feelings made me feel just as strong, just as powerful, like a goddess.

  Brady kissed me deeply, clutching my hair before gently pushing me away. “That’s enough for now.”

  The powerful feeling crumbled into ash. I thought he liked it. “Okay…”

  He kissed me again, soft and sweet. “I loved everything about that, Sweetheart, but I’m a man of limited control, and it’s too soon.” He kissed me again. “You may not feel it, but that doesn’t change the fact that your muscles need time to recover.”

  Confusion filled me. “My hand feels fine.”

  Brady chuckled. “Yes, it does.” He kissed my forehead, then took the space back beside me. “But I wasn’t talking about that. I was talking about the rest of you.” His hand came up once again to support his head as he looked down at me. “Besides, I’d like to enjoy that beautiful little brain of yours for a while longer.”

  “My brain?” I gave him a perplexed look. “What do you mean?”

  He smiled. “Tell me something. Something about you. Anything. I want to know.”

  I racked my memories, searching for something worth telling. “Well…” I chewed my lip. Everything felt sad, too down for a moment as beautiful as this one. I’d never done anything. There were no funny stories. Nothing. Every good memory I had, he’d been there to witness. I’m so fucking depressing.

  Brady ran a hand along my hair. “What’s your favorite color?”

  I met his eyes. “Your blue.” It wasn’t even a thought. That was it. It had been since the moment I saw it, even if I hadn’t known it at the time.

  He smiled happily. “That one’s mine too.”

  I slapped his chest, and he let out a hearty laugh. “Okay. Just playing. Of course, it’s your color, Sweetheart.” His eyes lit up, crinkling at the corners in mirth, making him even more handsome than he already was.

  “What’s your favorite song?” I asked, following his lead.

  The same jazzy music he’d played as we made love once again drifted through the air around us, and his eyes met mine seriously. “That one.”

  My chest swelled. “What—”

  Brady cut me off. “Nope. My turn.” He leaned closer. “What’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?”

  I grinned at his cheeky expression, and the way he asked the simple question as if it were something important. “Pancakes.”

  He held a hand out behind him, never breaking eye contact, and a plate full of them appeared out of thin air. He pulled it forward between us, allowing the delicious scent to waft up into my nose and make my stomach growl.

  I moved to sit up, but he stopped me. “No. Stay right there.” He sat up enough to free his other hand then produced a fork. I watched as he cut a piece off, then slowly moved it towards my lips.

  “I can feed myself.”

  “I know you can, but I’m gonna do it anyway.” He waved the bite in the air, like trying to get a baby to accept a spoon full of mush, then grinned at the glare I shot him as I opened my mouth.

  My annoyance diminished when the fantastic flavor hit my tongue. “Those are good!” I said around the bite. “How do you do that?”

  “There are lots of things I’ve yet to do,” he answered cryptically, eyes predatory and zeroed in on me in a way that made my heart lurch. “Way better things than this.”

  I swallowed a little harder than necessary. “Like what?”

  Brady’s grin tilted a fraction of a hair. “Anything you secretly wish I would do. I plan to have fun discovering the darkest little fantasies inside that head of yours.” He held out another bite, igniting the effect his words caused.

  Darkest fantasies…scenarios began to play out in my head. Like scenes from a film my mother would kill me for watching.

  Brady made a noise, deep and rough. “Focus on your food, Sweetheart.”

  “What?” I took the next offering, then watched him as I chewed. My god, he’s attractive. The way the light reflected off of him only accentuated the clean lines of his body. How’d I get so lucky? Here I am, Amelia Snow, being fed pancakes by a butt naked god on a bearskin rug. Is this my reward from the powers that be? Is this God's way of saying ‘sorry for all that shit I threw at you? Here’s your bone.’

  Brady held an amused expression as he continued to silently feed me.

  I watched him closely and reluctantly took another bite. “What are you up to?” I finally asked, my suspicions mounting.

  Brady shot me an innocent expression. “Feeding a naked goddess pancakes.” One of his eyebrows lifted in challenge.

  I decided to let it go. If he were up to something, I’d know soon enough. “Aren’t you going to eat?” I asked instead.

  Brady smirked again. “In a bit.” He held out another forkful.

  I waved it away. “No more, please. Pancakes always fill me up.”

  He looked like he would argue, but instead, the plate disappeared, and he returned to his previous position. “Are you tired?”

  “No.” I turned to look at him.

  “Good.” He laid his head down, putting his eyes level with mine. “I want to enjoy this moment for as long as it will last.”


  “Tell me how many times you pictured me naked,” Brady said, his smirk widening as heat filled my cheeks.

  We’d been going back and forth for hours, only pausing once when Brady decided it was time for my next forced feeding.

  “I never did.” It wasn’t actually a lie. I’d never pictured him naked, but I’d had more than one thought about what it would be like to sleep with him. “How many times did you picture me naked?”

  Brady’s smirk deepened even further. “I lost count.”


  He hummed. “Not necessarily. I watched ov
er you for years, and in that time, I behaved very well.” He smiled smugly. “I could have seen quite a bit of you, but I always let you keep your privacy.”

  His statement was bordering on creepy, but for some reason, I found it sweet. Must be the effects of being turned into a zombie. “So, you never saw me naked,” I challenged.

  Brady’s smile turned sheepish. “Not exactly.”

  I gaped at him.

  “It was an accident. I swear.” His eyes danced. “You always dressed in the bathroom. I didn’t expect you to all of a sudden decide to dress in your room. If you think about it, that’s your fault.”

  “Excuse me!”

  He laughed, big and deep and throatily. A booming sound that sent a wave of heat through my abdomen. “You’re excused. I didn’t mind.”

  I tried to hit his chest, but he snatched my hand and kissed the side of it.

  I should have been mad. Non-zombie Amelia would have been livid. But looking at him, at his mock innocent expression, then the glorious rest still on full display, I had no room for anger. “Brady?”

  His eyes met mine, his expression open. “Yes, Sweetheart?”

  “What will we do now? That we’re bonded.” It had been a recurring thought ever since it’d happened, but the overwhelming feelings that came along with our new connection kept pushing it to the back of my mind. “I still want to go to school.”

  Brady turned and cupped my cheek. “I already told you. I can deny you nothing.” He kissed my forehead, then settled back down to lie down sideways. “If you want to go to school, then you will.”

  My chest eased. “And the dorms?”

  His face fell. “What about them?”

  “I can still live there?”

  “Do you want to?” His brow furrowed. “I just assumed you’d live with me.”


  He opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again. “Because we’re bonded. Don’t you want to live with me?”

  “You haven’t even met my mama yet.”


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