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Our Time (Baytown Boys Book 11)

Page 23

by Maryann Jordan

  Moving across the hall, he walked into the master bedroom, his gaze landing on Carrie in his bed. Unlike Jack, she was not asleep, but her eyes focused on his.

  “I heard you come in but thought you might need a few minutes of quiet to yourself,” she said softly, tossing back the sheet, climbing from the bed. She walked straight to him, encircling his waist with her arms, laying her cheek next to his heartbeat.

  He inhaled deeply, breathing her in, knowing she was giving him exactly what he needed. “Appreciate it, baby,” he mumbled against her hair.

  “Are you okay? Is there anything I can do for you?”

  He thought back to what he told her about falling in love with her smile. But it finally became clear to him that it wasn’t just her smile but the way she wanted to take care of those in her life. She was not peppering him with questions about the case but wanted to know if there was anything he needed.

  “Right here, Carrie, this is all I need.” He stood with his arms wrapped around her for several more minutes, then asked, “I know Jack is sleeping now, but did he have trouble finding it?”

  She leaned back and held his gaze, saying, “George was waiting on us when we got home, and we let Jack talk to us while we had dinner. I think it was good for him to just talk. He was upset about what had happened but was more worried about Colby. I let him know that Colby’s mom was with him, and he seemed glad about that. After dinner, he was kind of quiet, but he went outside and pitched into his net for a while. I figured the physical activity was good for him.”

  Nodding, he agreed. “I’ll talk to him tomorrow, just to make sure he understands what’s happening. For now, I’ll just let you know that Tad confessed to leading some teens to perpetrate the medication robberies.”

  She sucked her lips in, and he pressed her face back against his chest, feeling her arms tighten about his waist even more.

  “Go on back to bed, baby, and I’ll be there soon. I want to take a quick shower, then the only thing I want to do is curl around you as I fall asleep.”

  She squeezed him again, then let go. Lifting on her toes, she placed a kiss on the underside of his jaw before turning and moving back to the bed. Taking a quick shower, he knew the best thing about coming home to a house that was full of life was crawling into bed next to Carrie.

  The next morning, Colt met with the other law enforcement leaders. Mitch, Hannah, Liam, Dylan, and Wyatt drove to Easton and were now ensconced in one of the small conference rooms.

  “Tad Jamieson has been cultivating a few young, needy kids to break into houses and steal medication. Once the bottles were disposed of, the medication couldn’t be traced back to the victims.”

  “Who was his next-in-line contact for the drugs?” Mitch asked.

  “Right now, he hasn’t given up a name,” Colt replied, shooting a glance toward Liam. “But he’s indicated that it’s in Accawmacke County.”

  Jaw tight, dropping his chin to his chest, Liam shook his head. “Fuckin’ hell. As soon as that asshole gives up a name—”

  “You’ll be the first to know,” Colt assured.

  “So, none of this had anything to do with the pawn shop thefts?” Hannah asked.

  “Turns out that one of the teens, Billy, was stupid and took a few items besides the medication. He didn’t tell Tad but had another friend take them to the pawn shop. He got scared and decided to try to get them back. It was a friend of his sister’s that worked at Pearl’s, and he convinced her to put the items in the front and walk away one night without lowering the security screen. As soon as she left, he broke through the window and grabbed the items. So, Jonas and Tom Pearl weren’t involved.”

  “What about the pharmacy delivery driver? Will Penland?” Dylan asked.

  “Seems he was not involved either. He and Tad are not close, but they know each other. That was actually how Tad got the idea. Will was describing his job, and Tad realized how easy it would be to steal from older people and shut-ins. They generally have a lot of prescription drugs but little home security.”

  “You also suspected the youth group leader from the church,” Wyatt said.

  Nodding, Colt replied, “It seems that Tad was good at using his contacts. He was also friends with Brian Jeter. He encouraged the teens that were working for him to join the youth group. Brian, not realizing he was being quizzed, was giving information about some of the older members of the church that might be away visiting relatives, alerting them to the possible targets of empty houses.”

  “And George? The fire?” Mitch asked. “Was that just an attempt to deal with him since he had awoken and could possibly identify someone?”

  Continuing to nod, Colt said, “In all the other robberies, they were able to get in and out without the person waking. In George’s case, he came out of the bedroom and startled them. They hit him and then ran, escaping. Later, they were afraid that he might be able to identify them.”

  Hannah, her eyes scanning the report in front of her, asked, “And Colby?”

  “With Billy already being eighteen years old, Tad wanted to recruit someone younger. Using the information from Brian about Colby’s family, he knew there was a financial need, and if he could get Colby involved in a few of the thefts, he could frighten him into continuing to work for him.”

  “He didn’t count on Colby’s best friend being Jack,” Wyatt grinned.

  Chuckling, Colt shook his head. “You got that right. Jack wasn’t about to let his best friend have a problem without him being ready to jump in.”

  “You ready to take that on permanently?” Mitch asked, one eyebrow lifted.

  Colt leaned back in his seat, rubbing his hand over his chin, nodding, he grinned. “I can’t think of a better son to claim than Jack. I can’t think of a better woman to have at my back than Carrie.”

  The group stood, scooting their chairs back, and Colt said, “And speaking of that, who’s ready to have lunch at The Diner?”

  Ten minutes later, with his friends behind him, Colt pushed through the door of Joe’s Place, ringing the bell above. As always, his gaze scanned the room until they landed on Carrie. And per usual, her gaze was searching him out as well. Her smile lit her face, and he knew he wanted to come home to that every night for the rest of his life.

  Two weeks later, Carrie waited in the kitchen for Colt to come home from work. As soon as he walked in the door, she tried to hide her nerves but knew she was unsuccessful when he took one look at her, stalked straight over, and wrapped her in his embrace.

  “What’s up, babe?” he asked.

  She had spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out how to word what she wanted to say, but all of that jumped out of her mind when she blurted, “My landlord sent me a note that said the duplex is ready for George and me to move back into.”

  Without skipping a beat, Colt walked to the door leading to George’s apartment over the garage and shouted up, “George! Can you come down to talk?”

  “Be right there,” George shouted his reply.

  Still without saying anything else in reply to her statement, Colt moved to the back door, threw it open, and shouted, “Jack! Need you to come in, buddy. We got something to talk about.”

  As he moved back toward her, Carrie placed her fists on her hips and said, “Colt! I wanted us to talk about this privately first.”

  Holding her gaze, he shook his head, and just as George and Jack came into the room, he said, “This involves all of us, so we're going to have a family meeting.”

  Her eyes bugged out of her head as he turned to George and Jack, saying, “Let’s settle around the table.” The others moved without question, and Colt excused himself, going upstairs. He returned a moment later, sat down, and linked his fingers with hers.

  Turning to all of them, Colt said, “Carrie has just informed me that your former landlord has finished with his repairs on the duplex and is ready for you all to move back.”

  Jack gasped, and George’s brows lowered, but Colt was not fini
shed. “As far as I’m concerned, that would be a waste of time.”

  Jerking her head around toward Colt, she wondered what he meant.

  “We can stay?” Jack asked, his voice near a whisper.

  Now, jerking her gaze back to her son, she began, “Jack, honey, we can’t—”

  “As far as I’m concerned, we’re a family,” Colt declared, “and families belong together.” Before anyone had a chance to speak, he continued, “George, you need to make whatever decision is best for you, but I want you to know that that apartment over the garage is yours if you want it.”

  Slapping his hand on the table, George grinned. “Colt, I absolutely would like to have that apartment. We can discuss rent because I won’t be a freeloader, but it’s plenty big for me, gives me privacy, but still makes me feel like I’m part of a family.”

  Carrie, heart pounding, stared at her son, seeing the hope in his eyes. Not knowing what Colt had planned, she swallowed audibly before turning to hold his gaze.

  He twisted in his seat to face her, capturing her legs between his knees, taking both of her hands in his, he said, “Carrie, this isn’t exactly the setting I pictured, but now that I think about it, it seems perfect. I’ve been in love with you for a while now, knowing that I want to spend my life with you. I love having you in this house and would like you to stay.” He shifted slightly in his seat, sticking his hand into his pocket. Colt pulled out a ring, holding it up for her to see. It was a diamond solitaire, the white gold band encrusted with smaller diamonds.

  She gasped once more, and he held her left hand and said, “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Her mouth dropped open as tears hit her eyes. Before she had a chance to speak, Jack prodded, “Mom!”

  Nodding her head up and down in jerks, she said, “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Colt slid the ring onto her finger, leaned forward and kissed her gently, then turned toward Jack and asked, “You, your mom, and I can talk about it more, but I’d like to become your dad. I’d like to officially adopt you. But if that’s not what you want, then I’m just honored to have you in my life.”

  Carrie looked over at Jack’s face, tears shimmering in his own eyes, as he nodded. “There’s nothing to talk about, Colt. I’d give anything to have you be my dad.”

  Jack jumped up from his chair and raced toward his mom, and Colt wrapped his arms around both of them.

  Grinning, George said, “Woowee, looks like we got ourselves a family!”


  One Month Later

  The sky was blue, dotted with white clouds that floated by, occasionally giving respite from the hot sun. The background was filled with the beautiful skyline of modern buildings. Closer in, toward the right, was the eight-stories tall, long brick warehouse, dotted with windows that overlooked the Oriole Park at Camden Yards in Baltimore.

  Their seats were halfway up behind the dugout, her mom to her right, Colt to her left, and Jack in between Colt and George. Her son could barely stay in his seat, cheering for each player that came to bat, groaning if they struck out.

  Glancing down the row, she spied the expression on George’s face. The boyish excitement on the older man’s face caused her own lips to curl into a smile.

  Her lap was filled with the remnants of a hot dog, popcorn bag, and soda. Colt had made sure they were well supplied with food, and she hesitated to imagine how much Jack had already eaten that day.

  Looking around at the other spectators, she could tell that most were riveted to the game on the field, but her mind was filled with thoughts of the changes in her life. She and George had turned in a notice to their former landlord that they would not be returning to the duplex. Their friends had helped them move the rest of their furniture into Colt’s house. George set up his apartment over Colt’s garage, and while he had a small kitchen, he ate dinner with them most evenings.

  Her furniture blended well with what Colt already had, his rooms now filled. Her mom kept her small apartment, but if she happened to stay over, Carrie’s old room was now used as a guestroom.

  Colt wanted her to have the wedding of her dreams, but with her ready-made family, her dreams had already come true. They planned for the wedding in the backyard of their home in another month, surrounded by family and friends. Joe and Mavis had even decided to close the diner down for the day.

  Jack and George jumped to their feet, cheers screamed out, and Carrie startled, her gaze shooting back toward the field. While her mind had been drifting like the clouds above, the bases were loaded, and a home run was just hit. As the Orioles score climbed up by four, she watched her son’s glee as he shouted and clapped.

  Colt’s arms slid around her shoulders, giving her a squeeze, and her eyes moved to his handsome face.

  “You happy, babe?”

  Her smile widened, and she replied, “How could I not be? My son is happier than he’s ever been. George looks more youthful than I’ve ever seen him. My mom is relaxed and content, knowing we’re not struggling. And I’ve got you. There’s nothing else in the world that can make me happier.”

  As another batter walked onto the field, he was ignored by Colt and Carrie, who at that moment only had eyes for each other.

  He leaned forward to kiss her but stopped a whisper away from her lips. One hand glided up to her face, his thumb smoothing over her cheeks. “Your time for struggling is over. My time for being alone is over. This, right now, is our time.” His lips lowered to meet hers and, ignoring the game around them, she celebrated in his kiss.

  Seven Years Later

  It was another glorious, blue sky, white-fluffy-cloud spring day. The Baytown High School stadium was crowded, almost every seat taken. Men, once boys who loved baseball, now filled the bleachers with their wives and children. Tori and Mitch Evans. Julian and Grant Wilder. Katelyn and Gareth Harrison. Ginny and Brogan McFarlane. Jade and Lance Greene. Maddie and Zac Hamilton. Belle and Hunter Simmons. Lea and Aiden McFarlane. Callan and Sophie Ward. Rose and Jason Boswell. Many other of their friends, relatives, and coworkers sat near them, all enjoying the game.

  But front and center were Carrie and Colt Hudson. And all eyes were on the pitcher for the Baytown High School baseball team, affectionately known as the Baytown Boys. The pitcher was a senior, already signed with a full-ride college scholarship to play baseball the next year.

  Tall, strong, lean muscles, his face was a mask of concentration. With his final pitch, the batter struck out, and the crowd cheered wildly.

  Carrie’s heart beat sure and strong in her chest as she watched the Baytown Boys lift Jack up in their arms, carrying him off the field. In the midst of the revelry, he looked up, his eyes pinned on her, and he grinned. For a flash, she saw the little boy that had been her heart and soul since the day he was born. Then she could tell his eyes drifted to the side, his grin even wider as he took in Colt and the other two children with them. Colt was holding their almost six-year-old son, Carson, in his arms, so that he could see over the crowd down toward his adored older brother.

  “Mama, mama!” She glanced down at the three-year-old, dark-haired, blue-eyed little girl in her arms.

  “Did you see? Jack’s silly!”

  Kissing her daughter’s forehead, she gave her a bounce and said, “Oh, Beth, he’s not silly. His friends just are excited, so they picked him up to bounce him around like you.”

  Colt set their son back on his feet and turned to pull Beth from her arms, blowing raspberries on her neck as she giggled. Looking down at the dark head and dark eyes of Carson, she felt the air rush from her lungs, realizing how fast the years had flown. It seemed like yesterday that Jack was that age.

  The crowd began to disperse, George taking Carson by the hand and Della carrying Beth. Colt wrapped his arm around her and said, “What’s the matter, babe?”

  Sighing, she admitted, “I know I should be thrilled, but all I can think of is how fast time is flying. I want to capture it and hold onto our time.”
  Colt stopped and turned toward her, drawing her into his arms. Holding her gaze, he leaned down and kissed her lightly. “You’ve given me everything, Carrie. A family. A home. And these things aren’t going anywhere. It will only get better…graduations, marriages, grandchildren. No matter how many years pass, as long as you and I are together, we’ll always be in our time.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him tighter, their hearts pressed together, and she kissed him once more. Settling back on her heels with a smile, they linked fingers and walked with the rest of their friends and family to the fence to greet the Baytown Boys champions.

  Ready for the next Baytown? Click here to pre-order Scott’s story…Count On Me (coming May 2020)

  Don’t miss other Maryann Jordan books!

  Lots more Baytown stories to enjoy and more to come!

  Baytown Boys (small town, military romantic suspense)

  Coming Home

  Just One More Chance

  Clues of the Heart

  Finding Peace

  Picking Up the Pieces

  Sunset Flames

  Waiting for Sunrise

  Hear My Heart

  Guarding Your Heart

  Sweet Rose

  Our Time

  Count On Me (2020)

  For all of Miss Ethel’s boys:

  Heroes at Heart (Military Romance)








  Cas (2020)

  Lighthouse Security Investigations


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