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Healing Minds (The Shifter Chronicles 5)

Page 14

by M. D. Grimm

  He also learned that very day that he’d been made an honorary agent. He didn’t even know there was such a thing. He wouldn’t be put on missions or go out in the field. He only had one purpose―the treating of shifters harmed while imprisoned by the Knights. And Josh knew he would fulfill that one mission, that one purpose, with everything he had in him.

  Even Agent Poe, through a short email, had given both of them his blessing. That touched Josh more than he could express. Apparently, Poe had indeed been on another mission, one that ended up changing many things in the Agency and in their continued war against the Knights. Josh could hardly believe the new direction the Agency was taking, and he couldn’t have been more pleased.

  “We’ll have to expand,” Xavier said.

  Josh nodded. Considering how many shifters were rescued from the Knights, they would need a lot more room than the two-stories offered. “I think we can fix this portion up, start treatments with those who need it, and then work on the additions.”

  “We’ll also need more counselors.”

  Josh smiled. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a boss.”

  “Yeah, well. I’m sure I’ll still be the one to fire slacker employees.”

  Josh laughed. He glanced at Xavier. “Are you implying I’m too softhearted?”

  Xavier grinned. “Why do you sound surprised? Besides, I like your soft heart.”

  He took Xavier’s hand and linked their fingers.

  “Welcome to Haven!” A kind, deep voice spoke from behind them.

  They turned around. Walking toward them was a tall, broad man with dark blond hair and sunglasses. Despite the cane he used, his gait portrayed easy confidence.

  Josh smiled. “Thank you. I’m Josh.”

  The man grinned, and his broad face lit up with the motion. He reached them and held out his hand. Josh quickly took it. His hand swallowed Josh’s, but his grip was gentle.

  “The name’s Travis.”

  Xavier had stiffened a little beside him as the shifter approached. Josh guessed it was a knee-jerk reaction, since only a moment later, he slowly relaxed again.

  “Xavier,” his mate offered. The two shifters shook hands.

  Travis gestured to the house. “I’ve been told this is a nice place. I’m glad you’re doing something with it. A counseling center, huh? Well, we sure need one.”

  There was something in the way he said it, the tone he used, that had Josh staring intently at him. Then Josh remembered a case file he’d read a couple of months back. The Knights had scouted out Haven, and Genii had contact with the sheriff and another shifter….

  Josh’s eyes widened and he blurted, “You’re the shifter who escaped the Knights.”

  Travis appeared startled before he offered a sheepish grin. “That I am. Heard you were an aide for the Agency. Suppose you’d know all about it.”

  “Not everything,” Josh said.

  Travis chuckled wearily. “Well, just wait. You will. Small towns like this, you know everybody’s business.”

  “You were captured by the Knights?” Xavier asked, his voice low.

  Travis tilted his head. “Yeah. You?”

  Xavier grunted. Josh squeezed his hand. His mate squeezed back. Travis’s expression softened and he sighed.

  “What’d they do to you?” Travis gestured to his covered eyes. “They blinded me. Acid. Testing me. Testing my shifter biology.”

  Bitterness laced his words, but Travis’s stance and tone stayed mild.

  “They….” Xavier swallowed hard. Josh caught his eye.

  “You don’t have to talk about it.” Josh looked at Travis. “He doesn’t have to talk about it.”

  Travis shrugged. “No, you don’t. Didn’t mean to push. Just came by to say hi and to offer my help with anything.”

  “Thanks,” Josh said. Sincerely. “In fact, if you know anyone else who might want to help, send them our way. Or anyone who might be a good counselor.”

  Travis smiled. “Will do. Nice to meet you two. By the way, Jack says welcome, as well. There was a, well, cat fight―literally―downtown, and he got called in.”

  “You’re the sheriff’s mate?” Xavier asked.

  Travis grinned. “Yes, I am.”

  There was unmistakable pride in Travis’s tone. Josh realized he felt the same exact pride for Xavier. Pride for what they had together. He leaned his head against Xavier’s arm after Travis turned away, heading back to the center of town.

  “Nice shifter,” Josh said.

  “Yeah.” Xavier’s tone was distracted. Josh stared up at him. Those beloved eyes were troubled.

  “What is it?” Josh asked.

  “Just… we’re really doing this. We’re actually going to help other shifters. I guess I should get used to hearing stories like Travis’s.”

  “We’re not supposed to get used to them,” Josh said. He cupped Xavier’s cheek, turning his face so their eyes met. “We’re supposed to feel it, Xavier. And we’ll help. You can empathize, Xavier, and I can listen. We have the resources, and I have the connections. We can do this. We will do this.”

  Xavier smiled, the gold in his eyes overshadowing the green, reminding Josh of the warmth of the sun. “You’re my reason, you know. My reason for all this.”

  Josh felt his face heat. “I love you.” It still felt so odd to say it.

  Xavier’s eyes flared, and he kissed Josh deeply, thoroughly enough to have his head spinning when the shifter finally broke away.

  “Let’s unpack the truck,” Xavier said.


  The first order of business was getting a mattress in there, since they were going to live as well as work there. Sweating and cursing, he and Xavier managed to lug the damn mattress up the flight of stairs and maneuver it through the doorway of their bedroom. Josh let go, and it fell with a smack to the floor. He plopped on it, winded.

  “That’s it, I’m done.”

  Xavier laughed. “Well, we could take a break. We still need to christen the house.”

  Josh caught the bright glow in Xavier’s eyes. Excitement raced through his body. They’d been so busy, and Xavier had been sick, that they still hadn’t taken their intimacy beyond blowjobs. He really wouldn’t mind changing that… very soon.

  It didn’t take long for Xavier to haul up the blankets, pillows, and a small backpack.

  “What’s that for?”


  Josh let out a slight laugh. “We’re not on the run anymore, X. We don’t need supplies.”

  Xavier waggled his eyebrows. “Not those sort of supplies.”

  Josh’s stomach did one long roll and then went thud. “Oh.”

  They slowly stripped each other. The breeze blowing through the window was warm and caressed Josh’s skin. His breath shuddered slightly as Xavier touched him, sliding those rough hands over his skin. Xavier pushed him back against the mattress. Josh went easily, his arms tight around his mate’s shoulders. He spread his legs, and Xavier lay between them. Their lips met, and they moved together, rubbing and grinding, enjoying the intimacy of their touching bodies. Josh was overwhelmed by the sensations and the trust that had formed between them. Xavier had needed him during a crucial time in his life, and Josh realized that he had needed Xavier. It wouldn’t be perfect, it wouldn’t be easy, but Josh was willing to work for a life together.

  “Mine,” Xavier growled.

  “Mine,” Josh said before rolling them over, lying over Xavier. Xavier chuckled, and his swift fingers pressed against Josh’s small hole, caressing it. Josh reached between them, grabbed Xavier’s cock, and stroked slowly. Xavier groaned and gripped Josh’s butt, the squeeze almost painful. Josh moaned in response, shivering with need. He nipped Xavier’s chin, his heart pounding, his breath turning to pants. He wanted this. He wanted this so very much. He dragged his fingers through Xavier’s hair, loving the length of it.

  Xavier flipped them again, and Josh initiated a wrestling match. Xavier laughed, and they roll
ed over the mattress, becoming entangled in the sheets, sweat glistening on their skin. Xavier ended up pinning Josh to the bed on his stomach. Josh raised his ass and rubbed it against Xavier’s full erection. Xavier shivered and grunted. He kept a firm grip on Josh’s wrists as he dragged his tongue over Josh’s shoulders and back. Josh squirmed but didn’t fight. He wanted Xavier inside him, now, without any further delay.

  “Xavier, now,” Josh said, pleading. “Fuck me now.” To emphasize his need, Josh spread his legs farther and pressed his ass against Xavier’s groin.

  “I will,” Xavier said, gasping. “I will, mate.”

  Xavier rose on his knees and spread Josh’s ass again. Josh looked over his shoulder just as Xavier lowered his head and tormented him like he’d done that first time. Josh moaned and gripped the pillows under his head. Heat flared in his stomach, spreading through his limbs. He relished Xavier’s claiming of him, his heart as well as his body. He belonged to Xavier. Xavier belonged to him. The unity they had, the possessiveness he felt, crashed over him as Xavier continued his slow torture. That tongue was way too talented, and Josh’s erection begged for attention. He moved it against the mattress, needing some friction, some relief.

  Xavier lifted his head and grabbed a bottle from the bag. Josh caught the word “lube” and his excitement grew. He heard the pop of a cap, and it wasn’t long before cold liquid touched his most intimate area. Josh shuddered, and Xavier’s nimble fingers began to work him, slowly pressing inside.

  Xavier leaned over him, his other hand slipping underneath Josh, fondling his dick.

  “I will fuck you,” Xavier whispered in Josh’s ear, his voice rough. It sent delicious shivers down Josh’s spine. “We will become one. There will be nothing but you and me this day.”

  Josh moaned. Xavier now had two fingers inside him, and his rubbing was robbing Josh of breath. Xavier pressed his nose into Josh’s hair and took a deep breath as he stroked Josh’s erection harder.

  “You’ll be mine,” Xavier growled. “And I’ll be yours, and nothing else will fucking matter.”

  Josh moaned low when another finger joined the other two inside him. His breathing became constricted. Xavier’s words were another form of pleasure the shifter pushed upon him. Then those fingers left, and something thicker was pushing inside him. Xavier urged him onto his knees, and Josh came obediently, head bowed, hands gripping the blankets. Their union was overwhelming for Josh, and he actually felt tears burn his eyes. He was happy Xavier couldn’t see them—that would just be way too humiliating. Finally. Finally they were one.

  Xavier was slow at first, allowing Josh to adjust. His thrusts were steady and even. Josh quickly got used to the stretching, the sensation of being filled to bursting. It was remarkable.

  Xavier leaned over him and began a series of shallow thrusts while nipping Josh’s neck. Josh reached back and gripped Xavier’s hair, unable to keep silent as his mate became more vigorous. Xavier’s hand never left Josh’s cock, and he timed his strokes with his thrusts.

  “Fuck. Xavier,” Josh groaned as his climax came nearer.

  “Mate,” Xavier said again. Then Xavier let go of Josh’s cock, gripped Josh’s hips firmly, and gave one hard thrust after another. Josh cried out the first time, not expecting that. Then he began to participate, pushing back against Xavier, moving with him, helping create the friction. Xavier’s grunts mixed with Josh’s moans, and it was Xavier who came first. He actually let out a cry that was similar to a howl. Josh gripped his own cock, and it only took two strokes for him to reach his climax.

  They collapsed on the bed, Xavier keeping one possessive arm over Josh’s body. Josh smiled and then giggled.

  “What?” Xavier asked, panting.

  “You howled.” Josh found that hilarious.

  Xavier nuzzled Josh’s back. “I am a wolf shifter.”

  “I know.” Josh managed to roll over. He cupped Xavier’s face. “And now you’re my wolf shifter.”

  Xavier’s eyes glowed, and he chuffed. “It would seem that I am.”

  Josh snuggled against Xavier, and his mate held him tightly. They lay there for a contented moment before a question leapt into Josh’s mind, and he couldn’t believe he’d never asked it before.



  “How old are you?”

  “Thirty-eight. Why?”

  Josh blinked slowly and sat up, staring down at his mate. Xavier stared back, looking puzzled.

  “You’re… you’re nearly forty.”

  Xavier smiled slightly. “If you call me old I might have to hurt you.”

  Josh shook his head. “No, it’s just… you don’t look forty.”


  He wondered how long it would take him to get used to that realization.

  “How old are you?”

  Josh swallowed. “Twenty-five.” He glanced at his mate to see him grinning.

  “Awesome. I got myself a young buck.”

  Josh laughed and shook his head. Age really didn’t matter, after all. He closed his eyes. He was amazed at the direction his life had taken. He had no regrets. This was his place. This was his home.

  “I think I have a name,” Josh said after a moment of silence.

  “What is it?”

  “‘Healing Minds, Bodies, and Souls Counseling.’ Or does that sound too cheesy?”

  Xavier chuckled. “No, mate. I think that sounds just right.”


  About This Book

  Xavier and Josh are one of my favorite couples in the series so far. It was great fun to read their story again. They are real, complicated men who find each other despite all the odds. It was also really great to revisit Xavier’s evolution into a guardian and warrior for his fellow shifters. He made the best out of a bad situation and you have to admire that.

  As for Josh? Well, he’s just a big ball of cute. Intelligent, compassionate, and courageous. They are so darn adorable together.

  I can’t wait to introduce you all to Xavier’s pack. Oh yes, they will have a part to play in book sixteen, I believe, when we revisit Caleb and Ryan from “Love is a Whirlwind” as well as Jack and Travis from “Blind Devotion.” There’s going to be some shenanigans in Haven and whoo-boy. I got plans.

  While this story didn’t require many changes, I did update and modify as needed to remain consistent to the series. So if you’re familiar with the first edition, you might spot the modifications. However, overall, it’s the same story with the same great characters.

  See you in the next one!

  May dragons guard your dreams,

  M.D. Grimm

  About M.D. Grimm

  M.D. Grimm decided to become an author in the second grade (kind of young to make life decisions, but whatever) and nothing has changed since then (well, plenty of things, actually, but not that!). Thankfully, she has indulgent parents who let her dream, but also made sure she understood she’d need a steady job to pay the bills (they never let her forget it!). After graduating from the University of Oregon and majoring in English (let’s be honest: useless degree, what else was she going to do with it?), she started on her writing career and couldn’t be happier. Working by day and writing by night (or any spare time she can carve out), she enjoys embarking on romantic quests and daring adventures (living vicariously, you could say) and creating characters that always triumph against the villain (or else what’s the point?), finding their soul mate in the process.

  Other Titles by M.D. Grimm

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  Healing Lance

  Forgiving Lance

  Avenging Lance


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  On Wings of Thunder

  On Wings of Passion (prequel)

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  Single Title

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  The Saga of the Bold People



  The Shifter Chronicles

  Psychic Moon * Celtic Warrior and Wolf Spirit

  Love is a Whirlwind

  Blind Devotion

  Hunter and Hunted

  Healing Minds

  Master’s Blood

  The Stones of Power

  Ruby: Lost and Found

  Peridot: War and Peace

  Amethyst: Bow and Arrow

  Agate: Then and Now

  Emerald: Good and Evil

  Carnelian: Dreams and Visions

  Lapis Lazuli: Forgotten and Remembered

  Connect with M.D. Grimm

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