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Page 94

by G. K. DeRosa

  “I am so ready.” Standing up, she let go of Roman’s hand and dashed toward the others. Brazen stood in the middle of the circle which was tightening in on him every second. Brennan was down on all fours and was corralling Brazen with a snarl any time he got out of line. Marco loomed only a few feet away with his crossbow pointed directly at Brazen’s heart, and Nico supervised their captive.

  Brazen’s face was marked by defeat but his words never betrayed him. “What are you going to do now?” he snarled as he saw Celeste approach. “No matter how many times you throw me in prison, I’ll just find a way to get out. There are always supernaturals willing to take my side against the guardians. How do you think I got out of Astor in the first place? You have enemies in places you don’t even realize.”

  “You’re right,” said Celeste, as she took a step inside the tight circle, “which is why I have this.” She waved the murky black potion inches from his face.

  For a moment, fear flashed in his eyes, then gritting his teeth he growled, “What is that?”

  “Your dear friend and partner in crime Alek gave you up,” she answered. “We figured since he was the one that gave you immortality, it was only fair that he be the one to take it away from you.”

  Brazen’s golden eyes widened as he stared at the vial. He lunged to the left and tried to make a run for it, but Roman caught him before he could take more than a few steps. Nico ran to his brother’s side and each took one of Brazen’s arms and yanked them behind his back. He struggled and snarled trying to get out of their grasp, but he was no match for the two of them. They forced him down to his knees in front of Celeste as Marco kept a crossbow trained to the werewolf’s chest.

  Celeste could feel the power surging through her as she grabbed a greasy clump of Brazen’s hair and forced his head back. “Open wide,” she said grinning as she hovered the vial over his lips. He clamped down his jaw and stared defiantly at her.

  “Don’t make me break your teeth,” growled Roman. He began to apply pressure on both sides of Brazen’s locked jaw until it snapped open. Celeste uncorked the vial and poured the slick black contents down Brazen’s throat as he coughed and gagged. Suddenly a shudder went through his entire body, almost as if he had been shocked by thousands of volts of electricity. His eyes rolled back into his head as tremors wracked his body. Roman and Nico took a step back as the potion took its effect and Brazen’s body continued to convulse erratically. Finally, he ceased shaking and collapsed to the ground.

  “Should we test it out to see if it worked?” asked Nico.

  “I’d be happy to,” answered Roman as his fangs extended and he bit into the werewolf’s neck. Brazen let out a shrill howl as Roman’s teeth sank into his carotid artery. All eyes were intent on the wound as Roman pulled away admiring his handy work.

  “It’s not healing!” cried Celeste after a few tense moments.

  “Any last words?” asked Roman as he peered down at the bloody werewolf.

  “Yeah, you can all go to hell,” he spat. “Mark my words, Guardian, there will always be more to come after me. You think it’s over, but it’s just begun.”

  Roman’s fist flew through the air in the blink of an eye, plowing into Brazen’s cheekbone with a sickening crunch. He was knocked back from the impact, but he still managed a sinister chuckle.

  “That’s enough,” said Celeste. “At least I’ll never have to see your ugly face again.” With her power surging, she raised the Wilder sword above her head and sliced it across his neck in a smooth arc. Brazen’s golden eyes bulged out for a moment before they returned to their normal dark hue and he crumpled to the ground. Celeste dropped the Wilder sword and it fell to the floor with a loud clang that reverberated through the vast chamber.

  For a moment, no one moved. Even though Celeste could still see the unhealed vampire bite on Brazen’s neck, she couldn’t quite believe he was truly dead. Roman and Nico backed away from the body as Brennan sniffed at it suspiciously. Once he seemed satisfied, he transformed back into human form.

  Roman moved to Celeste’s side, but her eyes never left Brazen’s contorted body. Marco stepped forward to retrieve the Wilder sword. He wiped it on the hem of Brazen’s shirt then handed it back to Celeste. “You did it,” he said. She forced a smile, but all she felt was a dark emptiness inside.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here,” said Roman, putting an arm around her.

  “I want to wait a few more minutes—just to make sure.” She looked up at Roman, her caramel-flecked eyes pleading. She needed this closure and Roman understood perfectly.

  “Nico,” said Roman turning to the guys, “take Marco and Brennan and see if you can find Astrid and that other werewolf, Declan. They couldn’t have gone too far.”

  Nico nodded and the three of them sprinted out the back door where Astrid and Declan had disappeared. Once the others were gone Celeste sank down to the floor, cradling the Wilder sword in her arms.

  “Everything’s all right. It’s over now,” said Roman as he sat down beside her.

  “For now,” she said with a shrug, “but Brazen’s right. There will always be others to take his place. It’ll never really be over. And how about that comment he made about me having enemies everywhere? How did Astrid get him out of Astor?”

  “You can’t focus on that right now. Take the victory and celebrate it. We’ll figure everything out in time.” He leaned in and wrapped her in his strong arms. Celeste buried her face in his chest, not wanting to ever come out. She dreaded the conversation that was sure to come about the marriage contract and what that meant for their future. But for now, all she wanted was to be in the safety of Roman’s solid embrace.

  Chapter 15

  “Alek, Alek, where are you?” shouted Lilliana as she searched the villa, her fancy nightgown flowing behind her. This was the second time she had awoken in a panic before dawn and not found Alek at home. She knew something was not right and simply could not rid herself of the haunting feeling. More than that, her own health was worrying her. She had been putting off the inevitable, but she no longer wished to do so.

  Returning to her bedroom, she pulled out a flowered notepad from her desk drawer and began to write a note for Alek. She drummed her fingers on the wooden table, trying to find the right words. When she realized nothing she could say would make it better, she decided to go with the direct approach and the words flowed smoothly. After she was finished, she quickly dressed in one of her new modern outfits and packed a small suitcase with necessities. She gave herself a quick glance in the mirror before picking up her bag and rushing out to the corridor. Knocking on Alek’s bedroom door one more time and still finding it empty, she taped the note to it and disappeared in a bright burst of light.

  Stellan rocked on the back porch swing leisurely puffing away at a cigar as he admired the vivid hues of the setting sun behind the verdant forest of his backyard. Smoking was not something he did often, but after the past few arduous days and final victory over Brazen, he felt it was well deserved. He had told Celeste the same and hoped that she would take a much-needed rest as well. A sudden flash of white light through the window to the living room caught his eye and he spun toward it. His gray eyes widened at the sight and he quickly put out his cigar and ran inside.

  “Lilliana!” he cried as he rushed to her. “What are you doing here? Is everything all right?”

  She took hold of his hands to calm him down and spoke serenely. “I’m fine, Stellan. I only wished to come visit with you and the boys.” Stellan looked into her clear blue eyes and could see she was hiding something. Much like Roman, Lilliana’s eyes seemed to be a window into her deepest thoughts.

  “I am thrilled that you are here,” he said with a warm smile, “and Roman and Nico will be as well. They’ve only just left a few hours ago, but I’m sure they’ll hurry right back when they find out you’ve arrived.”

  Lilliana placed her hand on Stellan’s arm as he turned away to call the boys. “Wait,” she said. “Do
you mind if we speak privately first?”

  Stellan’s gray brows furrowed as he pushed his glasses up his nose. “Of course.” He led her to the couch in front of the fireplace and motioned for her to take a seat.

  Lilliana took Stellan’s hands in hers when he sat down beside her and looked ardently into his eyes. “First, you must promise me that this will stay between us.” He nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. “Perhaps I was not a hundred percent honest with you a few moments ago as to the purpose of my visit. There is something I need your help with, but I don’t want the boys to know.”

  “Of course,” said Stellan.

  “I think I may be ill,” she said with a sigh.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m not sure exactly. During my brief years as a human, I was rarely ever unwell due to my powers as an Albsurori witch, and then as a vampire – well, we don’t get sick. And now, I don’t know what has come over me, but I am beginning to worry.”

  Stellan dropped her hands and rose to his feet as he paced nervously in front of her. “It was probably Alek’s resurrection spell. Who knows what sort of side effects it may have had.” He ran his wrinkled hands through his disheveled silver hair as he exhaled sharply. “Have you told Alek?”

  “No. I haven’t told anyone and I’d like to keep it that way.”

  Stellan sank back down on the couch next to her. “But Lilliana, Alek would be the best one to help you as the originator of the spell.”

  “I don’t want to worry him. He seems to be very distracted as of late. And besides, that is why I came to you.” She squeezed his hands with a reassuring smile. “Surely, you can do some research and find out what is the matter.”

  Stellan set his jaw determinedly. “Yes, of course. I’ll start right away.”

  Celeste stumbled into the kitchen, still in her pajamas at well past noon. Yawning, she headed straight for the coffee machine as her mother hustled around the counter preparing a sandwich.

  “Still not feeling fully rested?” asked her mom as Celeste waited for the coffee to percolate.

  “I guess not,” she said with a sleepy smile.

  “Maybe you’ve slept too much. You missed yesterday all together.”

  “I know, but Stellan insisted I take a break so I’m just trying to do as I’m told.”

  “For once,” added her mom with a wry grin.

  Celeste ignored her mom’s jab and grabbed her coffee. She topped it off with some milk and sugar and took a seat at the table. She sipped her latte in silence as she watched her mom dart around the kitchen. The sight was familiar and comforting and just so normal.

  “Where’s Marco been?” her mom asked.

  Oh right, back to crazy town…Celeste still hadn’t told her mom about the marriage agreement that her grandpa had struck with Gianpaolo Caccia all those years ago. “You better sit down for this one, Mom.” Celeste hesitated for only a moment before she recounted the whole story.

  “Well that’s just absurd,” said her mom when she had finished.

  “Yeah, no kidding. So as you can imagine, it’s kind of made things weird between Marco and me. I just can’t believe he knew all along and never said anything.”

  “So is he the one that gave you that ring?” her mom asked, eyeing the diamond band. Celeste subconsciously covered it with her other hand as her cheeks flushed. “Mm-hmm… I didn’t think so.”

  “Roman gave it to me as a birthday gift. It’s just a promise ring.” As she said the words aloud, she realized that every time she found herself explaining the ring to someone she always used the phrase “just a promise ring,” as if adding in the “just” made it less of a big deal.

  “Sweetie, you are still so young. You shouldn’t have to worry about marriage to anyone yet.”

  “I know that. It’s all completely insane. And I’m not marrying Marco just because grandpa signed my life away while I was still a toddler,” she continued.

  “Of course you’re not,” agreed her mom.

  Celeste hesitated for a minute. “I talked to Dad about it and I think he wants me to go through with it.”

  “Seriously?” asked her mom, her brows raised.

  “I mean, not right now obviously, but he made it seem like it was important somehow. And as for Marco, well, he’s all for it.”

  “Of course he is. It’s obvious that he’s crazy about you.”

  Celeste rolled her eyes as she took a sip of her coffee. “There was something he said that really bugged me.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That with Aunt Maddie marrying Maks and my relationship with Roman continuing as it might, that I’d be responsible for ending the Wilder guardian bloodline.” She frowned as she stared into her mug.

  Mrs. Wilder was silent for a moment as she collected her thoughts. “This is much more than any nineteen-year-old should have to worry about,” she said with a sigh. “If I were you, I wouldn’t think twice about marriage contracts and promise rings. You have plenty to deal with already as the Guardian, and there’s no sense in concerning yourself with what may or may not happen five or ten years from now.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” said Celeste as she stood up and wrapped her arms around her neck. “Everything’s just become so complicated lately.”

  “It’s a good thing you have the end of the year dance tonight. That will be the perfect distraction.”

  Celeste’s eyes widened. “I totally forgot that was tonight! What am I going to wear?” This would have never happened if Natalie had been here—she would have been reminding Celeste about it daily, if not hourly.

  “Come on, I’ll take you to the mall,” said her mom, jumping to her feet. “I have two hours before my shift starts at the hospital. I’m sure we can find the perfect dress.”

  Alek wearily trudged up the stairs to his room as the first rays of sunlight streamed in through the living room window. He was exhausted after spending another night with Dalla attempting to trigger the power of the Negrusurori hidden deep within his blood. As he approached his bedroom door he noticed a flowered note taped neatly to it. He squinted as he read, anger building with every word. In a rage, he ripped the fine paper from the door and crumpled it up in his fist.

  “How dare she?” he shouted, his voice echoing through the empty villa. He kicked the door open to his room and threw his jacket on the bed as he paced back and forth, clenching his fists angrily. His mother had promised him that she wouldn’t leave him again and the moment he was gone, she had turned his back on him. He darted to his bedside table and grabbed the antique lamp. Uttering a primal grunt, he chucked it across the room. It hit the wall with a satisfying crash and the small, tapered light bulbs shattered into a hundred pieces then scattered all over the floor. The Constantin brothers wouldn’t take his mother away from him. He vowed to punish them—instantly and cruelly. He had been playing nice for far too long. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and began dialing. Dalla’s methods were painstakingly slow and he needed access to his latent power now.

  Roman paused for an instant in front of the guest bedroom door. He had a terrible hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach and he clenched his fists by his sides to attempt to keep his emotions under control. He steeled himself with a deep breath and raised his fist to knock before he could back out.

  “Come in,” came Marco’s voice through the door.

  Roman turned the handle hesitantly and found Marco fresh out of the shower. His charcoal suit was stretched out on the bed along with a black button down shirt and silver tie. “Do you have a minute to talk?”

  “Sure,” answered Marco, tugging a t-shirt on over his damp hair. “What’s up?”

  “Celeste told me about the marriage contract.”

  Marco tensed, ready to dodge an angry fist coming in his direction, but to his surprise, none came. In fact, he was amazed by how eerily calm Roman looked and sounded. “I’m sorry,” he said finally. “This was something that was arranged way before I had any say in i

  “Please, don’t give me that. I know you’ve wanted her from the start,” countered Roman, keeping his voice steady.

  “Maybe, but I certainly don’t like the idea that this is something being forced upon her. I like to win my women fair and square.” A teasing smile crossed his face unbidden.

  Roman took a couple steps toward him and stopped. “I’ve given it a lot of thought over the past few days and perhaps it is what’s best for Celeste.”

  Marco’s eyes bulged out comically. That was the complete opposite of what he had expected to come out of Roman’s mouth. For once he found himself utterly speechless.

  Roman paced in a small circle in front of Marco, weighing his words carefully. “I know that I cannot give her the life she deserves, but perhaps you can. I am certain that you love her, and I know you can protect her. More importantly, you can give her a family—something that I never can. And with the strength of your families’ bloodlines combined, your children will become powerful guardians and keep the world safe.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” muttered Marco finally.

  “Just promise me that you will love her as she deserves to be loved and always keep her safe.”

  “Of course,” he answered, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Marco was still baffled, trying to make sense of the odd conversation. “Does Celeste know how you feel?”

  “No, not yet. I’ll speak to her this evening after the dance.”

  “You know she’s not going to agree to any of it, right?” asked Marco.

  “Leave that part to me. I’ll make sure she understands that it’s for her own good,” said Roman, the anguish resonating in his voice.

  “Okay,” said Marco, sounding completely unconvinced.

  Roman nodded and turned on his heel, darting from the room before the overpowering pain swelling in his chest and threatening to choke him succeeded.

  Chapter 16


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