Love's Dance

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Love's Dance Page 10

by Karen Deen

  “Yes, I didn’t get three stickers like he did, but I got one for getting all my spelling right. But I didn’t really deserve one because they were pretty easy words.” I try not to giggle as I hear Samuel groan.

  “They were not easy, Sophia. Just because you are a smarty pants all the time,” Sammy mumbles.

  “Now that’s not nice, Samuel. We all have our own special talents in life. Sophia, never let anyone make you feel silly or bad for being smart. That’s your special talent. Samuel, you have your own special talents.” His eyes open wide expectantly. “Like how good you are at throwing a ball, helping your dad on the farm, and you’re the world’s best ice cream eater.” Sophia giggles as I put her down and take both of their hands.

  “That’s right, Uncle Grant. I can eat ice cream way faster than you. I’ll show you.” I can see how happy he is and he forgets about how he struggles with his spelling.

  We head towards my car and when I see Felicity approach, I inwardly groan. She drags her daughter behind her, whose whining is falling on deaf ears.

  I usher the kids faster, looking for an escape route, but with no such luck. Felicity stops right in front of me, blocking my path. Sophia looks at me confused and Samuel is oblivious to the whole thing as he rambles on about what we’re going to do together this afternoon while Sophia is at dance class with Zara. I take one look at Felicity and know she’s got nothing on my Zara. My mind stops as I realize what I just said in my head. She is not mine, but man, I hope she will be.

  “Now, Priscilla, who are your little friends here? I don’t think I’ve met them yet.” Felicity’s high-pitched, flirty voice makes my teeth clench.

  Priscilla rolls her eyes at her mother. “They aren’t my friends, mother. They’re just in my class. Sammy is just a dumb boy who can’t read, and Sophia doesn’t even talk.” I look down at this evil little girl and I know the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree. Sophia’s hand squeezes mine tightly and Sammy’s now looking down and kicking the dirt. I want to give her a piece of my mind, but I’m too much of a gentleman to tell off a seven-year-old. However, I look at her mother with a look that says ‘do something about your child’.

  I know I have the ability to make women flustered just by looking at them. This look however, is different. It’s one of disgust.

  “Now, Prissy, that’s not very nice. Maybe you need to spend more time together and you will learn to become friends. How about we go and have a milkshake with Sophia, Samuel and their Dad.” She turns back to me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”

  Nice try, Felicity.

  “Uncle Grant is not our daddy. Daddy’s name is Zach. He’s at the hospital with our mom and baby brother, Thomas.” Sammy blurts out.

  “I am sorry, Grant. I assumed these were your children. So, you’re their single Uncle who’s looking after them. How sweet,” she purrs. That’s it, I’m out of here before she sinks her claws into me.

  “Sorry, but we have plans today. Sophia has dancing, and Samuel has a date with a soccer ball and some ice cream. Besides, I’m not sure your daughter wants to spend time with these two gorgeous kids. Thanks, anyway. Let’s get going, we don’t want Sophia to be late for dancing.”

  “Where does she dance? Priscilla has been begging me to start dancing.”

  “No, I haven’t,” she pipes in.

  “Don’t be silly, Prissy, of course you have.” Felicity glares at her daughter.

  “Sorry, I don’t know the name of it and I really have to run. Nice to meet you both.” I mumble uncommittedly over my shoulder. The woman is trouble and so is her daughter.

  With the kids strapped in their seats, I pull the Audi out from the curb. Sophia quietly speaks up from the back seat. “Uncle Grant, that girl Priscilla, she’s a meanie. She picks on Sammy and some of the other kids in the class all the time. She’s also nasty to me because I don’t talk to her all the time like all the other little girls do. I don’t like her.”

  “It’s okay, Princess. I don’t think I like her or her mother either. They don’t seem like very nice people.” I’m pretty sure her mother’s husband shopping as I didn’t notice any rings on her wedding finger, but she was dripping with diamonds. If she condones the way her daughter treats other children, then she’s not someone I would give the time of day to.

  “Uncle Grant, why did you tell her you didn’t know the name of Miss Zara’s dance studio?” Sammy asks from the back seat.

  “Sometimes it’s better to just pretend you can’t remember something. You will understand that when you get a bit older. Now, enough of those yucky people, let’s talk about our fun afternoon.” That’s enough to get both the kids chatting away. When I tell them they’re having dinner with me, there’s a cheer, which brings a smile to my face. Of course, the next question is from Samuel as to what we’re eating for dinner. Man, that kid can eat. God help Zach and Emily when he becomes a teenage boy who will eat everything that moves.

  We pull up outside the dance studio and my heart starts to beat a little faster. I haven’t even seen her yet and Zara’s already turning my head into a mess.

  As I’m getting the kids out of the car, Sophia looks at me with those cute little eyes as I offer my hand. “Thank you for bringing me to dancing, Uncle Grant. I didn’t want to miss seeing Miss Zara. I love to dance with her.”

  “Anytime, Princess, I didn’t want to miss seeing Miss Zara either.” Sophia smiles knowingly at me and walks to the studio door.

  Sammy runs off after Soph. They laugh as they run up the stairs and I take a moment to gather my head. Time to let Zara know what I want, and that’s her. If only she will let her guard down to acknowledge she wants me too.

  I stride up the stairs two at a time with all the confidence in the world.

  Game on, baby.



  I know Sophia and Samuel are here before I even see them. The giggles coming up the stairwell are just precious. They’re so cute together. Now she has Zach in her life, and baby Thomas. What a special gift for them he must be. It will be nice to see Zach and pass on my congratulations. If I get time over the next few days, I will call into the hospital to visit Emily and Thomas.

  “Hi, Miss Zara,” Sammy yells as he rushes through the door. “I beat Sophia up the stairs again.”

  “Well, hello there, Samuel! Now just remember a lady never runs, so Sophia probably let you win.” Sophia’s cute little grin comes through the door and she skips over to me.

  “Hello, Miss Zara. Are you stretching for our class? Can I stretch with you, please?”

  “Of course, you can. I’m just waiting for all the class to arrive. You can never stretch enough to get your body warmed up. Where is Daddy? Is he still walking up the stairs?” I hear footsteps.

  “No, he’s at the hospital with Mommy and baby Thomas.”

  “Well, who’s with you then?” I ask as I look towards the door. My body, mind and heart freeze.


  Holy shit, that man looks good in a suit but the vision in front of me… wow… just wow.

  Jeans and a tight black shirt hug his entire body. Ripped muscles tantalize and I realize, being that hot should be a crime. I feel aroused already. He’s been here all of five seconds and I’m already turned on. My nipples harden and become visible through my leotard. Our eyes meet. He has that cocky grin on his face. He knows what he’s doing to me and he likes it, he likes it a lot. I hear the kids talking to me, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. My whole world is stuck on the man standing in front of me.

  “Hello again, Zara. Nice to see you.” His deep voice rumbles over me as he strides confidently across the room. I feel my body heat rising the closer he gets. Snap out of it, Zara, get your voice to function. It feels like a major achievement to even answer him. Why does he have this instant effect on me every time?

  “Grant, I wasn’t expecting you today. Shouldn’t you be at work?” Far out, Zara, you didn’t even bother to say hello.
Good one, idiot.

  Grant smiles knowing he’s flustered me. “Well, it’s a lucky surprise then, isn’t it? I left work early, so I could spend the afternoon with the twins and help out Zach.” He leans closer and whispers in my ear. “It’s also so I have an excuse to see you again.”

  My heart beats fast, the hairs on my neck standing on end as his breath tickles my ear. For the love of God, I’m going to need to change my pants before the class starts.

  “What’s wrong, Zara? Aren’t you happy to see me?” He smiles that cheeky grin at me.

  “Um…no…I mean, yes. Yes, it’s nice to see you.” He knows exactly what he’s doing to me.

  You can always count on kids to break the moment. “Miss Zara, Uncle Grant is taking us to dinner before we go and visit Thomas at the hospital. Can you come with us to see Thomas? He is so cute, isn’t he, Uncle Grant?” Sammy pipes up with excitement. I don’t know where to look or what to say. I look down to their pleading eyes. I can’t look at Grant, I’m too embarrassed. I hear Grant laughing, chuckling at Sammy for being so bold.

  “That sounds like a great idea, little man. What do you think of that idea, Princess?”

  “I don’t know what to say, Grant. You don’t need to worry about me, Sammy’s just excited, that’s all. I know you don’t want me to be there, so it’s fine, you just go with the kids. I have to rehearse my dance anyway.” I have become totally flustered.

  I feel his fingers under my chin, gently lifting my head until our eyes meet. The whole world slips away and there’s just him standing before me.

  “I was actually talking to Sophia.”


  I nearly die on the spot.

  Of course, he was, how could I be so stupid? Grant leans forward and whispers in my ear.

  “Zara, you are too fucking sexy to be called my princess. I think you would be more my sexy…dirty…naughty…teacher.” His breath tickles me all over.

  Grant backs away, leaving me swooning, and my body on fire. Holy shit. No one had ever said anything like that to me before. It’s so hot and sexy. He’s lucky the kids are in the room, otherwise I would throw myself at him in an instant.

  Shit, the kids!

  This breaks me from my dirty thoughts of Grant.

  “Sorry,” I stumble. “Of course, you were.” Come on, Zara, you need to get some control back. This is not like you to be rocked so far off balance. Find your inner bitch.

  “Sophia is certainly your princess. Pity you’ll never know if I am as described. That secret remains with me and in my bedroom.”

  To put some distance between us, I walk to the other side of the studio. I hear him exhale in frustration, or desire?

  Payback, Grant. I hope you’re straining in your jeans.

  “Please, Miss Zara. Can you come to dinner and see baby Thomas? I want to show you my new brother. Mommy and Daddy will be excited to see you, too. You came to the hospital last time but didn’t see them. Please come with us. Uncle Grant is lots of fun, I promise. He won’t growl at you this time, will you, Uncle Grant? I promise he will be nice. Please?” I turn to see Sophia who’s looking at me with pleading little eyes. I am finding it hard to say no to her.

  “Zara, I would love to take you to dinner with the kids and then visit the family. Although my self-appointed wingman, Sammy, beat me to it, I actually came here to ask you’d like to join us. As Sophia said, I will be on my best behavior, I promise. What do you say?”

  This time, as I look at him, I see someone different to the confident cocky man who just talked dirty to me. In this very moment, there’s something about him. Something I find intriguing. It’s like he’s actually trying to get me to see past the Grant I’ve seen on the few occasions we’ve met.

  The twins jump up and down, begging me in a pleading chorus.

  “How can you say no to that?” Grant smiles at me and points to the twins who are smiling so hard, I think their faces might crack. It’s the first relaxed smile I think I’ve seen from him. He always has a seriousness about him, even when he’s smiling. Today’s smile even comes with a small dimple on the right-hand side of his mouth. As much as I like the smart controlling man I’ve seen so far, this sensitive side is also rather appealing.

  “Come on, Zara. You won’t regret it.”

  Voices filtering up the stairs interrupt my thoughts. More parents are arriving with their eager little ones. I need to make a decision. My mind races. My head’s telling me it’s a bad idea and I should say no, but my heart says otherwise.


  “This is purely a couple of friends grabbing dinner, okay?” I pin him with my stare. “I am only coming because I want to see Emily, Zach and Thomas, as well as to keep the kids happy. Do I make myself clear?” By now I have my hands on my hips, and Grant quickly returns to the cocky man I’d first met.

  “Okay, you keep telling yourself that, Zara, and you might start believing it.”

  By now, the students are starting to get in position on the studio floor.

  “Meet me back here after Sophia’s class, then I can get changed before we go.” As I walk past Grant towards my students, I whisper to him. “And let’s see if you can get through a dinner without your arrogant attitude pissing me off to the point we’re snapping at each other.”

  “Oh, I will piss you off, Zara, and you will love it, that I can guarantee. You also might want to pack a spare pair of underwear, too. The ones you have now, I bet will be a little wet by the time I’m finished with you. That I can also guarantee. See you after class, my naughty, dirty teacher.” He grins and keeps walking, calling to Sammy as he heads for the door.

  My feet are frozen, eyes popping out of my head, cheeks flushed, and yes, my pants are saturated. Arrogant man! I hate that he’s so right. Why does he have this power over me? I’m always in control of myself, my mind and my body. But its reaction is too strong. I feel a throbbing between my legs, my sweet spot getting nice and ready.

  Ready for what? It is not like I’m going to do anything about it. But it’s not like I don’t want to. I’ve worked too hard to get here. No man is ever going to stand in the way of my dream again. Lesson learnt.

  I have to concentrate and stop thinking about the ridiculously hot guy who just walked out of my studio and concentrate on teaching these kids.

  However, right at this moment, I’d rather be fucked by Grant, right here in this studio, just like he promised.


  “Uncle Grant, do you reckon we can have our ice cream now and then have another one after dinner with Sophia. I won’t tell her. Promise. Cause I’ve been such a good boy, haven’t I? Just like you said. Come on, let’s get one to cool us down from feeling so hot.” Sammy turns on those huge puppy eyes again.

  He’s spot on, though. It’s hot as hell, especially since leaving Zara in the studio. She was flushed, sweaty, and I bet as wet as I was hard.

  She owns me already.

  I’m almost certain, however, that Sammy’s suggestion of ice cream isn’t going to cure any fire I have burning inside me.

  “Sure, why not. As long as you keep it a secret. That is what uncles are for, isn’t it? To spoil you and let you let you get away with things Mommy and Daddy would never let you get away with. So, let’s go have ice cream before dinner and then again for dessert. What do you say, little man?” Holding out my hand he slaps his low high five.

  “You rock, Uncle Grant! Come on, let’s go.” He jumps up and down with excitement.

  Sammy doesn’t waste any time when ice cream’s on offer. Being dragged across the road, my little wingman looks up at me. “Do you think Miss. Zara would like some ice cream to cool her off?” The sentence comes out of his mouth at lightning speed. Reaching the other side of the road, I stop dead in my tracks. The vision Sammy unwittingly gave me is too much.

  What I wouldn’t give to see Zara spread-eagled on my bed. Naked, smooth, and wet. Spoonfuls of ice cream being sucked on by those magical lips. Sliding the spoon in and o
ut of her mouth, nearly bringing me undone. The way her lips part to form the perfect O. Dripping melted ice cream over her hard nipples and licking off the mess before crawling between her legs. Seeing her tits bounce as I take her. I can’t hold back any longer. She’s mine and it’s time to enjoy my dessert.

  They say men are ruled by their dicks. Abso-fucking-lutely we are. They hold all the power to bring us pleasure.

  “Uncle Grant, are you even listening to me?” Sammy’s loud voice smashes through my fantasy. Shit! I want to go back there, I want it so bad.

  Reining in my thoughts, I try to remember that I have a seven-year-old pulling at my shirt trying to get my attention.

  “Sorry, buddy, I got a little distracted.” Anyone looking at my jeans will realize I was ‘largely’ distracted. Adjusting my throbbing cock, I turn my attention to my nephew. “What were you saying?”

  “Can we just get a tub of ice cream?”

  “No!” I say, answering a little too fast. “Just a cone, Sammy.” Sammy flinches at the brashness of my words and I remind myself to pull my head in. He’s not to know my sexual frustration for Zara.

  “Sorry, buddy. I was thinking about something else.” Ruffling the top of his head, I bend down to his eye level. “What flavors do you think are the best ones for me to choose?” He’s wide-eyed, staring at the ice cream in all his innocence. Just another reminder that one day I’d love a child of my own. Seeing the world through a child’s eyes reminds you of all the beauty and wonder in the little joys, like eating ice cream before dinner.

  Despite Sammy’s enthusiasm, my mind can’t seem to shake Zara. This time, however, it’s a vision of her with a rounded belly, hands resting on her bump, skin glowing, and a twinkle in her eye. She’s content and happy as a gorgeous little girl clutches my hands while standing on my feet. The girl’s hair is dark like her mothers, big, round eyes staring up at me. We’re dancing in circles around Zara.

  Is that what real love is about? The love of a wife and child? Unconditional love? Forever love? Hot fucking love between a husband and wife? I want them all. I want them with Zara.


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