Present Tense: Pleasure Times Four (Out of the Fire Book 3)

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Present Tense: Pleasure Times Four (Out of the Fire Book 3) Page 8

by Candace Blevins

  “Not used to...” she had trouble drawing more air in, finally managed, “having permission.”

  Collosa sometimes enjoyed ordering someone not to come, but mostly, he didn’t get off on that kind of power.

  “Well then, looks like you need to learn some self-control, since I’m not going to be doing that for you.”

  He increased his speed and pounded harder. His breath came in pants, his balls drew up.

  “Tighten your cunt, tiny vampire. Make it hurt worse. Just a little more.”

  He breathed in the scents of arousal and luxurious agony, and fucked her harder.

  Kelsey was so overwhelmed, she could only hold on and experience the sensations. When James finally found release, his orgasm was intense, and long. His eyes rolled back in his head, he grunted and rutted while staying buried inside her, and he filled her full of his heated cum.

  He collapsed beside her, face down, and she rolled him to his back while he was relaxed and while the orgasm chemicals were still floating in his bloodstream.

  She climbed on, kissed his neck to get him used to being touched there, and then slid her fangs into him again.

  Not quite as much painkiller this time — enough to take away the sharp pain of it, but she wanted him to feel more than pressure.

  She pumped him full of the hard-on cocktail, drank another ten ounces on top of the twenty she’d taken earlier, and then injected a triple-dose of the best orgasm combination she’d been able to figure out. Maybe she should’ve started with a double dose, but he was so damned big, and her instincts said he needed more.

  Her fangs were barely free of his neck when he shouted, jerked, and ejaculated so hard it hit the back of the armoire over their heads. His hips moved and jerked, his face showed his shock. Kelsey slid down his body so she could reach his dick, and she grasped the base. His hips drew down and pistoned up, and she relaxed her fingers enough he was fucking her hand. It wasn’t necessary — he’d have kept coming whether she’d done it or not, but some men find it humiliating to hump the air, and she wanted this to be a positive experience.

  Minutes later, when the orgasm finally finished, his eyes drifted closed, his body relaxed, and she stretched back out on top of him, her head on his massive chest.

  The heat of his hand covered her back. “Fuck, Kelsey. Fuck. I may need to call Drake and take a personal day.”

  She chuckled and kissed his neck, just below where she’d bitten. “Some juice and some food, and you’ll be fine. Are you working tonight?”

  “Yeah. Planning an op. Special training.”

  “The one I put into motion?”

  He rubbed her back but didn’t answer, and she kissed his chest this time. “Nathan told me there are other projects I can work on for bonus pay, but I can’t see the list for a while. I’m guessing you can’t tell me about this kind of thing until more trust is built.”

  He stroked her back, and the heat of his hand soothed her. “Most of the time, only the team actively working an op like this knows about it. Even if you’d been around ten years, you wouldn’t be involved unless you were on the team.”


  Collosa was used to having the upper hand. He wasn’t sure what to do with the fact Kelsey was going to have it while she fed from him, and especially while she gave him those kinds of orgasms. No way around it that he could see.

  On second thought, he could implement a rule about having to wear nipple clamps or perhaps a butt plug while feeding from him.

  Also, he wanted her sitting on his dick the next time she gave him that kind of orgasm. He wasn’t certain she could get to his neck from there, but perhaps she could bite him somewhere else.

  His mind went to other possibilities — what if Fabio was fucking her ass while Collosa came like that in her pussy? His dick pulsed in his jeans, and he focused on the cold of the orange juice glass, the feel of it in hands, and how bad it would be if he squeezed it and sliced his hand open.

  The four of them went into the Drake office together. It was earlier than Kelsey was scheduled, but her hours were flexible, and Nathan had okayed bringing her early when he’d given them the training schedule.

  Aaron had set up the course behind the school, where the ballfields had been. Collosa and Eunice would go on this trip, and Fabio would stay behind. He’d have three to five days with her, feeding her and having sex every day.

  Lucky bastard.

  The team met in a conference room, practiced running through the op on the outside course, and went back to the conference room to watch video and discuss any changes they might need to implement.

  When they finished and were dismissed, Collosa pulled Fabio into another conference room to ask him if he’d broached the subject of them double-teaming Kelsey.

  The trio had played with most of the women Eunice had brought to the house to train. Not all of them, since some of their Masters didn’t want that, but many did. Also, it was part of every contract for the Masterless submissives Eunice took on to train — he wouldn’t work with them unless they agreed to learn how to deal with three men at once.

  “Not yet. I haven’t tried for her ass yet. You?”

  “No,” Collosa told him. “If we stick two dicks in her at once, I probably shouldn’t be the one in her ass the first time.”

  “You think she’ll go for it?”

  “Won’t know unless we try.”

  She’d undoubtably handled multiple men while a pleasure slave for the Master Vampire in Sydney, but would she want to now that she had a choice? Would she even want a choice?

  Collosa leaned his ass against the table. “You think that’s the way to go with her? Try without asking?”

  “Yeah. She’s not a fan of making sexual decisions. I have no idea if she’s a natural submissive, or if it’s been trained into her, but we’ll get farther by assuming than by asking. She has a safeword, and she’s more than capable of saying no. She’ll let us know if we overstep.”

  Fabio was rarely wrong about how to get a woman to do what he wanted in bed. “Okay then. How do we handle her on the range?”

  “Let Eunice scare her, and then we can step in and soothe.”

  Collosa grinned. Basic good cop bad cop. “Works for me.”

  Kelsey didn’t want to shoot a real gun. The paintball gun hadn’t been so bad, but this gun had bullets, and it was long, and Eunice wanted her to put her face on it to aim.

  Fabio stepped up, bodily moving Eunice away from her by wrapping his left arm around her waist and leaning down to hold the gun and settle it against the front of her shoulder better. “You have good form, just lean a little more onto that front leg. That’s it. I’m right here, the big-bad-gun isn’t going to attack you. You’re holding it, not the other way around.”

  When she was standing right, he told her, “You’re responsible for where that bullet goes, and if you can get it inside the first two rings, I’ll use my kitty-cat tongue on your beautiful little pussy before you retire for the day.”

  She scented Eunice’s annoyance a half-second before he muttered, “Christ.”

  The kitty had a talented everything, so her insides would’ve responded no matter what he’d promised, but the promise of tongue especially did the trick. She blew out, put her cheek on the stock of the rifle as Eunice had instructed, lined the stick on the end of the rifle up with the hole closer to her face, and then aimed the whole thing at the target.

  “That’s it,” Fabio said. “Put it right on center of the target and then go up about a half-inch above at this distance.”

  “Just a half-inch?”

  “The paintballs are heavier and don’t have as much force pushing them. Bullets have a better trajectory.”

  She readjusted, and then pulled the trigger back the way they’d taught her. Slow and controlled, holding her aim.

  It was loud, but the gun didn’t kick much.

  “Wow. I did it.”

  “You certainly did,” James said from behind her. “Just a c
unt-hair off bullseye. Looks like we know what kind of carrot to use on you now.”

  “Well, kitty-cat tongues are...” She wasn’t sure the other men wanted to hear the rest of the sentence, so she put her cheek back to the rifle, lined everything up again, and shot three more times, remembering the lessons she’d learned with the paintball gun the day before.

  “Nice,” said Eunice. “This is a twenty-two rifle. One of the smallest bullets. Let’s try the same caliber in a handgun. Clear the weapon and engage the safety, please.”

  She pushed the button to drop the magazine, pulled the thing-a-ma-bob to eject the bullet out of the chamber, pushed the safety lever, pointed the shooty-part towards the ceiling, and handed Eunice the rifle.

  “Excellent. Nice work.”

  It shouldn’t have pleased her so much for the grumpy Eunice to give her a little praise, but it did.

  Collosa stepped up with a handgun, showed her how the magazine went in, how to put a bullet into the chamber, how to release the magazine, and then how to remove the bullet in the chamber. He bent over, retrieved the bullet from the floor, put it back into the magazine, settled the weapon and ammo beside each other on the shelf in front of her, and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He put his mouth to her ear, and said, “Put five out of the seven into the two center rings and I’ll give you the most delicious over-the-knee spanking you’ve ever had when we get back to the house. I’ll get you primed and ready for pretty-boy’s tongue.”

  “Fuck, guys. Damn.” She wanted to say bloody hell, but she knew better.

  Kelsey aimed carefully because she very much wanted the promised spanking. James had told her OTK was one of his favorite things, and she expected he’d be quite good at it.

  This gun lifted up a tiny bit when she shot, so she had to re-aim each time, but it wasn’t a big deal. She managed to get the required five-of-seven inside, though one was right on the line and really could’ve gone either way.

  When she’d shot three magazines, they switched her to a different handgun. A three-eighty this time, and it kicked. Hard. She felt it in the heel of her hand, her elbow, her shoulder, her gut. The things on her ears let her hear normal speech, but muffled the sounds of the gun. Still, it was loud.

  She shot it once and put it down. She didn’t want to shoot it again.

  “Why does it do that? I don’t like it.”

  “Flip the safety on and put the weapon back down.” Fabio usually asked her to do things, but there was no mistaking this as a request. It was an order.

  Had she annoyed him by forgetting the safety? She was pretty sure she had, and she made a note to remember it next time. She lifted it, flipped the safety on, and returned it to the little shelf.

  Fabio put two bullets on the shelf in front of her, different sizes, and asked, “See how much fatter the three-eighty is? There’s more gunpowder. Has to be, to push the bigger bullet. The gun is heavier too, yes? More metal, to protect you from the bigger explosion.”

  He retrieved the bullets and stayed behind her. “You’ll shoot the next three sizes up next time. Stopping here isn’t an option. I promised my tongue earlier, but I didn’t promise any orgasms. You want the happy ending? You need to be proficient with this weapon, too.”

  It was on the tip of Kelsey’s tongue to ask if she could promise sexual favors to not have to do this, but she knew that wouldn’t fly. She lifted the weapon, pushed the safety off, aimed, and fired the blasted thing again. The violence of each gunshot and reverberation bothered her, but she was irritated enough it also soothed her a little.

  Collosa carried an armless, straight-back chair into Kelsey’s room, settled it in the center of an open space, and sat. Fabio was already on her sofa with her in his lap, and they’d been kissing when he walked in. Now, they were both staring at him.

  “She still has clothes on,” he told Fabio.

  Fabio smiled and gave one of her nipples a little tweak.

  “So she does.” He turned her in his lap, looked at her shirt, and met her gaze. “You like this shirt Cupcake?”

  “Yes, very much. Why do you keep calling me Cupcake? If you hadn’t noticed, I’m the one eating you.”

  “Pretty sure I offered to use my tongue on you. Licking the frosting off cupcakes is one of my favorite things.”

  Collosa crossed his arms. “If you want to feel my hand on your ass, little girl, it needs to be naked and over my lap before I get bored and go back upstairs.”

  She was out of Fabio’s lap and standing beside him in less than a second. Apparently, even baby vamps can move fast. She unfastened her jeans and pushed them down along with her underwear, all at once.

  He stopped her before she could lean over. “Naked, little girl. Shirt too.”

  “You said my ass needed to be naked.”

  Collosa arched his eyebrows at her, and she pulled her shirt over her head with a sigh. Next came the bra, and she tossed both garments onto a nearby chair.

  And then, while leaning over his lap to get into position, she repeated in a grumpy mumble, “You only said my ass needed to be naked.”

  He popped her hard once, just enough to elicit a yelp and put a pretty red handprint on her oh-so-creamy ass. “You have a lot of attitude for someone about to get a spanking.”

  And the little thing chuckled — and then wiggled her adorable ass. “I do, and that isn’t likely to change when it’s for a reward spanking.”

  Collosa looked up to Fabio, and figured they were both wearing similar grins. The vampire was going to fit in just fine here, after all. She wasn’t complaining about Fabio watching, and she hadn’t been even a tiny bit upset with Fabio going for her nipple in front of Collosa.

  “Fabio, while I get our little vampire’s ass warmed up, why don’t you decide on a butt plug and get it lubed.”

  Kelsey thought she’d go mad if James didn’t spank her harder. His huge, meaty hand covered both her cheeks, but he still alternated every once in a while, to be certain he got good coverage, she supposed.

  He’d told Fabio to insert the butt plug, and he’d held her still while it’d gone in. It was much too big, and she’d protested it should be for punishment and not play, but James had only threatened to make her take Fabio’s cock in her mouth while she was spanked if she couldn’t refrain from whining.

  And while it was true this was sex, and she could safeword at any time, she bloody well didn’t want to do that, now did she?

  Truth was, either man would destroy her ass if he wanted to fuck it — and she knew it was going to happen. Probably sooner rather than later. A vampire’s pussy heals, but there’s a bit of a memory there, so once you’ve taken someone huge the first time, it isn’t so bad after. Basically, it remembers the past three or so weeks. Longer than that, and it’s difficult to take that size again.

  The asshole, however, has zero memory of anything. It always heals back to tightly closed. Vampires don’t shit, so it doesn’t even have to be prepared for... well. Suffice it to say it heals back to tighter than a virgin, every bloody time. Her former Master had made certain she was well used in all of her holes. For a time, any of his inner circle had permission to fuck her ass anytime they wanted. Her mouth and pussy were only available if he invited someone to use them, but it’d been open season on her ass.

  “I don’t know, dude,” Fabio said from his seat on the sofa. “She looks a little bored. Maybe the plug wasn’t big enough?”

  James rubbed her bottom. “Is that true, little girl?”

  “No Sir! Fuck, it’s too big! You told me not to whine!”

  “Well then, why are you bored?”

  He asked, so it was her job to answer. “You could hit me a little harder, if you wanted, Sir.”

  That huge, hot-as-fuck hand rubbed over her super-sensitized ass again. “Was that permission, little girl?”

  “NO!” It came out loud and very unsubmissive. She tried again. “I mean, no, Sir. You asked a question; I gave an honest answer.”

; “Not quite true. You were a sex slave, yes? I know you aren’t anymore, but look at it through that lens for a moment and tell me where you went wrong.”

  It didn’t take much thought for her to realize the problem. She’d told him what to do. Given him permission to do it.

  “Can I answer the question again, Sir?”

  “You’re asking for a do-over?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Let’s hear it, then.”

  “I’d love it if you’d hit me harder, Sir. I wouldn’t ask, of course, but I’m obligated to answer your question.”

  “Better, but here’s the thing. I don’t mind a little direction, politely given, when we’re playing around. You don’t have to wait until I ask.” She moaned in pleasure when his hand hit harder, and then again when he found a rhythm. Her hips moved of their own accord, and the fire that’d been smoldering in her privates flamed to life.

  “The trick is to ask, not to order,” Fabio said from the sofa, his legs stretched out in front of him, his dick showing through his worn, snug jeans. “Works the same for both of us. I’m a lot more laid back about rules than ’Losa or Eunice, but I don’t take orders from submissives.”

  “So,” James asked from above while he spanked her harder and faster than before, but maybe still not quite hard enough, “ask for what you want, little girl.”

  “Oh, god. Fuck. I want you to spank me until I can’t think. Until I’m just a mass of horny vampire who needs to be fucked in every hole.” She’d heard a teeny bit of Australian trying to peek through, so she slowed down and made sure to enunciate every word as her speech coach had taught her. “Sometimes I cry, sometimes I don’t. That isn’t the important thing. It’s just the overwhelming-me part I need. Please.”

  His hand hit her bottom again. Harder. The blows came faster now, and before long, nothing existed except the heated denim under her naked body, the hand hitting her bottom, and the fancy rug under her hands. The huge grizzly spanked her until an orgasm took her, and her body went stiff, muscles spasmed, and her eyes rolled back in her head far enough everything went dark. Her mind reached out to his and she saw his concentration, the heat of his hand, and his arousal. He liked being able to hit her so hard, rapid-fire, one after another until she was completely out of control.


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