Present Tense: Pleasure Times Four (Out of the Fire Book 3)

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Present Tense: Pleasure Times Four (Out of the Fire Book 3) Page 9

by Candace Blevins

  When he finally stopped, he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed, where Fabio was already naked, and then everything became a jumble. Fabio’s dick in her mouth, James’s fingers in her ass and her pussy at the same time, spreading her — preparing her.

  And then Fabio was behind her, opening her ass with his too-large dick, and James was in front of her. She balanced her weight on one arm and used the other to give James something of a hand-job while she sucked and licked at the head of his cock, and her eyes watered because Fabio wasn’t going to easily fit. He wasn’t rough, but he wasn’t exactly gentle, either.

  “Put my dick in your mouth, little girl,” James said. “Far as you can go without getting too intense with the teeth. Suck. Harder.” She complied and he rubbed her hair down the back of her head. “That’s it. Keep sucking.” His voice changed. Deeper. More commanding. “Time to bury it, Fabio. She’ll be fine. Just fucking do it already.”

  Fabio ran his hand down her back. “Squeeze twice if you want me to get it over with. Once if you need me to go slow.”

  Kelsey took a breath she didn’t need while she considered her choices. She wanted him to go slow, but James was impatient, and she didn’t want to displease him.

  Also, he was right. She’d be fine whether Fabio went fast or slow. She squeezed twice, and then tried her hardest to stay relaxed when Fabio pulled nearly all the way out.

  “Okay Cupcake. Suck on that dick. Concentrate on Collosa’s pleasure.”

  And then he slammed into her like a pile driver. Once. Twice. He made it all the way on the third time, his hands around Kelsey’s hips to keep her from bucking him off. It hurt, and burned, and she wanted to scream from the stretch of not just the skin, but both rings of muscles.

  Instead, she sucked hard, focusing on the taste and texture of the throbbing, pulsing cock in her mouth.

  Clearly, James liked the idea of her having a hard time taking Fabio. Someday soon, he’d probably want to take her back there, and she had no doubt she’d cry for him.

  Collosa helped hold Kelsey in place while Fabio leaned back against the large triangle pillow they’d situated at the top of the bed — with Kelsey sitting on Fabio’s cock, deep in her ass, her back to his front, while Fabio held her legs up and to the side, out of the way. Fabio’s legs were also spread, his feet planted on the bed, so Collosa had plenty of room to move in and get his dick into the tiny vampire’s tight little pussy.

  Once they started fucking her ass, they’d only go in her pussy one week a month, and then would stay out long enough for her to tighten back up. It’d be like having a virgin once a month. Well, every other month, since he and Fabio would take turns with the first time.

  And her ass would be tight as a virgin every damned time in between.

  Or maybe not. He’d have to talk to Eunice and Fabio, but he hoped they’d agree. He hadn’t thought Kelsey would be submissive enough for them to pull it off, but today had shown him she likely was. Maybe they should wait a month or two before starting it, though.

  The head of his dick went in easily enough, but he met resistance before it was barely inside. He looked up and met her gaze. “Unless you safeword, we won’t stop until we’re finished. You need to pace yourself so you’re still horny at the end.”

  She’d been a tight fit before, now she was impossibly tight around him. He’d known she would be, so he’d lubed her pussy and ass with coconut oil.

  Fabio waited until Collosa was halfway in before he started fucking her from underneath, pulling his hips down while held her in place by her waist, and then pistoning his cock up into her, hard and fast, then slower, then fast again. Collosa could feel it through the thin wall between cunt and ass — every ridge, every movement.

  At two thirds of the way in, it was time for them to fuck her hard and fast. Maybe he’d make it farther in, maybe he wouldn’t. She was as full as he thought she could get.

  Her eyes were closed, her head leaned back on Fabio’s chest — the picture of bliss. He could scent some pain layered in with her pleasure, but none of it showed on her face. He cradled her cheek and she opened her eyes. The pupils were no longer hazel, but brilliant blue.

  And he knew what she wanted. Slow and gentle from his end had been nice, but she was ready for them to make her lose herself in sex again. He merely nodded, pulled out, and let his body do what it’d wanted to do for the past five minutes — he hammered the fuck out of her.

  Fabio worried for a brief moment that they were being too rough with her, but then he felt like they were giving her exactly what she wanted.

  No, he didn’t feel it, he knew it.

  He jacked his hips harder, held onto her hips to hold her in place, and tried to pace himself. He knew Collosa would last longer than him, but that was okay – more than ten minutes of this and he wouldn’t have any skin left on his dick.

  Kelsey came two more times before Fabio finally came deep, deep in her ass. He wrapped his arms around her, skimmed his hands up her belly, and tweaked her nipples while his friend kept pounding away at the little vampire’s pussy.

  And then power washed over him like a tidal wave. Did it come from Kelsey? He thought it had to, but after the single wave of it, it was gone.

  His dick was still inside her, and he held her close, so it would stay there.

  Fabio loved to fuck. Any female who was willing, and who could handle him, was usually fair game — and he’d been with more than his fair share of vampires. Some of them quite powerful.

  And this baby vampire had power she wasn’t supposed to have yet. She was nowhere near as strong as Fawn, for instance, but he had no doubt it was a matter of decades, not centuries.

  Another wave of power washed over him. He watched Collosa to make certain his friend was dealing with it okay, and so no cause for concern.

  A third wave flowed over him, stronger still, and he pulled and twisted her nipples until she cried out from the pain, but she didn’t try to stop him. His dick swelled again, still in her ass, and he started fucking her again. Hard and fast.

  The power soaked over and into him, pushing him to go harder and faster. It didn’t come in waves now, but in a river, and he didn’t care if he drowned in it. He fucked harder. Faster. Wished he could do more.

  Eunice came home from his run and felt the power when he stepped foot on the property. It grew stronger when he stepped onto the first front porch step, and hit him like a freight train when he opened the door. It took effort to make it down the steps. The palm reader wouldn’t work to get into the room, and he had to manually key in the override.

  If they hadn’t been underground, it might have been too much for him, but mongooses find their power when they’re inside the earth. He was grounded, so he could walk into the room and touch his friends long enough for them to find themselves. To remember who they were.

  Collosa came out of it first, and he rolled off the bed, crouched as if expecting gunfire, realized no one was shooting, and darted out of the room, through the rest of the basement, and into the backyard. He could safely change in the woods at night, and Eunice figured he’d done just that.

  It took Fabio another twenty seconds before his eyes came back to normal, and as soon as they did, Eunice risked skin-to-skin contact with the vampire long enough to lift her off Fabio’s dick and settle her at the foot of the bed.

  He stepped back from all of them, careful to stay grounded, and crossed his arms while he waited for the two of them to find their voice.

  Kelsey’s eyes went from brilliant blue back to a soft hazel with tiny bits of gold floating in the color.

  The power level dropped significantly.

  “Crikey! Fuck! Bloody hell! What in the fuck? I can’t get pissed, and I feel bloody blind!”

  “Cupcake!” It came out harsh, despite the fact Fabio used his nickname for her, but it got her attention and her eyes focused on him.

  “I don’t even know how many points to give you for that,” Fabio told her, �
��so we’ll give you those as a freebie, but no more. Get hold of yourself.”

  Eunice was sweaty so he didn’t want to sit on the sofa. He walked to a chair and sat on the edge. “You’re saying you can’t get drunk, but you feel as if you are?” he asked her.

  She nodded, and he looked at Fabio. “I take it ya’ll hadn’t planned for that?”

  “No.” Collosa walked into the room, still naked, but no longer smelling of sweat and sex. He’d changed to bear and come right back. He had a gallon of ice cream and a spoon, and he sat, opened the ice cream carton, and took several large bites before speaking.

  “Your eyes were brilliant blue. What does that mean?” Collosa asked Kelsey.

  She shook her head. “No one’s ever told me that happened before.”

  Eunice looked at the clock. “I believe you have about ten minutes until the dawn takes you. Will you be okay to rise, or do you need a sip before you go down for the day?”

  “I feel both weak and strong. I don’t know what that means.”

  Fabio stuck his arm out. “Take as much as you need. Nothing sexual, just drink. I’m going to change and run today, so you’ll be able to drink now and then again tonight.”

  Eunice watched them carefully, and opened up enough to sense the energies in the room. He sensed power again, but not like it’d been before. They’d need to call Marco and get his input and instructions. Eunice’s housemates weren’t going to want to, but their contract specified they were required to notify him of anything hinky.

  She only took a few moments to drink from Fabio, and then went into her little brick den. Moments after the wall closed, Fabio breathed out as if a weight had lifted.

  “I felt the dawn take her,” Fabio told them. “I’ve only been close enough to a few vampires to sense that, and then only after a blood bond was consciously formed.”

  Eunice had felt the dawn take her as well, and he’d never felt anything like it. “She’s new. Is it possible she formed one accidentally?”

  “There was no blood transfer tonight until she drank from me a few moments ago.”

  Eunice looked to Collosa, who shook his head and gave a small shoulder shrug. “No idea. I’ve never been bound to a vampire. Her eyes went from hazel to brilliant blue. Electric, glowy blue. I knew she was okay with us being rough.” He sighed. “It’s possible she was in my head, urging me to go harder and faster.”

  “She told you to overwhelm her, to make her lose control,” Fabio said. “She wanted to lose herself in sex. Maybe she did, and the vampire part of her took over?”

  “Maybe. You’re the one with lots of vampire experience.”

  Fabio shrugged. “They were all older. They knew what they were doing. Kelsey’s still figuring it out.”

  Eunice stood. “We all know about the power of three when it comes to supernatural shit. No more threesomes until we figure this out. I’m going to take a shower and drive up the mountain to Homewood. Aaron asked me to check in with Cora to get her input on a client I’ll be taking care of in two weeks. Stuff she may not have put into her notes.” He looked at Fabio. “You okay? I’d feel better if you changed before I left.”

  “Yeah. I’m gonna change and then hang out and sleep in my favorite tree. I’m good. See ya this evening. Tell Cora and Kirsten I said hi.”


  Kelsey woke long before the sun dipped below the horizon. It’d taken a while to get used to the sensation of dying and then coming back to life — both happen all at once, like a light switch being flipped.

  And then the events of the evening came back to her, along with a weight in her stomach. What had she done?

  She’d lost herself in sex, for starters. She’d done so in the past, when vampires were using her, or vampires and shapeshifters, but never when it had been all shapeshifters.

  It took her a moment to fiddle with the release mechanism in the pitch dark, and then she rolled out of her hole and landed on her feet. She slid the release closed and looked down at herself. Still naked, and she smelled of sex.

  Her phone rang and startled her. She looked around for it, and found it plugged into the charger. She was certain she hadn’t remembered to do that before she went down for the day.

  It was Marco, and the weight in her stomach grew heavier.


  “What happened, Kelsey?”

  “I don’t know, Master. I lost myself in sex, and I don’t remember.”

  “Okay. I believe you. I’ll arrive in about thirty minutes. You’ve been locked into your suite as a precaution, until we figure this out. I’m going to need to see you and your housemates in person to try to get to the bottom of this.” He blew out a breath. “It’s possible you’re going up a level in power, based on what Eunice reports he felt from the outside, and what Fabio felt at one point before he was dragged back in. If so, you aren’t in trouble, though we’ll of course need to take steps to make sure you’re safe with the shapeshifters.”

  “If they weren’t so strong, I could’ve hurt them.”

  “Most certainly. Yes. Their strength is one of the many reasons we allowed them to house you. I understand you went down for the day shortly after you finished. Get a shower and get dressed. Don’t try to contact your housemates. I’ll see you soon.”

  He disconnected, and Kelsey stared at her phone a few seconds. She’d scared her three housemates enough to call her Master.

  Bloody hell.

  She showered without washing her hair, and put it in a bun at the back of her head. She could spend an hour getting her makeup exactly right, or she could spend five minutes throwing on foundation and eye shadow, lining her eyes and coating mascara on, and then slapping some contour on and adding lipstick. If she were honest, men probably didn’t notice the difference in the hour it took to be artistic, or the five minutes it took to do the bare minimum. Women certainly would. Usually, she took about twenty minutes. The extremes were for... well, extreme circumstances.

  She put a pantsuit on with dressy heels. She downplayed her breasts instead of putting them out, front and center. Her gut told her Marco would see her being sexy as a lack of remorse. She wanted to show him she was contrite. Ashamed of her actions.

  And it wasn’t an act. She was horrified at what she’d done to the men, and terrified because she didn’t understand what’d happened.

  Twenty-five minutes after the phone call ended, her door opened and Marco walked in with her three housemates.

  Eunice leaned against the wall just inside the door, his arms crossed, his face a blank, and his emotions and thoughts behind a wall.

  Marco walked four steps in and stood behind the sofa, his hands resting on the back of it.

  James and Fabio walked around the sofa and came to her. Fabio hugged her, James walked behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. She hugged Fabio back, and he pulled her in harder. “It’s going to be okay. No one was hurt.” He stepped beside her, so it was the three of them facing the other two, and it felt as if they were squared off.

  She took a breath and looked to Marco. “I’m sorry you’ve had to rearrange your night, Master. Thank you for coming.”

  “I apologize in advance for requesting this, but I need you to turn in Collosa’s arms so he can kiss you. It feels like there’s more of a connection with him?”

  She looked at Fabio and knew his feelings were a little hurt. “James and I had hours to talk on the drive back. I’m close to both of you, but there’s been more time with him.”

  “It’s fine, Cupcake. Turn and kiss him. I’ve got your back.”

  She shook her head. “You mustn’t interfere with anything my Master does.”

  And then she turned and looked up at James. “If you don’t want to, I’ll understand.”

  Instead of answering, he lifted her into the air. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms went around his neck, and she hung on while his mouth met hers and he took her in a kiss. Her heart swelled and began to pump in time to his. Her blo
od pulsed through her arteries, her mouth watered for the taste of Grizzly, but she reminded herself the leopard was on the menu.

  “Thank you,” Marco said from behind them. “I’ve seen enough. Let’s sit, so I can explain.”

  Because she still wasn’t sure what’d gone wrong that morning, she chose to sit in a chair. Alone. Fabio and James sat on opposite ends of the sofa, and Marco sat in another chair. Eunice kept up his post by the door, but Marco didn’t reprimand him. Kelsey was quite certain it wouldn’t have done any good, which was probably why Marco didn’t say anything.

  “It’s extremely rare, but there are a tiny percentage of vampires who can feed from extreme emotions. I know a vampire who feeds from the creative process.” Marco shook his head. “That’s not quite right. It can be a mechanic who’s focused solely on the engine he’s working on, or the dancer who becomes the dance. The artist who doesn’t know what’s going on around him while he paints, or the writer who types for ten hours without food or drink because she’s so involved in the world she’s creating she doesn’t even know she’s dehydrated and hungry. A vampire who feeds off of emotion can go for days without needing blood, should he or she be physically close enough to people experiencing whatever emotion they feed from. Eventually, blood is needed — this type of feeding can’t be a total substitute. A vampire with this ability will have one emotion or feeling they can feed from — examples include greed, lust, fear, despair, joy, rage...” he looked around before adding, “or sex.”

  “I’m not strong enough for those powers.” Even as she said it, she was afraid he might be right.


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