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A Warranted Box Set

Page 8

by Shannon Nemechek

  Raleigh turned his head, meeting Sam’s gaze. “What did you say?”

  “Oh, nothing. Sorry, just thinking out loud,” she mumbled as she tried to cover her tracks and her thoughts. It was becoming difficult to hide her true feelings, but they had serious work to do.

  “Oh, ok. Sorry, it’s just loud in here. I think I am gonna try and take a short nap. You should do the same. It’s gonna be a long night.” Raleigh closed his eyes and Sam felt her stomach twist up in knots. She loved looking into his eyes; they spoke to her heart whereas the words he uttered almost never matched what his eyes said. His eyes whispered loving, gentle, words. She felt safe and secure with him. But his words were sometimes harsh, not towards her, per se, but sharp just the same. The harshness came from being a leader of men. What she perceived as harsh was recognized as leadership to his men. She didn’t know why, but she decided it was time to stop asking questions and just follow her heart and listen to her body. They had a day and a half alone before they had to meet with the general, and she would use every minute of it. Getting closer to him was her number one goal. She wanted to know his heart and what he feared and what he loved. She hoped they could use this time to get to know each other, both inside and out.

  As she closed her eyes, her mind wandered to the possibilities of the day and a half they would share. She wanted him to show her Fort Bragg, the Fort Bragg he knew, but she wanted to spend as much time as she could in his arms. The question was would he want the same, or was she someone he could just fool around with—the right now girl? He told her she was more than that, but it was hard to believe when she watched the way he interacted with other women. He seemed to want to keep them at a distance, yet pull them in closer to do his bidding. He was an enigma for sure. She wanted him and hated him at the same time; she didn’t want to get close, but she couldn’t help herself. She didn’t want to feel the hurt she felt in the past. She wasn’t sure she would recover if he hurt her. She couldn’t think about that; she wouldn’t think about that. He was different, and she set her mind to follow where her heart took her. Slowly her body relaxed and she fell asleep.


  It wasn’t long before Sam was jolted awake. The squeal of the tires was loud and the plane shook as it landed on the runway. Raleigh was already awake. She knew because he had moved the bags. But when her eyes opened she could tell he had been watching her sleep. He had quickly turned his attention to the cockpit and away from her. When they stopped and the captain opened the back of the plane, they grabbed their bags and headed to the SUV that the general had ordered to be waiting on the tarmac. A soldier waiting for them grabbed their bags, loaded them into the back of the vehicle, and opened the door for them—Sam first, then Raleigh.

  “Chief, what hotel are you staying at?” the soldier asked.

  Raleigh looked at Sam. “What hotel are we staying at?”

  Sam looked at her phone again and answered, “Take us to the Marriott near post. We are staying there.”

  “That’s not far. I will have you there in a jiffy. Just sit back and relax. Is there any place you want to stop by before you go to the hotel?” the driver snorted.

  “Nope, there is a hotel restaurant and a store in the hotel, so we will be fine, thank you. Just take us to the hotel; it’s been a long day,” Raleigh replied.

  As the SUV pulled into the hotel carport, a feeling of sleepiness overtook Sam. She yawned more and more. Raleigh leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Soon, baby, I will have you in a nice, warm, cozy bed with my arms wrapped around you. We can just sleep. We need not do anything else. Let me take care of you, baby.”

  Sam was just too tired to argue. “Ok, I’d like that very much.”

  Raleigh grabbed the bags and walked up to the reception desk to check in. Sam was feeling a bit groggy and sat down while she waited for him to get the room keys. As she waited, she thought about what Raleigh’s reaction would be to the adjoining rooms. I hope he doesn’t freak. Sam’s nerves were now on high alert.

  “Come on, darlin’. Let’s get you into bed.” He held his hand out to hers and walked her to the elevator. “We’re on the twenty-first floor—adjoining suites—smart move, Sergeant. I love the way you think.” Sam leaned on Raleigh’s shoulder as they rode the elevator up to their rooms. Raleigh wrapped his arm around her and held her tight. She felt incredible to him. He had never felt so calm and at peace till he met Sam. She centered him.

  Arriving at the rooms, she looked at him and said, “Ok, my darlin’, which room would you like to stay in tonight? Your choice, baby.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I just want to lie down next to you.”

  Raleigh opened and held the door for Sam and then pulled the bags in as the door closed. Sam, feeling exhausted, plopped onto the huge, king sized bed, lying half way on and half way off. Her feet dangled off the edge, and Raleigh knelt down and unlaced her boots. As he pulled each boot off, he rubbed each foot. She cooed as he continued to rub her feet. “Oh, wow. That feels great, baby. Don’t stop.”

  “Remember those words, Sam. I wanna hear them a lot the next few days.”

  As he unzipped his ACU jacket and got comfortable at her feet, he rubbed her calves. She felt herself relax even more. “Might be easier to work those kinks out if you change clothes. Why don’t you get out of that uniform? I will be right here waiting. Won’t move an inch. I’ll go ahead and change myself if you don’t mind me moving from my spot,” he said.

  “No, go ahead, baby. We’ve been in these uniforms all day.” She got up and grabbed her suitcase and picked a t-shirt, boy shorts, panties. Sam then turned on the shower. “I’m gonna shower. I gotta get this travel dirt and uniform stink off me. Wanna join me?”

  Raleigh about fell off the chair to run to the bathroom, but he stopped himself. “You sure you want me to join you, baby?”

  “I asked, didn’t I?”

  “Well, yeah. But…”

  “Tell you what, I’ll leave it up to you. I will be here, baby, but just so you know the water feels wonderful and I could use someone to wash my back,” Sam said after stepping under the warm water in the shower.

  Does she know she is killing me? Oh yeah, she knows.

  Raleigh stood in the doorway of the bathroom watching Sam as the water poured over her body. Her hair was completely wet and fell down the middle of her back. She stood facing the shower head, water pouring over her face; her eyes were closed and she held her hands up and smoothed them over her hair. As she moved her hands over her wet hair, Raleigh took her up on her offer. He quietly moved behind her in the shower and took his hands and smoothed them down from her shoulders, past her breasts and down the sides of her torso to her hips. Sam’s back arched into him and she pressed her ass into his groin. Raleigh was stiff and ready for her, but he backed off.

  “Not yet,” he said. “Turn around and face me. Let me see your beautiful face, baby.” Sam turned to face Raleigh and her heart skipped. She placed her hands on his chest and ran her fingers over his chest as the water poured over him. He bent slightly and cupped her face, pulling her to him to kiss her. Her lips were warm and wet, and the taste of them made him want her even more. Raleigh held back. He wanted to take her right then and there, but he wanted their first time to be so special. They were both tired and Sam was still recovering from her head injury. They had time, and he wanted their first time to be one for the books. He wanted to blow her mind and wanted her to want him more than any other man ever. Because for him, she was the only woman alive and the only woman he would ever want for the rest of his life. He just needed to convince Sam of it.

  Raleigh picked up a shower puff and soaped it, then slowly ran the puff over Sam’s body. He leaned in touching her ear when he spoke, “Baby, let me take care of you. Relax and let me take control.” Sam gave herself over to him. As he ran the puff over her body, she could feel her body give into him; never in her life had she offered herself so freely to a man. She was glad it was him, there was something that spoke
to her heart. She needed him just as much as he needed her; she could tell. She was glad it was him.

  Chapter 10

  As the water poured over their bodies, the heat between them became a hot, roaring fire, more intense than either of them expected. Raleigh could feel himself become more aroused than he had ever been, and he needed release soon but it wasn’t time yet. It had to be perfect if he would change her mind about him.

  He had it all planned out in his head. Tomorrow they would go sight-seeing, have lunch, go horseback riding, then back to the hotel to change for dinner. Hopefully, I can get the Club 1800 to get us a private spot in the back of the restaurant. I need to call them today. He hadn’t been there in a few years but figured the food was better than ever, and the ambiance was perfect. They could take a walk afterward through some of downtown Fayetteville then back to the hotel for cocktails. He would ask the hotel to set up a nice bottle of wine and finger foods on the table in the room. When they got back to the room, the chilled bottle would be waiting along with chocolates, strawberries, grapes, and whipped cream. The bed sheets would be turned down, and the smell of lavender and soft music would fill the room. Tomorrow will be the day she will fall in love with me, and tomorrow will be the day I forget the past and move on with my future, a future with Sam.

  Sam could feel Raleigh’s cock as it pressed against her leg. She reached out to touch him and he flinched. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft and began to slowly move her hand up and down, making sure as she squeezed that her fingers rubbed up and over the tip. As her fingers made their second pass up his shaft, he let out a moan and leaned his head on her shoulder.

  “Oh, baby, that feels so good,” he said as he braced himself against the wall. Raleigh’s mind went blank as Sam continued to stroke him. The feeling was almost too much for him to bear. He wanted to make love to her right there, but he also wanted her to stop before he came. He wanted to save himself for tomorrow night. Sam knelt down in front of Raleigh, the water pouring down her face. He watched her as she slowly took him in her warm, wet mouth. The pressure he was feeling and the wet smoothness of her mouth almost sent him over the edge. He held himself off and continued to let her take him in. Oh, my God, she is good. Best I have ever had. I want to come so badly. Down boy, down! he thought, but his spoken words deceived him.

  “Baby, don’t stop. I am so close.” She continued her relentless motions, sliding up and down his shaft. Soon, Raleigh grabbed the shower rod and braced himself. As he gripped it tighter in his fist the shower rod broke. She had just enough time to move out of the way as the pole fell to the shower floor.

  “Well, that will break the mood for sure,” he said, laughing as he stepped out of the shower and held his hand out to her to help her up.

  Looking down at her, he said, “Are you ok? It didn’t hit you, did it?”

  “Nope, I'm all right. But I think we will have to switch to the other room tomorrow; no shower in this room.” They both laughed. Raleigh grabbed a towel and dried off as he walked into the other room, then threw on a pair of shorts. Sam walked in with her towel wrapped around her and grabbed her clothes for bed.

  “Want anything from the vending machine?” he asked. “I’m gonna grab a soda and chips.”

  “Sure, can you grab me a Diet Pepsi?” She slipped her t-shirt over her head and collapsed on the bed.

  “All right, sounds good. Be right back, baby. Don’t go anywhere. When I walk back in, I wanna see you right there, just like you are. So beautiful.”

  Sam smiled, and she felt her heart quicken. He had a way with words for sure. As she lay on the bed, the minutes seemed like hours. How far is that machine? He’s been gone for a while now. Grabbing the remote, she flipped on the TV and switched it to CNN. The screen filled with billowing smoke from a burning building near Fort Bragg. Interesting, she thought as she jumped up from the bed and onto the balcony. She could see the smoke, fire, and the lights from the emergency vehicles on site. Wonder how close it is from post? Oh well, hope no one is hurt. As she watched the fire, she could smell the smoke in the air, and the night sky disappeared as the smoke filled the surrounding area. She closed the balcony door and went back to the bed, careful to be in the same position she was in when he left.

  Raleigh’s hands were full, but he could still maneuver the key card into the door. Click went the door and he turned the handle. As he scanned the room, his eyes landed on Sam still lying on the bed with her head propped up on her hand and a huge smile on her face.

  “Took you long enough! I was getting lonely.”

  “Oh, you poor baby.” Raleigh leaned in, kissed her on the forehead, and handed her the Diet Pepsi he already opened for her.

  “Ya, I am. I need you to take care of me.”

  Raleigh took off his shirt and laid next to Sam on the bed. “And how can I serve you, my dear?” Sam smiled and turned to lay flat on her back. She looked up at Raleigh who had rolled next to her with his hand propped up on his chin.

  “Well, I could use the rest of that massage you started earlier. How about it? Massage me?” she begged.

  “Massage, then bed, baby. We have a full day of activities. I have the whole day planned,” he teased.


  “Nope. No hints. Now turn around, and slip your shirt off.” Raleigh demanded as he placed his hands on her hips.

  “You just want to get me naked,” Sam purred, smiling intently.

  “Well, of course, but we have time for that later. Let me take care of you. Now turn over, darlin’.”

  Sam sat up and slipped her shirt off, her hair lifting and falling just right that when it fell the ends covered most of her breasts. “You sure you don’t want to start right here?”

  Raleigh paused. Tempting, so very tempting. Keep it together, man. “Nope, turn around, baby.”

  “Damn, shot down again.” She laughed and laid flat on her stomach.

  Raleigh took in the sight. So sexy, so damned sexy.

  “Close your eyes, baby.”

  Sam closed her eyes and felt Raleigh run his hands over her body. He started at her feet. As he softly rubbed her skin, he followed the curves of her body. Sam sighed as he moved his hands past her hips to her back. As he moved up her body, he straddled her back. She could feel his cock thru the silk boxers he wore, and the softness of the cloth felt incredible to her. She melted into the bed as his hands worked their magic. As he worked the knots from her back and neck, he could feel her relax more. He softened his touch, soon realizing she had fallen asleep.

  As the music played in the background, Raleigh could feel himself growing drowsy. He caught himself yawning and picked Sam up and moved her up onto the pillow near the headboard. As he laid her down, she turned to her side; Raleigh cuddled up next to her and held her close. It all felt right to him. This is how it’s supposed to be. Everything seemed right with Sam. This was where he belonged, and this was the woman he wanted to be with for the rest of his life.


  It was 0300, and Raleigh woke to the sound of Sam’s voice.

  “No, leave me alone! I don’t know anything!” Her voice sounded pained, and she shook. But she was sleeping.

  Nightmare! Damn! Raleigh pulled Sam closer and held her. She didn’t wake, but Raleigh waited, holding her throughout the night. What happened to you, baby? Who hurt you? The thought of anyone hurting her pulled at his heart. He couldn’t stand the thought and needed to find out, but he wouldn’t push her. He would wait until she wanted to tell him. He had his own demons, and one day he would tell her, but for now he wanted to take care of her. She was the strongest woman he had ever met and the most headstrong women he had ever met. It was that and her not wanting to admit that she needed him that drew him to her. She was strong, independent, and all woman. She was not weak by any means, but also wouldn’t admit when she was afraid. He knew she was fearful. She was afraid of him and of what he was becoming to her. That much he knew. She was a hard nut to crack, but she would cr

  As the sun peeked through the drapes, Sam turned over to lie on her back. Raleigh was next to her, and his arm moved to fall over her breasts. “Good morning, darlin’.” His eyes were still closed as he stretched his arms and back. “Did you sleep well, baby?”

  “Oh yes, I slept amazing. Best night I’ve had in a long time.” She raised up into a sitting position and put her hand on his arm. “How did you sleep?”

  “Best sleep I’ve had in a coon’s age.”

  “I’m gonna guess that is a long time?” she said, laughing.

  “Yeah, darlin’, that’s a long time. You hungry?”

  “Oh my, I am famished. Feels like I haven’t eaten in a coon’s age.”

  “Oh, ha ha. You’re a funny lady this morning, huh?”

  “I try.” She grinned, leaned down, and planted a kiss on his forehead and jumped out of the bed.

  Raleigh rolled over and grabbed the hotel phone. “I’m ordering room service. What can I get you?”

  “Eggs, bacon, hash browns, and toast. Oh, and see if I can get a large orange juice.”

  As she stood in the bathroom mirror staring and laughing at herself, her hair stood every which way: right, left, up, and down. I’m a hot mess. Well, if he thinks I am still sexy after seeing me like this, he might be a keeper. She pulled a brush through her hair, but her blonde strands tangled tightly in knots. She would have to shower to get the knots out.


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